The ABCs of Greece & Italy! X, Y, and Z, and that Friends is THE END!!! :) See you in Asia and Australia, Join Me THERE!!

One woman's treasure...
... will end up selling for $.99 at a thrift store 30 years from now.
Never been but I've heard that Athens has some of the worst traffic in the world!
It's a fact. I have seen it.
Menu over buffet all the time... unless the buffet is exceptional... and that doesn't happen very often.
I've seen very, VERY few buffets that are worth what they charge and even fewer that can boast about good food.
Yeah... not surprised by that.
It was not buffet heaven.
Bet you would've taken that photo of the gyro, though.
You know it... stay tuned.
Getting a little travel burned out, huh?
We all were feeling a lot better by the time we got to Crete; I think you can tell simply by the caliber of photos if you compare the chapters.
I can neither confirm nor deny any bad behavior on my own part whilst on the road. :rolleyes:
I don't know if I'm impressed or shocked that you decided to start a diet at the beginning of a vacation!
No, I meant living for TODAY. Started a bit of keto last week to get some stubborn unwanted poundage off.
I Googled. Chicks don't even need temples. Mostly they need coops.

Haha! And perfect timing for Easter. Happy Easter to you and your family!
I wonder if it was warm at all? Did you ever dip a toe?
Not here, but a little "accidental" toe-dippage coming up in a future chapter.
Hey. Nothing sexier than an overweight dude in a speedo.

On my way!!
(starts Googling flights to Greece)
LOL!! I thought that's what you might say.
May be anticlimactic to you, but to me, those are fascinating. Still standing after all this time. And I can just see it roofed with throngs of worshipers milling between the columns. :)
I think if it had been the first thing we'd seen that day my perspective may have been different. But so glad we did the Parthenon early for all that delicious light.
Sorry that it was a bit of a bust for you.
Just like a Grecian beach.
It was some kind of nut, yes. But it may have been walnut too.
That sounds really nice and relaxing. Throw in a nice cocktail and you've got a little slice of heaven right there.
We often did. I mean, they were free ya know. ;) I was on a Moscow Mule kick so often that was my go-to.
Next time tip big up front... you'll get service after that! Until she figures out you're not tipping more.
We're just not big drinkers generally and aren't too picky really. What we got in time was fine and even only then we only had wine about half the times we ate there.
That's a shame. I mean... you're in pasta central in that part of the world!
RIGHT?! You'd think..... :rolleyes1
Well, okay then.
Terrible! Awful photos! Worst I've ever seen! Pure dreck!
The latest lot is far better, IMHO.
Somehow I thought you'd driven back and were going to have to do that drive two more times.
I didn't realize that parking RV for storage was so involved... never having had one.
No, they offered a r/t ticket for me since they really needed me quickly. She's come a long way in 2 weeks!!!

I"ve got my return car trip route all planned out and hope to be back in BG, KY by May 5 and get straight to work on my first course of the term.
I feel the same way. I used to work in downtown Chicago and big cities do not appeal to me.
Just not my cup of tea. I much prefer rural areas where there is more nature to see. :)
It's a good thing Mikki saved you. :)
For SURE! When Mikki was about 10 in 2008 or so, she was hit by a car in Istanbul and after about 10 men lifted the car off her foot, they treated her at a local hospital. Her foot was crushed although no broken bones were found. Not the most fun experience we've ever had.
It looked like the crowds and mediocre food is spoiling the fun a little.
It did take a way a bit from the alure of Athens, but there was still enough good in the tour to make me glad I went.
It can be so tiring being in a different place each day...I find it hard to care about seeing much towards the end of it...
Sadly, we all were very travel weary and not feeling well at all during the middle part of our trip, but got a 2nd wind for Crete and Zakynthos. Athens, I admit, did suffer from touring enthusiasm.
This is always a conundrum for me. The early dining time you wonder if you will be rushed getting back from excursions or the pool to get ready for dinner...but the late seating seems too late (IMHO)...not sure what the answer is...
That's exactly why we were okay with the time we were given and didn't push for a change. We could always do the open dining or go to the buffet if we got hungry earlier and were back on time. But I did NOT want to be rushed at ALL from any shore excursions. The 6:30 seating was too close to getting back and just didn't work with at least 2 of our tour times. The other major disadvantage of the late seating was that you missed most of the show times. Like you say, it's a hard call and there's no perfect answer. :)
A nice, happy accident there.
You've had a few of those as well. :)
Imagine that! Who would have thought?
She was a card carrying member of the Dump Shop Pimp Gang.
Did you celebrate like Rocky at the top?
"I am not the richest, smartest or most talented person in the world, but i succeed because i keep going, and going, and going!"
Yes, lovely photos!
Not as good as the ones from Crete though.
I imagine it would be a thrill to visit some of the places from the Bible in real life.
Sure made it come to life!
:rotfl2:Absolutely. I remember reading that in the Odyssey.
Athena was goddess of practical reason.... I think she's MIA now.
Sorry it was a cruddy experience.
No Drooling Homer Award
Husbands have been asking this since the dawn of time.

