"Spots of Time" - WDW memories


<font color=red>Sigh...other than WDW, if I could
May 23, 2004
Way back in college, I was studying English Epic and I remember talking about "Spots of time" - those memories that, while not necessarily significant, take residence in your mind as clear as if they just happened. I believe this was from a Wordsworth poem, but I may be wrong (it was 10 years ago... :blush: ).

So what are your spots of time from WDW? Those memories that didn't seem significant at the time, but pop into your head at the oddest moments. Like when someone mentions Liberty Square or Frontierland at MK and I suddenly remember standing near the raft to Aunt Polly's with DH and DS several trips ago. I remember they were eating grapes and it was beautiful and sunny. Nothing really special or magical about the memory, other than a moment in time that is burned in my mind. We have had so many more memories there, yet this one still remains and I don't know why. Pops in my head randomly, along with several others throughout the year.

So what are your memories of WDW moments in your life that were just perfect for no real reason at all...??
I just had one of those due to another thread. When the cake was a castle. Yep, it was dh's first trip to Florida much less dw. We jammed alot into that week of vacation. We had a blast and I remember dh standing in the airport with real tears in his eyes asking me if we could possibly stay just a few more days.
Wow, I'd have to say that mine is at Tarzan Rocks! when "You'll be in My Heart" comes on and MJ leans her head over to snuggle me and wipe my tears, happens everyweekend and is still SUPER special!
We have so many memories from our trips. Our DS's are growing up Disney.

When my oldest was 3 we went to play putt putt at Winter/Summerland. On the winter side towards the end there is a candycane pole and once you hit your ball in there it would go up the cane and drop out. Well he was in front of us and my DH and I were behind with our 1 year old. Just as we get up by him he says he cannot find his ball, next thing we know it pops out and lands on his head. None of us could not stop laughing. :rotfl: When we went back a few years ago and did it again he knew better and even warned his brother about it. So everytime I go play putt putt I think of that moment. :rotfl:
When my daughter was 2, we went to WDW 4 times that year b/c we had annual passes. Most of those trips, we stayed at Wilderness Lodge. Once she learned that there was a bridge and waterway in the lobby, anytime we headed out the door of our hotel getting ready to go downstairs, she got all excited and said, "See water! See water!" And then no matter in how much of a "hurry" we were to get out of the hotel to wherever we were going, the elevators dropped us off right in front of that bridge and water, and she would sprint out of the elevator and over the bridge. And back over. And back over. Again and again.
ooh...really, sooo many.

Walking through this rainbow tunnel when I was 8...I just remember the reflections of all this light on me and thinking about how COOL it was. I *think* it was in Epcot.

Coming off Space Mountain when I was 10 wiht my sis and Dad and walking up to my Mom who was eating an icecream cone because she was 7month pg with my brother and not allowed to ride Space Mountain. The heat (we went in July), the feeling of adrenalin flowing throug me from the scary rollercoaster that I wanted to go back on, the feeling of sadness that my Mom couldn't ride, the feeling of envy that she'd gotten an ice cream....

A high school trip where I was with the band (I was a freshman) and the Senior guys were feeding french fries to the birds in Tomorrowland. LOL

Another high school trip with my best friend in the band (Junior this time) and playing in "Honey I shrunk the Kids" playground...Sarah and I sliding down the film slide OVER and OVER and OVER and being totally silly.

Going with my parents in 1996 with my brother who was 10. It was August, I was engaged and planning a Disneymoon...and he wanted Mickey's autograph from the judges tent. That line was LONG. I was tired. Mom was tired. We sent him in by himself (wouldn't do that today and can't believe we did it then). He got tired of being by himself (made it to the "cartoon" room) and quit. He didn't get the autograph, didn't get to see Mickey, and I CLEARLY remember the look on his face when he came out. He was SAD, but I didn't volunteer to go back. Since then, I've carried HUGE amounts of guilt about it. We did find Mickey in Epcot...and Goofy and Minnie...but I still feel BAD about that time.

Disneymoon....walking in Epcot with Dh RIGHT after getting off "Figment's Ride" (he bought me a Figment) and holding his hand. Then getting our picture made with Mickey and Minnie in Epcot. Riding Space Mountain with him....riding Splash Mountain with him during Spectromagic parade....opening and closing parks with Dh.

1st trip with DS#1....standing in line for Goofy's Barnstormer. Sitting during a downpour just outside a gift shop with MIL and Dh taking Ds and running through the rain to Buzz Lightyear...and riding it 10 times straight. When we caught up with them after the rain, DS had this HUGE grin on his face and talked about Buzz Lightyear for hours.

