Tell me why Teva sandals are soooo wonderful! PLEASE!

big dadda

Earning My Ears
Jan 5, 2001
I do not understand why these sandals are so special. I have a cheap pair of off brand and they hurt my feet.
I always wear my walking t-shoes to big theme parks that require a lot of walking.
Should I look into getting some of these wonderful TEVA sandals before my MAGIC time at WDW?
Please help!!!!
I am a 48 yr old, over wieght,diabetic,Female,with a bad knee. The TEVA Curcuit Sandles[i got them online at the rei-outlet store,but first I went to the mall to try on the different styles!], take the thud out of walking,its like walking on a cloud,plus they spring back with each step. The Straps have velcro closeres and ALL the straps are adgustable!! this was an important feature on our 7 & 1/2 hour plane ride home!! I could increase the size of the sandle as my feet got more swollen.

Because of my diabetese I chose to wear sox with mine,it helped to keep the sandles from causing blisters!!

I have not been able to find a style of Tevas that fit my feet and look good. It's not that my feet are deformed, just a very high instep. The sandal straps around the ankle were just not long enough. They close but lots of velcro shows. I just don't like the look.

So, I found a brand - Chaos - with one solid strap all around the foot. They adjust to fit my foot perfectly. But even with these sandals I found I needed to change footwear every-other day.

Hopefully you have easier to fit feet. From what I've heard about Tevas, they are as comfortable as my Chacos. Good luck. :cool:
I just purchased the Chacos while on vacation near Destin. There were only a few places in Indiana that sold them and I knew we'd go to Destin. I love them! Much better than Tevas for me. Someone on here recommended them for me (Thanks). I have fallen arches and needed something with more support. I couldn't get the Tevas to work for me (no arch support). The only problem I had was I allowed sand to remain in the sandals while I was walking on the beach. Ouch! I had two sores on my toes. I love the way the Chacos adjust. The person at the kayak store said they preferred them down there since there isn't any velco for the sand to become entrapped in (making it difficult to keep closed). They just started carrying them in Feb. Chacos are more $$ than Tevas as well. You can also have the Chacos resoled if needed.

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DH hates his Chacos! They seemed like a good idea, but he just can't seem to get them comfortable for long walks. And he doesn't usually have problems with his feet. He loved his Tevas, but I left them on Cooper Island in the Caribbean on our honeymoon! He's never let me forget that! :eek:

I just ordered him a new pair of Tevas from

I have low arches & my Tevas are very comfortable. I've never walked a full day at WDW without a few blisters, no matter what shoes I wear, but the Tevas were the best so far. Moleskin is my friend.

There are lots of different styles so it is important to try them on. I'd also recommend going to a store where they know how to fit them. The EMS near my house was good.

I had a pair of Nike sandals that were also very comfortable.
my husband loves his Tevas. Said they are the most comfortable sandal he has ever owned. So I have ordered a pair also!!!

It took me a long time and a lot of loving prodding from Holly to get me to try "sandals" (pronounced SAN'dals with a :mad: ). But I got Tevas for our first trip last year. I got the Aquadactyls and they were GREAT! They fit perfectly and did not give me blisters at all. Also, I was happy that I did not have to worry about them on Kali. For our December trip, my first pair was worn out. I wore them ptetty much all summer and into fall. I got a new pair of Teva walking sandals. I will have to say that I am JUST getting used to them. When at WDW, I did get blisters because I had trouble getting them adjusted correctly. I did not get to break them in and I hardly wore them at WDW anyway (too cold). They are actually pretty good now and I am looking forward to giving them a workout this summer and when we return to the World in November.

I like to say that if *I* gave in and started wearing SANDALS ( :mad: ), anyone can. :)


I have very bad knees(need ttl knee replacement) and have no cartilage whatsoever left and need something with a good shock absorbtion and wit the plantar fasciatious I have to be careful of what I wear. and I have found Teva's to be the most comfortable so far. birkenstocks were the worst. I wear the Teva Kinetic and love them. and I alos just got a pair of the circuit and they are pretty comfortable as well. I also have a pair of teva regular shoes and they are pretty comfortable as well. the design they have in the heel and ball of the foot is pretty decent and lasts without a fast breakdown. after researching about them I have found many Podiatrists recommend them for comfort and support. Clarks were also recommended as well.

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Go try the different brands for yourself. I think everyone has different needs. My feet are bad after 3 kids in 3 years my feet really changed, I had a terrible time finding shoes. Our first trip to WDW DH, myself and our 3 kids all wore Tevas, my kids didn't like them, they said they rubbed and we also found that to be true. Then I discovered Birkenstocks I loved them so I bought DH a pair now thats the only sandal we will wear. My kide like the Nike sports sandal the straps tend to be softer so they don't rub.
After a trip to WDW that I had almost every square inch of space on my feet covered with moleskin and spending $40.00@ Goodings on "foot stuff" just so I could walk around the parks, I vowed never again. I bought a pair of leather Teva's in early fall{our trip was in early April} and wore them until it was too cold to fully break them in.I wore them every day of an eight day trip and never had even a slight discomfort. I think one of the things I like best about them is how cool your feet stay and dry. Inside the foot bed the material is designed to wick the moisture from your foot{sorry,I know I sound like a commercial} so there is no sweating.They are awesome and will always be my main footwear for WDW!
What style of Teva's did/do you have? You said they are leather, but are they Circuits, Pretty Ruggeds, or something else? Thanks! :D

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The Teva's I mentioned are part of their casual line for women and the style is called Weaver. You can see a picture of them and all their sandals at One of the things I liked about them is that they have enough style to wear them all day at the parks and then you can go to dinner.O.K. maybe not Victoria & Alberts but I did wear them to the California Grille.
of the Kinetic!! It doesn't have the triangler strap holder! It looks even more comfy!! Darn Dh won't like it if I order another pair just now,I had to buy a new bed when we got home from WDW. My wavy water mattress had a whole in it!!! And when we went to get a $40. matress, we bought a $600. one instead!!! :rolleyes: :eek: :eek:

I;ve been really looking at the circuit sandles. Are the waterproof? I want some Tevas that are really comfortable and that I don't have to worry about getting wet. Which ones are better? I'm going in June and I know that we'll be getting wet :)

Thanks for your help!
They have a sole that is just as soft and springy as one could ever hope for. I run in them, wear'em around the house, and even at work. Don't recommend biking in them, though. Too big, and they hit the chain. But if you have to chose a single shoe to last you all summer long, I'd go with the Teva Teradactyls.

Available in a few different colors, if that makes any difference?
DS & I received our Tevas today. Ordered online at reioutlet. DS loves his and wore around the house all day (his about $35). I put mine on (about $24) but, with socks (it's still cold in Chicago!), the soles are comfy and springy, like someone said but, for me, for the short time, with socks, my baby right toe was being rubbed against. (Note: I also ordered 1/2 size larger) I did not spend alot of time wearing them or adjusting them but, they did seem much more comfortable than your K-Mart, Walmart-type sandal. I will work on the adjustment and wear-time before feeling truly comfortable knowing that they'll last the day longer than I will! LOL

DH took 1 look at DS sandals and said, he could never wear them. He has high arches! :(

As with everything online, there's always that risk, chance, etc., that something won't be right for you - try to find a store first so you can try them for yourself and then go outlet shopping, if you like them! ;)

45 days left in snowy Chicago! Then, look out WDW, we're on our way! :D

Happy Disneying! ºoº


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