The State Department advises U.S. citizens to reconsider foreign travel - update on 3/11, page 8.

Looks like the CDC recommendation is for ALL foreign travel now, not just via cruise ship.
"The State Department followed Trump’s remarks by issuing an extraordinary global health advisory cautioning U.S. citizens to “reconsider travel abroad” due to the virus and associated quarantines and restrictions."
I'll edit the title of this thread....

Oh my word......that is next level....
Looks like the CDC recommendation is for ALL foreign travel now, not just via cruise ship.

"The State Department followed Trump’s remarks by issuing an extraordinary global health advisory cautioning U.S. citizens to “reconsider travel abroad” due to the virus and associated quarantines and restrictions."
Too late now.

# of cases on Jan 23: 574
# of cases on Jan 30: 7736 (one week later)
# of cases on Feb 6: 28060 (two weeks later)

# of cases on Feb 23: 76
# of cases on Mar 1: 1128 (one week later)
# of cases on Mar 8: 5883 (two weeks later)

# of cases on Mar 4: 64
# of cases on Mar 11: 696 (one week later)
# of cases on Mar 18: ???? (two weeks later)


And there are questions over whether all true US cases have been reported:
Too late now.

# of cases on Jan 23: 574
# of cases on Jan 30: 7736 (one week later)
# of cases on Feb 6: 28060 (two weeks later)

# of cases on Feb 23: 76
# of cases on Mar 1: 1128 (one week later)
# of cases on Mar 8: 5883 (two weeks later)

# of cases on Mar 4: 64
# of cases on Mar 11: 696 (one week later)
# of cases on Mar 18: ???? (two weeks later)


And there are questions over whether all true US cases have been reported:
US cases March 11: 1312

(According to the Johns Hopkins Dashboard [which I believed is considered to have among the most, if not the most, accurate tally right now]).
All true cases haven't been reported because they have put up barriers to testing due to lack of test kits. People have been refused tests because they haven't been in contact with someone confirmed to have been infected. We're at the local transmission stage, and about two weeks behind when Italy got their first case. Italy just closed down everything except for grocery stores and pharmacies today. The US might not be that aggressive in attempting to flatten the curve but people should plan for disruptions to their everyday lives. The goal now is to keep hospitals from becoming overwhelmed with too many sick people at once as they are in Northern Italy.
Too late now.

And there are questions over whether all true US cases have been reported:

There is no chance that we know what the real numbers are. I've been posting this for a long time now - if we don't test, we don't know. Then the community spread started happening right where I live (and that came as no surprise for most people who live here). So I suspect those numbers are much worse. I just pray we can slow the curve before our hospitals are over capacity. :(
President just announced that he is suspending all travel from Europe (UK Excluded) into the United States for 30 days starting on Friday.



Be careful which news sources you read, as some are not reporting it accurately. The travel ban specifies the Schengen area of Europe, the 26 countries of central Europe which have open borders. The ban does not include The UK and implies that it also does not include Ireland. Ireland is NOT in the Schengen area and the island of Ireland is the only country NOT connected by a land border.

Also the travel ban does not consider the Eurostar and Channel Tunnel, which connects The UK to the Schengen area.

And then the ban states that it does not apply to US citizens, so how is that going to work? What about the thousand of US citizens currently in Europe for all sorts of reasons? They are just as much a risk of being carriers and spreaders as French or Germans. So the US citizens who may be infected can travel back to USA but French people who are completely clear are stopped from travelling to USA???

These are the countries in the Schengen area which are affected by the ban
  1. Austria
  2. Belguim
  3. Czech Republic
  4. Denmark
  5. Estonia
  6. Finland
  7. France
  8. Germany
  9. Greece
  10. Hungry
  11. Iceland
  12. Italy
  13. Latvia
  14. Liechtenstein
  15. Lithuania
  16. Luxemburg
  17. Malta
  18. Netherlands
  19. Norway
  20. Poland
  21. Portugal
  22. Slovakia
  23. Slovenia
  24. Spain
  25. Sweden
  26. Switzerland
Last edited:
Looks like the CDC recommendation is for ALL foreign travel now, not just via cruise ship.
"The State Department followed Trump’s remarks by issuing an extraordinary global health advisory cautioning U.S. citizens to “reconsider travel abroad” due to the virus and associated quarantines and restrictions."
I'll edit the title of this thread....

.....and I'm in the travel industy.
At a total loss of words
for all of you as well as us -

I think a margarita (or two) sounds good right about now -

CHEERS Y'ALL:drinking1
Too late now.

# of cases on Jan 23: 574
# of cases on Jan 30: 7736 (one week later)
# of cases on Feb 6: 28060 (two weeks later)

# of cases on Feb 23: 76
# of cases on Mar 1: 1128 (one week later)
# of cases on Mar 8: 5883 (two weeks later)

# of cases on Mar 4: 64
# of cases on Mar 11: 696 (one week later)
# of cases on Mar 18: ???? (two weeks later)


And there are questions over whether all true US cases have been reported:
could easily be 3000 next week.
I don't know why I keep having to say this, but just because someone is lower risk (kids, youth) does not mean they don't get the virus and does not mean they cannot spread the virus.

Personal risk is a non issue in a pandemic and should not be "individual choice!" Travel and large group gatherings spread the disease. Period.

