The Nightmare Before Christmas - A PTR!

Skeleton Jack

Earning My Ears
Oct 9, 2011
Ok ok ok...I hear the collective groans over the title people. Did I CLAIM to be creative? NO. I do however, claim to be a Disney fan, and a HUGE Nightmare Before Christmas Fan...and since we are going to be in WDW from Oct. 28 - Nov. 11 2012, which allows us to experience Halloween Chills AND Christmas Thrills I thought "The Nightmare Before Christmas" was quite fitting! :snooty: Don't judge me!! :sad:

Alrightey folks, where to begin? First off, I used to be on the DIS under a different name (Piratesfan), but liked this one much better and after much better and after much frustration while trying to figure out how to change my username with no success, I broke down and created a new account...not sure if that's allowed so :ssst: ...

I actually feel like I am kind of cheating by doing a PTR cause I'm not really doing any planning... my mom (known as weezy26nm on the Dis boards!) is really taking care of it a lot of info in this PTR will probably be stolen from her. Sorry mom...I love you :worship: haha She book the things, I give her my money for my portion and BAM! Taken care of! I recently moved in with my boyfriend, Zach, and am now about an hour and a half away from my parents so I kinda feel not-so-involved in the trip planning this while Ma is doing most the planning, I figured I could share my excitement and thoughts with ya'll and stop driving Zach crazy. He's a trooper! Been dealing with a lot of me going:
:dancer::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper:"I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for Disney!!!":hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::dancer:

Ok, since it's almost bedtime, I'll give you the when and where tonight, and an intro our Pirate Crew this weekend when I'm off. Sound good?

When: October 28 - November 11 2012

Where:A super AWESOME house my mother found! 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom pool home about 15 - 20 mins from Disney....:cloud9:I can't freakin wait! Considering we have 7 people with us instead of our usual 5, we're gonna need some more space! Plus being able to make meals and not have to pay to do laundry is a definite bonus! Plus you know...the pool out back ;)

Well...bed time for me! Hopefully I will buy some exciting things for the trip or there will be more exciting news so you guys won't be sitting here bored until November... hahaha

The Important Things
The Who, What, Where and When
Birthdays and Bad News
7 Days and a Lion King Party

Bon Voyage!
I just realized a few days ago that I am a terrible person who never came back to finish this :rolleyes1 I think it's because I'm not actually doing any PLANNING lovely mother is doing most of it! I'll get it on some posting soon though! I promise! Oh man...we're only 72 days away!!!

**Also, thanks for the follow vleeth! Sorry there hasn't been anything follow...
The Who


Me(Nicole) and Zach (my boyfriend)

What can I say? We're AWESOME :thumbsup2 Zach and I met April 2011 online, and after a few months of talking/texting every day and visits when we could, we started dating that June. We've been together just over a year, and moved in together almost 2 months ago! We're not too far from where he grew up, but it was a fairly big move for me, and I had to start a new job to boot! We watch a lot of TV together (HUGE fans of Dr. Who, Breaking Bad and Supernatural!) and we also go to a lot of movies, and both play a fair bit of World of Warcraft! Well, Zach's into it a little more than me :p He's an avid reader, and also involved in some martial arts. I'm also a reader :p and like to get out geocaching when I can! This is Zach's 4th trip, and my 3rd to WDW! But our first time together :lovestruc He's an amazing boyfriend who is super laid back which compliments my flailing excitement quite well! I've wanted to go to WDW at Halloween for a loooooooong time, and the only thing I am nervous about is the Halloween Horror Nights at Universal...I'm such a wuss!


