Taking the CPAP on vacation


DIS Veteran
Dec 30, 2009
My husband has pretty bad apnea. He is also really bad about using his CPAP. He will fall asleep watching TV and not come upstairs and hook up to his machine. Just the last few months I've been able to convince him to use it and he finally admits he sleeps so much better with it.
We would like to take it with us on our trip. Nothing ruins the ambience of a hotel room than his snoring like a freight train. I'm wondering two things: 1) if we take it in the carry on, will he have to take it out of the bag? We will already have to drag out the Ipad.
2) should we just pack the thing, or will they flag his suitcase because of it.
Any experience with this is appreciated.
My DH always takes his CPAP. SOOO much better for us that having to sleep with his snoring!

I would NOT put it in checked baggage. Way too much chance of it getting damaged. Yes, you do have to take it out going through security, but it is never a problem and we usually have a laptop to remove as well. All you have to take out is the base machine, not tubes, cords, etc. Also, please note that since it is considered a medical device, it is NOT included in your carryon count. Do you have to take out an iPad? I was thinking not, but I may be wrong.
My DH uses one as well and we always take it as carry on luggage. The tsa agents we've encountered know what it is and yes, you do need to take it out of its case. One time an agent asked us if he could plug it in and we agreed, but they had a cord for it so we didn't have to dig it out.
We've never had a problem with the one my DH uses at airports. It is part of his carry-on like PP said.

If my DH didn't use his we couldn't go on vacation. :scared1: I knew it was working for him when he took it on business trips where he was going to be in a room alone.

Good luck.
Thanks! I don't know if he still has the little bag it comes in. I was just going to throw the stuff in his carry-on. But we'll take it out. Maybe Ipads don't have to come out, then. That would be cool. I don't want to take out my kindle or any of the chargers I"m taking either.
This is a lovely page direct from the TSA about what to do with the CPAP!

DH travels for work and takes his along, and it's not a problem at all.

No, the ipad shouldn't have to come out and neither should the Kindle. But pay attention to the TSA workers, because sometimes they have different ideas than what is supposed to happen. So if one day they are saying to take them out, take them out.

When going through security, just be prepared! Be methodical, know how much stuff you have, don't let people rush you, and I've found that if you have a question, the workers will answer it for you. Know that you will need a bin for the machine, pull out the bins you need, place them out, I mean just know what you're doing so it's not a problem or a big deal.

And give yourself time! You don't want to have to rush through security, so make sure you're at the airport with plenty of time. It's better to be bored at the gate than to have to run to the gate! :)
Well we should have time and not too much crowds...we fly out on a Tuesday and the flight leaves at 6AM, so we plan on being there by 4:15 AM at the latest. We've gotten there at 5 before and it is pretty empty. The only one who drives me nuts at security is DH. He will wait until the last damn minute to take his belt off, etc. and always seems to forget something in his pockets. The kids and I have our shoes off, etc. and are ready to go. The only issue I've ever had it my 3 oz. of sunscreen was in a gallon bag and the TSA agent wouldn't let me go through until I took one of their quart size bags and put it in there.
:) DH and I both check ours in a small suitcase just for them, together. I wrap them in bubble wrap and protect them well and we hand them over. I will add that we take a non-stop flights to Orlando and back. I have never had a problem. If we had connecting flights that would be a different process. We both sleep better with them and I cannot leave mine at home any more, even if going somewhere overnight.

You can purchase distilled water in the gift shops if staying on property, just ask at the counter.

I am glad your DH is sleeping better--it amazes me how much those machines help.
This is a lovely page direct from the TSA about what to do with the CPAP!

Excellent link, I too always pack a plastic bag in my CPAP carry on so I can set my machine on it while they inspect. And I always respectfully ask that they change into new clean gloves before touching my equipment.

One time at MCO a TSA took off with my CPAP to inspect it before I had gathered up my other belongings - she claimed she "told" me she was taking it as I was frantically asking another agent where my medical equipment was. She returned with my machine & didnt seem to understand why that upset me.

I didn't know you could buy distilled water at the disney gift stores, that's one of the reasons we always use garden grocer, so I can buy distilled water.
My husband always flies with his as well... it also would ruin a vacation if he didnt have it for us... the snoring for me and the lack of good sleep for him!

Just wanted to say that our first trip traveling with it he decided to check it against my better judgement and it did not work when we arrived. Made the vacation pretty tough in a little hotel room all week! We always carry it on since, which is a pain with the kids and their things, but I would never check it again!
Well we should have time and not too much crowds...we fly out on a Tuesday and the flight leaves at 6AM, so we plan on being there by 4:15 AM at the latest. We've gotten there at 5 before and it is pretty empty. The only one who drives me nuts at security is DH. He will wait until the last damn minute to take his belt off, etc. and always seems to forget something in his pockets. The kids and I have our shoes off, etc. and are ready to go. The only issue I've ever had it my 3 oz. of sunscreen was in a gallon bag and the TSA agent wouldn't let me go through until I took one of their quart size bags and put it in there.

What!? Didn't you know that secret government tests have realed that quart size zip plastic bags have certain magical qualities?

As far a distilled water in cpaps. a week or so of tap water won't cause any problem with mineral buildup.


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