The "I've Waited Forever to Go Solo" Mom's Leaving Everyone Behind Trip! Updt 3/11

Soooo glad you enjoyed One Man's Dream. It's great when the weather is suboptimal, don't you think? My little one didn't enjoy the movie the last time I tried to take him in there - we had to leave midway through and I hated doing it! But I haven't dared take him back to the movie since. LOVE the W.D. carved into that desk. Little hoodlum Walt! ;)

Incidentally, a frozen banana isn't ice cream. It's fruit! :)

I'm not judging, but I think it's interesting that the British couple on TSM had their little boy sit with the "stranger" rather than splitting and having one of the adults sit with you. Not that I'd hesitate to have my 9 year old son sit with a stranger on TSM while I was with the younger one.....

Can NOT wait to hear how your lunch turned out. I am so bad - I don't remember if you cancelled or kept Mama Melrose!:confused3

P.S. No comment on dragging kids through the park for the sake of keeping to a touring plan..... OK. I guess I will comment. I sometimes think that it's things like TGM and UG that get this frenzy going. At least in my own head, I have this sense that there is a right way to do this and if only I can get it right, I won't have to stand in line with the kids for hours each day. But then I think that's not what causes the focused mob mayhem. It's the newness of the rides and the bigness of the rides and the high cost of being there. And you have to think there's got to be a better way they could handle these new super headliners.
Wow, I can't believe you saw that man again! Geez! Of all the luck! LOL!!
Sounds like the ride lines were pretty good for you though!
Wow those people were nuts. :scared1: So glad your children were not around to hear them. Those are times when I like to say to my kids just loud enough for the offender to hear "kids, this is a great example of how NOT to act. You dont want to end up looking like this guy do you?" :rotfl:

That is GREAT! I love it! ;)

Soooo glad you enjoyed One Man's Dream. P.S. No comment on dragging kids through the park for the sake of keeping to a touring plan..... OK. I guess I will comment. I sometimes think that it's things like TGM and UG that get this frenzy going.

We LOVE "One Man's Dream" - I cry every time I see it. I just can't get over what a wonderful man Walt Disney was. Ever been to Hershey and see the Hershey Museum and take the trolley tour? Milton Hershey was another amazing man. God bless them both!

I am of the same thought - as great as the touring plans and guide books are - I think they make some people nuts. I read the UG and started to hyperventilate. :lmao: Planning is all well and good, and I am really an organized person, but it's called "vacation" for a reason. :goodvibes Ok, off my soapbox... ;)

Loving your trip report, Allyson! I hope that rain STOPS!!!!
I am sooo enjoying your trippie - seems like we had the same solo trip five months apart, although I was lucky enough to escape the rain back in March. I swear we did everything the same with the same opinions, the only difference being TSM wasn't open in March, but I did it myself the first time when I took my 'solo morning' away from my family when we went in June. I too explored One Man's Dream and thought it should be mandatory for everyone that visits WDW to appreciate what they're experiencing. And I too enjoyed ToT several times, loved people watching, loved the single rider lines and loved indulging in my favourite snacks whenever I wanted to.
Can't wait to read more. Thanks for sharing!:goodvibes
Great trip report! I can't believe you ran into three insanely rude people. And I feel so bad for the CM's who must see this ALL the time. It's awful. So far it sounds like you had a great time despite the rain and the rudeness! :thumbsup2 I love how you got to slowly walk through One Man's Dream and really spend time looking at the things that you wanted to see. :)
Loving the trippie! It seems like just yesterday I was watching your surprise "reveal" to your kids and now it's almost 2 years later! We moved our October trip to February, I decided taking a newborn would be much better then slogging through the parks 30 weeks pg.

Can't wait for more!!!!popcorn::
Oh my gosh Allyson, I can't believe the behaviour you witnessed that night, how appalling. :sad2: I feel sorry for the CM's that they have to stand there and take it like that, there really should be a policy where Security gets involved when people act that way.
I know, if it were me being the CM I think I would have cried it would make me so upset.

Ah yes. The F bomb. We encountered this at A.K. a few years ago. Bob and I are waiting in the line (the back and forth back and forth ones..) in front of the ticket booth. A woman sends her teenage son over to get in line and yells, "Just go over the ropes!" which he promptly does and directly in front of us as we're winding our way through.

