Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 3

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Okay, sorry I never returned to catch up. I crashed too.

Here is a little attempt before I go hit the shower.

i'm cutting back on my posts.
don't want to be known as posting queen

All hail Queen Mac!
Do not cut back on your posts either. I miss you when you aren’t here.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
oh heavens, that would be horrible......

moral to the story, don't put fingers where fingers don't belong.
don't push that button homie

You don’t know how upset I was. I will no longer put my fingers where they don’t belong.

Geez! I miss ONE lousy day and I've got TWELVE PAGES to catch up on!!! :scared1:

Can you hear me groaning? I'm gonna be a good girl and go back to the last stuff I missed and start my ketchup.

I slept in a little yesterday. Not used to getting home at midnight (yikes). I had a fun time Saturday night and then we spent yesterday cleaning house, buying a tree, getting the tree inside, stringing lights on the tree, and then unboxing and hanging ornaments on the tree. I have pictures and I'll get them up if I can ever get back to this page again. I may get lost somewhere back around page 515. If you don't hear from me soon, send out a virtual search party... :eek:

Hey I have had plenty of those days. You didn’t see me complaining did ya? Oh wait you probably did! :lmao I was wondering what that weird sound was I heard.

Glad you had a fun Sat. night with your buddy. I never made it out to get a tree this weekend. Need to get that taken care of asap or Ally’s going to start complaining.

Hip Hip Hooray!

Snow day for me!

Snowshoes here I come!

Well, yippie for the day off work, but YUCK! To all that snow.

I tried to handle Fluffy in such a way that she would realize what a clueless moron she is. Her priorities are so clearly out of whack that I doubt I reached her. She is the same mom that walks her kids into school each morning (STILL? After 4 months? They don't know where their room is yet?) and both kids are dragging rolling backpacks behind them. Umm... in my paperwork that I signed at the beginning of the year, it specifically requested NO rolling backpacks. She's a piece of work. :sad2:

Beautiful pictures Lori! An Ally is such a doll. :goodvibes

I don't know about everywhere, but around here they can't bury the lines. We can't have natural gas lines either. We live in the foothills and they would have to blast into rock to get anything in the ground.

I had a great time at the party. I'll have to see if Leta's pics came out because I forgot my camera.

You handled fluffy quite well I do believe. I really don’t understand why they say no rolling backpacks, you oughta see the amount of crap some kids have to bring home, but I absolutely hate it when there are parents that think the rules don’t apply to them or their kids. That’s just wrong. Great example to be setting for you kids lady!

Thanks for the compliments on Ally. She’s my sweetie!

Well, our lines could be buried, but they aren’t. Not really sure why.

Hope Leta’s pics turned out. Would love to see them.

Good looking tree! Good looking kid too, but I'm guessing he runs you more than 50 bucks a year...

I can't make the PTA meetings. They hold them at 4pm on Thursday afternoons. I have 2 small children and I couldn't drag them to a meeting... and I can't work out babysitting once or twice a month like that. I'm sure she and her club are active members. Whatever.

All our convenience stores sell beer and wine, but not liquor. You have to go to a "package" store for the hard stuff. Well, I shouldn't say ALL our stores do. I live in a dry county. There are gas stations on every major road just across the county line, so the locals have to drive a few more miles to stock up. Whatever. I don't drink beer at all and I don't drink anything else very often, so I doesn't make much difference to me. I think it is stupid, but whatever.

I won't get sick of you! Will you get sick of me? :guilty:

Yeah, I bet he sets her back more than $50 a year! I know mine do.

You know, maybe you should make it to one of those PTA meetings, boys in tow, and sit right next to Fluffy!

Our convenience stores only sell beer, oh and it is only 3.2.

I could never get sick of you. Thanks!

I would love to meet up with the two of you as would be a hoot :rotfl: :banana:

Me three, or four, or five, which ever number I am.

I think me and jim lasting until the 3rd quarter in the freezing rain and snow and whatnot yesterday was pathetic - we should have just bagged it and sold the tickets......but we managed to have an ok time :thumbsup2

You’re a better fan than I. I like watching from the comfort of my own home. Freezing rain and snow, no way!

If Marcie disappears again, I'm thinking alien abduction. Weird light in the sky? Yep. They're coming for her... :eek:

So Marcie is being abducted by alien’s??? They must have probed her arm!

