Spinoff - last movie you saw more than once in the theatre

Frozen. I don’t normalky go to the movies more than once no mastered how much I enjoy it, however we took DD who was 4 at the time and didnt take DD2 as we thought she was too young. Then DD2 broke her thumb and couldn’t be in the pool/at the beach etc so we took her to cheer her up (and since we had seen it if we had to leave it wouldn’t be a big deal)
BLACK PANTHER (3 times so far this weekend)
The Help
12 Years A Slave
Harry Potter
Pirates of the Caribbean
Tyler Perry movies
Best Man

The Princess and The Frog
Monster's Inc
Finding Nemo

There are plenty more but those ate the ones that come to mind right now.
Last Jedi for me bu tit's not necessarily uncomon for me to see stuff more than once.
The Last Jedi is the last and only I’ve seen twice in the theater. The only reason we saw it a second time in theater is because my mom’s financial company offered a free screening for clients and their guests :flower1:
The Last Jedi - saw it twice and liked it a bit more the second time.

Before that, it was Rogue One, which I loved - saw it five times in the theater!
The first Scream. It might be the only movie I've ever seen twice in the theater. And I bought it on VHS and watched it all the time. I prefer watching movies at home. It's a little quieter here.
Saw "It" twice, once with hubby and once with my sister.
Titanic saw 7 times at the movies!!


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