1st trip with DS#2 (and DS#1 was 5.5)...this was May 2004...eating strawberries and watermelon with DS#2 under the Liberty Tree while waiting on Dh and DS#1 to get off of BTMM and Splash Mountain. Samuel was covered in juice and grinning and waving at strangers. It was a wonderful day weather wise...and I was happy to be there. Then, walking around ASMo and having Samuel point and squeal at Pongo and Perdita. DS#1's face when he rode space mountain the first time and how dragged me immediately back on it and telling me it wasn't scary at all and if I were scared in the dark to look at his shoes because they lit up...and told me how to get in the line and which person to listen too....I let him believe it was my first time as he obviously thought it was.

I can NOT wait to make more memories in September.
Watching Fantasy in the sky in 98. It was my son's first trip he was 2. He had never seen fireworks on that scale. After a few minutes of the show, he leaned down from his perch on my shoulders and whispered, with awe in his voice, "Daddy, are they cracking the sky?" My wife and I still smile about that whenever we see fireworks.
This is gross, but it's my then 9 yr old son getting food poisoning at Crystal Palace. Every time we walk by the place or say the name I picture that evening spent running for the closest restroom. To this day, my son groans if we even mention the name.
oh so many
Our first meal at MK [only park at the time] at The Town Square Cafe [now Tony's Town Square] on our honeymoon in 1974.

Our first meal at King Stefen's Banquet [now CRT] in the castle with my DM and our DD. Goofy made such a big deal over my Mom we still talk about it 20 years later.

Our first Christmas trip.

Our 29th annivesary trip with a rehitch at the Garden Grill in 2003

Our first trip with our DGS in Dec 2004 and a real breakthrough with the characters interaction with our DGS thanks to Piglet at The Crystal Palace.

Our most recent trip in May 2005 for our 31st anniversary and all the atention we got at HDDR to help us celebrate.

Wow 5 of 6 of our "Spots of time" involve eating at a WDW restaurant. Anyone else getting hungry?
Riding around on those little Water Mice past Planet Hollywood and up the little side rivers that take you to where Saratoga Springs is now (was the Disney Institute, but in this memory it was under construction), my DD, then 14, started to have problems with her boat (it would only go in circles). The "harbormaster" came up to rescue her and free up her steering, but she was still very upset and nervous, so the rest of the time we spent racing around in circles in the more open part of the lake, until she started laughing again.
I was going thru the turnstile at MK and a little 4 or 5 yr old boy was in front of me. As soon as he got thru, he said "I can't believe I'm finally here!" I remember thinking, 'I know exactly how you feel!' After all it was my first trip to DW ever and I was 20 yrs old. Now every time I go thru the turnstiles at MK I think of him, because I still get the same feeling.

Another memory is watching my kids and niece and nephew playing in a downpour right behind the castle. They had a ball!
My father, big sister, and I went to see Illuminations without my mom and brothers. I just remember sitting on a wall and when I looked behind me there were flamingos. I was so fascinated by them I don't think I paid much attention to the fireworks.

Swimming in one of the quiet pools at POR (then dixie landings) while my mother did laundry. I have no idea why this one's stuck with me but I was in Disney World and that was amazing to me.

Going to MK with my aunts and cousins and waiting for some of them to get off POTC. Then sitting on the sidewalk on Main Street, waiting for the nighttime parade to start in my sweatshirt and shorts. Freezing because I should have worn pants.

I can't wait to have many more memories like this on my upcoming trips.
Two pop immediately to mind -

1984 - Watching fireworks from Main Street with my 6 year old son on his first trip to Disney World. His eyes lit up with delight.

2004 - Watching fireworks from Main Street with my 26 year old son. His eyes still light up.

Time Spots, indeed.

One of my favorite memories from Disney was when I was in 7th grade. My high school band went down to Disney to play in a competition and we had a blast. The band did a real good job in the competition but then we were able to go to the parks as well. That was unbelievable. It was the first time that I was able to go down there with a bunch of friends my age and I didn't have to stay with my parents.

Another one is when I first saw Fantasmic. We were there and had been waiting on the show to start for a long time. Well, finally some guys came out to announce the beginning of the show and they started singing. Before you know it, they were doing an accapella(?) concert of a bunch of 50's and 60's music. I was there singing right along with them loving every second of it and was praying that my Dad was video taping the show. Unfortunately, he wasn't because he was doing the same thing that I was, singing.

