Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK

ok, just back from the midnight screening, its now almost 3.30am I will do this in 2 parts, non spoiler and spoiler, so its up to you if you want to check out below

Lots of omg, thats from that film, that looks familiar etc etc.

My country, Ireland look AMAZING on the big screen

If you havent seen the originals and the prequels, you will enjoy it BUT you will miss lots of in jokes and references

There seems to be alot more humour in the script too

It carrys on the legacy... in more ways than one!!!

ok, now for the best bits

There is one major character missing and one major character dies

There is alot of symmetry between this film and the Lucas films, especially in the reveal of who Kylo Ren is and the use of a companion droid.

Domhnall Gleeson (son of Brendan Gleeson - Mad Eye Moody in Harry Potter) has a major role

Overall its basically a Star Wars fan geek compilation of all the best bits to introduce new characters and storylines.

There is one major unanswered question, which I think I have figured out , which basically sets up the next film

I'm gonna say "cousin"
I've seen it. It was very good. It did not confirm my worst fear of it being 100% nostalgia fueled (because a lot of the trailers were). This is Star Wars for a new generation, as it should be, and fits in very well in the saga. Any Star Wars expert could see each story beat coming a mile away though, though I get why were trying to do with the film.. Overall, not the best Star Wars movie ever, but it holds it's own quite well.

I was with JJ for most of the film. Pretty upset we still don't know Rey's backstory. I don't need to know her entire childhood but at least knowing WHY she was left behind would be nice.

I know in my theater a LOT of people didn't like the Han moment, but I called that before I saw the movie. Anyone else see John Boyega breathing BTW? Rey acted like he was dead but he was DEFINITELY breathing. My bigger thing is that this movie doesn't close. It can't stand on its own. All the Star Wars (even the prequels) close out their story. It is clear there will be more, but they all have an ending. This one might as well ended with "To be continued...." circa Back to the Future.
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I was with JJ for most of the film. Pretty upset we still don't know Rey's backstory. I don't need to know her entire childhood but at least knowing WHY she was left behind would be nice.

I know in my theater a LOT of people didn't like the Han moment, but I called that before I saw the movie. Anyone else see John Boyega breathing BTW? Rey acted like he was dead but he was DEFINITELY breathing. My bigger thing is that this movie doesn't close. It can't stand on its own. All the Star Wars (even the prequels) close out their story. It is clear there will be more, but they all have an ending. This one might as well ended with "To be continued...." circa Back to the Future


It is clear that Rey's backstory was intentionally not addressed to allow for the next movie...though I only really see two options as to what her deal is...actually just one the way it set up. Maybe a curve ball there is in the works.

I never doubted harrison fords intentions on agreeing to do this movie. On one hand I think Abrams pulled it off well...on the other I expected the development 95% and it know.

They didn't close. The last scene was that was a big plus. But the talk of stand alone leading up was completely false. BUT...empire was a cliff hanger and these are it's not a huge knock. Empire just had a better sequencing that Abrams tried to pull off but came up a bit short.

The flow of the movie...I will say...had some high points but did teeter towards Star Trek and perhaps...the movies that shall not be mentioned a bit at some points. If you want to make a 2 and a half hour movie...make it...don't make it 2:06 and have no pause. That's a very minor complaint.

Still...this movie doesn't harm the franchise at all and seems to repair a lot of the damage
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It is clear that Rey's backstory was intentionally not addressed to allow for the next movie...though I only really see two options as to what her deal is...actually just one the way it set up. Maybe a curve ball there is in the works.

I never doubted harrison fords intentions on agreeing to do this movie. On one hand I think Abrams pulled it off well...on the other I expected the development 95% and it know.

They didn't close. The last scene was that was a big plus. But the talk of stand alone leading up was completely false. BUT...empire was a cliff hanger and these are it's not a huge knock. Empire just had a better sequencing that Abrams tried to pull off but came up a bit short.

The flow of the movie...I will say...had some high points but did teeter towards Star Trek and perhaps...the movies that shall not be mentioned a bit at some points. If you want to make a 2 and a half hour movie...make it...don't make it 2:06 and have no pause. That's a very minor complaint.