Bob says, "Uh, line starts back there." The kid gets spooked and runs over to his mom. She yells, "HEY, A******, why don't you **** off?" OK!? Nice. In front of God and my kids.
Crazy story, what is up with these people????

YIKES!:scared1: Maybe scary F-bomb family had been sniffing too much pixie dust and it went to their heads.:confused3

Hope tomorrow is better for you!
They were a very scary family and yes tomorrow was better!

Dear Allyson,

My blood pressure just shot up, up, up after hearing about all the rude people you encountered. I am so sorry. I absolutely hate people like that! :mad: Sometimes, in my line of work (i'm a therapist), you meet those kinds of people and (per management's orders) you just have to smile and walk away.

Hope you had better luck the following day(s). :goodvibes

Jen :)
I had much better days following! It was just so crazy to encounter so much anger in the happiest place on earth!

Hi! I'm back and caught up!

The rain stunk didn't it? But it's Disney and you just keep on going.

Yes what else can you do right, just keep going, soaking wet and all! LOL!

The thing that I find most shocking about this is that these guys are letting loose at total strangers.
THat blew me away too. Just so wrong.

another great update i agree with everyone else that security should be able to handle such situations. and the kid high 5-ing his dad.....another one in the making..

hope tomorrow is better.
Exactly, I felt like it was just teaching his son that it is okay to talk to people like that. What a role model.

Wow. You certainly encountered your share of crazies for the day! Yikes!! I kinda feel sorry for people like that. It's not an excuse but they must just be miserable people, miserable all the time to behave like that in the happiest place on earth! :sad2:

And look at you getting checked out as you walk by Petals - even soaking wet and sloshing around, you still got it! ;)
You are so right, they must have a lot of anger and misery inside. And ROFL, if you could have seen me as a drowned rat, I think that man had his beer goggles on! LOL!

i betcha she was wearing white :lmao:
Thank goodness I wasn't! LOL!

Hey ALlyson. I am back and all caught up. I can't believe all the rude people you encountered. THe rain stunk but you just kleep plowing through and have ag ood time!:thumbsup2
You just had to! Pull out the poncho and go!

Wow, I really can't believe some people , and 3 of them in one evening! I know it's not an excuse, but some people are very angry and violent, and you usually don't see it unless you live with them, when they go to WDW they usually keep it under control, unless certain circumstances happen to be bad and they can't control it any longer. My guess would be that the weater was what set it off. All those guys are nasty guys, they act like that on a daily basis, but I guess after they waited so long, and spent so much of their precious money coming to WDW where they probably didn't want to come in the first place for their vacation, just to have that awful weather, they are just ready to explode. So sorry you had to experience that, along with those poor CM's and guests/children. I guess it didn't matter to their children because they will most likely grow up to be just like him, and his wife is used to it, but it is not pleasant listening to that digusting behaviour.

At least you had a good evening anyway, and you didn't let the storm ruin your MK experience.

Can't wait to hear more about your first full day:goodvibes

Your explanation is sadly I think right on.

YOWSA! :scared1:

I can't believe that you encountered so many unhappy, rude people in one in DISNEY!

Can't wait to hear about your first full day!
You are so close! 3 days! Hope all the wackos have left the World by the time you arrive! LOL!

Wow you got to see some very non magical behavior, and you didn't even take your kids. :rotfl:

That view of the castle over by Sleepy Hollow is my favorite too.
Isn't it? I just love seeing it from that angle!

Jumping on board late here but I'm excited to hear all about it.

Welcome, so happy you joined us!

Hey Allyson! :goodvibes Glad you made it back safe & sound! I was worried about you! Sorry you had to witness that awful, awful scene. :sad2: How sad. So many rude people. Maybe the storm brought the worst out in those people? :confused3 I'm looking forward to hearing about all the good stuff - and the wonderful DIS'ers you got to meet. I'm sure that helped restore some Pixie Dust! pixiedust: :thumbsup2
Hey stranger! Good to see you! Yes I met some really wonderful DISers, coming up soon! Wish you had been there!

Mean people suck. I'm glad you let it roll off your back as much as possible, but that stuff burns me too.