Oh, I thought that said "shoes". Never mind.
Hey, they've gotta match! (Julie, I'm with you on this one!)
I was all sold on visiting, and then this made me cancel everything in one sentence. I'm out.
Wait, did you stop after the Speedo part? There was another half of that sentence.
Two very impressive chapters with gorgeous photos and lots of history.
Thanks, Vanessa! I wish I'd had my real camera, but got enough to show you all about our day.
I'm so impressed with the Parthenon. The size and beauty of it and to think of how old it is. Just amazing.
If you are ever in Nashville, you can see a 100% accurate, TO SCALE replica as it would have been at its height of activity. It's crazy beautiful and super interesting to tour. I loved my visit there a few years ago.
It's good to hear your mother is on the mend. She's lucky to have you and your nursing skills.
Day by day, Vanessa. Some good and some bad. But overall, much better than 2 weeks ago when I got here.
I hope you continue to stay safe with all the crazy weather.
Looks like that funky pattern is over for now. I gotta head back to Tucson for a couple of weeks where it's supposed to be in the upper 90's. When I leave on April 30th it'll be just in time.
I agree with the craziness in Athens, not my favorite city at all, the history is amazing and very glad I have visited all the historical sites! I thought the way the cars were parked like right on top of each other on these crazy narrow streets was so strange to me!
Yes, loads of history but the crowds and parking. OY!!! It's nuts!
Beautiful scenery in Greece, wow!
The seaside pictures are so inviting!
Greece is so varied in landscape. Some islands so dry and rocky, and others full of green agriculture and forested. I'd love to go back someday and do some time on one or two islands and beach time.
O is for: Out and About on Crete and a Little Too Much OPA!!!!
Oh, Oh!
This time we landed on the largest and most populous Greek Island- CRETE!
Cool! I was just looking at all the islands of the Mediteranean and thought I'd like to visit Crete.
And Corsica and Ibiza and Palma and......
Overall impression? I adored this island!
It’s history, of course, is noted for hosting Europe’s first advanced civilization, the Minoans.
First heard of it in association with King Minos and the labyrinth and the Minotaur.
Since then, it’s been inhabited by Arabs, Ottomans, Romans, Venetians, and Byzantines, and obviously Greeks.
Place gets pretty crowded.

The island is covered with olive orchards, vineyards, citrus fruits, nuts, and avocados. Who wouldn’t to have all that nearby?!
Sounds pretty Eden-like. :)
The island is also home to a sizeable US Navy port
Really! I had no idea. Huh!
On the way back to the Old City, our tour guide pointed this carrier out
“During World War II, the island was the scene of the Battle of Crete in May, 1941. The initial 11-day battle was bloody and left more than 11,000 soldiers and civilians killed or wounded. As a result of the fierce resistance from both Allied forces and civilian Cretan locals, the invasion force suffered heavy casualties, and Adolf Hitler forbade further large-scale paratroop operations for the rest of the war.
Holy smokes. Never knew this.
During the initial and subsequent occupation, German firing squads routinely executed male civilians in reprisal for the death of German soldiers; civilians were rounded up randomly in local villages for the mass killings, such as at the Massacre of Kondomarisa and the Viannos massacres. Two German generals were later tried and executed for their roles in the killing of 3,000 of the island's inhabitants.” – Wiki
Believe it or not, all 4 of us joined in and it was wonderful to see Mom finally get off that ship and see something new!
Good! Glad she felt up to it.
I was excited to stroll and take in the atmosphere. I thought we’d have a bit of free time to explore independently, but instead our tour guide led us on a group walk through some of the more picturesque neighborhoods. I guess in the end that is okay as I may not have found places on my own that were quite as lovely.
Maybe for the best, then. Was there no time after the tour?
It evoked feelings of old Europe where neighbors share pastries and coffee in the morning and wine and dainties in the evening; where old ladies share their family recipes and old men swap news of the crops and solve all the world’s problems; where youngsters play with friends until it’s dark and mommas call them home for a hearty home-cooked meal.
Sounds... wonderful.
(Does this not conjure up a story?! Maybe the owner, who also serves as server, cashier, bartender, and cook was totally wiped out after a long evening of serving customers, and poured a late nightcap for himself to enjoy a few moments of quiet taking in the warm summer night air before kissing his wife goodnight.)
::yes:: Can totally see that!
She looks familiar. :)
Dad and I pointed out familiar plants that we have back home and enjoyed the comparison of horticulture.
Fun that you share the same interest. :)
Here’s a super informative article explaining the Cretan “Alonia”. (Guess first, then you can see if you were right.)
Nope. Was completely wrong. I thought it might be like an outdoor classroom.

