special trip, need lots of info pls.

This thread is incredibly touching...I can not even put it into words.

I'm not sure where you ended up getting your room, but as stated earlier deck 4 and aft on deck 7 are great. It was so peaceful to just sit. The verandah on deck 7 can be hard to find because you have to go through a door at the very back of the hall. Someone correct me if my memory is wrong or it is different on the Magic. Everytime we went out here, we had it to ourselves. We even planned our room deck 7 aft just so we could use it.

I was so glad to hear that you were able to get The Wishing Well foundation to help you. I hope you and your family have a fantastic time and may God bless you-it sounds like he already has.
My Dear DISboard Family,

I have been communicating with pagehouse (Christina) Nathan's mother for the past few days. This afternoon Christina sent me a couple photos of Nate and one of his brothers. First let me say, Nate is an adorable little boy, and the photos brought tears to my eyes. I sent an e-mail back to Christina asking if it was O.K. with her if I could post Nate's photo on this thread. If Christina says it is O.K., then I will post it as soon as I can.

However, I am attaching an e-mail that Christina sent to me. It might help you see where Christina, and her family, are coming from:


Our other boys are Nicholas (12) and Nashua (2). And yes we are cruising on Sept. 6. I don't know how to tell if we have been upgraded. No one has said anything to us, so I guess not. I really thought the verandah would be neat for Nathan since being outside is a real luxury for him. He can not control his body temperature very well and we live in Texas so it's too hot and
humid for him to go outdoors. (we have his whole room decorated like the outside, trees and animals painted on the walls, that is as close as he comes) I could just picture him sitting there with the wind blowing in his hair....but so what. We are going on a cruise and that is pretty darn awesome! This will be the first time we have gone on any sort of family vacation since Nate was born. Just the fact that we are doing something that "normal" families do is exciting for us. When I posted the very first message it was right after we got our room assignment. Now, after reading it again, I am ashamed. I sound so shallow, and I'm not really!


Chris, as I stated in my e-mail to you earlier, you did not sound at all one bit shallow to me. You sounded as a loving and caring mother, who wants the best for her child, and I for one, surely hope you receive it. Your family truly deserves the best, and I hope you allow me to add Nate's photos, so that other DIS'ers can see who they are praying for.
I hope she does allow her photos to be posted. Maybe someone at DCL will see them and push through the pixie dust needed to give them an upgrade. I for one do not think she sounded shallow or greedy wanting something special for her special son.

Christina please don't think anyone would have judged you as anything but a caring mom!
(and I am known for thinking that folks who repeatedly book the cheepest cabin to and expect or feel they deserve an upgrade just because they gave Disney a deposit are the greedy ones in my opinion.)
I am still upset with the people at make a wish...
Hey Andy do you know what catagory they are in now and what it would cost for the upgrade to a veranda? There are a lot of us DIS'ers out there with big hearts, I for one would be willing to donate to pay for the upgrade, if enough of us did that it would not cost too much per person.. what do you think of that?
I know that you are booked through a foundation, but have you tried writing to DCL? I'm sure that they would be only too glad to upgrade you if they could.

We sailed with a friend of ours who is a cast member so we only had a category 11, but at the time I was claustrophobic so my doctor wrote a note to them and we were upgraded. I'm sure if you wrote a letter to them explaining the circumstances that they would upgrade you!!!
Originally posted by AnnMorin
Hey Andy do you know what catagory they are in now and what it would cost for the upgrade to a veranda? There are a lot of us DIS'ers out there with big hearts, I for one would be willing to donate to pay for the upgrade, if enough of us did that it would not cost too much per person.. what do you think of that?

What a true blessing that would be!!!
I would be willing to sacrifice my manicure for a month and not get my highlight done on my haircut comming up if others want to join me. Sometimes you should just do the right thing.
I don't have a lot of extra money but I would certainly be willing to kick in what I could.
It does NOT seem shallow to me.....I know with my godson I wanted to give him the best of everything that I possibly could while he was alive. I spent every penny I could on making his short time here as good as I possibly could. To want to make things as perfect as you can for a child who won't have a long life is a great thing, not shallow at all.
To pay for his hospital expenses I had to raise a lot of cash and I found that people who didn't even know him would come through for us, it really made me feel good to see the good in people instead of the bad. From one little article in a local paper I had to empty the post office box every day from checks people sent to help. Sometimes the kindness of strangers really surprises me.
Well anyway, I got sidetracked (this subject is close to my heart so its hard to stay on track LOL) I would be willing to kick in something...when is their cruise?
Nathan and his family will be cruising September 6-13, 2003 and are currently in two category 10 staterooms.
My DW is on the phone with Nate's mom right now, and Chris has said that it will be fine to post Nate's photo on this thread. I have to upload the photos into my DIS Photo Gallery account and wait for the photos to be approved, once they are, I will post them here.

