The DIS Dad's Club Group W.I.S.H. Journal

Here's the table that the BSA looks at for weight allowances that I refer to in my initial post. It's on all of the health (physical) forms that must be submitted annually. It's pretty fascinating to see how each person fits in according to the US Dept of Health & Human Services guidelines. By this table, I'm obese, and sadly I know it, but haven't done much about it. Sigh.


hey how is this chart supposed to motivate me?????? according to this chart I have a few pounds I can still gain to hit my max acceptence...Time to go eat lol.

just kiddin will try to clean off the treadmill tonight.
I'm in too. About 2 years ago, I lost about 40 pounds and have kept most of it off. However, I only made it about 2/3 of the way to my goal and I have plateaued. I'm hoping a little extra accountability and motivation will help.

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 205

Body Fat:
Umm..somewhere between squishy and jiggly

Desired Goal: 180. I was thrilled when I went from a size 38 jeans to size 34. I could see dropping to a 32, but most of what I need to get rid of is hanging off my belly

Exercise: Two dogs and an iPod. I used to take them for 3 mile walks 4-6 times a week. Things get busy and I've been slacking on that. We also belong to a gym with a lap pool and ice rink. Now that the weather is turning colder I hope to get back there. They also have an "over 30" men's hockey league. I've never played hockey before, but it looks like a lot of fun...

Diet: This is where my strong suit is (or at least, was). When I started my new way of life a few years ago, I went totally crazy with searching for information. I printed out the nutritional menus of just about every restaurant in town off of their web pages. Talk about an eye opener - Some of those burgers were over 1200 calories! I tried to cut out everything fried. I've fallen off that bandwagon a bit too.

Motivation: The kids. I'm OK to play with them now, but what about when they're teenagers and want to play some pickup basketball with their dad? I can't be winded after 5 minutes of playtime. I've got to put in the work now to have a better future.
Motivation: The kids. I'm OK to play with them now, but what about when they're teenagers and want to play some pickup basketball with their dad? I can't be winded after 5 minutes of playtime. I've got to put in the work now to have a better future.

Oh yeah baby! Tell me about it. Just wait til they are teenagers and want dad to do stuff with them... if I had thought this way 10 years ago I would surely be out there playing dodgeball, basketball, and all of those other things my sons like to do with their friends too... instead, I'm the winded after 5 minutes guy who makes an appearance, jokes around and then leaves. *SIGH*
I think what we all need is a good snow fall so we can get outside and shovel,and play in the snow to get our hearts pumping!!!!
I think what we all need is a good snow fall so we can get outside and shovel,and play in the snow to get our hearts pumping!!!!

Bite your tongue there Carl! Snow will fly soon enough. Let the leaves fall first - all the raking I have to do will do some good first (Since we bought the house new, we've put in 21 trees (19 of which are deciduous). We did remove 3 that didn't make it. Many have them been around 6 of the 8 years we've lived in this house now, so many are as tall as or taller than the house now, producing lots of leaves! Last year I put some 32 bags of leaves by the street for pick-up. This year I know will be more. The lot was barren when the house was built, since it was former farmland. We definitely have some shade now. I can only imagine what it will be like in another 10, 20, 30 years.
Diet: This is where my strong suit is (or at least, was). When I started my new way of life a few years ago, I went totally crazy with searching for information. I printed out the nutritional menus of just about every restaurant in town off of their web pages. Talk about an eye opener - Some of those burgers were over 1200 calories! I tried to cut out everything fried. I've fallen off that bandwagon a bit too.

See, for me, that's the stickler. It sounds like way too much work figuring out what's in what and determining what I can or can't eat. How do I know what's a good place for me to start and what I should aim for. Blue Cross (my insurance) offers incentives for people who have 5 servings of fruit and veggies every day, but that would be hard for me to follow as well.
When I was about 295 my doctor told me he would like to see me weigh 210. I told him "I would like a pony. Do you really think either of us will get our wish?"

