<><> The "Official" DISNEY RECIPE Exchange! <><> 1850+ recipes!

I used to be a member here under the name of GoofyMama, I'm looking for Angela S.

Please contact me, Thanks Kelly
I don't have what your looking for but I subscribe to this facebook page and they post tons of Disney recipes:


I am not a fan of that Facebook page... They copied and pasted an entire recipe, spelling mistake and all, along with the pictures I took onto that Facebook group. I put up a message thanking him or her for sharing it, said I was flattered, and asked if he could do a link back to the original recipe that was on my site. Not only did the owner refuse to do so, they banned me from their group, changed the recipe so that it was "close but not quite" to mine (and because I made it and they didn't, the changes they made "broke" the recipe), and put a note on the picture that they took that said they "found it with a broken link on Pinterest" and still didn't give me credit... Which wasn't true because I searched all uses of the image, all traced back to my site and even had my website name in the description... Though even if it had, the fact that it was a cut-and-paste recipe from my site, they'd have seen the picture so they knew where it came from... And even if after all that they didn't, the fact that I notified them cleared up that I was the owner...

Anyway, I asked them again via my husband's account, explaining that I went through the time and expense to make it, post it, promote it, and I wasn't saying they couldn't post it... Just I wanted a linkback. They deleted the comment, banned my husband's account, and still left the picture.

Long story short, I had to report them to Facebook for copyright violation because the picture they swiped and refused to acknowledge me as the owner for is one that's been licensed by Disney for use in their 2015 promotional materials. Only after that did they change the picture (to somebody else's picture that was on a trip report to their blog), but not the recipe. Looking through, that whole Facebook page is just cut-and-pasted recipes from Disney, bloggers, even people on here, and the owner of the group refuses to give credit and is very hostile.
I am not a fan of that Facebook page... They copied and pasted an entire recipe, spelling mistake and all, along with the pictures I took onto that Facebook group. I put up a message thanking him or her for sharing it, said I was flattered, and asked if he could do a link back to the original recipe that was on my site. Not only did the owner refuse to do so, they banned me from their group, changed the recipe so that it was "close but not quite" to mine (and because I made it and they didn't, the changes they made "broke" the recipe), and put a note on the picture that they took that said they "found it with a broken link on Pinterest" and still didn't give me credit... Which wasn't true because I searched all uses of the image, all traced back to my site and even had my website name in the description... Though even if it had, the fact that it was a cut-and-paste recipe from my site, they'd have seen the picture so they knew where it came from... And even if after all that they didn't, the fact that I notified them cleared up that I was the owner...

Anyway, I asked them again via my husband's account, explaining that I went through the time and expense to make it, post it, promote it, and I wasn't saying they couldn't post it... Just I wanted a linkback. They deleted the comment, banned my husband's account, and still left the picture.

Long story short, I had to report them to Facebook for copyright violation because the picture they swiped and refused to acknowledge me as the owner for is one that's been licensed by Disney for use in their 2015 promotional materials. Only after that did they change the picture (to somebody else's picture that was on a trip report to their blog), but not the recipe. Looking through, that whole Facebook page is just cut-and-pasted recipes from Disney, bloggers, even people on here, and the owner of the group refuses to give credit and is very hostile.

Thanks for the info. I can't believe they wouldn't give you credit for their posts. Some people have no morals. I no longer like their page and followed yours instead. Already drooling over Minnie's Bakeshop Cookies - Raspberry White Chocolate Recipe!
Thanks for the info. I can't believe they wouldn't give you credit for their posts. Some people have no morals. I no longer like their page and followed yours instead. Already drooling over Minnie's Bakeshop Cookies - Raspberry White Chocolate Recipe!

Aw, thanks... You don't have to unlike them and like me unless you want to, just be cautious that what they post may be lifted from others. Looking through, I see 4 recipes that were ones I posted, which is fine, but they use pictures that are clearly mine which is somewhat irksome since the owner refuses to give credit.

I honestly am not talking down them and trying to promote me... The world of Disney recipe sharing is both very small in that there's only a few of us, but very large in that there's lots of interest. I don't mind sharing, I don't even mind the cut-and-paste or the use of pictures. Anybody, that person included, could have done exactly that and just slapped a "courtesy of so-and-so" and even skipped a link, it would have been fine. I, and most people, have a very communal attitude of what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours with proper credit both ways, and I think that's what makes the Disney fan community so unique and friendly. None of us, myself are included, are typically "that's mine, that's mine" and demanding stuff be removed. In truth, this was the first time I'd ever approached anybody for using my pictures... But I kind of had to this time (see below).