Still...this movie doesn't harm the franchise at all and seems to repair a lot of the damage

Agreed. It definitely repairs a lot of the damage done. But help me out with this....
I'm fine if "cousin" is the answer and that is the most logical answer unless we are introducing a new family. (Which is not that far fetched because you would think she would recognize her "Uncle" and "Aunt"....or at least know their names). But wouldn't it make sense to have at least ONE line of dialogue like "My parents left to fight in the resistance" or "My parents went on a mission for the Republic" or "My parents were sent to fight." Did that line happen? Did I miss it? Or do you think that is just all waiting for the next movie?
so if cousin to kylo ren is the answer, who then is her mother??? I need to watch it again , but wasnt there a flashback to her being left on the planet by a woman?? Is that the big reveal of the next film, that Luke tells her he is her father and what happened to her mother? Didnt that bug eyed woman in the club tell her that who she was waiting for is not coming back, ugh this is all so confusing, how long do we have to wait for the next film!!
Agreed. It definitely repairs a lot of the damage done. But help me out with this....
I'm fine if "cousin" is the answer and that is the most logical answer unless we are introducing a new family. (Which is not that far fetched because you would think she would recognize her "Uncle" and "Aunt"....or at least know their names). But wouldn't it make sense to have at least ONE line of dialogue like "My parents left to fight in the resistance" or "My parents went on a mission for the Republic" or "My parents were sent to fight." Did that line happen? Did I miss it? Or do you think that is just all waiting for the next movie?
They obviously pointed to her being the cousin of kylo ren. I have to say the last scene took my breath away a little. The main star of the movies was always LS.

But the vibe I was getting is that she was hidden on a desert planet...wink wink...because she is the most powerful. Where have we seen that before?

Honesty...I thought Carrie fisher was awful and is 99% of my problems with the movie - which aren't many. Drug her scenes down.

They also didn't explain the difference between the republic and the resistance at all. That was a Lucas type hole in the story. Couldn't have used 30 seconds for that?

I think Rey is 100% the next story. Obviously Smoak is one awesome setup for a Villian. We KNOW who trianed him...hell...he might even be him.

And did you hear the voice during Rey's "vision"? That got me going enough to enjoy the movie. Obviously skywalker doesn't work alone.

What did you think of the shakespearian exit? I thought they couldn't have done it better. Especially chewie's response.
I'm not sure it's necessary to use spoiler tags in a thread marked spoilers, but I will as I have a few more thoughts:

Good Points:
Poe is the true hotshot pilot type character that I love! Want more of him!

I like how they "flipped the script" and this is going to be all about pulling someone from the Dark Side back to the light. It's clever and sets the stage nicely.

Love those gangsters with the red helmets! They just look cool.

That id really did concentrate on the new generation. Finn & Rey have great chemistry, and are witty and funny. They are the real stars and they shined!

Bad Points:
Predictability of every plot point. From the reference to "That's ships a piece of junk," knowing that it would be the Falcon, to Han's death, who would do it, and how. Nothing in this movie surprised me.

Kylo Ren is a lousy villain. He is so middling, unskilled as saber comnbat (he was on the ropes against both Finn and Rey, two untrained sword fighters). He's strong in the force, but his daddy-issues make him come off as whiny. I like his position in that he is to be saved, but I still jsut don't care about him no matter who his father was.

Not enough fighter/space action. That's my favorite part of Star Wars, and I'd like to have seen a battle that rivals Endor, with various ship classes. X-Wings and Ties has been done.
so if cousin to kylo ren is the answer, who then is her mother??? I need to watch it again , but wasnt there a flashback to her being left on the planet by a woman?? Is that the big reveal of the next film, that Luke tells her he is her father and what happened to her mother? Didnt that bug eyed woman in the club tell her that who she was waiting for is not coming back, ugh this is all so confusing, how long do we have to wait for the next film!!

Only 18 months...they go full bore shooting in 2 weeks...obviously because they waited for the movie to open.
I'm not sure it's necessary to use spoiler tags in a thread marked spoilers, but I will as I have a few more thoughts:

Good Points:
Poe is the true hotshot pilot type character that I love! Want more of him!

I like how they "flipped the script" and this is going to be all about pulling someone from the Dark Side back to the light. It's clever and sets the stage nicely.

Love those gangsters with the red helmets! They just look cool.

That id really did concentrate on the new generation. Finn & Rey have great chemistry, and are witty and funny. They are the real stars and they shined!