:love: ::MickeyMo :love:
The first one that popped into my head, was my senior class trip in 1977. We lived in PA and came to Orlando for a few days. Bunch of us went to River Country and while in a tube ride my friend stood up at the end and caught her bathing suit bottom on the tube. We all saw too much of her that day!

Next one is of DD in 1986. She was @ a year old - it was hot and she was ready for a nap. We pushed the stroller under the gazebo thing in the rose garden at MK on the way to Tommorrowland. She slept for an hour and DH and I got to relax in the shade.

Okay, last one. DS on his 5th birthday getting chosen by one of the girl dancers at the Biergarten restaurant in Germany. He got up and did the polka like he was a pro. Everyone cheered and clapped and he just ate up the attention.
I remember our first trip, first day (it was just MK then). We were in Crystal Palace. As we looked out the window, we saw Goofy going back behind the restaurant. We had never seen any characters before, so we left our food behind and went racing after Goofy. He was very nice to us. I remember he put my head in his mouth to give me a kiss. I thought we'd never see the characters again. Now we are going back for about our 30th trip to WDW. But I thank Goofy for that memory.
Anything that reminds me of mainstreet at the MK - I can always recall the "first time" with my children and now with my grandchildren - what wonderful memories!!!
I have two memories that make me laugh and smile when I think about it.
The first was in 2003. I went to Disney with my mother, sister, brother in law, and 13 year old nephew. My sister, her husband and myself were going on the Tower of Terror after they had made some changes. We went on at night and to our surprise the ride stopped in front of the 2 ghosts, we were not expecting that at all. My sister and I were screaming, waving our hands in the air, and stomping our feet( we are both adults). That took us by such surprise!! We got off the ride and laughed the entire bus ride back to our hotel and could not stop laughing until we all went to sleep!!

The second is just a simple memory that makes me wish I was back there all the time. One night we were walking around the Yacht and Beach club and found rocking chairs with a view of the Boardwalk. We just sat there and rocked back and forth and had a great conversation. How I wish I was there now!!
Although I went to WDW 3 or 4 times as a kid, the memory that really sticks out in my mind is my 1997 trip I went with my cousin and his wife, and their DD4 and DS2 (I didn't know at the time that I was invited as the baby sitter!!But, I didn't care). I was in the middle of my first year of teaching. I had so much fun with my little cousins, but the memory that sticks out the most is during the Toy Story parade. Our group had gotten seperated, and my 2 year old nephew was with me. He was crying b/c he couldn't see the parade, so I put him on my shoulders. He was able to see after this, but the problem was I couldn't get him off! I was embarrassed to ask someone to help me, so I walked around with him on my shoulders for about 45 minutes AFTER the parade until we met up with the rest of our group. I'll never forget that!

Also, in 2003 I went with DH, DS4, and DD 8 months. Everyone told me my daughter wouldn't enjoy it, she was too young, etc. We ate dinner at LTT and I will never forget her face when Minnie Mouse came over to our table. She grabbed Minnie's nose and kept kissing her over and over! Thankfully we have that on video! The memory that sticks out the most in my mind from this trip, though, is the look on my DS's face when we first walked into Magic Kingdom. His look of awe and excitement made me cry. Even when I think about it now I get teary eyed.
OK . . . here are a few of mine.

1999 - The kids first trip. My oldest DS was 6, middle DS 4, and DD1. The kids were picked to be in the parade and the boys went out to the parade holding hands. I will never forget that because it wasn't something they would normally do. They were in the Beauty and the Beast part of the parade and my DS6 was holding a spoon to set the table but my DS4 was holding a "huge" ice cream sundae. :goodvibes

1999 - DD1 was terrified of characters so we stayed away from them but the boys had to see Mickey Mouse and she walked right up to him in the Judge's tent and wasn't afraid. She even hugged him. :goodvibes

1999 - DS4 was complaining about going on Jungle Cruise. We had the best skipper ever and he let DS4 dock the boat and it turned out to be one of his favorite rides and one of my favorite memories.

2004 - Trip with Disney crazy best friend (her first). Watching Wishes and her DD14 looks at me and says "My mom is crying."

2005 - Trip with just kids and me. Went to EMH and it was fairly empty. Went to Philharmagic and when it was over ran around the outside and right back in like a bunch of kids. Walking through Tomorrowland at 11:00 and feeling like we were the only ones there. :goodvibes

Can't wait to make some more "snapshot" memories this February. Loved reading everyone's. :goodvibes


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