The ABC's of a BSN Celebration! Trip Wrap up; Final Thoughts (7/11)

we hopped to MK and managed to tackle JC (our longest wait at 40 minutes), POTC, HM, Pooh, IaSW (where yes, we did name each culture even down to the Uzbeks), PP, the Carrousel, the Speedway (where we giggled like a couple of 8-year-old boys), and Buzz.
Whoa! You guys did a ton, considering it was a park hop. Even considering if it wasn't a hop!
Funny how the entrance involves skipping and the exit looks more like a Neanderthal knuckle-dragging walk.
Truth! :laughing:
I looked up some historical weather data and it looks like the low was 41.
Ah, so you threw on a hoodie over your t-shirt and shorts. Got it.
We waited for 15 minutes shivering our ninnies off waiting for a bus, and then made the executive decision to Lyft it.
15 minutes isn't that long? I presume the cold was the deciding factor, not really the bus wait time.
So we hiked the frozen mile to the Lobby and were socked it the face with the answer that the Lyft pickup was back where we had just come from and even beyond that.
Sure, I know, I know… you Canadians and Minnesotans are laughing your heads off right now, but we didn’t have the right clothes AND we’re not used to this nonsense!
No hoodie, huh?
He did and then proceeded to say on the way there the evil words… “The Lyft drop off is a long way away from Wine Bar George.” Yay.
Yes. Yes it is.
Freeze to death Han Solo-style
You know... I bet there'd be a line up of uber-star wars fans to be frozen in carbonite.

I would not be one of them.
There were other table-lurkers waiting to swoop in for the kill and I chose to be faster. And possibly ruder. Legit shivering, we took a deuce hightop and within seconds a busser came and cleaned it up, white tablecloth and all. I was instantly transported back to that Magical Disney Mindset and all was right with the world. Maybe not for the slower, but most likely more polite, folks who were aced out. Sorry ‘bout that guys… I was cold and hangry.
we each ordered a cocktail and the firecracker shrimp.
mmmm... I'd try that.
Shrimpy, shrimpy perfectly done,
You sure added to our fun.
Tasty and hot,
And super spicy;
I’d have some more
But tomorrow may be dicey.
PSA: Folks, really, these, as a spicy-food lovin’ girl, were a 6-7/10 on the spicy scale.
mmmm... sounds good!
Another couple had ordered the "Whole 9 Yards" whatever it’s called and had about, not even joking, 15? empty wine glasses on the table.
Mikki declares that she feels completely out-of-place and underdressed and has NO idea what she’s even doing there.
Meh. I'm betting the dress code is "Park casual".
perfectly filled with cholesterol-laden cheese, grease, and thigh-enrichening carbs. Delicious and delightfully decadent, butt too much
I see what you did there... twice...
She is a Whiskey girl, NOT a wine girl. So, she ordered the Wine
Of course. Makes perfect sense.

3 chocolates- Milk, Dark, and White (🤮).
Not a fan of white either, although I'll have a wafer of it if it's attached to a dessert or something.
Meanwhile, MEK had been texting since she landed. This was the first time that we’d see our roomie and, even in our weariness, we were all so excited!!
MEK was having a HORRIBLE week culminating in a terribly awful, no-good, very bad day.
Now, the success of the day? Mik, after tasting the Tawny Port, declared it a new favorite alcohol. Enough so that she took a photo and has had it several times since coming back.
Glad she found something she liked and can enjoy still.
Ah, so you threw on a hoodie over your t-shirt and shorts. Got it.

And on top of that a coat, a scarf, some hand warmers, mittens....

15 minutes isn't that long? I presume the cold was the deciding factor, not really the bus wait time.

Combo deal.
No hoodie, huh?

You know... I bet there'd be a line up of uber-star wars fans to be frozen in carbonite.

I would not be one of them.

I daresay you might be right!

Meh. I'm betting the dress code is "Park casual".

Yes, technically. But Mik is one of those girls who likes to look good and fit the occasion.

I see what you did there... twice...

I try to make the writing engaging. ;)

Of course. Makes perfect sense.


In her defense, she is willing to give every occasion its due.

Not a fan of white either, although I'll have a wafer of it if it's attached to a dessert or something.

Nope! Case in point....

<see a trashcan nearby?>
Glad she found something she liked and can enjoy still.

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You're welcome!! Now.... to clarify, it wasn't just a random adding, she was IN our room and IN our planning party, but not linked with Mik yet, so she didn't populate into the Boarding Group party. WE KNOW you absolutely do NOT waste time trying to add someone while getting the boarding group, so you add whoever auto-populates. THEN you can go to Guest Services and politely! explain what happened and I've heard stories that almost always they can add on or at most 2 to your BG.

Thanks for the dets!


She is good we had her in December 2019.
Funny how the entrance involves skipping and the exit looks more like a Neanderthal knuckle-dragging walk.

A true observation. I think I may try to skip out one night just to be different.

He did and then proceeded to say on the way there the evil words… “The Lyft drop off is a long way away from Wine Bar George.”

The icing on the cake. So many misfortunes until it finally turned around.