Nancy (my mom, weezy26nm on here!) and Darrin (my step-dad)

Mom runs the show! We have her to thank for all the planning and how awesome our trips always turn out! She knows the World inside and out and loves her some Disney Magic! Each trip we go on is better than the last because of all the time researching and planning she does before trips. Mom loves family get-togethers, and family game nights, she's also gotten into scrapbooking since our first trip. And Darrin...well, normally, if we were the 7 Dwarfs...he'd be grumpy :rotfl: but Disney seems to bring out the best in him! He always claims not to be excited, but when we are in Florida he's always up at the crack of dawn and mom is trying to keep him from waking us all up at 6 to get going! His favorite disney parks are Universal Studios and "EBCOT" :laughing: This is the 3rd trip for them both!


Nicole (my step-sister)

See that? See that look on her face? That's there a lot of the time! She is normally ready to explode with excitement all the time, over everything! She currently lives in Toronto, where is is pursuing a career as an actress. She has been involved in many stage plays and short films since she graduated university. She wasn't able to come on our last trip, and this will be her first time getting to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (her and I are both HUGE HP fans) and I can't WAIT to enjoy it with someone who will appreciate the awesomess:cool2: This is her 2nd trip!


Taylor (my brother)

This kids is just the best person I know really. Despite the fact that he's 15, and now taller than me, he'll always be my baby brother :hug: He plays a fair bit of xbox, and he's also gotten into basketball over the past few years, and he's quite good. He's hilarious, we laugh the whole time we're together, same goes with Nicole too. For siblings, we are very close, and I don't think there has ever really been any fights or arguments or anything really. We're all just usually happy to be together! He does like the thrill rides, but he's a little bit of a wuss still, like his sister :laughing: We were talking about doing other things while everyone else did Halloween Horror Nights :rolleyes1 But we'll be brave together I guess! This is his 3rd trip!


Debbie (my aunt, my mom's sister)

You will never laugh so hard in your life as you would listening to this woman on trill rides. We're all in tears laughing at her laughing! Unlike normal people (who scream) she laughs...HYSTERICALLY :rotfl2: It's hilarious. I guess we have her to thank for this trip! She said she wanted to go back, so mom planned another trip! Nice of them to let the rest of us come ;) The pic is of her and one of her granddaughters and that is always when you see her the happiest is when she is with those two little girls! This will be her second trip!

The What

Disney World, Universal Studios, Halloween Horror Nights, Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party, Osbourne Spectacle of Lights, and whatever else we find along the way!

The Where

A 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom pool home about 15 - 20 mins from Disney.

The When

Oct 28 - Nov 11, 2012

...and the tentative itinerary I stole from mom's PTR....
Sun Oct 28: travel, beaches & cream (if we can get in) for a kitchen sink

Mon Oct 29: Universal all day and HNN in the evening

Tues Oct 30: MK all day and MNSSHP in the evening

Wed. Oct 31: AK in the morning, US in the evening (side not having HNN)

Thurs Nov 1: Epcot

Fri Nov 2: do whatever I, oops I mean whatever they want unless we decide to do MNSSHP

Sat Nov 3: Universal all day, reservation at NBA City

Sun Nov 4: another whatever day

Mon Nov 5: Epcot possibly check out the boardwalk and lunch at ESPN

Tues Nov 6: MK and hopefully Wishes Dessert Party (this could cause a schedule change depending on if and when I can get this)

Wed Nov 7: another whatever day

Thurs Nov 8: Universal all day

Fri Nov 9: MK, 1900 Park Fare

Sat Nov 10: HS and the Osbourne Spectacle of Lights

Sun Nov 11: Go home

We don't have flights yet...but fingers crossed we won't be hitch-hiking to Florida! :thumbsup2
Birthdays and Bad News

Hey everybody! Not a huge update, but a few things have been happening so I thought I would share! I always feel bad posting trip related things on here cause it's really Mom doing all the work...she does it and then I come post like "YAY!!!! CHECK OUT THE AWESOMENESS!" and I did nothing in reality lol I notice she hasn't been on here in awhile to post though...maybe she won't mind me stealing her thunder...


Probably one of my FAVE things we did last time!!! Mom got tickets for Nov. 6! Yahoo! I'm excited for Nicole and Zach to get to experience it to because they never got to before!