With the influx of cut-and-paste websites and groups popping up, I think some people need to realize though, people like me use our pictures and articles to generate income... And while yes this person lifted other pictures and I'm not going to make an issue, the picture that was lifted that I did say "please linkback" is one that I sold to Disney... Part of the licensing agreement is that I can use it on my work and they can use it on theirs. By this person lifting it off my site (shame on me for not watermarking), they are potentially impacting my ability to create future deals with Disney for my photographs and work, especially if they're engaging in questionable practices like this site is. Last thing I need is for Disney to think I broke our agreement or that I'm affiliated with a site that's lifting other people's work.

Considering I put the time, effort, and money into creating and photographing what I write about to build my site, build my brand, and continue to endear myself to Disney, to lose that relationship I have with them because somebody wants to cut-and-paste my work with no credit and minimal effort to their Facebook. Is driving traffic to your site worth ruining the potential income of the person you swiped what you swiped from?

Anyway, off my soapbox. I'm ranting to folks who are internet savvy and Disney fans, and I don't have a lot of people in that arena to vent to IRL. I'd been sitting on that rant for a few days. :lmao:

Back to the topic... Thanks for the compliment! Those cookies were so delicious and Selma's Cookies just shared with me the recipe for one of their chocolate chip cookies that are in-park as well. I'm dying to make them, but I don't have the freezer space... And I'm trying to diet before I hit the Wine and Dine half... Cookies do not help diets. LoL!

I just did the candied strawberries from China... OMG those were so good.
Beijing-Style Candied Strawberries
Lotus Cafe, China, EPCOT, International Flower and Garden Festival


Beijing-Style Candied Strawberries
As is served at Lotus House, China Pavilion, EPCOT

°o° 1 cup granulated sugar
°o° 1/2 cup water
°o° 2 tablespoons corn syrup
°o° 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
°o° sesame seeds (optional)

Wash and dry strawberries. Set aside until ready for dipping.

Add sugar, water, corn syrup, and balsamic vinegar into a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir until the sugar has dissolved.

Continue to cook over medium or medium high heat without stirring until a candy thermometer reads 300 degrees and the liquid is an amber color and reduced by slightly more than half, about 20 minutes (watch for boil overs!). Remove from heat and allow bubbles and foam to reduce, showing the liquid, about 2 minutes. If desired, add sesame seeds.

Working quickly, dip strawberries in the sugar mixture, allowing excess to run off the tip of the strawberry. Turn strawberry several times to ensure even coating and distribution of candy shell. Place on wax paper or lightly greased aluminum foil. Place strawberries in a freezer for 15 minutes so that the coating sets, then transfer to a covered container in the fridge for storage.

Serve directly from the fridge to prevent sweating and ensure the coating stays crunchy.


When I made these, the coating melted a bit in the fridge... Not sure if I didn't wait until it was set enough or if it's a problem with not having blast freezers like Disney does. I'd suggest eating these pretty quick if you do make them. Not a hard recipe, just really touchy.
Aw, thanks... You don't have to unlike them and like me unless you want to, just be cautious that what they post may be lifted from others. Looking through, I see 4 recipes that were ones I posted, which is fine, but they use pictures that are clearly mine which is somewhat irksome since the owner refuses to give credit.

Tropical Wilds... I would love to have the name/link to your Facebook page. I love to try Disney Recipes! I looked for ages for the shrimp and grits recipe from Olivia's, and finally made up my own. lol I'm sure it's not even close, but I tried! I would really like to see you on Facebook! :wave2: Thanks for sharing all of your hard work with so many!
Aw, thanks... You don't have to unlike them and like me unless you want to, just be cautious that what they post may be lifted from others. Looking through, I see 4 recipes that were ones I posted, which is fine, but they use pictures that are clearly mine which is somewhat irksome since the owner refuses to give credit.

I am a big believer that no one should take credit for something that isn't there's. Plus lately I have been wondering how legit the sight is. Constantly asking to like and share the page. So good riddance to them.
Looking forward to checking out your site.
Tropical Wilds... I would love to have the name/link to your Facebook page. I love to try Disney Recipes! I looked for ages for the shrimp and grits recipe from Olivia's, and finally made up my own. lol I'm sure it's not even close, but I tried! I would really like to see you on Facebook! :wave2: Thanks for sharing all of your hard work with so many!

Shrimp and grits has been on my to-try list forever, but nobody in my family eats shrimp. Sometimes I sneak a recipe by and it they enjoy it, but if they here dinner is "shrimp and..." I've already lost them at the shrimp. Or at least 2 of our household of 5. LoL! I'm already trying to figure out how to talk up today's recipe which will go over like a brick through a window.