Bad Points:
Predictability of every plot point. From the reference to "That's ships a piece of junk," knowing that it would be the Falcon, to Han's death, who would do it, and how. Nothing in this movie surprised me.

Kylo Ren is a lousy villain. He is so middling, unskilled as saber comnbat (he was on the ropes against both Finn and Rey, two untrained sword fighters). He's strong in the force, but his daddy-issues make him come off as whiny. I like his position in that he is to be saved, but I still jsut don't care about him no matter who his father was.

Not enough fighter/space action. That's my favorite part of Star Wars, and I'd like to have seen a battle that rivals Endor, with various ship classes. X-Wings and Ties has been done.

I know...but an extra click seems prudent

100% disagree on ren. I think he's EXACTLY what he should be. I don't think they're trying to make a new darth Vader at all...and that's what fans are gonna wrongly assume.

He's unwieldy and rough...emotion makes him uneven and that could lead to a great overall story arc. I think they set it up perfectly IF they follow the Jedi canon.

And as far as space action goes...I thought I was gonna have the same regrets going in...but there is a lot more film to be shot and I think it's a nice take to not follow all of the standard ground battle/space battle/lightsaber battle Schtick.

I'm sure we will get a massive Jutland In space clash that will shame Jedi soon enough.
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So are we not using the spoiler tag anymore? Aww screw it. Like @BrianL said, it has it in the title.
I think Kylo is a fantastic villain. So complex. A little whiny, but that connects him to the Anakin Skywalker we know and "love" from the prequels. I totally agree about Kylo Ren's swordsmanship though. I could not believe he struggled so much. I feel like a character that strong with the force would have wiped the floor with those two. Hell, Finn couldn't even handle a stormtrooper.
So are we not using the spoiler tag anymore? Aww screw it. Like @BrianL said, it has it in the title.
I think Kylo is a fantastic villain. So complex. A little whiny, but that connects him to the Anakin Skywalker we know and "love" from the prequels. I totally agree about Kylo Ren's swordsmanship though. I could not believe he struggled so much. I feel like a character that strong with the force would have wiped the floor with those two. Hell, Finn couldn't even handle a stormtrooper.

They did seem to abandon one element of the Jedi backstory...that you have to be trained.

But...if they are continuing that you need to have your feelings balanced to use the force...or use pure evil...then doesn't ren and the sword make total sense?

And I'm glad what they did with Finn...I was worried about that.

And isn't it inferred that Rey is the "powerful" one?

I think that's pretty clear.
They did seem to abandon one element of the Jedi backstory...that you have to be trained.

But...if they are continuing that you need to have your feelings balanced to use the force...or use pure evil...then doesn't ren and the sword make total sense?

And I'm glad what they did with Finn...I was worried about that.

And isn't it inferred that Rey is the "powerful" one?

I think that's pretty clear.

Rey is obviously more powerful than Kylo, but I think that's only because the light side is stronger. That being said, they totally cheated on the training part. Her Jedi mind trick was funny but totally not within canon. Now that I think about it, it actually makes me upset that she was able to wound/defeat kylo so easily. I mean, Luke spent a bunch of time in a swamp being trained by a Jedi master and he still got his butt handed to him by Vader.

But if Rey really is that powerful, I could see them hiding her on Jakku. My only question then would be where is her protector? Where is her Obi Wan who knows the force and is watching from a distance?

I highly doubt Finn is dead. Saw the dude breathing during the goodbye scene.
Rey is obviously more powerful than Kylo, but I think that's only because the light side is stronger. That being said, they totally cheated on the training part. Her Jedi mind trick was funny but totally not within canon. Now that I think about it, it actually makes me upset that she was able to wound/defeat kylo so easily. I mean, Luke spent a bunch of time in a swamp being trained by a Jedi master and he still got his butt handed to him by Vader.

But if Rey really is that powerful, I could see them hiding her on Jakku. My only question then would be where is her protector? Where is her Obi Wan who knows the force and is watching from a distance?

I highly doubt Finn is dead. Saw the dude breathing during the goodbye scene.

I don't mean Finn was dead...that he isn't a Jedi
They say he was alive at the end

and I think we saw Rey's "protector"

A wise old man who knew kylo ren And had the "key" to the whole story?

I's straight outta 76
Ahh...true. Forgot about that part. And he was "struck down to become more powerful blah, blah blah..." on to the 18 month wait.


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