Sounds like you are wringing as much enjoyment as possible out of the trip so far. Can't wait to hear more. I'm still using your research as a test case!! :) Solo continues to intimidate me! :confused3
Mean people do suck, that about sums it up. Don't let it intimidate you! Really it is a pretty cool experience. Not without its moments but I found self confidence I didn't know I had on this trip. Really, it was pretty cool to set out to do this alone and actually do it!

We seemed to witness a few "less than Disney" attitudes this year, also. And I must say, I thought the CM's totally ignored some situations that they should have said SOMETHING about. ::sigh::...

The fact that the kid high-fived his dad just goes to show you why they say "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"... What a role model. :headache:

Looking forward to hearing if the rain every stopped for you! :rolleyes:
You got it, the apple and the tree. Sad.

Hey Allyson!!

I read your last trip report and really enjoyed it! I've been a very bad reader because I didn't even know you were going again! Wah!!!

Luckily, I've found your trippie and I'm all caught up. :thumbsup2

I think it's fabulous that you went by yourself and had a great time!! Not so fabulous that you had to hear all the nasty swearing people. Boooo. Lucky your kids weren't there with you this time, hey!?

Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip! :yay:
Hey welcome back! I wondered what happened to you, hadn't seen you in a while! Glad you found me!

Hi Allyson,
Scary, scary people! :eek: That sort of thing just makes me so mad! :furious: I think I would've had to say something - much to DH dismay, he thinks I'll get punched or shot (but they don't allow guns in WDW!) - but that sort of behaviour is just not acceptable!
I definately agree that CM should be able to deal more effectively with that sort of behaviour - if we let them off with it it just encourages them!
We have names for those sort of people in the UK: 'neds', 'hoodies', and more so in Scotland: 'jakies' and 'scufflers'.
Di x
I l like it, jakies and scufflers! I think I'm going to try and use those over here! LOL!

Wow those people were nuts. :scared1: So glad your children were not around to hear them. Those are times when I like to say to my kids just loud enough for the offender to hear "kids, this is a great example of how NOT to act. You dont want to end up looking like this guy do you?" :rotfl:

Other than the rude people and Fay sounds like your trip is off to a great start.

Love the toes? Did you do them with a regular brush that comes with the nail polish or did you use a smaller tip brush? I would love to do that for DD8 and I when we go next month!
That is a great thing to do with your kids to teach them what bad behaviour looks like! I used the brush that came with the polish. It was a tiny bottle of green nail polish that my DD had so the brush was tiny too. Very easy though, dot-dot-dot, voila! Mickey Head!

I am loving your trip report.I wish I had the guts to do something like this by myself.You may just inspire me!
You can do it! Really it was a great experience, I'm so glad I went!

hi! I just got back from disney 2 days ago and that storm was sooo annoying! And i have to agree with you 100% that a lot of people this trip were extremely rude for me too!!! It was really irritating.
It had to be the weather I think! It really brought out the crankies!

I wonder if the pissy attitudes had anything to do with the weather? :confused: Obviously, some people let it ruin their vacation (pity for them).

I am going to butcher this, but I know there is a quote from someone, somewhere, and not to hijack your thread completely... but maybe someone can correct me on it...
"You can really tell what a person is like by how they handle two things... lost luggage and bad weather".... :confused3
I do think the weather played a part for sure. And I think the other part of that quote is something about tangled Christmas lights! LOL!

I agree, it is crazy how some people act at rope drop, like it is life or death getting to be first on the ride.
It is really an interesting thing to watch and think about. They just are so nuts and have tunnel vision on that one place they *need* to be.

I just made a note to go into ONe Man's Dream next month.

Dh feels so sorry for anyone with a British accent if I bump into them because I usually try to engage them in conversation just to hear their lovely accent. :love: As a whole I have never encountered a more friendly group of travelers who are such a joy to talk to. So polite and always upbeat and happy to chat with me. :)

I love hearing all the details you are noticing on your own. :thumbsup2
You won't be disappointed with One Man's Dream!
And I agree, their accent is so charming!

Great installment Allyson!! I'm really enjoying your report. I'll definately have to make sure I see One Man's Dream next month.... It sounds great...and your pics of it were wonderful.