My website is The Disney Chef and my Facebook is here. My content is slower to be added than most sites, chiefly because I make and photograph each recipe before sharing it. But I take requests all the time, so if there's something you want to see or want a recipe for, feel free to ask. Not a huge community, not even a horribly active one, but everybody is friendly and love hearing requests and stories.
I am a big believer that no one should take credit for something that isn't there's. Plus lately I have been wondering how legit the sight is. Constantly asking to like and share the page. So good riddance to them.
Looking forward to checking out your site.

Well thank you. Look forward to seeing you!
Shrimp and grits has been on my to-try list forever, but nobody in my family eats shrimp. Sometimes I sneak a recipe by and it they enjoy it, but if they here dinner is "shrimp and..." I've already lost them at the shrimp. Or at least 2 of our household of 5. LoL! I'm already trying to figure out how to talk up today's recipe which will go over like a brick through a window.

My website is The Disney Chef and my Facebook is here. My content is slower to be added than most sites, chiefly because I make and photograph each recipe before sharing it. But I take requests all the time, so if there's something you want to see or want a recipe for, feel free to ask. Not a huge community, not even a horribly active one, but everybody is friendly and love hearing requests and stories.

Thanks for the links! I went to your FB link to like your page and I've already liked you! I also showed my daughter your page back when I found you and she likes it too! :thumbsup2 So cool! It's like I "almost" know someone famous! :) I love reading your recipes.... Thank you again for all your hard work.

I did make a form of Shrimp and Grits. I took a picture of it at Olivia's, so I tried to match it. I got close, or at least that's what my family said (but they are always nice to me, so who really knows... :upsidedow). On the menu it said Shrimp and Grits with Tasso Ham. The Tasso was hard to find, but I did find it. I think that was what sent it over the top from other S&G recipes I have tried.

Last night I tried to make the Street Corn that is a side dish on the Del Mar at La Hacienda de San Angel. Again, it turned out ok, but my family is always good about liking things.

I'm glad to know that you are a fellow DIS'er! I will be sure and tell my daughter also. Thanks again! We love your page!

Good luck with your dinner tonight! Can't wait to hear about it! :goodvibes
Thanks for the links! I went to your FB link to like your page and I've already liked you! I also showed my daughter your page back when I found you and she likes it too! :thumbsup2 So cool! It's like I "almost" know someone famous! :) I love reading your recipes.... Thank you again for all your hard work.

I did make a form of Shrimp and Grits. I took a picture of it at Olivia's, so I tried to match it. I got close, or at least that's what my family said (but they are always nice to me, so who really knows... :upsidedow). On the menu it said Shrimp and Grits with Tasso Ham. The Tasso was hard to find, but I did find it. I think that was what sent it over the top from other S&G recipes I have tried.

Last night I tried to make the Street Corn that is a side dish on the Del Mar at La Hacienda de San Angel. Again, it turned out ok, but my family is always good about liking things.

I'm glad to know that you are a fellow DIS'er! I will be sure and tell my daughter also. Thanks again! We love your page!

Good luck with your dinner tonight! Can't wait to hear about it! :goodvibes

Well, I'm happy to have new fans and people to share recipes with. It makes it nice knowing I'm not sharing recipes to that void that is the internet and nobody sees. LoL! But thanks for the awesome compliments, they really are a big boost to hear. And say hey to your daughter too!

Tonights recipes actually went much better than anticipated... I was worried everybody was going to turn up their noses and freak out at how exotic it was, but actually... Everybody ate it! With minor complaining! No small feat with two adults, three kids. Usually somebody thinks something, somewhere in what's being made is gross. LoL!
Roasted Potatoes (Tusker House Version)
Tusker House, Disney's Animal Kingdom
Reposted from The Disney Chef.com

°o° 2.5 pounds Yukon Gold Potatoes, sliced into wedges

°o° 3 tablespoons of herb infused olive oil (or regular olive oil)
°o° 1-2 teaspoons of salt
°o° 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
°o° 1/2 teaspoon paprika
°o° 3 cloves of garlic, chopped fine
°o° 1 sprig fresh rosemary, chopped fine

Steam potatoes over water for 15-20 minutes. While the potatoes are steaming, combine the remaining ingredients and preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Remove potatoes from heat and spread on a cookie sheet. Drizzle with the oil mixture. Toss potatoes until evenly coated and spread into a single layer. Bake in oven until golden brown, tossing every 10 minutes or so. Total baking time will vary between 20-30 minutes depending on individual ovens.

Serve immediately. Will store in an airtight container but require an oven for re-heating.

