strollers (sorry)

Earning My Ears
Mar 25, 2001
I have pretty much decided (thanks to wdwinfo posts and direct people from here) to bring a stroller for 3yo. (first time for this 3yo! Our 4th trip though) We have big & umbrella stroller but, umbrella w/o canopy. Can anyone help me find an inexpensive umbrella w/canopy for our June trip? Any baskets, trays, clips, etc. that are included would be the best for us, that collapse very easily! The rest of us are 46, 38 & 13! Won't have much use for the stroller after this trip; maybe? Looking for something cheaper than everyday rentals would be - we're staying 8 days, 7 nights but, w/6 full days at WDW & USF/IOA. Going by Air, that's my 1st apprehension about taking a stroller but, everyone here seems to have had no problem! We've never taken one before and always rented. Yes, we will personalize whatever we buy/rent with "something", ie, ribbon, balloon, something. TIA for any info you DISers can provide (I'm new)!
I think I can help you with this one. JCPenneys has an umbrella stroller with a canopy for $19.99. It folds quickly and compactly. Also, if you are near a Target, they have a very small fold up stroller called the Kolcraft L'il Sport which has a canopy and a basket but folds up much smaller than other strollers like it. It's very lightweight and easy to fold. It was on sale yeserday for $16, but I think it was the last day. The regular price is only $19.99 though. I just bought it yesterday for my almost 5-yr. old because it still comes out cheaper than renting. We have a big stroller already, but I didn't want to bring it.

As far as the plane goes, just bring your stroller to the gate (make sure you have your name on it), and most airlines will put it on the plane after you board. When the plane lands and you get off, the stroller is waiting there at the gate. You don't even have to struggle putting it in the overhead compartment if you don't want to. It's worked perfectly for us every time. Good luck!

Hi Kim and Welcome to the Dis!!I am sending this inquiry to the Family Board, please check there for any future responses.. Have a great Disney Day!!!

<font color=purple>Mac-key Mouse</font>

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Go to a consignment shop and get a TANDEM stroller you lil one can lay down in it if they want to sleep they are not that much bigger, fold up niceley and you do a "gate check" so you can load up some of your baggage and also have the added benifit of having the lil one ride all through the airports on arrival and depatrure.

Mine is a graco and its great step on the bar folds right up easy to get on and off the busses and doubles as my pack mule in the parks and by the pools.

My daughter is 6.5 and son is 4.5 and I am thinking of modifications to make it more comfortable for my daughters growing legs, I have found it to be the best thing I bring.

Just priced this for my 4 yo on Friday - $18 with a canopy and a little collapsable basket underneath. I'll be going back to get one soon.


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To All, Thanks! At least now, I 've got 3 stores to shop around at, also knowing the "included" features.

To Jill - Since we live close (I'm on the far NW side of Chgo), maybe I could "rent" yours? hehe Major Ditto on bringing the BIG stroller, in my case a Graco.

To Mac-key Mouse - Thanks for the Welcome! and, for sending this inquiry to a more appropriate Board! (I did have trouble finding my post but, again, I'm new here! - NOT your fault!) Actually got more replies after you moved my inquiry! Thanks.

off-site - '93
off-site - '96
off-site - 6/01!!
If you're going when it's going to be hot, you may want to consider the suggestion of getting a used regular sized stroller because, IMHO, it's got to be very hot sitting with canvas pressed against your back, and hugging your legs. I think umbrella strollers are better for short mall trips...not for an all day park outing (an all week park outing, actually). My 3-1/2 year old spent most of the walking time in his stroller. He would get out at the rides and afterwards, hop right back in. I could not see him sitting in an umbrella stroller for that length of time. Plus, with a regular stroller, you can have the tray on the front for snacks for the child, the seat is big enough for the child to put things down next to him, and you can get a cup holder on the back your yourself. The baskets underneath are also bigger.


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