I will return later to do some more. You guys think you can hold it down till I get caught up???? Yeah, right!
So Marcie is being abducted by alien’s??? They must have probed her arm!

See, there? We solved both Marcie's problems. Now she knows what the weird light in the sky was AND why her arm hurts. Dang, we're good! :laughing:
And oh my gosh!!!! I have been here for 6 1/2 years and I get not one but two tags in one night of fun! Woo Hoo!!!!!

:cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana: CONGRATS!!!!! Ya know...on this thread....ya just never know what that TF might pull out of your context... :scratchin :eek:

You were just hangin out in all the wrong places before..... ;)
The Cocoa fans have started some trash talk and they aren't very good at it so all in good fun I'm sending them the following in an email:

Q. How many Tigers does it take to win a State Championship?
A. No one knows and we may never know.

Q. What did the Tigers get on their FCAT's?
A. Drool. No, the principals sopped up the drool and filled in the answers. Oops, that was last year.

Q. Did you hear Coach Wilkison is only dressing 10 players for the Tigers game against Naples?
A. The rest will have to dress themselves.

Q. Did you hear the Tigers gave up field turf in favor of an asphalt Wal-Mart parking lot?
A. That is so their cheerleaders won't be tempted to graze.

Q. Fat as cows, huh, are they pretty?
A. Their cheerleaders are so ugly that they worked Halloween Horror Nights without makeup.

Q. How ghetto are the Tigers?
A. They keep their food stamps in a money clip.

Q. How do you keep a Tiger off your lawn?
A. Install a goal post.

Q. Is Naples in another league?
A. They sure are and that doesn't mean we bowl on different nights.

Q. Shall we go to the game?
A. No need and keep the reservations in Orlando for the 14th.

Q. Who is going to win?
A. Naples 41-9.

I know we have some football fans on this thread that can help me add a few?

While I can't think of any to add.... let me just say that they are :rotfl2:

**Let the trash start flyin **


(btw...when is the game again?)
:headache: dup post....sorry...trying to multitask and help DH out w/ something.... that'll teach me :headache:
Do not cut back on your posts either. I miss you when you aren’t here.

i think we ALL do....we worry when she goes mia w/o a note :teacher:

I will no longer put my fingers where they don’t belong.

How the blessed TF missed THIS one, I'll never know :confused3

Hope Leta’s pics turned out. Would love to see them.


You know, maybe you should make it to one of those PTA meetings, boys in tow, and sit right next to Fluffy!

:idea: :rotfl2: :idea: :rotfl2: :thumbsup2

Our convenience stores only sell beer, oh and it is only 3.2.

Now I'm getting depressed....what ELSE is wrong with this freakin state I live in?!?! :mad: (oh..and what is "only 3.2" ?? :confused3 )

You’re a better fan than I. I like watching from the comfort of my own home. Freezing rain and snow, no way!

:thumbsup2 with ya on that one!
See, there? We solved both Marcie's problems. Now she knows what the weird light in the sky was AND why her arm hurts. Dang, we're good! :laughing:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I am in the presence of genuises.....

(or is it 'genui'? :scratchin :laughing: )
Well....good Tuesday morning everyone..... now that I've put my to prepare myself for the day.

It's "Make ugly people a little less ugly" day :goodvibes (....with some errands in the middle of the day!!)

Have a great day....and I WILL try to keep up today :(

so Marcie was abducted by the same aliens who took Gemma
and Tricia has a new band, called jumping naked boys.

everyone wants to be a redhead in another life,
and we are gonna meet in PA.

life is good. :goodvibes
Sharon and I are both still inundated with the fallingsnow- lots more coming doen now. :scared1:

I ran the snowblower yesterday. i dont like the new one.
Iliked the old one.

yet- it is wayyyyy better than shoveling!:rotfl2:
no snow no snow dear lord please no snow cause if they call off school my ds 11 will be home and all he does all day long is dad I'm hungry fix me something to eat and I ask him what he wants and he says I don't know:confused3 and if not that then its can I get on the internet and its enough to make you pull your hair out :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
i'm teaching seniors today.
i copied your list and for extra credit will have some of the students help me on your request.

