The ABCs of Starting Over- OR to KY Roadtrip + WDW 50th Ann. Trip 9/28-10/4; Day 6 and REPORT COMPLETE!

Somewhere along the way we’ll eat some lunch and then enjoy what many describe as the "Jewel of Oregon"- Crater Lake. Oddly, for as many years as I’ve lived here, I’ve never gotten to see it. Fixing that just in time! Hope to snag a few decent photos here for sure!

I had camped overnight at Crater Lake back when I was in college. The lake is beautiful and the view was somewhat surreal. My memory is that looking at the lake was almost like looking at a picture. This was many decades ago and the sky was blue and the air crystal clear. I remember how very blue it was. I hope it looks that way for you, too. :)
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I like that you're planning ahead and getting so much done before the actual move day. It really helps to spread the work out.

I find you travel plans very interesting. You will be seeing so much off the beaten path. I've never been anywhere near these areas so I'm looking forward to you writing about and your pictures.
Well, my boxes are packed, I’m ready to go. Er, sort of.

Well you do still have a bit more until you leave.

I’ve still got a steady list of mundane things to check off, like change of address, paying last bills, giving the apartment a thorough cleaning, and employment separation stuff, but day by day I am making progress and by Sept. 7th, I’ll be ready to roll.

Yikes! I can't imagine a move like that. So many details.

Movers have been reserved to carry most of this stuff down to the U-Pack pod being delivered on the 3rd. I moved almost all of my stuff in by myself 3 years ago and ended up with neck surgery for it. Silly me.

Yeah. I'm done moving furniture.

Did you know that Roseburg was the site of the worst manmade disaster in Oregon history?

That's pretty gnarly!

I do know there’s a Walmart where I can pick up all the things I’ve forgotten.

Well that's nice.

From there, the next destination is Susanville,

When I was in Jr. High there was. P.E. teacher who had a ranch in or outside of Susanville and every summer she would take a handful of girls up to the ranch for a "vacation". There were all sorts of rumors about her and the sorts of things that "went on". But I'm sure it was all rumors and they had a good wholesome time. That's my recollection of Susanville.

Along this route we can see cool old towns like Silver City, Virginia City, and Gold Hill.

That sounds fun!

There isn’t a huge ton to see between Carson City and Ridgecrest

You've pretty much got it covered....

Alison suggested we stop in at Bodie, CA, another ghost town along the way.

We saw an Episode on Huell Howser's California Gold that made us want to go see it.

Anyone been to any of those places?

I gave you mine already! :teeth:
Good to see you again too. Love your plans for days 1-4 and I reckon it will indeed be as grand an adventure as you’re imagining!

I think so too!! The route just looks like such fun with a good variety of nature and interesting sights. Later in the trip we'll get some "city time" in.

I love both city and country but yes I’ve been wanting to visit those places for a long time. Loved Australia and Canada when I was there and would really like to revisit as we have family in both countries but 24 hours on a plane puts me off returning to Australia. Need to psych myself up for that journey. I’d love to revisit Niagra Falls to show my boys and then possibly travel through the Rockies. Basically I need to win the lottery so I can travel the globe 🤣

Oh I've been there and done the whole 24 hours on a place. Not fun, but once you get there, it is always worth it. I've never once regretted a trip!!

Niagara is certainly spectacular and I'd love to go to Australia someday too!!! There's so many cool animals there! When you win the lottery, take me with you? ;)

Unlike the time I took mum to see Peter Pan 3D and the opening scene had a cannonball rocketing towards her. The poor woman thought she’d been shot😱 We laughed together after (I may have removed her 3D glasses rather hastily) and to this day my kids and I laugh about my choice of movie that day :rotfl:

Buhahahaha!!! Okay that's super funny!! I mean now. Probably not so much then. :laughing:

You never know! Maybe when you’ve got settled in your new home and have a bit of time to restock your savings you’ll make it over here. Hopefully covid buggers off enough ( or vaccine uptake is good enough) that travel is possible again.We had plans for Florida 2020 (though that got canceled by my health issues) but we’d have been back by now) and then Italy and Portugal were on the list of possible for a week long summer 2021 break but still not possible.😞 I know we are all so lucky to be healthy and happy and my beautiful granddaughter made an appearance just 3 weeks ago so we have much to be grateful for but I miss travel. Sigh, hopefully 2022 brings new possibilities 🤞

I sure hope so too! I will be at Disney in October and really hope Italy can happen by next Fall. Meantime, I think I'll do some smaller trips and save up again.

As for grandbabies... :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
Are you going to Tucson first? I guess I didn’t realize you would go through California to get to Kentucky, lol 😆

No, Kentucky first. Tucson will be from January-March. I'll go back to BG, KY in April and find something else to do. :)

I have been up the Oregon coast years ago, very beautiful and of course with my parents living in Tucson for many years I have been to many parts of AZ.