Yes put it on your must do list! I think you'll enjoy it!

Glad that you had a wonderful time on your solo trip! Can't wait to hear more.
Thanks, it was fun!

great update and pics
One mans dream is now on my list, too. thanks:goodvibes
Increasing the viewership of One Man's Dream one DISer at a time! LOL!

I have so much to do today... We just returned from a month stay at our home in the Poconos, my son starts school tomorrow and I can't get away from the computer and stop reading your trip report!!:rotfl2: :rotfl:

I love the way you tell a story, it's so detailed. You really have everyone waiting for more.

I also admire you going alone. It was something I never thought of before, but now you put the thought in my head and it's so tempting.

Thanks for the great report!
So glad you posted! Thank you and glad you are here. A solo trip is such a neat thing to do! You see the World in a completely different way.

I felt really bad for some of those towns on the coast:sad2:

It was like this the first couple of days we were there. :confused3

IT really is scary how some people will do anything to get to the line first:sad2:

Friday was fine...until that night:headache:
Oh that night, torrential!

Great update :) So sorry about all the rain, not so fun, but you still had lots of fun and rode some great rides. I can't wait to try TSM, and I LOVE RRC and TOT!!! Can't wait for the next update!

Thanks and yes you can still have fun in the rain, just need to keep your positive attitude on!

I agree about the people all hurrying to "Have a good time." Crazy. The first trip with our boys was probably like that, as we did have the "spent alot, gotta get our money's worth" attitude. Fortunately, we quickly did away with that and now when we visit we actually pick a day for each person to ONLY do what they want. At their pace! :thumbsup2
I love that idea, each person getting their own day!

I def agree with you on One Man's Dream, we went through last trip and it was really interesting and the movie was well worth it too!

Oh and I love me some frozen bananas too!
Aren't they great? I love them and only eat them there. I think that helps keep their allure! LOL!

How disgusting! :mad:

How neat an impromptu DISmeet! :goodvibes

Another thing to do next time we go! :thumbsup2

The single rider line rocks! :cool1: Last week we rode EE twice in 10 minutes. Someone had conveniently parked their stroller in front of the single rider sign. Not me!

I love it too, but I hate those shoulder restraints. Makes my head hurt. :headache: Hi, I'm old. :sad2:

ToT is definitely my favorite. You're right about the theming. Very cool. :thumbsup2

During the pass holder preview, we got to here, and the ride broke down. :headache: Still haven't made it.


Oh I hope you get to see TSM next time. And yes those single rider lines are great, so speedy!

Rude Disney people, I've heard my share both in good weather conditions and bad. :sad2:

I've also seen the whole dragging the kids to do stuff :sad2: I can me Nazi-ish in my touring, but when your with kids you kinda have to go at their pace and yes you paid a lot of money, but sometimes the magic happens when you least expect it in the most un-Disney of things but it makes it special just because you are in Disney.
You are so right!

:yes: It is amazing how our touring style has changed since we have had Jimmy. We do everything at a much slower pace, but we really enjoy it!:thumbsup2
It is nice to take your time and not be rushing from one thing to another so fast all the time.

Soooo glad you enjoyed One Man's Dream.

Incidentally, a frozen banana isn't ice cream. It's fruit! :)

I'm not judging, but I think it's interesting that the British couple on TSM had their little boy sit with the "stranger" rather than splitting and having one of the adults sit with you. Not that I'd hesitate to have my 9 year old son sit with a stranger on TSM while I was with the younger one.....

Can NOT wait to hear how your lunch turned out. I am so bad - I don't remember if you cancelled or kept Mama Melrose!:confused3

P.S. No comment on dragging kids through the park for the sake of keeping to a touring plan..... OK. I guess I will comment. I sometimes think that it's things like TGM and UG that get this frenzy going. At least in my own head, I have this sense that there is a right way to do this and if only I can get it right, I won't have to stand in line with the kids for hours each day. But then I think that's not what causes the focused mob mayhem. It's the newness of the rides and the bigness of the rides and the high cost of being there. And you have to think there's got to be a better way they could handle these new super headliners.
Frozen banana IS a fruit! You are right, next time I'll have two! LOL!