Back later to read the second half. Work beckons.
Cool! I was just looking at all the islands of the Mediteranean and thought I'd like to visit Crete.
And Corsica and Ibiza and Palma and......
If I were to visit Greece again, I'd probably choose Crete and our last stop Zakynthos.
First heard of it in association with King Minos and the labyrinth and the Minotaur.
I contemplated putting a bit more mythology into this chapter and mention that, but decided to give my readers a break from that. But yes, the Minotaur and the Labyrinth was, in fact, set near Heraklion, Crete.
Place gets pretty crowded.

Beacause..... VV
Sounds pretty Eden-like. :)
.... this.
Holy smokes. Never knew this.
I was fascinated by the history, some so tragic, of Crete.
Maybe for the best, then. Was there no time after the tour?
No, the ship was getting underway early, I think this was our shortest port time and if you miss the shore excursion bus, you're on your own to get back to the port.
Sounds... wonderful.
It really, really does..... :cloud9:
She looks familiar. :)
My beautiful girl!
Nope. Was completely wrong. I thought it might be like an outdoor classroom.
Good guess though!
In 1996, after having been abandoned for a century, new monks have taken up residence and are slowly restoring the church on the property.
How are they doing?

I wouldn’t know. We couldn’t get there. The road from Vamos to the monastery is a winding, uphill road that happened to be getting a facelift while we were there. It was closed.
Well, poop. :(
That's too bad. Would've been very interesting, I'd think.
But our driver was boss! Without breaking a sweat he backed ‘er right on out no less than half a mile, back down the twisting road including two hairpin turns, until there was a turnout that he could get that behemoth going the right way.
Holy smokes... just a bit nerve wracking??
we had to back all the way from the bottom arrow to the road split at the top arrow.
(Another of "one of my favorites". Remind to crisp it up a bit.)
Hey @Steppesister just a reminder to crisp it up a bit.
In Crete, tsikoudia is a pomace brandy that is sometimes called rakı. It is used to make rakomelo, which is flavoured with honey and cinnamon. Rakomelo is served warm during winter months.
Thank goodness you explained that. I was reading and completely lost as to what you were talking about.
Cretan Raki does not contain anise, so it is not to be confused with the Turkish version.
Oh, sure. Of course. Who would make that mistake? I mean, really.
I’ll just say that I enjoy a small shot of “lion’s milk” when the occasion dictates.
40-45% alcohol!!! And you drink it?!?!?!?!?