In NOT so great news, mom sent away the money for our house rental to the woman who owns it (she lives in Pennsylvania) and apparently it hasn't arrived yet :confused3 Its been 7 days now I believe Mom said, and it was supposed to be there between 5 and we are all kinda worries about that...Hopefully good news will be arriving soon on that front...

Saturday (the 8th) was my birthday! I turned 26, and it was also the 50 DAYS TIL WDW mark!!! Wahooo! :banana: Mom, Darrin, Aunt Debbie, Taylor, my friend Allyson and of course Zach, were all here for pizza and cake and I got lots of AWESOME gifts including:


A NEW CAMERA! :thumbsup2 to take lots of AMAZING pictures in WDW!! That was from Zach :lovestruc Him and Mom both also got me huge memory cards so I can take tonnes of pics/vids to show all of you!

The other DIS related birthday gift was :


New PJ's for Florida! lol

The was about it...Zach and I went out to the casino for supper...I got to spin a wheel because it was my birthday...won $25 voucher to spend at the casino. We also brought $20 each to play the slots. Zach didn't win anything, but I won $87! Happy birthday to me! Also, here is a pic of us looking fancy :smokin:


Oh...I forgot to mention this to...Friday, the day before my birthday, I come home after work to find these :lovestruc


Zach snuck home on his lunch break and left them on my computer desk! I was VERY surprised! What a sweetheart :love:

So that's about it I guess...Value Village had a 50% off sale a few weeks ago so I got us a few things for Florida....I lucked out and got Zach a WDW Jedi Training Academy Shirt


I didn't get any DIS finds for myself, but I did get a pair of capris and 3 tank tops, and everything was 1/2 price so even better!


Oh, and got a new bathing suit! At Sears though, not Value Village


Wellllll, I guess that's it for now! If there are any more exciting developments, you guys will be the first to know!

(Sorry the pics are so big....I'm not really sure how to fix that....)
I'm finally here! :wave2:

Zach seems like an awesome guy! Leaving you flowers on your birthday :lovestruc

You guys must be getting super excited! Only 3 more Sunday's and then you're off! :cheer2:

Also, I just have to say...:worship: to the Kitchen Sink. We really want to do this on our trip, but there's no way just 2 of us will be able to share one was hard with 4. The only thing with Beaches and Cream is that it's very small, so go expecting to wait about 45 minutes for a seat, because as far as I know, you can't make advance reservations...I could be wrong on that though.
Well it only took me 3 months to get here that's not bad :rotfl2:
Birthdays and Bad News

Hey everybody! Not a huge update, but a few things have been happening so I thought I would share! I always feel bad posting trip related things on here cause it's really Mom doing all the work...she does it and then I come post like "YAY!!!! CHECK OUT THE AWESOMENESS!" and I did nothing in reality lol I notice she hasn't been on here in awhile to post though...maybe she won't mind me stealing her thunder...


Probably one of my FAVE things we did last time!!! Mom got tickets for Nov. 6! Yahoo! I'm excited for Nicole and Zach to get to experience it to because they never got to before!

In NOT so great news, mom sent away the money for our house rental to the woman who owns it (she lives in Pennsylvania) and apparently it hasn't arrived yet :confused3 Its been 7 days now I believe Mom said, and it was supposed to be there between 5 and we are all kinda worries about that...Hopefully good news will be arriving soon on that front...

Saturday (the 8th) was my birthday! I turned 26, and it was also the 50 DAYS TIL WDW mark!!! Wahooo! :banana: Mom, Darrin, Aunt Debbie, Taylor, my friend Allyson and of course Zach, were all here for pizza and cake and I got lots of AWESOME gifts including:


A NEW CAMERA! :thumbsup2 to take lots of AMAZING pictures in WDW!! That was from Zach :lovestruc Him and Mom both also got me huge memory cards so I can take tonnes of pics/vids to show all of you!

