The Running Thread - 2016

All opinions are always welcome! I find that is true in a lot of RD races, except the marquee ones (DLH and Marathon weekend). Star Wars Light Side inaugural year was crazy like that. I think like has been mentioned, RD is like the gateway drug to new runners. Ha. I was just curious if Princess had something specific to it.

Princess just seems to be the craziest from what I hear, but I have nothing to compare it to! And again, I've just been lucky. I haven't had a super negative experience yet.

I had a great time at Princess half too! I was happy that I didn't have to go to Expo on the first day, so I didn't see the bad behavoir/craziness that was reported.

I'm excited to compare another RD event, when I do Disneyland half next year :)

I actually went right as it opened, and talked to other who were there at the same time. They told me all of the crazy things that happened (people getting punched, people getting things ripped out of their hands, glasses getting broken, etc.), but I saw none of it. Either they were exaggerations, or I had tunnel vision!

I'm taking my training for the Princess 10k very seriously. Hopefully won't feel like I'm just weaving around people for an hour :/ and then have to feel like I'm Black Friday shopping to get a t-shirt (I'll want one to celebrate my first 10k for sure!)

If I do... oh well... I'm sure I'll still find something to smile about!

It honestly depends on where you're running and how fast you are. Keep your eye on the prize, enjoy the experience, and you'll be fine!

Thanks. I'm working on it!


And on 10K day this year (I did all three races), as I approached sweep spots (and the accompanying Parade Bus) - I witnessed SO many women just waiting for the bus. Standing in line, sitting on the ground, etc. And this was before the 5K mark and I was in Corral C for the 10K. It was downright pathetic to me, especially when the 10K sells out SO quickly. I'm not going to post it here, but I took a picture on the run as I passed the 5K mat and there were easily 50 women waiting in line for the "Parade Bus" and the race officials there were telling them they weren't opening the bus for another 60 minutes and that they could finish the race, but these ladies chose to stand there. It was ridiculous.

Ugh. That just disgusts me. I guess I just have to try to focus on my own experience, and not worry bout what other people are doing. I know that I earned my medal, and at the end of the day, that's what matters.

Also, some of the super b!+chy on-course behavior I witnessed from people was, not only appalling, but completely unacceptable. Like yelling ugliness at an overweight woman struggling to keep moving while her pants were falling down, and that they "were blind" having to watch her - meanwhile these hags were walking with heat sheets wrapped around them, so ...

This just makes me sick. I have heard a lot of stories like this, but have never witnessed it. I try to be really encouraging to others, and that's all I can do.
Princess just seems to be the craziest from what I hear, but I have nothing to compare it to! And again, I've just been lucky. I haven't had a super negative experience yet.

I actually went right as it opened, and talked to other who were there at the same time. They told me all of the crazy things that happened (people getting punched, people getting things ripped out of their hands, glasses getting broken, etc.), but I saw none of it. Either they were exaggerations, or I had tunnel vision!

It honestly depends on where you're running and how fast you are. Keep your eye on the prize, enjoy the experience, and you'll be fine!

Thanks. I'm working on it!

Ugh. That just disgusts me. I guess I just have to try to focus on my own experience, and not worry bout what other people are doing. I know that I earned my medal, and at the end of the day, that's what matters.

This just makes me sick. I have heard a lot of stories like this, but have never witnessed it. I try to be really encouraging to others, and that's all I can do.

Yeah, and I was right there to witness the face-punch over an armful of 'Princess Up!' jackets.

So, yeah ... no Princess Weekend for me for a while. It conveniently works out for me in 2017 because the Ultra I want to run is the same weekend. I'm sure I'll be back, but I'm doing the half and nothing else. And definitely not going to look for merch.
Yeah, and I was right there to witness the face-punch over an armful of 'Princess Up!' jackets.

So, yeah ... no Princess Weekend for me for a while. It conveniently works out for me in 2017 because the Ultra I want to run is the same weekend. I'm sure I'll be back, but I'm doing the half and nothing else. And definitely not going to look for merch.

I hope they figure out how to do something about the merch, but I've said that before, and it keeps getting worse. That being said, for those who are getting ready to do their first Princess.... Don't let any of this discourage you. Do they best you can to not let other people bother you. Run your race (and your expo lol), and keep an eye out to make sure your path is clear.
@Keels That Princess Marathon weekend sounds horrifying. How cruel. I truly hope that woman didn't hear those awful comments and continues running and should be proud of herself! I'd skip it for a while too.

