The Most Magical Way to Have a Baby??

I am sure the security videos would be nice to share with the family. If you do it on the people mover wait till after space mountain if to dark to see anything.

Being this is the disabilities forum I am surprised no one suggested this and it a favorite of all you guys. Have the baby on the disney bus wide isles perfect way to get to the hospital afterwords. The driver could entertain you while your in labor with the newest rumors.
No airline will let her fly and even if they are driving, no ob is going to tell her it's safe to go.
I am planning on giving birth at the Poly on the beach.

No, I didn't book it through Disney, but when I called the Poly front desk they said that they would be happy to help in anyway they can, and that people do it all the time!

I'm sorry if other people are ripped off by booking their births through Magical Babies, but really, there should be no cost to just showing up and arranging your own birth on a quiet place in the sand.


(not pregnant, not birthing at the Poly :-)
I am planning on giving birth at the Poly on the beach.

No, I didn't book it through Disney, but when I called the Poly front desk they said that they would be happy to help in anyway they can, and that people do it all the time!

I'm sorry if other people are ripped off by booking their births through Magical Babies, but really, there should be no cost to just showing up and arranging your own birth on a quiet place in the sand.


(not pregnant, not birthing at the Poly :-)

You rogue birther! Just wait, if the CMs see you giving birth they'll step in and stop it ASAP and you will find yourself escorted out of the Poly. Pronto. Or at least between contractions.
I wonder what GAC stamps she would get from Guest Relations? :lmao:


Told my DH about this post at dinner Friday night. We were laughing for a good 30 mins over it.

He suggested going on a dolphin quest tour...added bonus of free water birth and dolphins are very people friendly.
Does she have a history of short labor? THat would help. I once worked with a guy who delivered all 3 of his kids. The first was in the back seat of a VW Beetle (old style) in a snowstorm. By the third, they didn't even make it out of the garage before the baby came. They quit at 3, because she said with the 4th, she'd probaby wake up with the new baby in bed with them!
Okay depending on how far they are from Orlando, this whole thing is really very possible. The hardest part would be a long car ride to Disney.

I know people who have rented hotel rooms where they then birthed their babies. For various reasons they chose to not birth in their own homes or apartments. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention they were all "home birthers".

I think one of the Disney resorts would be a great place to birth. :thumbsup2

DH and I have had three physician/midwife attended home births. We considered birthing in another venue outside of our home so we had more room and a nice place to walk outside. We invite family and friends and have a large birth day party. After all you only have one birth day. All the others are really anniversaries.

I have always been up and about within a few hours of birthing and within 48 hours we head out to shop, register births at the county vital statistics, and sometimes have a nice dinner. I have always felt well and energized after birthing . I do like to nap when the baby is napping and that would be a bit more difficult in the parks but again perfect for a resort.

We have always used baby carriers so moving around with a newborn is a simple thing. If necessary a wheel chair could be used for resting weary feet.

All in all, I think it is a great idea if the travel there is possible. It would take planning and backup plans but still possible.

The funniest thing in this whole thread is that a male mod move it to disABILITIES.:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:
Does she have a history of short labor? THat would help. I once worked with a guy who delivered all 3 of his kids. The first was in the back seat of a VW Beetle (old style) in a snowstorm. By the third, they didn't even make it out of the garage before the baby came. They quit at 3, because she said with the 4th, she'd probaby wake up with the new baby in bed with them!

Same with my mother. After the third, the doctor told her if she had another it would just get up and walk out.
If Mom were to deliver on a ride with a height restriction, could she find shoes high enough to make sure the baby was allowed on the ride as well? ;)
I think that Expedition Everest would be the best spot. When the coaster goes backwards it could help mom push the baby out. It also makes it easier for the midwife to pull if need be.
I think everyone is missing a bet here....

The best thing to do is to make sure she goes into labor in or near the castle, then use the situation to score a free stay in the Cinderella suite in the castle!

Remember, children under 3 do not pay for admission, so you are good to go on that front.
I love it!!!!!! Being a mom who is a big home birth advocate I wouldn't mind giving birth at Disney. Now the rides I wouldn't be to hip on but maybe one of the resorts. :) I wouldn't give up a Disney trip just because I may or may not go into labor around that time. Me and DH joked around about giving birth at the campgrounds. We thought I might be pregnant a while back and would have been due around this time. We did have a trip planned but had to change the dates.
:scratchin I just have one really strange question, and please forgive me for asking (beside the fact I cannot believe this thread is still alive :lmao:) why is it posted on the disAbilities board? Shouldn't this be more on the Community board or something... just wondering...:upsidedow not saying it should be moved.. :rotfl: just really wondering why it was ever here :flower3:

OK now where to have the baby... I have really been thinking about this since I first read this thread way back when it was first posted....I have to say at "Be Our Guest" after all, the baby is the new guest....and will for sure put their serivce to the test!!! :upsidedow Not to mention, they have tons of clean linen that may be needed and nice lighting for the baby.. not too bright, but not too dark lol
I always know that I'm going to have the baby soon when I have a weird dream about the delivery. With my 3rd child, I actually dreamed that I gave birth on PoC. I just squatted in the floor in front of my seat and quietly birthed the baby. The strangest part was that the baby was covered in vernix, so I dipped him in the water beside the boat to clean him off. :eek:

My dream was so detailed that I even dreamed about what happened afterward. I didn't want to go back to the hotel, so I went to gift shops to buy him something to wear. I had a hard time finding something in newborn size, and CMs were telling me that it was because most people don't bring newborns to WDW. I had to go to the Main Street Emporium to find a onesie for him. Then I just kept going. :rotfl2:
:scratchin I just have one really strange question, and please forgive me for asking (beside the fact I cannot believe this thread is still alive :lmao:) why is it posted on the disAbilities board? Shouldn't this be more on the Community board or something... just wondering...:upsidedow not saying it should be moved.. :rotfl: just really wondering why it was ever here :flower3:
It started out there, and was moved here.


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