If you would can't wait, and would like to see Nate's photo, send an e-mail to apwalters55@comcast.net and in the subject line write Nate's Photo and I will get his photo out to you. Nate is an adorable little boy.

I'm am so sure that no one thought you were shallow in any way. I think we all wanted to assure you that it wasn't necessary to have a verandah or to feel like you and your family were missing out. I agree with aprilgail2, there's nothing wrong with wanting something special for you, your family and especially Nathan. We all want you to have an incredible time.

I would also love to help out. This story has really touched me. I know we are on the very expensive Thanksgiving cruise and it was not a whole lot to change from 2 10's to 2 9's if a window would help. If not, it is a jump from 2 10's to a verandah(but we couldn't do a 7 because they only accomadate 3, they might be able to). I think Disney should help them out if the cruise isn't booked but if they won't, I am sure there are plenty that will.

Andy, you may add us to the donation list if that is the direction it will take. Our oldest daughter would have been 9 on Aug. 10, and since we cannot buy her a birthday present, we would feel honored to help give Nathan and his very deserving family this gift. Just PM or email me with the details.

Christina, you in no way came off sounding shallow. We all want the best for our kids. Not knowing the circumstances of Nathan's physical limitations (not being able to be outside), we just wanted to reassure you that verandah or not, you and your family will have a great time! The pool areas of the ship have plexiglass from the ground to the ceiling (not directly over the pools) so the wind is minimal and there is plenty of shade. That may very well work for you! Nathan and your family are most assuredly in our prayers! :) :)
Hi Andy. As you know I have been following this thread quietly. I, too, am more than willing to contribute to this endeavor. Wish I was wealthier rather than having been given such good looks - lol.

I have a telephone number provided by a DCL VIP last year when a different cause presented itself. DCL went above and beyond to accommodate the family involved for want of nothing but the satisfaction of helping people in need. They never received a formal "thank you" or acknowledgment of their generosity. I just wanted to let everyone know that Disney (the Corporation) has helped families DIRECTLY from this board when asked.

In this case, how terrific it would be to upgrade Nathan and family on the generosity of all Disers in a position to donate! If you, Andy, could privately accept pledges, I'll call DCL to see if an upgrade to a verandah is even possible. Let me know...
As promised, here are the photos that I received from Christina (Nate's mom) this afternoon. I just handed my DD money to get some new school clothes for this upcoming school year, she told me never mind, and wants the money to go towards Nate and His Family. Does anyone know how DCL can be contacted and see if we can get their staterooms upgraded? My upgrade for our cruise came as a complete surprise, so I wouldn't even know where to begin. They are currently assigned two category 10 cabins # 2083 and #2085.


"Nathan Page, age 6 years, with some of His Friends"


"Homeboy Nate age 6 years."


Not to be forgotten, here is Nate's older brother Nicholas age 12, and younger brother Nashua age 2.
Those boys are ADORABLE! ALL of them! What a true blessing!
OMG, I have tears. I keep thinking, look at the adorable baby and realize he isn't a baby. My other thought was, can you contact Disney or your TA or whatever and find out if you were charged(if you are paying any of it) for a 6 year old rather than an infant. Not that he is one, but babies normally just pay port charges like $99 or so. I would think since I assume he would not eat like a 6 yr old and is not that size, that they might be able to reduce his rate. I don't think you would be leaving him in clubs, etc so they would not be out the costs of a normal 6 yr old. I know the computers normally go by birthdate and so forth but I have seen alot of babies that are 3 times the size of him go in for hardly anything. Our prayers are with you. Please keep us updated and let us know how your kids liked the cruise.

Originally posted by Buckaroo's Dad
Hi Andy. As you know I have been following this thread quietly. I, too, am more than willing to contribute to this endeavor. Wish I was wealthier rather than having been given such good looks - lol.

I have a telephone number provided by a DCL VIP last year when a different cause presented itself. DCL went above and beyond to accommodate the family involved for want of nothing but the satisfaction of helping people in need. They never received a formal "thank you" or acknowledgment of their generosity. I just wanted to let everyone know that Disney (the Corporation) has helped families DIRECTLY from this board when asked.

In this case, how terrific it would be to upgrade Nathan and family on the generosity of all Disers in a position to donate! If you, Andy, could privately accept pledges, I'll call DCL to see if an upgrade to a verandah is even possible. Let me know...

I would be more than willing to help out, I wouldn't want the checks made out to me, for fear that some might get the wrong idea, however, I imagine we could start up a Nathan Page Trust Fund Account. I believe Ann Morin and her husband could help us out with the legal aspects, what do you say Ann, is that possible???
I, too, would like to contribute in any way I can. I'll be watching this thread for further info. Thanks to Verandah Man and others who are organizing this!!
I will ask DH when he gets home,, I don't know how much he knows about trusts but if he is able I am POSITIVE he would donate his legal services! Has anyone forwarded this thread to Disney itself yet?


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