That was the BEST Most Magical Trip EVER!! (A Sept 2011 TR) [COMPLETED]

Our adventure under the sea was over, our Little Mermaid had gotten her legs & her true love, and we were happy! Now, we had some fast passes beginning to burn a whole in our pocket, so we decided to start heading over to Pixar Place.

Along the way, we were distracted by something, and decided to check it out, we still had enough time before our fast pass would run out, so we stopped.



Bambi's another one of my favorite movies, I was all about the animal ones when I was little, and I ove the "twitterpated" part, I use that word in real life quite a bit haha. And in the next one, I love the Mickey shadow in the corner, just adds some magic!




I suggest you check this out (unless you've got some small children with you, a they'll probably find it boring), it's more of an adult centred, educational, thing. However, it really was veeery interesting, they've got a bunch of exhibits set up, and then have a short little movie at the end, a lot of information about Walt & the start of Disney. It's really cool. After the movie ended, we continued on our way to play with some toys









Now, one thing Nick said while looking through last years photos was that he needed to keep his mouth closed in more of the photos, we were kind of making some fun of it, so the boys took one, and then insisted that we take one as well, I dunno...weird, yes!



It was either Tyler or Nick who got the highest score in our vehicle, but I couldn't tell ya what any of the scores were!

Upon exiting the ride, we came right into one of our favorite monsters, and had to stop for a quick pic before taking in all of Pixar Place.


Next, we saw another one of our toys out & about, without a line, so we of course, went over to say hi. Nick went up first, and the army man made him "drop & give me 20", awesome!





And with that, I leave you for now, as I've got lots of stuff to do today! Hope you're still enjoying!
Wayne's World. Mike Meyers is my favorite Canadian! :lmao: and the Rosetta you saw the first day is awesome! We loved her
YES! Waynes World! Party on! It's one of my favorite movies, and I've been keeping up on your TR, saw that you guys saw the same Rosetta, she was pretty awesome!
After our gaming in Pixar Place, we were circling around through the Streets of America, and stopped to grab a picture with a famous umbrella


(Does anyone know if there is a way to make this rain, or if it just happens randomly? We couldn't figure it out) When we walked up, no one was there, but after we started, a line formed behind us, the little things people don't notice til someone else does it :laughing:

Having that done with, we continued along, and ended up in Muppet Ville (Ok, I know that's not what it's actually called, but hey, it's all good, right?!)



We checked out the gift shop first, as we came from the other side of the park than normally, there's some awesome stuff in there, and a lot of really cute & funny signs, which, yes, there are lots of pictures of!











We tried on some toques!! (Looking back, I *really* should have bought that, it was super cute, wasn't that pricey, and would have kept me really warm through the on-coming winter! But oh well, next time I guess)

Now that we had finished browsing through everything, it was time to head into the movie!




I have to say, I'm a little sad that we got in there right as the previous show was ending, and we didn't have basically any time in the pre-show area, as I love watching the muppets on those tvs, almost more than I like the 3d movie. Also, is anyone else SUPER excited for the muppet movie that's coming out?? Muppets, Lion King's back in theatres, a new Winnie the Pooh movie, it's seriously my childhood recreating itself! Fantastic! I accept!


As our adventure with the Muppets ended, we pulled out the show times guide, and started editing due to what we wanted to see. Disney Jr, and some others, were crossed off the list, and then we circled some times that we were going to try & make for the shows. I believe the order went something like this:

-Jedi Training Academy
-Lights Motor Action
-Indiana Jones
-Beauty & the Beast

Then we would head over to character palooza and see what other friends we could see before grabbing some dinner & braving the Fantasmic rush!

So, with our plan made, a quick water bottle & bathroom break accomplished, we were off towards Commissary Lane to check out what the stand-by line was for Star Tours, it was over 20 minutes, so we quickly grabbed some fast passes, and then, since we had time to kill, and we were right beside Backlot Express, we decided to get some lunch.

Nick had the Southwest Chicken Salad, Amy had chicken fingers & fries, to which each said they were good. Tyler had the Angus cheeseburger,



And I had the Grilled Turkey & cheese sandwich. Here, is my dissappointment of the day, and my suuuuper grumpy moment. I've always been very moody over food, if it turns out to be gross, or if my ice cream falls off the cone onto the floor (I once cried when my DADS ice cream did that at a McDonalds) maybe it's due to being raised with not a lot of money & knowing that what you get is what you get, and if it gets spoiled or is gross, you go without food, BUT, this was my grumpy day. For anyone that read my May 2011 TR, you'll find this farmilliar, because, I had the same Turkey sandwich then, only it was from Studio Catering Company. I figured since it was a different resturant, and the picture & description looked amazing, it was a different sandwich. Wrong, luckily, I got fries & a dessert with it, and thank god I allowed myself some pop, so my grumpiness was done with once I did get some sort of food in me. So, lesson learnt, stick to burgers & salads when getting counter service in DHS.