Funniest thing I've seen all day. Made me laugh out loud at work.:lmao:

hey how is this chart supposed to motivate me?????? according to this chart I have a few pounds I can still gain to hit my max acceptence...Time to go eat lol.

just kiddin will try to clean off the treadmill tonight.

I was thinking the same thing... then I noticed the lump hanging over my belt....:rolleyes1
See, for me, that's the stickler. It sounds like way too much work figuring out what's in what and determining what I can or can't eat. How do I know what's a good place for me to start and what I should aim for. Blue Cross (my insurance) offers incentives for people who have 5 servings of fruit and veggies every day, but that would be hard for me to follow as well.

A few suggestions:
1) Don't worry about being perfect, having perfect information, etc. Focus on improvement.
2) The Internet is an amazing thing. Do you have an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad? There's a great app called Fat Secret that has a database of foods and their nutritional content right at your fingertips.
3) Focus on a few basic things - a) Prefer nutritionally dense foods to "empty" calories. Vegetables (especially) and fruits give you lots of nutritional bang for your calorie buck. Note: Fruit juice doesn't count. It's almost as bad for you as fully sugared soda. To get the real nutritional benefits of fruit, you need to be eating skin and pulp and water that gets left out of juice. b) When you eat grains, prefer whole grains. The fiber in whole grains helps clean your arteries, makes you feel full, and reduces to simple sugars in your blood at a slower rate than more refined grains. c) Control portion sizes. An appropriate "portion" of protein is about the size of your palm. d) When you eat dairy, focus on low or no fat versions. Unless you're an infant, you don't need milk fat. You do need calcium. e) Finally, don't eat until you are full. If you do, you're overfull. It can take as much as 20 minutes for your brain to register your stomach's message that it is "full" - everything you eat in those twenty minutes is beyond your body feeling full.
A few suggestions:
1) Don't worry about being perfect, having perfect information, etc. Focus on improvement.
My mom was always into the Weight Watchers thing and she had her numbers memorized. My problem is that I always saw her working out her meals with a calculator or a notebook. For me, that's just not any fun at all.
2) The Internet is an amazing thing. Do you have an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad? There's a great app called Fat Secret that has a database of foods and their nutritional content right at your fingertips.
Just downloaded it! I like free apps and this looks REALLY cool. I like the barcode scanner and food diary. Now to keep up with it...
3) Focus on a few basic things - a) Prefer nutritionally dense foods to "empty" calories. Vegetables (especially) and fruits give you lots of nutritional bang for your calorie buck. Note: Fruit juice doesn't count. It's almost as bad for you as fully sugared soda. To get the real nutritional benefits of fruit, you need to be eating skin and pulp and water that gets left out of juice. b) When you eat grains, prefer whole grains. The fiber in whole grains helps clean your arteries, makes you feel full, and reduces to simple sugars in your blood at a slower rate than more refined grains. c) Control portion sizes. An appropriate "portion" of protein is about the size of your palm. d) When you eat dairy, focus on low or no fat versions. Unless you're an infant, you don't need milk fat. You do need calcium. e) Finally, don't eat until you are full. If you do, you're overfull. It can take as much as 20 minutes for your brain to register your stomach's message that it is "full" - everything you eat in those twenty minutes is beyond your body feeling full.
I'm a huge fan of veggies but I often forget to buy them. As a family we're big into fruit as well. Portion control has always been a problem for me. I like to eat and I don't often know when to stop. Esp if I'm still hungry. Re: Milk - we're big fans of soy milk (3 of the 4 of us have mild to severe lactose intolerance). Will that help as well?

I really appreciate your help. These are all things that have hindered my approach to this in the past. Oh, and I did sign up for the Blue Cross "Blue Points" program. If I log all of my activity daily and keep up with eating 5 servings of fruit and veggies per day I can earn over $100 a year in Amazon gift cards. That's a lot of money toward equipment for my camera!
ok guys wish me luck,on my way in to find that thing called a treadmill. No more of :happytv: or popcorn::and lots more of:banana:. I have a:wishthirty goal to make and would like to do it by Spring time.
Here Goes......