And on 10K day this year (I did all three races), as I approached sweep spots (and the accompanying Parade Bus) - I witnessed SO many women just waiting for the bus. Standing in line, sitting on the ground, etc. And this was before the 5K mark and I was in Corral C for the 10K. It was downright pathetic to me, especially when the 10K sells out SO quickly. I'm not going to post it here, but I took a picture on the run as I passed the 5K mat and there were easily 50 women waiting in line for the "Parade Bus" and the race officials there were telling them they weren't opening the bus for another 60 minutes and that they could finish the race, but these ladies chose to stand there. It was ridiculous.

Also, some of the super b!+chy on-course behavior I witnessed from people was, not only appalling, but completely unacceptable. Like yelling ugliness at an overweight woman struggling to keep moving while her pants were falling down, and that they "were blind" having to watch her - meanwhile these hags were walking with heat sheets wrapped around them, so ...

I know someone who would fit right in with these ladies. I'm not saying she has ever sat on the side of the road waiting for the "parade bus" but she doesn't exactly take it all that seriously either. I helped her run the BAA in 2015. Her pace was 15:46/mile. If that was her best effort, no problem. But she told me half way through the race she hadn't trained. This year she signed up for a bunch of Disney races. She got swept at Dark Side. Then she went on Facebook and told people she finished and accepted all the congratulations that were thrown her way. She did Tink and avoided being swept somehow. Her pace was 17:06/mile. She tells people she is a runner and yet she has gotten slower from the day she told me she didn't train for our race. The only conclusion is that she still isn't training, right?

My whole point is this, if someone has the money to go on these "runcations" just to basically buy a medal, all the power to them. The medals are nice but I wouldn't pay $200 for one. They clearly aren't runners. They aren't runners because they aren't even trying to finish the races. They aren't runners, and this is the most important part, because they aren't part of the running community. They don't understand the support that comes along with it. They may accumulate medals. They may be able to hang a bunch on their wall for attention, or post them all over social media. But they aren't getting the benefits that come with doing the actual running. So many people on just this thread alone have said how much running has changed their lives, they are missing out on all of that. I feel bad for people doing it for all the wrong reasons.

It's one thing to go buy medals for attention but it's another to make fun of a lady who may actually be trying to changer her life. If I was on the course and heard that those ladies would be sorry because I would have definitely put them right in their place.
I know someone who would fit right in with these ladies. I'm not saying she has ever sat on the side of the road waiting for the "parade bus" but she doesn't exactly take it all that seriously either. I helped her run the BAA in 2015. Her pace was 15:46/mile. If that was her best effort, no problem. But she told me half way through the race she hadn't trained. This year she signed up for a bunch of Disney races. She got swept at Dark Side. Then she went on Facebook and told people she finished and accepted all the congratulations that were thrown her way. She did Tink and avoided being swept somehow. Her pace was 17:06/mile. She tells people she is a runner and yet she has gotten slower from the day she told me she didn't train for our race. The only conclusion is that she still isn't training, right?

My whole point is this, if someone has the money to go on these "runcations" just to basically buy a medal, all the power to them. The medals are nice but I wouldn't pay $200 for one. They clearly aren't runners. They aren't runners because they aren't even trying to finish the races. They aren't runners, and this is the most important part, because they aren't part of the running community. They don't understand the support that comes along with it. They may accumulate medals. They may be able to hang a bunch on their wall for attention, or post them all over social media. But they aren't getting the benefits that come with doing the actual running. So many people on just this thread alone have said how much running has changed their lives, they are missing out on all of that. I feel bad for people doing it for all the wrong reasons.

It's one thing to go buy medals for attention but it's another to make fun of a lady who may actually be trying to changer her life. If I was on the course and heard that those ladies would be sorry because I would have definitely put them right in their place.

Wow, I feel pitty for that lady. Seems like she just enjoys attention and not the work and dedication it takes to get there.

Also... Can someone explain to me what the Parade Bus is? Is that what sweeps you?

I am trying to stay positive. But damn... it's hard. Like I said, my friends and I are taking this pretty seriously. Is there a way to ask Disney to move up corrals? Will I know my corral ahead of time (ie: when I sign up?) so that I could submit a proof of time or something (even though I know I don't need one for a 10k)
I know someone who would fit right in with these ladies. I'm not saying she has ever sat on the side of the road waiting for the "parade bus" but she doesn't exactly take it all that seriously either. I helped her run the BAA in 2015. Her pace was 15:46/mile. If that was her best effort, no problem. But she told me half way through the race she hadn't trained. This year she signed up for a bunch of Disney races. She got swept at Dark Side. Then she went on Facebook and told people she finished and accepted all the congratulations that were thrown her way. She did Tink and avoided being swept somehow. Her pace was 17:06/mile. She tells people she is a runner and yet she has gotten slower from the day she told me she didn't train for our race. The only conclusion is that she still isn't training, right?