The other DIS related birthday gift was :


New PJ's for Florida! lol

The was about it...Zach and I went out to the casino for supper...I got to spin a wheel because it was my birthday...won $25 voucher to spend at the casino. We also brought $20 each to play the slots. Zach didn't win anything, but I won $87! Happy birthday to me! Also, here is a pic of us looking fancy :smokin:


Oh...I forgot to mention this to...Friday, the day before my birthday, I come home after work to find these :lovestruc


Zach snuck home on his lunch break and left them on my computer desk! I was VERY surprised! What a sweetheart :love:

So that's about it I guess...Value Village had a 50% off sale a few weeks ago so I got us a few things for Florida....I lucked out and got Zach a WDW Jedi Training Academy Shirt


I didn't get any DIS finds for myself, but I did get a pair of capris and 3 tank tops, and everything was 1/2 price so even better!


Oh, and got a new bathing suit! At Sears though, not Value Village


Wellllll, I guess that's it for now! If there are any more exciting developments, you guys will be the first to know!

(Sorry the pics are so big....I'm not really sure how to fix that....)

Steal away! I haven't been a very good Disser as of late anyway LOL and everyone will be happy to know the money arrived safe and sound

I'm finally here! :wave2:

Zach seems like an awesome guy! Leaving you flowers on your birthday :lovestruc

You guys must be getting super excited! Only 3 more Sunday's and then you're off! :cheer2:

Also, I just have to say...:worship: to the Kitchen Sink. We really want to do this on our trip, but there's no way just 2 of us will be able to share one was hard with 4. The only thing with Beaches and Cream is that it's very small, so go expecting to wait about 45 minutes for a seat, because as far as I know, you can't make advance reservations...I could be wrong on that though.

And you are right silverhaze269 there are no reservations. Our first trip we lucked out and got in after about 15 mins last time the wait was hours so we ended up leaving and never did get back.

Guess what everybody? 1 WEEK TIL DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana::banana::banana: Can you tell I'm excited???

Hey there silverhaze269 :wave2: Nice to see you here! Big day soon! Im so excited for you two :goodvibes

So I'm (mostly) packed, and am slowly getting Zach there too...we got our flights and we got a rental car (both cheaper than we had expected!), and I'm so excited I'm gonna die!!! :littleangel: Oh, I also got the last few touches put together on mine and Zach's ghetto Disney character knock-off costumes :lmao: I say "ghetto disney knockoffs" because I think almost every part of them came second hand from Value Village :thumbsup2 I will send a virtual fistbump to anyone who can guess who Zach and I are dressing up as! Except you're not allowed to play!

Oh! We have some itinerary changes too! Here is the updated version:

Oct 28: fly out on United from Halifax at 6:30 am to NJ. Meet Nicole who is flying from Toronto arrive in Orlando 12:51 pm. Beaches & Cream for a kitchen sink

Oct 29: Islands of Adventure lunch reservation at 1 pm (I have no idea what the res is...I stole this from mom and she doesn't put them so it will be a surprise...but I'm going to hope for maybe....3 Broomsticks! I don't even know if they are a table service, but meh, it's worth a shot! lol )

Oct 30: Animal Kingdom til 5 then Magic Kingdom for MNSSHP

Oct 31: Universal Studios all day and Halloween Horror Nights in the evening (Not gonna lie...not sure if I will be doing this. Zombies scare the s*** outta me...and I would rather not pay to spend an evening crying and peeing all over myself :crazy2:)

Nov 1: Hollywood Studios

Nov 2: Epcot

Nov 3: Universal

Nov 4: whatever day

Nov 5: Epcot

Nov 6: Magic Kingdom - Tomorrowland Terrace Dessert Party 7:20 pm

Nov 7: whatever day

Nov 8: Universal

Nov 9: breakfast reservation @9:10 am Magic Kingdom all day lunch reservation @2:15 and MVMCP in the evening (Lunch res??? Where did that come from? Oh mom, you sly devil you!))