Once the grumpiness was done with, and everyone was fed & watered, the boys picked up a beer each, and we meandered over to the Jedi Training Area to watch the show.

-Ctn in next post
The show had already began by the time we arrived (not that we couldn't hear it from where we were eating or anything) so we grabbed a spot, and enjoyed.




It was quite the show, there was one little boy who found Darth Vader a little to scary, and backed out at the last minute, but hey, Darth's a LOT bigger in real life when you're only 6! (Also, I'm going to post a link to this video, it did not happen that day, but everyone should see it: ) Hilarious! It was a cute show, and, of course, both the boys we had brought with us were going "Why is this only for 6 year olds?! I wanna fight Darth Vader!" Hey man, I wannt join Captain Jack Sparrows pirate league, but we can't all do what we want! :laughing:

With the show over, and a little bit of time to kill before the FP opened up, we headed into the gift shop & area to take a look around. Last trip, everyone but me had been a "nerdy" type, into all of this (I'm an HP/Disney nerd, we all have our nerdiness, mine just wasn't here) and I just felt out of place. This trip, boys were boys & Amy & I wandered behind them. :rotfl:





With time killed, and the FP window now open, we approached the ride...and saw the warnings. There were ones for motion sickness, and flashy lights..uh-oh. Nick opted to wait, and I asked the cm at the front about any flashing lights (not neccisarily stobes) and she said she wasn't quite sure, but there were some, and with a video I had seen, I decided it was safer to sit it out, so I joined Nick in the gift shop while Amy & Tyler battled the dark side.





The verdict: awesome! Amy was the "spy" that had gotten in the vehicle with them! They had a blast. Their verdict for us: definitely would make Nick sick, and they said there weren't any strobes, but I decided not to risk it as the ride changes everytime. So, they could either use Nick & I's FP to go again, or we could spread some Disney magic. We opted for #2! It took a little bit to find someone, as we only had 2, and I didn't want to hand 2 to a family of 6, or to a kid who was too small to ride. I saw a couple a few years older than us heading up to the FP machine, and stopped them, giving them ours instead, and they were really grateful. (She called me an angel :cutie: ) and thus, our pixie dust was spread. (Feels pretty good!)

For now, I leave you with some of my favorite shirts from the Star Wars gift shop!




Thanks for joining along on our space adventure, and be sure to tune in next time, when we brave some car chases, some crashing boulders, and maybe even rock and roll a little bit more!!
Aww. we were in the Magic Kingdom on the 14th too, and we ate lunch at CRT!!! We also went to the halloween party on the 23rd sept too!!
I keep looking for myself in your pics, but haven't seen me yet! LOL

Great trip so far
Aww. we were in the Magic Kingdom on the 14th too, and we ate lunch at CRT!!! We also went to the halloween party on the 23rd sept too!!
I keep looking for myself in your pics, but haven't seen me yet! LOL

Great trip so far

Ah! That's amazing!! Holeeey! Maybe somewhere along the way we ran into each other, who knows?!
We had finished battling in the stars, and were checking the times guides for the shows that we wanted to see, and knew that Lights! Motor! Action! Was next on our list, so we quickly headed over there, to see them letting the last few stragglers into the show area. With a quick bathroom break, we were heading up to the top of the bleachers to try and find a seat for the show. There was an awesome view up there!




This show's pretty cool, though I think it looses some of it's awesomeness once you've seen it, I'm sure that when there's a year or so between trips, so that you don't remember it, but thanks to only have 3 months between trips, it wasn't too too thrilling, but still good. An exciting momement, was that the child that got to remote control "drive" the car during the show, was from Nova Scotia, Canada. (A yay! For all of us, being Canadians, but specifically Tyler, who is from Nova Scotia!)







After our hero car was safe, and the bad guys defeated, we were off like rockets! :lmao: yeah...right...anyone who's been in that show...knows that getting out of there is a bottleneck! Caaaraaazzzzyyy.

With one more bathroom/vending machine water stop, we made our way across the park, to the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular, which had already started (we had missed the boulder rolling part), but still manage to get in & grab a seat (near the front too!) Some of this cast was different than the ones we saw last time, but I'm pretty sure most were the same.