I don't know whether to :worship:or :faint:
did you know the ancient Greek word for "farm" is "Georgia"?
Huh! No I did not.
some rocks that reminded me of the starvation food from Magellan’s sailing,
Well that certainly sounds less than appealing.
we could grab a small glass of wine, white or red, and enjoy what they offered: 2 tyropitakia (small hand pies, one cheese and spinach, the other ground beef), some olives, a bit of hard cheese, some rocks that reminded me of the starvation food from Magellan’s sailing, and a tiny bottle of olive oil for dipping.
Other than the rocks, that sounds really, really good.
Mom liked the olives, I liked the hand pies, Mikki liked the wine (no surprise there), Dad ate… nothing.
Nothing??? Why??
I settled on a pair of silver olive branch earrings on posts.
Good choice, considering the locale. :thumbsup2
Too bad I broke one 3 days later. One fell out on the floor of our cabin and in the process of looking for it, I found it by stepping on it.
Oh, shoot!
Luckily, I found a place in an artisan village here in Arizona with a legit silversmith who said he can fix it, so I'll take it in next week.
That's good at least. :)
Not sure why, but I really like this shot.
And this one is drop dead gorgeous!
Grabbing a "quick" coffee was always an adventure in Greece and Italy. It’s like the ultimate guessing game of how to play. At some places you just find a seat outside, sometimes inside, but most of the time outside, and someone magically appears to take your order. Sometimes, you went inside and ordered and then found a seat, sometimes, you had to stand at the bar. I can tell you that if you guessed wrong, you looked like an idiot 100% of the time.
Sounds overly complicated... and yet completely quaint (in a good way) at the same time. :)
Which was 100% of the time.
We were whisked back to the ship where my mom played her own game of Sea Pass Hide and Seek,
Again? Didn't she do that earlier?
you’ll have to hang tight for Pt. 2 wherein Mikki and Mom whoop it up a little too hard.
... will end up selling for $.99 at a thrift store 30 years from now.
It's a fact. I have seen it.
Then that's proof.
You know it... stay tuned.
We all were feeling a lot better by the time we got to Crete; I think you can tell simply by the caliber of photos if you compare the chapters.
Actually... yes. :)
I can neither confirm nor deny any bad behavior on my own part whilst on the road. :rolleyes:
Uh, oh...
No, I meant living for TODAY. Started a bit of keto last week to get some stubborn unwanted poundage off.
Okay. Was wondering who'd be crazy enough to start a diet... at the start of a vacation!
Haha! And perfect timing for Easter. Happy Easter to you and your family!
Happy Easter to you and yours too. :) 🐇
Not here, but a little "accidental" toe-dippage coming up in a future chapter.
This sounds like it might be just a bit... amusing. :)
I think if it had been the first thing we'd seen that day my perspective may have been different. But so glad we did the Parthenon early for all that delicious light.
Good point. Save the best lighting for the best sights.
We often did. I mean, they were free ya know. ;) I was on a Moscow Mule kick so often that was my go-to.
Free booze? Well there ya go!
We're just not big drinkers generally
And yet... the title of this update begs to tell otherwise...
The latest lot is far better, IMHO.
I agree. :)
No, they offered a r/t ticket for me since they really needed me quickly. She's come a long way in 2 weeks!!!
And... good to hear! :)
If I were to visit Greece again, I'd probably choose Crete and our last stop Zakynthos.
Made quite the impact, obviously. :)
I contemplated putting a bit more mythology into this chapter and mention that, but decided to give my readers a break from that. But yes, the Minotaur and the Labyrinth was, in fact, set near Heraklion, Crete.
No, the ship was getting underway early, I think this was our shortest port time and if you miss the shore excursion bus, you're on your own to get back to the port.
Explains it. ::yes::
The island of Crete looks lovely. I'm happy to hear that your mom was able to get off the boat for this part of the trip.

I find the World War II tidbit about Hitler to be interesting. Does that mean that he avoided trying to seize the other islands in the Mediterranean Sea?
O is for: OPA!!

Not really feeling the Main Dining Room that night, we opted to hit up the buffet and graze on whatever looked good. Do not ask what I ate; there is simply zero memory. Whatever it was, it was lackluster and forgettable. Still having a bit of juice before calling it a night, Mom and Dad agreed to go with us to the evening show in the theater. When we arrived, a juggler was in full swing with his quite entertaining act. I LOVED the part where he made up a PowerPoint slide show that played behind him that “narrated” with precision his moves.

Mikki and I decided that we were feeling better enough that a bit of whooping it up was in order. So far, we really hadn’t taken advantage of the drink package that was “free”, and the Martini Bar we’d planned to enjoy at least once was beckoning. Drinks served with flair are far tastier. 😉

Their signature bar trick is the stacked glass, multi-pour show. Here is the bit I was able to capture, and a couple of links to much better videos after that. It’s just so. much. fun!

This particular lounge (there is one on most, if not all, Celebrity ships) features about 20 various vodka and gin martinis, all served with the ridiculous antics of the charismatic bartenders. When we arrived around 9:15 there were plenty of chairs left around the ice-topped bar and we were quickly given menus with the options to fill our glasses.

My first one was the Candied Apple Martini: Grey Goose Vodka, apple schnapps, pomegranate juice, and butterscotch schnapps. Does that sound cloying to the point of disgusting?

It was.

Did I drink it? Yeah, but it took a long time. It was just WAYYYYYYYYYY too sweet. And strong. Strong is okay, but yikes, it was like drinking a glass of sugar syrup. Mikki ordered the Lycheetini: Grey Goose Vodka, pineapple juice, lychee juice, guava juice, coconut cream, and lime juice.