The second one is kind of funny. Last year Cocoa's school board fired 4 principals for providing false information on the FCAT's.
Give the kids a start by telling them that Carrot Top is an alumni of Cocoa.
And the classic "cuckoo for cocoa puffs".
I KNEW there was a logical reason that my arm hurt! Needed you guys to figure it out for me! :rotfl:

Actually DH insists it was all light that night because of the reflection from all the snow? :confused3 Doesn't make much sense to me because otherwise it'd be light all winter since there always seems to be snow! But who knows!

Enjoyed the jokes - sure they could be applied to a lot of teams and I thought I'd heard most of them before but a lot of them were new to me!

I'm being bored at work here (yet again - are you seeing a trend?), but when I get a chance I'll try the multi-quoting thingie! I thought people did multi-quotes by just clicking on each post individually and cutting and pasting, OR by writing the
things themselves. Never knew there was a button for it and I've been here 8 years (ok, not looking very hard, but still!).

Sorry I wasn't around last night. I owed someone else an email (yes,I do have other "imaginary" friends besides you guys!) for about 2 weeks and I finally buckled down and replied to them rather than getting caught up on this thread. :scared: Sorry! It won't happen again! Well, not soon anyways, because it will take them a few weeks to reply to me, etc.!

I know I owe a zillion replies, but I can't go back through this easily at work because the computer's so slow. I did read it all - maybe I'll get a chance to reply more tonight!
Lori - congrats on the tags!

Sharon - congrats on looking skinny to us at least! Thought the camera was supposed to ADD 10 pounds? Maybe the computer monitor subtracts 10?!

Hockey must be like soccer in terms of it never being cancelled! Remember when my son, who was only NINE at the time, still had stupid soccer PRACTICE on 9/11. Called the coach to see if he still had practice, and the attitude was like, "Why wouldn't there be?" I was kind of like "Um, because of everything that's happened today?" :confused3 Then the coach kind of backtracked and said something like "Well, of course if it affected you PERSONALLY, it's fine for him to miss today". I was just wondering if there was anyone it didn't affect personally! :eek:

So anyways, don't get me started on the soccer thing. Number of games in lightning with a ref saying "it's far away". Kids played baseball for several years and I swear if it looked like rain they called the game. Many times they got to go to a soccer game or practice that they were planning on skipping when baseball was cancelled (and of course soccer still went on) that same evening!

Did I mention I'm still bored?
As far as the snow (which I seem to "love" about as much as most of you guys!), Tricia, there's a reason it shuts down everything in the south. When we lived in North Carolina, it was similar to what you said - an inch of snow and the world ended.

But even if you knew how to drive in snow (I grew up in Michigan), it really didn't help because the vast majority of people you were facing on the roads didn't. And they'd be all over the place. Add in that most areas don't have salt trucks, let alone plow, and it just isn't even safe to go out.

Here at the first sign of snow the trucks are out. They plow our streets a couple times a day and salt inbetween. Went walking this morning and they'd ploughed the bike/walking trail already. Just a different mindset.

I remember when we were in Charlotte one of the newpaper columnists making fun of people running out and stocking up on bread, milk, gas, etc. as soon as snow was predicted. The article said something like "As the snow piled up 2 and 3 flakes deep..." :rotfl: !

Okay, I'm going to do some work now. Really. Right after I check my email! ;)
Oh, and I have to go to the Post Office for work this afternoon to do a bulk mailing. Don't you think that would be a good time to send packages and presents, including my ornament swap? Exactly what I thought! :cool1:
everyone wants to be a redhead in another life,
and we are gonna meet in PA.

life is good. :goodvibes

WAIT!!! :scared: I don't want to be a redhead....I'm having too much fun being blonde! :banana:

Hopefully an Oct. meet in Philly...... :thumbsup2 ........(at Tracie's :rolleyes1 )

Sharon and I are both still inundated with the fallingsnow- lots more coming doen now. :scared1:

I ran the snowblower yesterday. i dont like the new one.
Iliked the old one.

yet- it is wayyyyy better than shoveling!:rotfl2:

Sorry you don't like your new blower.....but, IS better than shoveling..... maybe Sharon can borrow your blower? :confused3 How much have you gotten?? I feel bad for ya's... :( ....maybe a white Christmas for you guys?)
no snow no snow dear lord please no snow cause if they call off school my ds 11 will be home and all he does all day long is dad I'm hungry fix me something to eat and I ask him what he wants and he says I don't know:confused3 and if not that then its can I get on the internet and its enough to make you pull your hair out :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

.........and ....what happened? :confused3
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