This is about public health and not freeeedom.
I don't know why I keep having to say this, but just because someone is lower risk (kids, youth) does not mean they don't get the virus and does not mean they cannot spread the virus.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that young people don't get the virus or spread it, but, in a crisis like this, you have to be able to see quickly who is at a lower risk than the others. You need healthcare workers, grocery staff, transportation staff, basic utilities staff, and all sorts of help on the frontlines. Travel is just another layer or two up from these services. It's essential you don't expose those at a higher risk to larger communities and vice versa.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that young people don't get the virus or spread it, but, in a crisis like this, you have to be able to see quickly who is at a lower risk than the others. You need healthcare workers, grocery staff, transportation staff, basic utilities staff, and all sorts of help on the frontlines. Travel is just another layer or two up from these services. It's essential you don't expose those at a higher risk to larger communities and vice versa.
What I keep seeing is people saying they are low risk so they should get to do whatever. And that is not how public health works.
What I keep seeing is people saying they are low risk so they should get to do whatever. And that is not how public health works.
Yes, I agree that no one should ignore public health or be reckless with their social interaction, incl. the young and the healthy. That said, few kids or young people are currently traveling. Cruise ships aren't getting quarantined because of kids. The higher your risk of falling to the virus and spreading it, the more you owe it to everyone to stay away.
Yes, I agree that no one should ignore public health or be reckless with their social interaction, incl. the young and the healthy. That said, few kids or young people are currently traveling. Cruise ships aren't getting quarantined because of kids. The higher your risk of falling to the virus and spreading it, the more you owe it to everyone to stay away.

Everyone is a risk to spreading it. Even people who are asymptomatic or only show limited symptoms can spread it.
Yes, I agree that no one should ignore public health or be reckless with their social interaction, incl. the young and the healthy. That said, few kids or young people are currently traveling. Cruise ships aren't getting quarantined because of kids. The higher your risk of falling to the virus and spreading it, the more you owe it to everyone to stay away.
I think you guys are saying the same thing. I could be wrong, but that’s how I’m reading it. It’s often hard to convey your meaning on message boards.
I don't know why I keep having to say this, but just because someone is lower risk (kids, youth) does not mean they don't get the virus and does not mean they cannot spread the virus.

Personal risk is a non issue in a pandemic and should not be "individual choice!" Travel and large group gatherings spread the disease. Period.

This is about public health and not freeeedom.

Agree. We know someone who went to Italy right after they closed the Northern region. Had a ski trip and didn't want to miss it. I have no idea if he's still there or not. I told my dh we are running the other way if we see him coming!! I live in Ohio. We just had our first cases reported a few days ago. Our governor just announced all schools in the state will be closed starting next Tues and won't reopen until after Easter. He's also prohibiting all gatherings over 100 people. My dh's job has him working with clients who come here from all over Europe. I expect him to be laid off sometime soon. It will be hard, but I'd rather he get laid off sooner rather than later. We have no cases in our area as of right now. Hopefully we can keep it that way for a little bit longer. I'm glad our governor is taking quick action, although I may need to get more wine since I'll now be home with dd for 3weeks!!
Yes, I agree that no one should ignore public health or be reckless with their social interaction, incl. the young and the healthy. That said, few kids or young people are currently traveling. Cruise ships aren't getting quarantined because of kids. The higher your risk of falling to the virus and spreading it, the more you owe it to everyone to stay away.

Sadly I think you are very right and very wrong. You say "Cruise ships aren't getting quarantined because of kids." and that is 100% correct. Unfortunately this does nothing to help society overall. Right now every cruise ship except Viking and Princess seem to be operating under our first impressions of COVID-19, that it isnt a problem unless you have symptoms. This no longer seems to line up with the evidence we are actually seeing though. It seems that the virus can spread before you show symptoms, even if it is spreading in a lesser concentration (what limited research shows) it is still spreading.

FWIW, to me (an opinion formulated by reading many scientific/ limited research papers), it doesnt seem like anyone is more susceptible to catching the virus. That rate actually seems fairly equal across all ages (maybe a slight gender disparity). Where the elderly, immuno compromised, heart/ lung patients have an issue is that COVID-19 is more likely to progress into something more severe and possibly life threatening. The scary thing about this is that you have plenty of people walking around without knowing there are sick and spreading COVID-19 because they dont have symptoms and we've bought into this false sense of security that as long as no one has a fever things are fine. Breaking the cycles as much as possible by limiting non essential social gatherings is the thing that may make a huge difference. But this wont work if only one sector of the population refrains from public gatherings, or at least it will take a much longer period of limited gatherings to be effective.

As another aside I had a visit with my doctor today. We discussed our trip to Italy. She said it was really to early to call but she gave it decent odds that in that time frame Italians wont want us visiting them. She also reiterated (that in her medical opinion) she didnt feel I was more susceptible but that if I caughyt it the results could be worse. For all those on Remicade that are out there wondering, in her opinion my treatment options were not limited because of the infusions. Live vaccines are the only thing that would be a problem for me because of this med. Unfortunately I had my second anaphylactic reaction to the infusion. Waiting on bloodwork to see if I can even continue or if I need to start searching for new meds to control my Crohn's disease. That means more time in a medical setting over the next couple of months than I had planned to do. That's making me far more nervous than the trip to Italy in May. It's been a real crap day for me. :(


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