A couple just happened to be leaving and, rather than wait for the table to be cleaned, I headed for it.

You're bold and move fast.

And now… an ode to the Firecrack shrimp.


I also ordered the Crispy Mac & Cheese Bites, tomato nage / pecorino-

I've heard such good things about these.

3 chocolates- Milk, Dark, and White (🤮)

I would have eaten them all.
And on top of that a coat, a scarf, some hand warmers, mittens....
Yes, technically. But Mik is one of those girls who likes to look good and fit the occasion.
And that's okay.
I try to make the writing engaging. ;)
You succeed. :)
Nope! Case in point....

<see a trashcan nearby?>
Ah yes. Hmmm... I think I'd eat it. Depends on how I feel at the time. Might take one bite and toss the rest. Might eat it all.
After a phenomenal catch of Boarding Group 4 by Mikki McQuickdraw, and a fantastic morning at The Studios, we hopped to MK and managed to tackle JC (our longest wait at 40 minutes), POTC, HM, Pooh, IaSW (where yes, we did name each culture even down to the Uzbeks), PP, the Carrousel, the Speedway (where we giggled like a couple of 8-year-old boys), and Buzz. COP was already closed, or we would have done that too before dragging our tired butts back down Main Street. Funny how the entrance involves skipping and the exit looks more like a Neanderthal knuckle-dragging walk.
That is quite the day! You got so much accomplished.
I looked up some historical weather data and it looks like the low was 41. All I can say is that when we made our way from MK to the Poly on a bus, we knew we were woefully under-dressed and were having some very unmagical moments. We waited for 15 minutes shivering our ninnies off waiting for a bus, and then made the executive decision to Lyft it. And here’s where discomfort turned to misery. A lot has changed since Covid and continues to as the winds of the powers that be blow. I called for our Lyft and thought the obvious place for pickup was the front desk. (I'd forgotten that the front entrance was torn up and non-functional.) If not, we could at least ASK where it was. So we hiked the frozen mile to the Lobby and were socked it the face with the answer that the Lyft pickup was back where we had just come from and even beyond that. I’d already called and now we had to run with a bitter, icy wind in our faces praying that our driver would wait for a couple minutes if our out-of-shape selves couldn’t make it. Sure, I know, I know… you Canadians and Minnesotans are laughing your heads off right now, but we didn’t have the right clothes AND we’re not used to this nonsense!
Even as a Canadian , I would be freezing! 41 F is 5 degrees!! Way too cold for this delicate flower in Florida.
What to do… what to do?! Freeze to death Han Solo-style or seek shelter. Shelter with cocktails would be even better. I racked my brain, but not too hard… and we headed to Boathouse; they have a bar area and might do a walk-up. I boldly went to the podium and she told me that I could choose any empty table if there was one in the bar area. GREAT!! A couple just happened to be leaving and, rather than wait for the table to be cleaned, I headed for it. Yes, I know that servers would rather have it done but I was taking NO chances. There were other table-lurkers waiting to swoop in for the kill and I chose to be faster. And possibly ruder. Legit shivering, we took a deuce hightop and within seconds a busser came and cleaned it up, white tablecloth and all. I was instantly transported back to that Magical Disney Mindset and all was right with the world. Maybe not for the slower, but most likely more polite, folks who were aced out. Sorry ‘bout that guys… I was cold and hangry.
Sometimes you just need to go for it!
With each new pouring, they got the sommelier spiel and at that point, Mikki declares that she feels completely out-of-place and underdressed and has NO idea what she’s even doing there. She wasn’t mad, but clearly she’d not have picked this place if she’d known. On top of that, neither of us was particularly hungry anymore, so we ordered light. If anything, being in a customer service/management profession, Mikki knows how to salvage a situation with grace and poise; I’m grateful she is adult like that.
I get it, I hate feeling like I don't "fit" a situation I find myself in.
Sometimes I think when one gets out of one’s element all that’s needed is some gentle coaching and the tincture of time.
A gentle word makes such a difference!
Meantime, the soused couple at the neighboring table was fading as fast as we were, the good news is that we were probably in better shape to walk to our bus. Which we did after settling the bill. Wine Bar George was nice as always and while I was worried at first that Mik would just hate it, it ended being a nice surprise for her and pleasing for me, as always; it was a great way to start off a week-long Ladies Trip.
I am happy it all worked out in the end.
That is quite the day! You got so much accomplished.

I doubt we'll ever see such circumstances again. Crowds are back and lines are long again. IT was nice while it lasted!
Even as a Canadian , I would be freezing! 41 F is 5 degrees!! Way too cold for this delicate flower in Florida.

Disney is still fun in the cold, but we sure needed to plan better! I was SO grateful for those handwarmers I'd grabbed at the last minute! They made a world of difference.
Sometimes you just need to go for it!

There was another table that opened in minutes, so I wasn't too terrible guilty. ;)

I get it, I hate feeling like I don't "fit" a situation I find myself in.