He didn't have a choice really. The CM sent him and his folks to the line and he got in line one and they got in line 2. Then she sent me to line one. I guess they could've shuffled seats at that point but they didn't. It is odd now that you bring that up but I didn't think twice about it at the time.

Wow, I can't believe you saw that man again! Geez! Of all the luck! LOL!!
Sounds like the ride lines were pretty good for you though!
I know right, how often do you see the same person the next day at a different park in a place full of thousands of people? It was freaky!

That is GREAT! I love it! ;)

We LOVE "One Man's Dream" - I cry every time I see it. I just can't get over what a wonderful man Walt Disney was. Ever been to Hershey and see the Hershey Museum and take the trolley tour? Milton Hershey was another amazing man. God bless them both!

I am of the same thought - as great as the touring plans and guide books are - I think they make some people nuts. I read the UG and started to hyperventilate. :lmao: Planning is all well and good, and I am really an organized person, but it's called "vacation" for a reason. :goodvibes Ok, off my soapbox... ;)

Loving your trip report, Allyson! I hope that rain STOPS!!!!
I haven't been to Hershey but I would love to, who wouldn't want to go somewhere that smells like chocolate! MMMMM!

I am sooo enjoying your trippie - seems like we had the same solo trip five months apart, although I was lucky enough to escape the rain back in March. I swear we did everything the same with the same opinions, the only difference being TSM wasn't open in March, but I did it myself the first time when I took my 'solo morning' away from my family when we went in June. I too explored One Man's Dream and thought it should be mandatory for everyone that visits WDW to appreciate what they're experiencing. And I too enjoyed ToT several times, loved people watching, loved the single rider lines and loved indulging in my favourite snacks whenever I wanted to.
Can't wait to read more. Thanks for sharing!:goodvibes
I think we did have a lot in common on our trips! LOL! Sounds like it!

Great trip report! I can't believe you ran into three insanely rude people. And I feel so bad for the CM's who must see this ALL the time. It's awful. So far it sounds like you had a great time despite the rain and the rudeness! :thumbsup2 I love how you got to slowly walk through One Man's Dream and really spend time looking at the things that you wanted to see. :)
Yes it was great aside from those two things!

Loving the trippie! It seems like just yesterday I was watching your surprise "reveal" to your kids and now it's almost 2 years later! We moved our October trip to February, I decided taking a newborn would be much better then slogging through the parks 30 weeks pg.

Can't wait for more!!!!popcorn::
Time flies! And look at you so far along already! Wow! That is great, I hope you are feeling well! And baby's first trip to Disney, too cool!
WOW! I am amazed at all the details you got to take in and all the things you got to do despite the awful weather! I think in Disney where your expectations are SO high it is that much more shocking when people behave so inappropriately:eek: Thanks for your advice on Toy Story Mania!:thumbsup2 We loved One Man's Dream, and I totally agree that it is really something that should be seen by more people!:goodvibes Looking forward to more!:goodvibes
Despite the rain it sounds like a great trip so far. I really enjoyed your other TRs and your are just as entertaining on this one Allyson!

Stupid question, but was your poncho a long one that covered your legs or just short, to the waiste? I keep thinking of your bottom half being soaked and that would be so uncomfortable!

So I left the Pixar Place area and walked over towards the Streets of America area. Took a few pictures just because I think it is cool over there how they give you the illusion of being in different cities.



I was getting hungry and decided I wanted to get something to eat. I decided on the ABC Commissary which was a place I had never eaten before. It was good, not great, but good. I thought it was a decent burger. I had a cheeseburger, fries and a Coke ($9.14). I also did my first picture of a meal for you readers. Food porn, I've crossed to the dark side.


After eating and texting home a few times I decided to hit the pavement. I wandered towards the Animator's Studio and on the way went in a bunch of shops. I found a Pirate's of the Caribbean Uno game that my niece (a huge Jack Sparrow) fan would love so I got that plus a keychain. I had it sent to my resort and crossed it off my Christmas shopping list. I picked up 3 pins for the kids at the Big Hat. I got a Mickey Jedi for Goofy, an Eeyore for Bashful and a Leopard Print Mickey Head for Belle.