So I did Meat Bobotie last night. Just thought I'd share that the recipe here omits the curry, I think totally by accident. Here is the full recipe:

Meat Bobotie
As is served at Boma, Animal Kingdom Lodge, and Tusker House, Animal Kingdom

Meat filling
°o° 1 tablespoon oil
°o° 1 onion, chopped
°o° 1 teaspoon cinnamon
°o° 2 teaspoons curry powder
°o° 2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
°o° 2 pounds ground lamb (substitute ground beef or meatloaf mix if desired)
°o° 3 slices white bread, crumbled into pieces
°o° 1 cup heavy cream
°o° 1/4 cup sugar
°o° 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds (substitute with almonds if desired), sliced
°o° 1/4 cup seedless raisins
°o° 1/4 cup golden raisins
°o° salt to taste

°o° 1 cup liquid eggs (whole eggs, not egg whites)
°o° 1/2 cup heavy cream
°o° 1/2 cup milk

Heat oil and onions in a large and deep pan, cooking until caramelized over medium or medium high. Once caramelized, add cinnamon and curry powder. Mix well. Using the rice wine vinegar, deglaze the pan and add the meat. Continue cooking until meat is done. Curry powder alters the color of the meat, so meat will be done when it is moistened but will not not mash when pressed with a fork, about 10-15 minutes over medium or medium high heat.

When meat is done, remove from heat and drain grease, using a fork or spatula to press as much grease out as possible. Return meat and pan to medium heat. Add crumbled bread, cream, and sugar. Mix well. Add raisins and almonds. Adjust seasoning as needed and pour into a casserole dish to cool slightly.

Preheat oven to 325.

In a separate bowl, whisk together liquid eggs, cream, and milk. When bobotie mixture is

cooled to slightly above room temperature and is no longer steaming, pour the topping over the meat mixture to form the topping. DO NOT MIX. Bake in preheated oven for 25-40 minutes (cooking time varies significantly depending on container used). Bobotie is done when the topping is golden brown, egg is cooked and no longer runny, and the temperature at the center of the dish has reached 165. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before cutting and serving (this helps maintain the shape of the bobotie after slicing).

Attempted to make the Passion Fruit Cheesecake using the same recipe posted here but both recipes were incomplete. I made it and it looks great, but the taste wasn't awesome enough to justify the expense, time, and hassle for the complicated recipe.


I did piece together what I *think* is the recipe as it should have been for those who're interested, but overall, I can't say I suggest it.

Here are my notes on making it... There's a lot of them...

Passion Fruit Cheesecake
As is served at 'Ohana at the Polynesian Village Resort

Cheesecake Custard
°o° 2.5 ounces of cream cheese
°o° 1 1/14 ounces granulated sugar
°o° 1 1/4 teaspoon whole milk
°o° 10 ounces butter
°o° 1 3/4 ounces whole eggs
°o° 5 ounces egg yolks
°o° Premade pie graham cracker crust or a spring-form pan lined on the bottom and slightly up the sides with graham cracker crumbs

Passion Fruit Sauce
°o° 1 14.5 ounce can of condensed milk
°o° 7 ounces egg yolks
°o° 2 ounces lemon juice
°o° 8 ounces passion fruit puree

Preheat oven to 250.

In a saucepan, combine cream cheese, sugar milk, and butter. Heat until the butter and cream cheese has melted, whisking constantly. Heat until the liquid is close to boiling; there will be bubbles and a very light foam building around the edge of the liquid on the saucepan. Remove from heat.

Combine the eggs and the yolks in a large heat tolerant container. Using about a half of a cup of the heated butter mixture, slowly drizzle the liquid into the eggs while mixing constantly to temper the eggs. Pour the egg mixture back into the saucepan and over medium-low heat, cook until it's a thick custard consistency and all the cream cheese is re-melted. Whisk constantly but not vigorously. Should only take 5 or so minutes. Pour into pie shell or graham cracker crumb-lined springform pan (if using a springform, graham crackers should line the bottom and only about an inch up the side of the edge of the pan). Bake at 250 degrees in a water bath for between 45 minutes and one hour, or until the custard is completely set.

While the cheesecake custard is baking, combine all ingredients for the passion fruit sauce.

After the cheesecake custard has finished baking (45-60 minutes), top with passion fruit sauce and bake an additional 30-45 minutes until the passion fruit sauce is set. When set, neither the custard or the passion fruit sauce will appear liquidy and will jiggle like gelatin when shaked.

When done, remove from the oven and allow to cool uncovered until room temperature then refrigerate. Cut and serve when cooled.


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