Hers was a little better, but still, so darned sweet.

While I was trying to choke down my first martini, (don’t get all hyped up, these are about half the size of a normal one served anywhere else so you can try several) Mikki got impatient with me and ordered her 2nd one- this time a “something else”. Meaning, after our first round, I didn’t care and wasn’t keeping track.

She liked it as well and started to get chatty. We struck up a conversation with some lady who was equally chatty and babbling about her job and cruises and whatever else she could think of the regale us with. After 20 minutes, Mik and I started to roll our eyes at each other and turned attention back to the super friendly bartenders as a diversion. I mean, we didn’t want to be rude, but holy smokes lady, go sleep it off. (Like we would do in 45 more minutes.)

Focused back on the entertainment in front of us, the bartender decided he would flirt with Mikki and started making us napkin sculptures and slinging several more (unordered) martinis her way. After my 2nd one I was more than done and didn’t want one more sip (more due the fact that I was quickly entering a diabetic ketoacidosis emergency state, not because I was particularly inebriated), but she was becoming “done” and confessed she didn’t want to finish the last one he’d set in front of her, so I took one for the team and finished the last half of whatever it was. I think she ended up drinking 4 or 5 of those things. God rest her liver. There is NO WAY she didn’t have a monster hangover the next day.

( The link below is also an functional but it won't populate like that one above it. Just click...)

I think even with the evening shenanigans we were still in bed by 11:00. It seems a bit odd to me, but Celebrity sort of focuses on the Fogey Crowd and almost everything is completely shut down by 12:00 or so. One night as I was struggling with jet lag early on in the cruise I couldn’t’ sleep so wandered around the ship at 3:30AM or so and there was literally NOTHING available, not even water. No snacks, no beverage dispensers, nothing. Anyway, that was our one night of debauchery and it was fun to hang out with Mikki just being silly together. She’s great company and a lovely travel partner!

Last edited:
Not really feeling the Main Dining Room that night, we opted to hit up the buffet and graze on whatever looked good. Do not ask what I ate; there is simply zero memory. Whatever it was, it was lackluster and forgettable.
So... things looked good... but just... weren't.
I LOVED the part where he made up a PowerPoint slide show that played behind him that “narrated” with precision his moves.
:laughing: Liked the "lobotomy" part.
Mikki and I decided that we were feeling better enough that a bit of whooping it up was in order.

Oh... excuse me... Whoop!
Drinks served with flair are far tastier. 😉
Here is the bit I was able to capture
That first vid shows up as "Video unavailable". Could just be me, though.
the ice-topped bar
That's kinda cool. Never seen that. Then again, I don't go to a lot of bars.
My first one was the Candied Apple Martini: Grey Goose Vodka, apple schnapps, pomegranate juice, and butterscotch schnapps. Does that sound cloying to the point of disgusting?
You had me all the way up to the butterscotch schnapps. Just too much!
Mikki ordered the Lycheetini: Grey Goose Vodka, pineapple juice, lychee juice, guava juice, coconut cream, and lime juice.
Again, one ingredient too many. Can you guess which one? ;)
Mikki got impatient with me and ordered her 2nd one- this time a “something else”. Meaning, after our first round, I didn’t care and wasn’t keeping track.
After 20 minutes, Mik and I started to roll our eyes at each other and turned attention back to the super friendly bartenders as a diversion. I mean, we didn’t want to be rude, but holy smokes lady, go sleep it off.
Oh dear. :laughing:
(Like we would do in 45 more minutes.)
the bartender decided he would flirt with Mikki and started making us napkin sculptures and slinging several more (unordered) martinis her way.
Wait... he didn't flirt with you too??? This is patently unfair!
I was more than done and didn’t want one more sip (more due the fact that I was quickly entering a diabetic ketoacidosis emergency state, not because I was particularly inebriated)
Just a wee bit too much sugar for ya?
so I took one for the team and finished the last half of whatever it was.
Atta girl. We knew we could count on you.
I think she ended up drinking 4 or 5 of those things. God rest her liver.
There is NO WAY she didn’t have a monster hangover the next day.
Did you ask her???
( The link below is also an functional but it won't populate like that one above it. Just click...)
Nope. I just get a blank page. YMMV.
Celebrity sort of focuses on the Fogey Crowd and almost everything is completely shut down by 12:00 or so.
I'm not all that surprised. I mean... the serving crew probably put in 16+ hours a day as it is.
I couldn’t’ sleep so wandered around the ship at 3:30AM or so and there was literally NOTHING available, not even water. No snacks, no beverage dispensers, nothing.
Nothing at all? Huh. But... see above.
Anyway, that was our one night of debauchery and it was fun to hang out with Mikki just being silly together. She’s great company and a lovely travel partner!
Very nice photo of her. :)
The sweetest drink that I had at WDW was a peach margarita at San Angel Inn. Who ever thought that super sweet drinks were a good idea - yuk.