Height: 5'10"

Current weight: that hurt to type!!!

Body fat (don't know if anyone has easy access to this info): I need to get on the wii fit and find out what it is for sure but I know it is bad!

Desired weight: lowest was 135 about 10 years ago and I was 165 when Shari and I got married...those are not even realistic goals now!!
Exercise routine? Before Lauren came along I used to go to the gym at the hospital 3 or 4 times a week and did a combonation of cardio and weights. I even used to walk 6 miles a day. Since she came I have not entered the gym or anything..that was nearly 4 years ago.
Eating habbits?I have horrile eating habits...We are so busy at work that I hav to eat on the run and eat it fast...the reps that come in will a lot of time order pizza or chinese or some other bad thing and I am right there eating it. uuugh!

What we want to accomplish? I am probaby the other DisDad that Randy was refering to with Type 2 Diabetes...I have talked to him about different things they were doing for me. I had to go to the doc yesterday for an update and the A1C has continued to rise even on the Byetta shots (make me sicker than a dog). He took me off them and put me back on an oral time release med to see if that helps....The thing that I am scared about now is that I have a pressure wound on the back of my left heel that he found and I have to see a podiatrist about tomorrow. He said more than likely I will need some sort of antibiotic before it gets infected and become osteomylitis. :eek: I just want to feel like I am not turning into my grandparents and be able to be a normal 43 going on 44.
I have in the last few months nearly totally eliminated soda and drink water with sugar free koolaid packets in it over crushed ice and that helps with wanting to snack and also the craving for something sweet. I have started to take my lunch to work also when I can remember to pack it.
Shari and I should both be in better shape than we are. She is a Nurse Practitioner and director of a program called HEART (Helping Educators Attack cardiovascular Risk factors Together). She screens kids in the 3-5 grades for early heart disease risk factors and you would be shocked at what she has found. The bring the high risk kids and families in for what is called Healthy Heart U and teach them and guide them in the right directions. Entire families have been changed by this. They just got approval from congress to build a pediatric wellness center on campus so the kids could have gym equipment that was sized just for them. I am very proud of her...just wish I had headed the advice she teaches in my own life before now.
Wednesday, September 15 Exercise Update:
One hour on the treadmill, 3.05 miles.

I also ate unusually healthy/low cal today. I don't expect to keep this up, but I was home today because of a stupid bomb threat at my office. I managed to keep my total calorie consumption under 2000 for the day, including a post-exercise snack (baby carrots).
Wednesday, September 15 Exercise Update:
One hour on the treadmill, 3.05 miles.

I also ate unusually healthy/low cal today. I don't expect to keep this up, but I was home today because of a stupid bomb threat at my office. I managed to keep my total calorie consumption under 2000 for the day, including a post-exercise snack (baby carrots).
Great job!!!!!!

I think you would see a vast improvement if you were able to cut your portion size and eat like this 2 days a week.

I moved furniture this morning then primed DD walls in her bedroom and painted the ceiling. Tomorrow I have to apply 2 coats of paint. I'm still hoping to get to the gym starting Tuesday next week.
Wednesday, September 15 Exercise Update:

Played Wii Fit for a total of 1 hour and seven minutes of "activity time". My balance needs a lot of work. Ran 2 miles today and walked for a total of 8,000 steps. I need to walk more during lunch.

Eating Update:

I did alright. I figured out what I should be eating based on my size, age, and activity level, then adjusted for my current weight loss plan. It looks to be good so far. This software on my phone seems like it will be a big help.