Luckily Disney is very forgiving in this area, but I DO appreciate that Mik has a sense of decorum and is willing to try to fit in as best she can so others can enjoy their experience too. I saw a debate on FB about dress codes recently and unapologetically I am in the camp that if an establishment or hosts request a certain look or "code" it's common courtesy to them and your fellow guests to abide by it. It doesn't, or shouldn't, matter if you're at a theme park. The restaurants that require that are not IN the park. Anyway, all that to say, I love that she can assess a situation, is willing to dress up, and looks great when she does!!

A gentle word makes such a difference!

It really can. :)
I am happy it all worked out in the end.
Me too! We had such a lovely time.
Luckily Disney is very forgiving in this area, but I DO appreciate that Mik has a sense of decorum and is willing to try to fit in as best she can so others can enjoy their experience too. I saw a debate on FB about dress codes recently and unapologetically I am in the camp that if an establishment or hosts request a certain look or "code" it's common courtesy to them and your fellow guests to abide by it. It doesn't, or shouldn't, matter if you're at a theme park. The restaurants that require that are not IN the park. Anyway, all that to say, I love that she can assess a situation, is willing to dress up, and looks great when she does!!
I am a big believer in dressing for the occasion as well. I drilled that into my three as well and remember servers coming up to us at Yachtsman, Citricos, Narcoosees etc and saying how nice it was to see a family dressed for dinner. Even at an in park restaurant, such as HBD or Tiffins, I make an effort with my park outfit for the day so I feel respectful of the atmosphere I am in.
I am a big believer in dressing for the occasion as well. I drilled that into my three as well and remember servers coming up to us at Yachtsman, Citricos, Narcoosees etc and saying how nice it was to see a family dressed for dinner. Even at an in park restaurant, such as HBD or Tiffins, I make an effort with my park outfit for the day so I feel respectful of the atmosphere I am in.
You know we're big Lyft-Uber'ers but that drop off at DS does stink quite a bit unless you're going to say House of Blues? But your time at WBG looks and sounds relaxing and worth the chill you went through to get there! We've only been once; thoroughly enjoyed our drinks and eats but I really want to go back.

Wine and Chocolate Pairing.
This looks AMAZING!!
The Mojito has an awful lot of mint leaves in it. :)
LOL I thought the same thing! Love mojitos and mint but that's like a whole mint plant!
Forty-one degrees is really cold, especially when you are spending a lot of time outdoors.

The Mojito has an awful lot of mint leaves in it. :)
It wasn't so bad with going from attraction to attraction and being inside once in a while, but just loitering and knowing we'd have nowhere to go at DTD was a tough pill to swallow.

I KNOW!!! Disney.... always trying to find a way to cheat you out of a $15 drink.
You know we're big Lyft-Uber'ers but that drop off at DS does stink quite a bit unless you're going to say House of Blues? But your time at WBG looks and sounds relaxing and worth the chill you went through to get there! We've only been once; thoroughly enjoyed our drinks and eats but I really want to go back.
It just doesn’t make sense to have the drop off so far away. The time we went to Jaleo the guy dropped us off in the orange lot and the walk was so much closer. It’s not technically allowed but he did it anyway and got away with it.

Wine bar George just has the greatest vibe and the food has always been amazing. Jenny posted about a Pisco espresso drink, I think it’s called the wake up call, and it’s my new favorite drink and Disney. Well at downtown Disney anyway.
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X is for: eXploring the Most eXotic Pavilion!

There will never be another time like 2020 to have visited Disney World. Sure, there were huge changes, loads missing, and it was an altogether different experience, but we will likely never see such low crowds again. And you better believe I took full advantage of that!! I've written many times about how my favorite pavilion is Morocco- loved for it's air of mystique, quiet winding alleys, exotic decor and exquisite, authentic artistry. I won't waste words with superfluous verbiage, but rather simply share my love for the Moroccan Pavilion with the photos I was able to take of an altogether empty place. I will likely never again see it this way as changes are in progress and crowds are back to pre-Pandemic levels. Enjoy!!

Maybe in your replies you could tell us what YOUR favorite pavilion is or wish you could have an hour to browse around in with NO people around...

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There will never be another time like 2020 to have visited Disney World. Sure, there were huge changes, loads missing, and it was an altogether different experience, but we will likely never see such low crowds again.
Well, if you insist on putting a silver lining on it. :)

Nice empty shots of Morocco! Are you sure the park was open???
Maybe in your replies you could tell us what YOUR favorite pavilion is or wish you could have an hour to browse around in with NO people around...
Always been Japan. Love Germany too, but Japan... ah...
There will never be another time like 2020 to have visited Disney World. Sure, there were huge changes, loads missing, and it was an altogether different experience, but we will likely never see such low crowds again. And you better believe I took full advantage of that!! I've written many times about how my favorite pavilion is Morocco- loved for it's air of mystique, quiet winding alleys, exotic decor and exquisite, authentic artistry. I won't waste words with superfluous verbiage, but rather simply share my love for the Moroccan Pavilion with the photos I was able to take of an altogether empty place. I will likely never again see it this way as changes are in progress and crowds are back to pre-Pandemic levels. Enjoy!!
Stunning photos! I adore Morocco, France and Japan. It's so hard to pick just one!


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