My whole point is this, if someone has the money to go on these "runcations" just to basically buy a medal, all the power to them. The medals are nice but I wouldn't pay $200 for one. They clearly aren't runners. They aren't runners because they aren't even trying to finish the races. They aren't runners, and this is the most important part, because they aren't part of the running community. They don't understand the support that comes along with it. They may accumulate medals. They may be able to hang a bunch on their wall for attention, or post them all over social media. But they aren't getting the benefits that come with doing the actual running. So many people on just this thread alone have said how much running has changed their lives, they are missing out on all of that. I feel bad for people doing it for all the wrong reasons.

It's one thing to go buy medals for attention but it's another to make fun of a lady who may actually be trying to changer her life. If I was on the course and heard that those ladies would be sorry because I would have definitely put them right in their place.

I would say your friend is not training at all really and is one of the "hey look at me and the cool things I am doing." I have only not finished one race, and that was due to the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Even though I was given an official finish time and mailed a medal I still struggle with claiming it as a race I completed. Saying that, I don't see how people can say they have done something that is not true.

The running community is a special place. A lot of my running friends can run circles around me, yet they are the most supportive people I have ever come across. We are friends on the Garmin site so we can see each others runs, and more times than not, when I see them for a training run or a race they will comment about how my paces is getting faster or something about doing a good job on mileage. Those little comments are a big moral boost for me. With the knowledge of those folks, I can always find a solution to a problem or an idea on how to become better.

Anyone making fun of someone running has no class. I think it comes from a desire to make themselves feel superior over that individual. That's not what this running community is about. Sure there is someone who wins, and also takes first in age group. There is also always a person who comes in last. Yet, each person is usually running there own race, and maybe they didn't "win", a lot of folks set a new PR or a first time at "x" distance, or finishing "x" distance for the 25th time. Each runner has their own goal for a race, and sense of achievement. For those reason, I'll support each and every person that toes the line.

I recall when I first started running I was nervous about going to the area of town where everyone ran. I felt like I was to slow and fat to be out there. I finally made it out there, and even during training runs people are out there supporting one another. I do my best to support others as well.

Wow, I feel pitty for that lady. Seems like she just enjoys attention and not the work and dedication it takes to get there.

Also... Can someone explain to me what the Parade Bus is? Is that what sweeps you?

I am trying to stay positive. But damn... it's hard. Like I said, my friends and I are taking this pretty seriously. Is there a way to ask Disney to move up corrals? Will I know my corral ahead of time (ie: when I sign up?) so that I could submit a proof of time or something (even though I know I don't need one for a 10k)

I think the only way to move up corrals is to provide a proof of time race. Keep working hard on your training, you are taking the correct approach.
Track and Field Olympic Trials Start Tomorrow!!!

Here is a link to the television schedule: Schedule

Personal can't misses:

Friday July 1st @ 9:15pm ET- Mens 10K (Can Galen Rupp make it to Rio in both the marathon and the 10K? Hassan Mead or Ben True, and what about Lagat?)
Saturday July 2nd @ 2:04pm ET - Womens 10K (Emilys Sisson and Infield and what about Molly Huddle? She's the one to let up at Beijing last year and got 4th instead of Bronze)
Monday July 4th @ 8:42pm ET - Womens 800m (Super tight race with anyone possible, 12 women qualified within 1 second of each other)
Monday July 4th @ 8:51pm ET - Mens 800m (Boris Berian vs Nike, Donavan Brazier recently breaking 50 year old collegiate record, Clayton Murphy)
Thursday July 7th @ 10:48pm ET - Womens 3000m Steeplechase
Friday July 8th @ 8:23pm ET - Mens 3000m Steeplechase
Saturday July 9th @ 8:20pm ET - Mens 5K
Sunday July 10th @ 7:28pm ET - Womens 5K
Sunday July 10th @ 8:00pm ET - Womens 1500m (Two high school girls: Aragon and Murphy vs the seasoned vets Rowbury, Simpson, and Martinez)
Sunday July 10th @ 8:20pm ET - Mens 1500m (Too many to count, I think this one will be the most fun)
I have a question about shoes!

