Star Wars - WHAT HAPPENED???


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Aug 23, 1999
I rented SW II - Attack of the Clones the other day.

Oh my.

Remember the original trilogy? How exciting it was? And how many really funny spots there were?

What went wrong?

Maybe I fell asleep without knowing it and missed parts of this movie. Maybe I need to watch Episode I again to refresh the story. But, man oh man, this was one stupefyingly dull, boring mess. I realize that the story line here is a bit darker than episodes 4-6, but I don't think that can excuse how slow this one is!

It seems amazing to me how far away from the original movies this franchise has fallen.

Is it just me or did you feel the same way about this one?
I agree with you. I'll go see 3 when it comes out, but only because I'm curious how they're going to finish up this trilogy. I have no desire to own this set, while I do want a DVD copy of the first Star Wars.
I couldn't even watch the new ones.

I loved it in High School and beyond. I remember after each one thinking, "How am I possibly going to be able to wait years for the next one."

Ahh, the movies that show our age ;) :p
So far I've liked both new ones. It helps to keep in mind that while it is the same Universe, and some of the same characters, we remember from 4-6, it is a different story.
Episode 2 was a *YAWN* from start to finish.

Episode 1 had a cute little Anakin and a devilishly handsome Qui-Gon to keep it moving.

This one....bleaaach~ and I've seen it more than once looking for the hook. There ain't one.
I loved #4, 5 was very good, 6 was good, I have not seen 1 all the way thru (got tired of that Jar-Jar guy) and probably will not see any of 2. Like Rajah, would like them to DVD #4.
I was in high school when the original Star Wars came out and I was totally disinterested in it until about 10 years ago when DS14 was then only 4 yrs old totally fell in love with it! We had it on video tape. Since then, I have seen all of the SW movies, and like them.

But I have to say, as much as DS14 loves all the other SW movies, he hates Attack of the Clones. He liked Episode 1 well enough, and now he's hoping Episode 3 will be a good tie-in to Episode 4 (the original SW).
Overall, I loved Ep2. :) There were things about it I didn't like (the love story seemed to drag on :rolleyes: ), but as a whole, I loved it. Between it and Ep5 (TESB), they're my two faves, followed by Ep4, Ep1 and Ep6. I have heard Lucas say that the original trilogy was more character driven while the new trilogy is story driven. This could explain part of the differences in them.

One thing I love about my Ep2 DVD is that if there was a scene I didn't like, I can skip it in 2 seconds. :teeth: It's a great way to get around those boring parts. ;)

And be ready for Ep3.... it's supposed to be *very* dark compared to the others. Even Lucas is saying he's not sure how the masses will like it, but it's part of the story, so he's going to tell it. Only 2 1/2 yrs to go.... ;)
I have enjoyed the stories of Episodes 1 & 2, but mostly because I am enjoying seeing how the "grand scheme" rolls out. Having read several of the follow up books (what happens after Return of the Jedi) I am very interested in seeing how the web of deception and manipulations happened that brought all the stories to pass, and am seeing that everything that has happened has happened for a reason that may not be clear unless you follow it all. Of course, I am just a big Sci-Fi lover, and married to an even bigger one! I'm looking forward to Episode #3!!
Yoda's light saber fight in ep2 alone was worth the price of admission ;)
Originally posted by Grog
Yoda's light saber fight in ep2 alone was worth the price of admission ;)

That did ROCK!

Funny.... SSB was quoted in USA Today when Episode I came out, as I was one of the crazy midnight peoples who saw it the first night. It was TOO late to be watching a film... haha! I commented something along the lines of "... I found myself falling asleep by the end. Perhaps it was because it was 2AM, but might have been because it was not 'Titanic'!" ;)
I'me a pretty huge Star Wars fan. I was too little when the older ones came out but all my mom and dad say is how great they were on the big screen. I remember when I was little I would watch them on tape but still kept hearing how it isn't the same. When Episode I came out, I finally got to see a Star Wars on the big screen and understood that although not as great as the older ones, I got the feel of it. I thought that Episode II was pretty boring in the begining and then picked up once the light sabers were let out for more than two seconds like in the begining. I thought that some of the comments that C3-PO made when his head got detached and was fighting with the clones was pretty cute. I'm really excited to see the next one so that everything fits together and maybe I can finally understand the WHOLE story.
Jar Jar Binks pretty much ruined Ep 1 as a stand alone movie.

However, Ep 2 was a HUGE step up. If Ep 1 hadn't turned so many people off, Ep 2 would have been even more successful than it was.

As it is, Ep 2 has restored my faith in the series, and it makes EP 1 worth watching to try to pick up on the subtleties of the character development and the overall story.

Its true that Ep 2 was darker, but that was intentional, just as Ep 4 was darker. Lucas views the trilogies as three-act plays. The first sets up the characters and story. The second puts them in the worst possible situation. The third resolves the situation.

What is interesting is how or if he will follow this through Ep 3. Return of the Jedi was a no-brainer as far as resolution goes. The rebels defeat the Empire and everyone is happy.

However, Ep 3 must end with the Empire on the rise to full power. If Ep 3 is to end on a more "up" note, it will have to be much more subtle than Return of the Jedi. (imho, of course...)
Uhhhh...just thinking out loud here Bernie.....
...could it be that you were like 25 years younger when you saw the first 3 movies (Ep.4,5+6)...and a you're a little older now??
The reason that I ask is because my 13 y/o DS and all his buddies
REALLY liked ATTACK OF THE CLONES and although they liked EPisodes 4, 5 +6, they definitely prefer Episodes 1 + 2.
First, Smee, Excellent point!!!

Second. People, we're talking Star Wars here. Not SHAKESPEARE !!!


I mean, I like them all. Have them all too. But there are times when even Episodes 4-6 get boring. Yes, they do.

When it first came out I HATED the ending to "Empire". Who wanted to wait three years to find out what happens next?!!! But with episode 6, it made it more tollerable.

If you are all grumped out over Episodes 1 and 2, you're probably really going to hate Episode 3! I have a feeling it's going to be very sad and depressing and sooooooooooooo dark. But, it's part of the STORY that you have to go through to get to the "whiney" Mark Hamill scenes. :eek:

And I like Jar-Jar too.

Corinne - that might have something to do with it!! LOL! LOL! :p

I must admit - seeing Yoda swinging that light saber was something....:)

I am interested in seeing how they button up episode 3 to episode 4 and I can see some of the setup in ep 2....
Be prepared for modified versions of episodes 4, 5, and 6 when they finally come out on DVD. Lucas has already polished up the original episodes once. I have heard that he has plans to do even more to them once episode 3 is done.

Just the other day, a bunch of us were trying to remember the original crawl at the beginning of Episode 4. The majority of us remember that it did not have any reference to being the 4th film, nor do we remember it being titled "A New Hope". I think that must have been added too.

I guess that the Southpark episode about filmmakers revising their films wasn't too far from the truth.
Originally posted by Grog
Yoda's light saber fight in ep2 alone was worth the price of admission ;)

Good point! We all loved that you said, that alone made the movie worth it :)


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