The bartender and his shenanigans look like fun. I've never heard of an ice bar.
Well, poop. :(
That's too bad. Would've been very interesting, I'd think.
Yeah it really was. Maybe another time. But first:

Costa Rica/Belize
Canadian Maritimes
South African Safari
Holy smokes... just a bit nerve wracking??
It actually wasn't too bad. He was an excellent driver and it was too steep on the one side. ;)
Hey @Steppesister just a reminder to crisp it up a bit.
Annnnd I forgot. Put it up on my LincolnLanding Photography Page on FB and forgot.
Thank goodness you explained that. I was reading and completely lost as to what you were talking about.
Glad I could help! I know a LOT of folks hate Ouzo for the anise/licorice flavor, but the raki, from what I hear it awesome. I have a small bottle that I bought there, that I have yet to open.
Oh, sure. Of course. Who would make that mistake? I mean, really.
40-45% alcohol!!! And you drink it?!?!?!?!?

I don't know whether to :worship:or :faint:
You only get about 3 thimblefuls when you order.
Nothing??? Why??
Because he is the pickiest person on the planet. Quite literally.
Not sure why, but I really like this shot.
If you like fish shots you will be in for a massive fish photo dump when we get to Bari towards the beginning of our Italy portion, so not too much longer.
And this one is drop dead gorgeous!
Thanks! Since you gave it such high praise I posted it on my LincolnLanding Photography page. :)
Sounds overly complicated... and yet completely quaint (in a good way) at the same time. :)
I think it fell on the quaint end of the spectrum. But always kept me guessing.
Again? Didn't she do that earlier?
It's her special talent!
Okay. Was wondering who'd be crazy enough to start a diet... at the start of a vacation!
This is something you simply do not do when heading to the Land of Delicious Carbs and Meat.
Good point. Save the best lighting for the best sights.
Free booze? Well there ya go!
"Free". The best marketing tool a cruiseline ever used.
And yet... the title of this update begs to tell otherwise...
Really, not as much as I allude.
The island of Crete looks lovely. I'm happy to hear that your mom was able to get off the boat for this part of the trip.

I find the World War II tidbit about Hitler to be interesting. Does that mean that he avoided trying to seize the other islands in the Mediterranean Sea?
It was so pretty there. I kept thinking to myself: Yeah I could live there. She didn't get off the bus to take the walk but did enjoy the other little excursions. :)

That's a good question about the other islands. Maybe he focused attention there because of the size and ready made large port? NO idea!
So... things looked good... but just... weren't.
That's the ticket. I'm sure that just a good old fashioned traditional martini would have been lovely.

Oh... excuse me... Whoop!
That first vid shows up as "Video unavailable". Could just be me, though.
Hmm, I'll have to fix those when I get a chance. Maybe when I get to the airport later this afternoon maybe I can work on it.
That's kinda cool. Never seen that. Then again, I don't go to a lot of bars.
I like the themed bars a lot. Like Trader Sam's, themed Speakeasys. They're fun!
You had me all the way up to the butterscotch schnapps. Just too much!
Again, one ingredient too many. Can you guess which one?
Wait... he didn't flirt with you too??? This is patently unfair!
Nope, I'm old and decrepit.
Just a wee bit too much sugar for ya?
Just a bit.
Did you ask her???
I'm not all that surprised. I mean... the serving crew probably put in 16+ hours a day as it is.
Yes, they were. That sommolier I mentioned earlier? I saw her up at 7:00AM one morning on the deck in her suit and I KNOW she'd been up in the dining room until 11:00PM.
Nothing at all? Huh. But... see above.
Nope, just a lounge chair to sit in.
The sweetest drink that I had at WDW was a peach margarita at San Angel Inn. Who ever thought that super sweet drinks were a good idea - yuk.

The bartender and his shenanigans look like fun. I've never heard of an ice bar.
I just don't know. I like a slightly sweet one, but not full of syrups and extra sugars. Icky.


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