I also had brought along my Lost Journals of Walt Disney World book. I had it with me and sat down on a bench and started working on it. I have to say I really love this book. It has neat trivia and bits of info in it, Hidden Mickeys and such. It is a lot of fun to look for the items. I would recommend it for someone who has been to Disney a few times. For someone on their first trip they are not going to want to stop and sit and work on this. And you do have to stop and read and look around, you can't really do it on the fly. I thought it was great and I didn't finish it so I am planning on bringing it with me the next trips till it is done.

I wandered over to the Animator's Studio and the line was really long. I think because of the rain everyone was looking for something to do indoors. I didn't feel like waiting so I decided to go use my ToT FP. It was fun as always but not as good as the first time. We had so many ups and downs that first time. I pulled another FP, just couldn't resist!

I tried to go on RnR again but the single rider line appeared rather long and again, I just wasn't in the mood to wait. No one to argue with over "Should we wait or not?", just moved on. Nice!

I went back to the Animator's Studio again and my timing was just off. It was just too long till the next show and are you getting the idea that I don't feel like waiting around today? :goodvibes So I gave up on the idea of drawing today. I did like seeing this statue though:


I was in the mood Good coffee. So off to the Writers Stop I went. I got there, perused the menu, ordered a latte and BAM! Shot down, no lattes or cappachinos today. What? But the CM was great, he said he'd make me a Mocha and not charge me extra ($1.50). So he got me coffee and added some Mocha flavor. He told me to make sure and tell him if it was good. I doctored it up with my sugar and cream and took a sip. MMMMM, so good! I told him it was great and I appreciated him making a good cup of joe for me!

I continued my walking and took some pictures along the way:


I wanted to yell to these people entering "Sounds Dangerous" DON'T DO IT! LOL!


Did you know there is a Radio Disney studio attached to the side of "Sounds Dangerous?"


I didn't till this trip, I learned it in my book!

Had to get the requisite statue picture, if you've read my other trippies you know it is a tradition:


I walked over to ToT to use my last FP. I was in line behind two British children, they were 10 and 12 and were alone for the ride. They were so sweet! They started chatting with me, mostly the girl. She had the most charming accent. She had never ridden and was quite nervous. She asked me if I had been on and if it made your tummy flip? So cute. I told her my son rode when he was 4 and loved it so I thought she would be just fine. She asked me if I had children and where were they? So I told her about my kids, their ages and that I was here by myself. She wanted to know where I was from, did I fly there, was Boston far away. It was just a delightful wait in line chatting with these two. Such polite tweens!

After the ride she said she loved it and I was so glad! If she had hated it I would've felt bad!

It was time to head out, I was tired of walking and wet and just wanted a break. I think it was like 2:30pm or so I can't really remember. But I know I didn't wait too long for a bus which was nice. I think it was here that I downloaded Bejeweled to my phone and would play that all week on the bus or in a line. I just LOVE that game!

Back to the room




and I laid down and took a little nap before my dinner at Kona!

Lovely rest of the day at DHS!!! I will have to look into getting that book -- it sounds neat!!!

Hurray for polite children!!! :banana:
first off I LOVE bejeweled! I'm so glad u had as much fun solo as I was so nice just wandering around. Sounds like a GREAT trip so far.
I don't blame you for not wanting to wait around. Too bad you didn't get to do the Animator's Studio that time, as I know how much you were looking forward to it. I'm sure that the wait made it even more exciting when you do get there!

Can't wait for more! Hopefully I'll get to read one more updt before I leave.
Hey Allyson
I am playing catch up. I am waiting to hear about your ride on IASW. This is going to sound really corny but I want to thank you for writing this report. We have been home from vacation for almost 3 weeks and this is the first I have been on the DIS boards. This is a tough time of year for me and we had a really bizarre ending to vacation (and Kalyn is back to school 3 1/2 hours away) so I have been in some kind of a funk :guilty: But today Jourdan started her first day of 10th grade, I am home alone and thought "I have to read about Allyson's trip." So thank you.
And if anything made me smile while reading, it was that picture of Goofy ready for school. :lmao: So, I am back to reading. I'm glad you had a safe trip.

Oh, and off topic - I read 3 Jodi Picoult books because you had mentioned them. I had never heard of her! Thanks

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