State teachers meeting in Nov


<font color=royalblue>Spoke too soon<br><font colo
Feb 7, 2004
Our school district here near St. Louis MO, always has state teachers meetings the Thurs and Fri of the second week in November. Is this typical for many of the school districts around the country? Trying to figure out a lower crowd time to go to WDW.
Not 100% on this, but I think this may also be the origin of Jersey Week as well. I think NJ teachers have state meetings in early Nov and their families unload on Disney that week.
Our school district here near St. Louis MO, always has state teachers meetings the Thurs and Fri of the second week in November. Is this typical for many of the school districts around the country? Trying to figure out a lower crowd time to go to WDW.

Even as close to you as here in St. Louis, we don't have the same thing and I've never heard of teacher meetings being an issue with crowds at WDW. The only exception is the so-called "Jersey Week" that the previous poster mentioned. Usually around the first week of November all (or most) schools in the entire state of New Jersey are closed for the entire week and a large contingent makes its way to WDW every year. Other than that, the period from after Labor Day until the week of Thanksgiving is one of the slowest times of the year at WDW. We've been during Jersey Week before and even that wasn't bad at all.
Hello...We live in Dittmer Mo.(Jefferson County) and we don't have the 2 state days off in November, but we do have a short week in October at the end of the 1st quarter. So I always book our trips that 3rd week so DD only misses 3 days of school.

I wish they would come out with the schedule for next year. It always seems the same, but my luck they would change it.

We went Memorial day week last year since I took my Nephew with us and it was a really fun week, but so humid and crowded...No time to just relax if you wanted to get too everything????
Our school district in Chicago has the Thurs/Fri in November off. It usually coincides with Veteran's Day so that may be a busier time at WDW.
Our school district here near St. Louis MO, always has state teachers meetings the Thurs and Fri of the second week in November. Is this typical for many of the school districts around the country? Trying to figure out a lower crowd time to go to WDW.

From the other posts, it looks like you don't mean "state" meetings, just that your district has those days off every year.

New Jersey truly has the entire state off for two days, at least all of the PUBLIC schools. This year, all NJ public schools will be off on November 8 and 9, that's a Thursday and Friday.
From the other posts, it looks like you don't mean "state" meetings, just that your district has those days off every year.

New Jersey truly has the entire state off for two days, at least all of the PUBLIC schools. This year, all NJ public schools will be off on November 8 and 9, that's a Thursday and Friday.

I was just going by what our district called it on their school calendar :goodvibes Then I got to thinking about Jersey week and wondering what other schools may do something similar at that time of year. We did go in November a couple of times and I don't remember it being too bad as far as crowds go, but I am in the thinking stages right now and trying to get an idea :) If I bother to pull my kids out of school an extra few days, I hope for it to be a less crowded time :cheer2:
We are here in New Hampshire, we also have that same Thursday and Friday off for the teachers, we also have a half a day on Wednesday. I was thinking about that for next year, now not so much. I bet there are more then we knew of.
"Jersey Week" visitor checking in....

We always go during "Jersey Week" (for some reason I find that label funny).

There is only one time that we've ever had a problem....after the hurricanes in 2004... the crowds were more from the fact that everyone postponed their Oct vacations....not because of Jersey week....

Otherwise, I've never had crowd issues during these weeks (except special events ie: Super Soap Weekend)

I love that time period.....

In the state of Maryland the Teachers Convention in 2007 is Friday, October 19 - Saturday the 20th and many counties do give students and teachers that Friday off from school. A few systems close for students only. Since no other holidays etc. or teacher professional days fall around that time I don't think that this is a big time for Marylanders to migrate to WDW. In our county I would watch out for the month of September where there are 3 school holidays (Labor Day and 2 Jewish holy days) that a few parents in the know utilize to make the short 4 day weeks into vacation weeks.
From the other posts, it looks like you don't mean "state" meetings, just that your district has those days off every year.

New Jersey truly has the entire state off for two days, at least all of the PUBLIC schools. This year, all NJ public schools will be off on November 8 and 9, that's a Thursday and Friday.

Every State has certain public school mandated professional development for teachers, as well as other various voluntary professional development opportunities.

The NJEA Convention (always the second week of November on the Thurs. & Fri. of that weeK) is the New Jersey Education Association Convention for teachers. It's not a statewide holiday, and other state offices don't close. It's just a convention for teachers to get involved in some professional development.

I find it funny that folks call those days "Jersey Week" because, like th OP said, other states have professional development on those dates too. NJ must just have the highest concentration of Disney Lovers who are willing to scoot down to Orlando for a four day weekend.:thumbsup2
We are here in New Hampshire, we also have that same Thursday and Friday off for the teachers, we also have a half a day on Wednesday. I was thinking about that for next year, now not so much. I bet there are more then we knew of.

That is what I am thinking too! Rats ;)
I find it funny that folks call those days "Jersey Week" because, like th OP said, other states have professional development on those dates too. NJ must just have the highest concentration of Disney Lovers who are willing to scoot down to Orlando for a four day weekend.:thumbsup2

I find it funny too :) I doubt there will ever be a Missouri week :laughing:
Most people around me think I am nuts about Disney. Maybe I need to move to Jersey! ;)
All are welcome in my beloved "Garden State".:goodvibes

Off topic, but very funny New Jersey misconceptions (I guess):

We were in Niagara on the Lake in Canada last year and the concierge at our resort told me that I didn't sound like someone from New Jersey. He also said, "You know, like on the Sopranos". Hmmmm

Also, once when I was visiting my husband's family in Michigan someone in a restaurant asked where I was from, and when I replied that I was from New Jersey they asked the following "So is like New the town, and Jersey is the state?". Another big hmmmmm.
Every State has certain public school mandated professional development for teachers, as well as other various voluntary professional development opportunities.

Yes, but a lot of states choose to have the major events in this category happen on weekends only or in summertime, so that schools will not have to close to accomodate them.
Yes, but a lot of states choose to have the major events in this category happen on weekends only or in summertime, so that schools will not have to close to accomodate them.

Those dates are not factored into the 180 madatory days of public school instruction, so it's just considered vacation dates for students. If they changed it to a summertime convention, than 2 days would be taken from another month. Perhaps a midwinter break, which for our district is basically a four day weekend in Feb. Also, many districts don't do in service or voluntary prof. dev. on weekends..actually I've never heard of in service on weekends, but I guess it's possible. But unfortunate for the teachers, since they would have to choose between time with their families and excellent prof. development opportunities.
I'm not from Jersey but went during "Jersey Week" year before last. The last day (Friday) was more crowded than usual, but nothing terrible.

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