There is no doubt the Oregon Coast IS very beautiful. I do love it there. Did I know your folks live in Tucson? I think I remember you telling me that on the phone. I hope you'll come visit!!!! Pretty please? Lots of room for you to stay with me if you'd like, and we could do some super fun girl stuff. :D

California, I have been to the redwood forest, LA, Del Mar, Disneyland, and San Diego.

Been too all of those places but I particularly love S.D. There is so much to do there and I adore Balboa Park.

We did a hot air balloon ride over DelMar and the ocean, beautiful 🤩

Ohhh!!! Nice! That sounds amazing!
Good call on that. I hate packing. More than moving, I think.

I hate UNpacking. Been known to leave a suitcase on the bedroom floor for... weeks.
Goodness. The days are just packed!

I wish they'd been more packed (up).

Patience my Young (ish) Jedi.
Maps are good, though! I love studying maps.

I get sucked into studying them faaaar too easily. Have ever since I can remember.
You're driving through Hawaii?? I never would have expected that.

I did not, in fact, know that. Interesting.

Pretty dramatic!!
Really? I never would have guessed that! Glad you're crossing it off the list.

I actually find it pretty astonishing myself.
You don't consider Walmart a point of interest?

Hmm, you have a point.
With the severe drought, I'm guessing no.

But the salt mounds/ hoodoos should still be there.
Looks like you're coming very close to Lassen Volcanic, Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. All are worthy stops, and it would kill me to be so close to Yosemite and not go into the park. But I do believe they have a reservation system for visitors in place at the moment.
Yes, I did see Lassen on the route (which will be off to my right as I go south) but I just don't think there'll be time. I"ve been to Yosemite (but not Sequoia) a couple of times, so will try out some other places. I do remember reading about @Flossbolna 's trip to Sequoia though and she sure made it sound appealing! Wish I had weeks and weeks!
I like your travel plans! Nice you can break up the drive stopping at some interesting places. Our son and family lived in Salem for 2 years. We visited Crater Lake - beautiful! We've also seen Mono Lake on our way to Yosemite. Really different and worth stopping at. You'll be off soon!
I don't do well driving long distances in general. I tend to get very drowsy and need to stop often. Coffee ought to fix most things. ;)

Oh nice! Did they like it? Salem that is.

I can't wait to see those things, and am starting to wonder if I might need to think about a polarizing filter for some of these cool places.

Only 3 weeks left!
Come t PEI in the summer when I am at the cottage!

That'd be great!

I am hoping to do both the Hebrides in Scotland and Ireland next summer.

Ohhh, wow!!! How great!!!
Sounds like an exceptional young man!

He really is. :)
Good for Zach! Taking a leap of faith is never easy.

No, but now is the age to do it with less stuff, fewer things to tie him down, less commitment.
Good friends and travel partners are essential.


I love that you are starting this new adventure in your life at the start of the school year. As a life long educator, September always feels like the start of the new year to me.

I can see that! When is your first day? Feeling ready?

I adore road trips! Nothing like discovering new things along the way.
For sure!! I hope a few things will be old favorites (coming up in the next few days' itineraries) but that there'll be a few new beauties along the way!
I had camped overnight at Crate Lake back when I was in college. The lake is beautiful and the view was somewhat surreal. My memory is that looking at the lake was almost like looking at a picture. This was many decades ago and the sky was blue and the air crystal clear. I remember how very blue it was. I hope it looks that way for you, too. :)
I am really looking forward to it. Everyone I've talked to who's seen it says it's just amazing. I don't know what it'll look like in this drought year but I'm hoping it'll still be pretty. :)
I like that you're planning ahead and getting so much done before the actual move day. It really helps to spread the work out.

I find you travel plans very interesting. You will be seeing so much off the beaten path. I've never been anywhere near these areas so I'm looking forward to you writing about and your pictures.
That's what I'm banking on. I have traveled enough and am old enough to know that even though I THINK I may be "done" long before I need to be, those last few days will have enough to completely fill them up with "last minute" stuff.

We are definitely making it a point to stay mostly off beaten paths so we can see things most people won't. It may take me a bit to get to the actual TR, but I will be doing some live updates along the way.
Well you do still have a bit more until you leave.

Just one day shy of 3 weeks!
Yikes! I can't imagine a move like that. So many details.

It's been a lot of juggling things to remember with lists. And lists for my lists.
Yeah. I'm done moving furniture.

Me too sadly.
That's pretty gnarly!

When I was in Jr. High there was. P.E. teacher who had a ranch in or outside of Susanville and every summer she would take a handful of girls up to the ranch for a "vacation". There were all sorts of rumors about her and the sorts of things that "went on". But I'm sure it was all rumors and they had a good wholesome time. That's my recollection of Susanville.

Oh dear!!!!!

I'm sure it was all on the up and up. ;)

You've pretty much got it covered....

We saw an Episode on Huell Howser's California Gold that made us want to go see it.

I'm glad you passed it along; I don't have a tv and don't really watch much else so wouldn't have seen it. :)
I gave you mine already! :teeth:
Thanks for the tip!

