SURPRISING my family ~ what can I do?


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi, my family knows every second of our trip in April, which doesn't leave too much room for surprises. SHAME! But we love anticipating the trip and talk about all the parks, rides, restaurants etc.,. I have bought a few toys to surprise the kids with, but what else can I do to surprise them?
I am going to order a Disney Character cookie bouquet to be delivered to the room They look awesome! It is top secret and none of them know.
LKS, sounds great, how can I do that?

I decided that I am going to get PS for Donald's Breakfastosaurus as one surprise. We did it last year and dd loved it. She wants to do it this year, but I didn't want as many char meals, we'll be doing 5 char meals April 2002 and did 6 last trip and 6 the trip before, so I tried to cut down, yeah right, 5 is cutting down! Actually it is, 4 meals and one ice cream social. But I'll get PS for Donald's Breakfastosaurus and surprise them all!

What else can I do?

I have a bunch of Disney toys that I'll wrap and hide in the room (probably daily) so they'll be surprised about that.

The Mickey Mouse wake up calls was great last year, so I'll do that again.

I'll bring pails and shovels for the Dig Site, they'll be surprised,

WHAT ELSE! I like that cookie idea!

How old are the kids? I've got a couple of ideas, but it depends on the ages.
dd is 8 years old and ds is 2 years old
WEll, your little one might be too young to understand, but one good suggestion is to surprise them with costumes. Before we went to Disney last year, I bought my son a Woody costume, and my friend bought his dd a Jessie costume. They had no idea, and we brought them out at such an appropriate time. The extra attention they got as "Woody and Jessie" provided us with lots of magical memories.
It's and you just go in there and put in the WDW zip code and you will be directed to the nearest franchise. They are beautiful and I've heard, delicious. Found out about it on these boards last week.


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