Nov 10: Hollywood Studios, lunch reservation @1:15 and Osbourne Lights in the evening (Ok, I PERSONALLY think this one is at Primetime Diner...cause my mother likes to torture me hahaha)

Nov 11: travel day. fly out of Orlando at 8 am on Air Canada to Toronto, say goodbye to DD Nicole M, the rest of us fly to Ottawa and then onto Halifax arriving at 5:04 pm

So there we have it! Mom's birthday is on the 26th, and since we won't get to celebrate that day, we had kind of a birthday gathering/Lion King party last night! Zach, Aunt Debbie and I all were at Mom's (along with her, Darrin and Taylor). We watched the Lion King, had BBQ, and I made a animal print cupcakes! We also had family game night, which is always a blast! Sorry no pics...we suck lol

The only thing that could of made it better would of been if Nicole could of been there :( I'm almost as excited to see her as I am for WDW! Oh...did I mention....

:banana::banana::banana:7 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!:banana::banana::banana:
I'm doin' that dance right alongside you guys! 8 days for us!

:banana: :dance3: :woohoo: :yay: :cheer2: :banana:

Also, sounds like great plans to me! :thumbsup2

I don't blame you not wanting to go to HHN at dad went a few weeks ago, and he said it was so packed it almost wasn't worth it, so I can't even imagine what it would be like ON Halloween. Above and beyond the crowds though, I don't think I could handle the scare factor of that "party". Unfortunately for us, we'll be at the sold out MNSSHP on Halloween...I only say unfortunately because I know how packed it's going to be, and I'm not looking forward to that...I'm stupidly excited for the party though!

Sounds like you guys had an awesome movie night/party!

The next 7 days are going to fly by, I just know it!
Oh jeez, 4 more days!!! Not a whole lot to update...just busy, busy, busy! I feel like I still have a million things to do! Gotta go get my hair cut, I have to dye it again, Zach and I both have to go get our money switched to American, we both gotta finish packing, I still have a few things left to buy, and we gotta clean this whole house!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! We are both off tomorrow, so I am hoping to get a lot done then...oh, I also have to take my car in to get an oil change and get my winter tires done tomorrow, along with having to attend a management meeting at work! Holy cow. Wish us luck lol We'll be going hard all day tomorrow by the looks of it! lol
I'm doin' that dance right alongside you guys! 8 days for us!

:banana: :dance3: :woohoo: :yay: :cheer2: :banana:

Also, sounds like great plans to me! :thumbsup2

I don't blame you not wanting to go to HHN at dad went a few weeks ago, and he said it was so packed it almost wasn't worth it, so I can't even imagine what it would be like ON Halloween. Above and beyond the crowds though, I don't think I could handle the scare factor of that "party". Unfortunately for us, we'll be at the sold out MNSSHP on Halloween...I only say unfortunately because I know how packed it's going to be, and I'm not looking forward to that...I'm stupidly excited for the party though!

Sounds like you guys had an awesome movie night/party!

The next 7 days are going to fly by, I just know it!

How do you find out which nights are sold out?

Well, last PTR report, folks! Bags are packed and we're ready to go! I', up and getting ready for work (at 4:30. :crazy2:) But don't even mind!!! Cause just one more sleep and I'll be headed to Walt Disney World!!!!!:drive: (We're flying, but whatev lol) After Zach and I get home from work this afternoon, we're heading over to his parents for the night. They are taking us to the airport at 3:30 am :crazy2: I'm so excited that I'm ready to explode, and am excited to see all the famjam tomorrow! I just hope mom stops working about the Frankenstorm long enough to enjoy that pre-Disney excitment! So that's it! Take care Dissers, and I will see everyone is 2 weeks :wave2:
Hey everyone! Trip report will be started soon! Just busy with work and have some post-Disney blues :(


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