I'm registered for the 5K in January - it will be my first race. At this point I'm just working on making a habit of walking 3-4 times a week, so my walking shoes are fine. But I plan to begin Couch to 5K in October, when the heat & humidity here in Texas starts to wane. Should I buy cross training shoes for that, or can I stick with my favorite, well fitting walking shoes? It's nice to think I'll run the entire 5K, but reality is I'll probably run/walk it! TIA!
I have a question about shoes!

I'm registered for the 5K in January - it will be my first race. At this point I'm just working on making a habit of walking 3-4 times a week, so my walking shoes are fine. But I plan to begin Couch to 5K in October, when the heat & humidity here in Texas starts to wane. Should I buy cross training shoes for that, or can I stick with my favorite, well fitting walking shoes? It's nice to think I'll run the entire 5K, but reality is I'll probably run/walk it! TIA!

I will always suggest going to your local specialty running store and let them fit you for a shoe. Let them know you are new into running and any other info you think is important and they will guide you in the right direction. Shoes are going to be the second most expensive investment you make towards running (GPS watch is #1) and you need to have a good pair that's right for you to avoid injury. Good luck!
Wow, I feel pitty for that lady. Seems like she just enjoys attention and not the work and dedication it takes to get there.

Also... Can someone explain to me what the Parade Bus is? Is that what sweeps you?

I am trying to stay positive. But damn... it's hard. Like I said, my friends and I are taking this pretty seriously. Is there a way to ask Disney to move up corrals? Will I know my corral ahead of time (ie: when I sign up?) so that I could submit a proof of time or something (even though I know I don't need one for a 10k)

I am not trying to make this about the one person I know. I feel bad for her too, no doubt. She thinks she has everyone fooled just because she has these medals and she has a 13.1 magnet on her car. But then people she works with will text me all the time and make fun of her stories and the fact she keeps putting on weight. They all ask me, "How can she be getting heavier if she is running as much as she claims." Sometimes telling the lies and maintaining them takes more work than the running, in this case.

But it isn't just about her. The ladies that Keels saw just sitting there, and then making fun of the lady who was actually trying, they are no different. They are clearly unhappy people who need the medal for some reason to make themselves feel better and the saddest part of it all is, if they did the work the answer to the unhappiness might be right there in front of them.

As far as you trying to stay positive, I understand it is hard. I was beating myself up the whole 7 months leading up to Tower of Terror (my first race). I was SCARED TO DEATH of being swept. Every time I didn't feel like running I was tell myself I had already signed up and I couldn't allow myself to get swept so I got off my butt and ran. Even at the race I was scared. I was in corral D. Clearly I had a huge head start over the balloon ladies but I was still scared. I ran like I was being chased by a hungry bear. I loved the race, but I didn't enjoy it if it makes any sense. It was my first race and I just wasn't stopping until I finished.

As long as you do the right things it will all work out. Eat right, put in the training. You will get where you want to be. Only you know if you are doing your best, we can't help you with that. All we can do it tell you that things will work out fine if you do that.

Oh, the "parade bus" is the fancy name they give to the sweeper bus.

I would say your friend is not training at all really and is one of the "hey look at me and the cool things I am doing." I have only not finished one race, and that was due to the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Even though I was given an official finish time and mailed a medal I still struggle with claiming it as a race I completed. Saying that, I don't see how people can say they have done something that is not true.

The running community is a special place. A lot of my running friends can run circles around me, yet they are the most supportive people I have ever come across. We are friends on the Garmin site so we can see each others runs, and more times than not, when I see them for a training run or a race they will comment about how my paces is getting faster or something about doing a good job on mileage. Those little comments are a big moral boost for me. With the knowledge of those folks, I can always find a solution to a problem or an idea on how to become better.

Anyone making fun of someone running has no class. I think it comes from a desire to make themselves feel superior over that individual. That's not what this running community is about. Sure there is someone who wins, and also takes first in age group. There is also always a person who comes in last. Yet, each person is usually running there own race, and maybe they didn't "win", a lot of folks set a new PR or a first time at "x" distance, or finishing "x" distance for the 25th time. Each runner has their own goal for a race, and sense of achievement. For those reason, I'll support each and every person that toes the line.

I recall when I first started running I was nervous about going to the area of town where everyone ran. I felt like I was to slow and fat to be out there. I finally made it out there, and even during training runs people are out there supporting one another. I do my best to support others as well.

I think the only way to move up corrals is to provide a proof of time race. Keep working hard on your training, you are taking the correct approach.