I *think*, in terms of viewing this show multiple times, I like it better than Lights! Motor! Action! Last trip, we had JUST closed our "Tom Jones & the Temple of Doom" dinner theatre show before we left for the trip, so too much Indy was just too much. Also, the big guy, the villian, while walking backwards to the final part of the show, tripped, and nearly fell, which got me thinking, "does anything ever go wrong during a stunt show? would the audience even know?" I've seen some videos of falls & stuff during the BeautY & the Beast show, and Disneyland's Aladdin show, but could you even tell in a stunt show?




Once Indy & Marion were safe, we were off again, we had a Beauty & the Beast show to catch, and we were not going to miss it!! With a brief stop to grab ice cream, we headed in, Amy & I got to the top of the theatre, and noticed that they were in the middle of Be Our said the show was starting at 3:30, and it was 3:30 (I'm pretty sure that's what time it was by now, could be wrong). I quickly ran up and asked the cm what time it was, and she said 3:40! (or something along those lines). Turns out, Amy's watch had been running behind for the past couple of days, hence why we had missed the beginning of both stunt shows, and probably why we had waited for so long at CRT the night before. Whoops!!

We made a plan & regrouped with the boys after telling them what happened! Question for you: what would it be?! Would we get to see Beauty & the Beast, or would we come back for it later in the trip? Would we even have time to do that? Who knows!!
After discovering that we had missed the beginning of Beauty & the Beast, Amy & I wanted to check out the shopping so we headed back to the entrance to work our way around the shops. While we were looking at everything, we discovered that the cm's had arranged a "flash mob" of sorts (everyone was calling it that at least) with everyone who was waiting for the parade to start, keeping them occupied.




We didn't participate, just watched, so we aren't in any of those crowds. I love the next picture, which is actually us, Nick & Tyler were walking ahead, and I managed to catch it.


We of course, stopped to catch some pictures along the way (and I stopped and bought some sunglasses, which you'll see later along in the report.




Power Rangers!! Another aspect of our childhood!! Epicness. I'll take this time to tell a little story, I'm not sure when it happened, but it was sometime during our DHS day. A cm was saying something about Phineas & Ferb, to which everyone was all "who?" and she tried to explain who they were, as if we would obviously know them. Did we? Of course not, we explained we grew up in the 90's with all the awesome cartoons, and moved on :laughing:


Somewhere along the way, Nick & Tyler found a pickle in a bag, and were greatly amused..I'm not sure why though? Up next, why, more thrill rides of course!!





Nick joined in this time, as it was a little more past our last meal than this morning. Me however, yup, still waited in the gift shop.





That last one, was definitely Nick being sick after going on the ride, but laughing at the fact that Amy was taking pictures, though he didn't feel too great after riding it. Next up, why Tower of Terror, of course! I had to get my fair share of adrenaline sometime!!



On this ride, was when we encountered some people that either didn't know how to use thier ears, or didn't know how to speak English. Or a bit of both. When the cast member told them the number to stand on, they ignored it, they ignored it when he told them where to sit, and then basically no one did their seatbelts properly. When the cm got everyone to check their neighbours seatbelts, a couple of the kid's belts came right out!! :eek: Thankfully, we got everything fixed, and were off!!


Around this time, it was nearing 4:45, and all you dis-er's know what that means!! Characterpalooooozzzaaaa!! :yay: Of course, our next destination was the Animation bld, what characters would we meet? Any rare ones? Find out next time!!
Alright, so just before I start all of this update off, I've got to jump in with a little RnR story from before. Tyler jumped in the single rider line while the rest of us were waiting in the gift shop. Well, we waited, and waited, and waited, and waited. And then overheard that the ride was stuck, and they were unloading everyone that was on it, and that they neede ladders to get some people out!:scared1: (I'm not sure how true that part was, but you never know) Thankfully, Tyler wasn't stuck upside down anywhere, he was waiting for the front row, and was going to get on the next car, but was still on the loading dock. Because of the inconvience, they were handing out fast passes for later. Now...onto the present:


Where we left off, our group was just about to head over to the Animation Bld for some Character Paloooooooozzzaaaaa. It was a little before the actual time hit, but we decided it was always better to be there early rather than later. I had heard of palooza on the Disboards (of course) and we had checked it out in May, which had brought lots of Magical experiences to my co-travellers. There were many points during both trips that people were asking "how did you do this?" along with people hearing about our trip, how much we were paying, and what was involved asking how on earth we booked it, and asking tips. It's a pretty magical thing when you have access to a place like the Disboards, and other websites that just make everything so magical on a Disney trip.