I'm SUPER behind on all of the threads I'm following. Apologies friends. I'm hoping to catch up soon, and I will, but my plate's rather full. :) I have not abandoned any of you or your lovely stories and photos. I'll get there!!! I am trying my very best to keep caught up here and know I need to get my other thread updated too. :) Please make yourselves at home here and banter all you care too! Side conversations are ALWAYS welcome!! :grouphug:
Well, my boxes are packed, I’m ready to go.
Mostly my milkglass cups,
Okay... what's a milkglass cup?
Aside from wrapping the furniture with moving blankets and plastic wrapping it all, I’m pretty well set.
Sounds like you're ready, all right! :)
the hope is that the week of my move will be a whole lot LESS stressful that it otherwise might have been.
Sounds like you did some pretty good planning there, to reduce that stress as much as possible.
I moved almost all of my stuff in by myself 3 years ago and ended up with neck surgery for it.
Silly me.
"Silly me" she says!

Yesterday I went out with most of my co-workers for one last hurrah; it was bittersweet to say the least.
I'm sure it was. :)
and while there aren’t any exploding helicopters yet,
I do like how you said "yet".... :rolleyes:
Did you know that Roseburg was the site of the worst manmade disaster in Oregon history?
I know now. ::yes::
Somewhere along this route we’ll stick with the “Dynamite Theme” and visit a place where Greg knows about called “The Dynamite Hole” along the river to see the spawning Steelhead.
That's cool. I've seen salmon spawning on TV, but never in real life.
Maybe we’ll meet the "Guardian" shown in this article:
How cool is that! Huh! Impressive guy.
Somewhere along the way we’ll eat some lunch and then enjoy what many describe as the "Jewel of Oregon"- Crater Lake.
I've heard of that. :)
Oddly, for as many years as I’ve lived here, I’ve never gotten to see it.
Then again... I get it. We tend not to visit where we live. Because there'll "always be time for that".
Hopefully in K Falls, we’ll be able to meet up with Tammie for dinner or breakfast.
Nice! Say hi for me. :)
I do know there’s a Walmart where I can pick up all the things I’ve forgotten.
Yep. They carry underwear.
Along this route we can see cool old towns like Silver City, Virginia City, and Gold Hill. There are tons of museums and lodes of Gold Rush stuff to see.
Mono Lake- something I’ve wanted to see for a long time. I have NO idea if there’s even any water IN it right now, but I’m gonna find out. It just looks super interesting and I’m excited to check it out.
That looks really interesting from the photo you posted.
Also, Alison suggested we stop in at Bodie, CA, another ghost town along the way.
::yes:: Have heard of Bodie.
Anyone been to any of those places?
Nope! Haven't been in that neck of the US much yet.
I'm tired of being stressed out. ;)
I'm sure you are.
Niagara is certainly spectacular and I'd love to go to Australia someday too!!! There's so many cool animals there! When you win the lottery, take me with you? ;)
Absolutely! Note to self- start doing lottery :rotfl: !
I sure hope so too! I will be at Disney in October and really hope Italy can happen by next Fall. Meantime, I think I'll do some smaller trips and save up again.
Fingers crossed your trips can happen 🤞
As for grandbabies... :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
Totally in love :love:
! Pretty please? Lots of room for you to stay with me if you'd like, and we could do some super fun girl stuff.
Oh you will not need to twist my arm! I will definitely come and visit. My folks had a beautiful home in the foothills north of Tucson. We could see Mt Lemon from their house. I really wish we hadn’t sold the house in 2015, loved it there!
Okay... what's a milkglass cup?

Milk glass was a depression era glass like this:

Sounds like you're ready, all right! :)

Getting there! :)

Sounds like you did some pretty good planning there, to reduce that stress as much as possible.

I tried my hardest. I still have a lot of hard work to go, but it'll be much less so had I not done as much as I have until now.

I do like how you said "yet".... :rolleyes:


That's cool. I've seen salmon spawning on TV, but never in real life.

I have once many years ago and it was breathtaking!

How cool is that! Huh! Impressive guy.

He's the definition of dedication!
Then again... I get it. We tend not to visit where we live. Because there'll "always be time for that".

Until there isn't. Best get to gettin'!
Yep. They carry underwear.

I was wondering if someone would hit the soft lob.
That looks really interesting from the photo you posted.

Doesn't it?!
Nope! Haven't been in that neck of the US much yet.
I never tire of it. :)
Oh you will not need to twist my arm! I will definitely come and visit. My folks had a beautiful home in the foothills north of Tucson. We could see Mt Lemon from their house. I really wish we hadn’t sold the house in 2015, loved it there!

GREAT! We'll find some fun mischief to get into. ;) This RV park is way out Bopp Rd near the San Xavier mission and, well... there just aren't any areas NOT pretty in Tucson. :)
GREAT! We'll find some fun mischief to get into. ;) This RV park is way out Bopp Rd near the San Xavier mission and, well... there just aren't any areas NOT pretty in Tucson. :)
I love the mission and that area. Have you been to Tupac, I think that is the name, cute little artsy town on the way towards Nogales. I remember when Nogales was safe, we went there every year!


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