You made my point exactly. By telling people you are a runner and not doing the work you miss out on all that comes with it. I have medals, I could hang them up and show off. I don't. I come home and let my kids see it then I bring it up and neatly fold it up and put it in my drawer. I look at them on occasion but the medals are just a symbol of accomplishment. Each medal stands for not only the accomplishment of that race, but all the miles of training that went into it as well. My WDW marathon medal reminds me of when I tore my tendon in my ankle because that is when it happened. I have been running for 6 months since then on a torn tendon. I'm not looking for praise, but for me personally that is huge because 3 years ago I would have given up on myself because I had a headache. I looked for excuses to quit things. Now I am not giving up. I have a plan in place to try and stay in shape once the surgery happens because I refuse to quit anymore.

We all have our stories. A lot of us worked through injuries or self esteem issues. Not wanting to run in certain areas because we were to fat. Not wanting to wear certain outfits because of how we looked. That's why the majority of the running community is so awesome, because we all understand. @doctorintheTARDIS may be doubting herself now, but after she puts in the work and finishes her race, she will come back and know what we were talking about as well. Then she will pay it forward to future runners. :D

Anyone that takes this sport seriously and shows up at the starting line and gives the race their best effort is a winner. You may not always finish because of an injury or a bombing, but you won for trying.
Total miles: [edited to add: forgot that I haven't done my morning run yet!]

Some quick thoughts:
-I'm lucky I live in a relatively cool/temperate environment. I really admire those who can run in the heat/humidity.

-I love the running community in general. On my local long run trail, there's always some unofficial acknowledgement of other runners on the trail (a head nod, a quick wave), maybe not from the super fast runners (they seem to be in their own zone) but at least from the regular runners.

-Read several recaps of the womens marathon OTQ and it was amazing to see Cragg and Flanagan click off 5:35ish mis for 26 mi especially in the roasting LA conditions with poor runner support and Flanagan collapsing into her teammate's arms after finding some inner reserve to clinch 3rd despite overheating. It was also interesting to see what happened with Rupp. But anyways, all these athletes are pretty awe inspiring.
Last edited:
QOTD: Its the end of the month and time to post your monthly mileage! If you swim or bike, feel free to include that information as well.

My monthly totals:
Running - 163 miles (up from 90 miles last month - recovery going well!)
Average HR during those runs - 138 BPM. Not bad, but still need work.
My VO2 Max is 46 - staying steady through the summer heat. I suspect that it is really higher, but the Garmin doesn't take heat/humidity into account.

I also had 20 P90X sessions in June.
Wow, I feel pitty for that lady. Seems like she just enjoys attention and not the work and dedication it takes to get there.

Also... Can someone explain to me what the Parade Bus is? Is that what sweeps you?

I am trying to stay positive. But damn... it's hard. Like I said, my friends and I are taking this pretty seriously. Is there a way to ask Disney to move up corrals? Will I know my corral ahead of time (ie: when I sign up?) so that I could submit a proof of time or something (even though I know I don't need one for a 10k)

I don't think proof of time will help (or even be looked at) if you're signing up for a distance short of a half marathon. For the 10k, you will put in either your expected finishing time or expected pace/mile (I can't remember which exactly, at the moment) for the race and runDisney will use that to place you into a corral. There is no way to know for sure what corral you will be in when you register, but if you Google the corral listings for past races you can get a pretty good estimate. A few weeks before the race, runDisney will post a link to your waiver, which will have your bib number on it. Using that and the corral charts they publish around the same time in the event guide you will know where you'll be starting.
Track and Field Olympic Trials Start Tomorrow!!!

Here is a link to the television schedule: Schedule

Rio is in bad shape. They had body parts washing up near the volley ball court the other day. With less than 2 months to go, they are still building major transportation systems that are just getting started. The water is making people sick. they cant afford to pay their law enforcement... the problems are stacking up. With all that going on, I would imagine security is probably not where it should be either. I hope they can pull it off, but man they got some work to do.

Total miles: 150.01 mi

Distance = 180.16 miles

Nice job to both of you! I don't know how yall are doing it during the summer. I ran 8 miles yesterday afternoon with cloud cover and still dropped 7lbs of water weight during the run. That's a lot of water to try to take back in and hold before the next run.
Total miles: 22 :(

Battled some bad tendonitis in my knee for most of June. It's been very frustrating. But, I seem to have finally turned a corner and find the knee is feeling better, so I've got a new training plan worked out and hoping to play some catch up on my mileage.


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