We arrived at the Animation bld a little early, but Pooh & Sorcerer Mickey were out, along with Incredibles characters I believe. Pooh has a new queue set up (at least, since the last time we were there) and boy! Is it ever just adorable!! It's all themed up to the movie plot, and is just so cute. I've always loved Winnie the Pooh, so it was a highlight for me. We jumped in line & waited, while everyone did that, I ran up to the cm by Pooh's line, and asked about the rest of the characters, if it was 4:45 or not that they would come out, and here was the obvious point that this is one of those things Disney doesn't want you to know, as she replied "I wouldn't know, I'm just on Pooh." Clearly. I figured it was 4:45 ish, so we'd just stick around. Now, some pictures with our favorite bear!






He's so cute stuffed with fluffy! (Pooh bear that is...not Nick..) We all kind of just wandered, planning who we really wanted to see, and getting in their lines firsst before characters we had already met or things like that. Tyler HAD to meet the incredibles, so the boys jumped up there next, and circled around the room on their way back to us.




Nick grabbed a picture of us in line, while Tyler had both Amy & I's camera's, "double fisting" pictures, haha. One thing he had trouble with while shooting with 2 cameras at once: zooming in... :laughing: He was pretty charactered out by this point, so you'll see he wasn't in too many of the pictures.







We noticed a theme in some of the spots when the 2nd group of characters came out, where Genie was, was now Jafar, where the Tweedles were, was now the Queen of Hearts, etc. However, earlier we had seen a rather rare character come out (or at least, rare to us) and dissappear from the main room, so we decided to try and find him, and we did! Max!! REALLY!!






There wasn't too much "WOW" interaction with any of the characters during this time, though at one point, the Tweedles starting dancing with Amy, and we immediately wheeled around looking for our cameras...which were with the boys..and had dissappeared...boooo. It's a great way to meet some characters and get them out of the way fast. I remember Pocahontas commented on my braid in my hair & said something like "you must be the weaver of your tribe".

There's some more to come! But you'll have to wait!!
Super trip report! Thank you!!

We were supposed to be at WDW the same week that you were but had to postpone the trip until October. Can't wait to get there.

Thanks again for making such a excellent trip report.

We didn't hit the Animation Building during our last trip, but it looks like you guys hit the character jackpot! My DD would be so jealous!!
Super trip report! Thank you!!

We were supposed to be at WDW the same week that you were but had to postpone the trip until October. Can't wait to get there.

I'm so glad everyone's enjoying!! (and you lurkers! I hope you're enjoying too, come and say Hi!!)

We didn't hit the Animation Building during our last trip, but it looks like you guys hit the character jackpot! My DD would be so jealous!!

Palooza is GREAT (and thats only half of it!) it's a pretty awesome way to get a lot of characters in not a whole lot of time!
We had finished up our meeting with Goofy's boy Max, and after grabbing a couple of pictures of various art work around the Animation Building, we were back to the main room to see who else was out.



I just *love* Tigger's expression in this one, I find it hilarious. Next up was a friend who was practically perfect in every way! She asked us if Nick was our chimney sweep, of course he was!! She commented that he was very clean for a chimney sweep, well, he had showered before coming to see her of course! But earlier, he had been causing a ruckus up on the roof!





Minnie & Pluto were up next, and they clearly were not getting along today! While Amy & I were standing up there taking our picture, Pluto smacked Minnie in the back of the head, rather hard if I say so. :eek: I immediately backed off a bit, as did Amy, we didn't want to get blamed for something (even if it was jokingly) and then get in trouble from any cm's. We were quickly done there, and now finished with the palooza, we headed for the exit. And came across another character, hidden around the corner, with no one visiting her! Now, if any of you have met the Snow Queen before, you know that she is rather creepy, the interaction is usually limited with her & I, I just find her scary (which makes sense)


After saying good bye, we left the Palooza area of the building, and wandered through the art store. Wow, there is SO much amazing art work in there, I would absolutely love to buy some of it, but it's a little on the pricey side, plus I'd have to ship it home to get it there safely. But, wow, it's so good!!




I wanted to chime in and let you know that I'm enjoying your trip report. I think your friend Amy could play Tinkerbell -- her posture and camera poses look very Tink-like!
What gorgeous art, I'm so glad we avoided that store now... I would have been in BIG trouble!:lmao:

We sadly missed out on Characterpalooza...but we'll try to catch it on our next trip. Looks like you all had a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to reading more!:thumbsup2


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