Now to get my 87 hours of beauty sleep in the next six and a half. :rolleyes:
I just got off the scale and I was 229( slightly up from last wk).However today is the day I start my quest for the 200 hundred mark.Last night i got the clothes,and everything else that was stored on the treadmill off.
I have the worst eating habits I could think of.I don't eat breakfast or lunch then I come home and eat the whole frig for dinner and snack all night.So today my goal is to eat something for breakfast ( to give me the energy to burn).Something like fruit bars or granola bars for lunch,then just a normal portion for dinner.Oh and no snacks tonight.The portion part will be hard cause I love my food,the snack part I am going cold turkey and just cutting them out!!!
Well time to get my day going and here some :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 for all the other dads that are jumping on the healthy wagon.We can do it!!!!:thumbsup2
Note to self: if you are planning on getting up to walk 5k at 5:30 in the morning, do not stay up till midnight watching TV. It definitely hurt this morning but I managed to hit the road by 6:00 and finished 3 miles in just over 45 minutes (this is the minimum pace for most Disney races).

Other good news this morning is that I weigh 326, not 335. See, I'm already in better shape than I thought:cool1:

Here Goes......

Steve, definitely take care of those feet! Glad to see you over here.:thumbsup2
Nothing earth shattering here from yesterday, I had to work until 9pm, but the extra time at work I was up on my feet the whole time. I did better on portion control and instead of hitting up fast food for lunch, I had some leftover chicken alfredo (small portion). By the time I got home from work I hadn't had a chance to eat anything since lunch... hate to eat at 9:30 or 10 but had to have something before I could sleep. Kept it light and went with some grapes and strawberries just to get something in my stomach. Working at a grain elevator and farming will make it difficult to start my workout regimen at the present time as I've worked until 11pm and 9pm the past 2 nights, but I am definitely focusing on my intake.
For all you guys that need some help tracking your food - sign up at They have a "Daily Plate" feature where you can tell it what you ate and how much. It calculates calories, fat, sodium, etc etc for you. You set daily goals (such as lose 2 lbs a week) and it tells you how many calories you can consume. It also has entries for exercise too, which subtracts from the calories that you've eaten that day.

My update - its hard to stay on any type of routine (food or exercise) with what I'm going through with my mom. I had a decent breakfast (Jif "natural" Peanut Butter, Smucker's low sugar strawberry preserves, and turkey on Village Hearth Light Italian toast. Lunch was two cookies (shame on me...) dinner was a Ruben Sandwich. But I did substitute potato salad for the fries.
For all you guys that need some help tracking your food - sign up at They have a "Daily Plate" feature where you can tell it what you ate and how much. It calculates calories, fat, sodium, etc etc for you. You set daily goals (such as lose 2 lbs a week) and it tells you how many calories you can consume. It also has entries for exercise too, which subtracts from the calories that you've eaten that day.

My update - its hard to stay on any type of routine (food or exercise) with what I'm going through with my mom. I had a decent breakfast (Jif "natural" Peanut Butter, Smucker's low sugar strawberry preserves, and turkey on Village Hearth Light Italian toast. Lunch was two cookies (shame on me...) dinner was a Ruben Sandwich. But I did substitute potato salad for the fries.

Barry, I think in your situation I'd be mostly concerned with making sure I found time to get some exercise in and just not going overboard in the food department. I'm finding already that I'm feeling more mentally alert when I'm exercising.

On the other hand, breakfast this morning was not one of my better moments. DW had an early court appearance, so I had to get both kids fed, ready for school and dropped off. I ended up not having time for breakfast myself, and when I had to stop at QuickTrip for gas I also got two blueberry fritters and a large coffee. The coffee is nothing - I didn't add anything, so it's essentially zero calories. But those fritters are about 40% of my daily calories and over 50% of my daily fat intake! :scared1:
For all you guys that need some help tracking your food - sign up at They have a "Daily Plate" feature where you can tell it what you ate and how much. It calculates calories, fat, sodium, etc etc for you. You set daily goals (such as lose 2 lbs a week) and it tells you how many calories you can consume. It also has entries for exercise too, which subtracts from the calories that you've eaten that day.

I'm really enjoying that FatSecret App AJRitz told me about yesterday. It tracks (and has in it) just about everything. You can also set your Recommended Daily Intake, adjusted for your body type and activity level, and you can adjust it for how much you want to lose. It sounds a lot like the livestrong "Daily Plate" feature but you can take it with you on your iPhone, iTouch, or iPad. Oh yeah, and it's free. :)

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