Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 2

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We're working on it..she's doing the RIP Tour with the rest (I think that's the night she's doing it) but I can't pay that kind of money so we might just hang out a bit before the tour. If not, I will have EP in hand.

hey todd, i told you to write me down in your calendar for thursday oct 4th
you and i are doing hhn and going to have a blast.

also, the tour starts at 8 on sunday so we all can hang out until then.

i spent over $328 this evening on the FF, friday, saturday hhn tickets and then the EP's for thur, fri, sat nights.

hey HHN peeps...i have a question...

how come they don't allow people w/ masks/makeup into HHN? so they don't get confused w/ TM's??

the scareactors and employees have strict rules to follow. they are in costume for hhn. if a guest was dressed up and was disruptive or injured someone, who could tell the difference if that really was a hhn employee?

Two years ago, my than 15 year old son was at a local fair with his cell phone so he could call home for a ride. Around 11:00 I get a call that he is ready, didn't think to much about the fact that the caller ID read a different #. :confused3 Two weeks later, he is getting ready to go somewhere and I remind him to bring the cell. He gets this pained look on his face. :scratchin Mom, about that phone, I can't find it. So we tore apart the house, backpack, cars etc. Finally decided the last time he had the phone was at the fair when he was on the rides.
Yep, sure enough he lost it at the fair. TWO WEEKS AGO :furious: One of the carny workers found it and had been calling Mexico and all of Latin America for two weeks. The phone bill was in the thousands. Thank God, with a bit of begging from DH, they deleted the charges. Needless to say, DS didn't get another phone right away. Hopefully, he learned his lesson...

$$$$$$$$$ :eek:
a mother's worse fear.

well, one of them...

Well, we determined the last time he had it for sure was July 13 (almost 2 weeks ago!). Know he brought it to the theater, and gave it to a friend to carry because he didn't have a pocket. Called the friend - insists he didn't have it. Called the theater and the conversation went like this:

Was it a Sprint phone? YES!
Silver, Samsung brand? YES!
An older model, that folds in half? YES!
And the phone number is 471.. YES!
5797 (or whatever).....NO!

NOT pulling apart 4 duffle bags to find out!

i would lose my mind if i couldn't find a phone that was missing.
i have been known to empty drawers at home to find things.

hey,, i have sprint.
do you have the call other sprint people with no time counted? we do.

I wonder how Gemma's doing in that McMansion they rented:woohoo: :woohoo: i wouldn't want to leave! I can see her by the pool reading Harry Potter, and her cousins trying to drag her into the pool and play:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

she finished that sucker before the plane landed i bet...

Yeah, we've tried calling it, but since DS never uses his phone, it's never on. It just goes right to voice mail. It's possible it was left on and has since died too. I know the phones have these tracking things on them, but the phone has to be on (and I'm not sure if they'd even do that for you unless you were subscribed, etc.). DH called and texted his phone with his number just in case someone somewhere finds it - at least they'd have a number to call to reach us. Hopefully it will show up sometime in the next few weeks. But I don't know if I should go over tomorrow and get his line put back on our old phone so he at least has a phone for Disney or if it's not really necesssary - we still have 4 other phones for 5 people and it's not likely that we'd ALL split up at once! (Yeah, we REALLY don't like each other! :lmao: )

you should put ICE in the address book of the phone
(In Case of Emergency)

if a person is in an accident, the authorities check for ICE listing

i found a phone once and checked the address listings and the person had ICE with a number.
i called and the owner came to pick up his phone.
happy ending
now if i could clear a park the way i clear a thread, i would be on to something, eh.........

are you all catching zzzzzzzzz's?
hey todd, i told you to write me down in your calendar for thursday oct 4th
you and i are doing hhn and going to have a blast.

also, the tour starts at 8 on sunday so we all can hang out until then.

i spent over $328 this evening on the FF, friday, saturday hhn tickets and then the EP's for thur, fri, sat nights.
I put you on the calendar but I couldn't remember which day you were doing the tour.
Well, I do have a floor and it is covered in carpet... just like I remembered it. It is now all vacuumed, including the outdoor carpet on the deck. I even washed the dog's bed in an attempt to curtail the spread of dog hair. I doesn't seem to matter what I do. In a few days, I'll have to do it all again anyway. :sad2:

Marci, I can't imagine not being able to find the phone just before vacation. I would be ripping my house apart. I've only lost my phone once and when we traded them in, I chose that ugly bright yellow style phone so I can spot it easier. We've considered trading up again, but they don't make the school bus yellow variety anymore. Anytime we've taken it in, the guys at Sprint (it was Nextel when we started) look at us like we're dinosaurs. "We haven't seen one of these in FOREVER." Yeah, because a couple of years in the technology world constitues FOREVER. :rolleyes:
Morning all!!

ugh - lost cell phones with kids:sad2:

B#1 loses her phone on average of twice a month.......once it was missing for a week and a half :scared1: She keeps it turned off quite a bit so calling it sometimes isn't an option!!

B#2 has the firefly (the one that only allows her to call me, dh and the numbers I programmed into her phone - it doesnt have a number keypad) and right now THAT is missing :rotfl:

I never have lost my phone or locked my keys in the car - I have accidently thrown an envelope with money in the trash though :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
morning homies.

what age do kids now a days get cell phones?

i made mine wait to get a cell until they could pay the monthly bill on them.

what's everyone doing today?
Mine got cell phones once they started driving the car alone.

Off to the Stratford Festival today to see Oklahoma! with my mom and my daughter. We do it annually. Usually we actually see something Shakespearean and a musical but couldn't squeeze both into the schedule this time.
I never have lost my phone or locked my keys in the car - I have accidently thrown an envelope with money in the trash though :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

:scared: :eek: :scared1:

I have "thrown money away", meaning I spent money on stuff that was useless, but I don't think I've ever thrown the real stuff away!

Wait... I did throw a credit card rebate check away once without knowing what it was. Thought it was yet more junk/solicitation mail and shredded it. I got a call from the credit card people saying, "We issued you a check 90 days ago and see it hasn't cleared yet..." A check? You sent me a check??? Oh, crap! They issued me a new one and this time I watched for it in the mail, but they could have just as easily told me I screwed up and they wouldn't replace it.

I just got an email from Disney Shopping with a "Halloween Preview Sale" coupon in it. Ummm... let me check my calendar... yep, just as I thought... it's JULY!!! Back to school is enough, now we've got to start thinking about Halloween??? Ugh. If I bought a Halloween costume now, chances are #1 it wouldn't fit my kid in 3+ months and #2 my kids would probably change their mind a dozen times about what kind of costume they want, so whatever I bought now wouldn't be the right one.
believe it or not, the halloween stuff starts hitting our stores in late august.

and get this, if you want to buy a swim suit, be prepared to buy it in march.
that's when the stores start pushing them.
when it gets to august, good luck trying to find them in the stores.
it's only the stuff that no one would buy from the start. not any selection left.

so, i start the diet in april, get to the size to buy a swim suit in late august....
yup, you guessed it, another year without doing the pools at the hotel for me come this fall.
believe it or not, the halloween stuff starts hitting our stores in late august.

and get this, if you want to buy a swim suit, be prepared to buy it in march.
that's when the stores start pushing them.
when it gets to august, good luck trying to find them in the stores.
it's only the stuff that no one would buy from the start. not any selection left.

so, i start the diet in april, get to the size to buy a swim suit in late august....
yup, you guessed it, another year without doing the pools at the hotel for me come this fall.

Oh, yeah... the buying for this season months before this season begins is ridiculous. Want to buy something for summer? Too bad. It's all gone. Our stores are stocking the FALL merchandise now. I repeat... it is JULY!!!

We have to take DS5 clothes shopping either this weekend or next to get him some new school clothes (he starts Kindergarten Aug 9th). Won't that be fun? Yes, nothing a 5 y/o likes better than shopping for clothes. :rolleyes: Then add the 2 y/o to the mix...

I don't want to think about it. I'll play Scarlett O'Hara and worry about that tomorrow.

I have been told by my "perfect mother" friend... er... I should say acquaintance (you know the type... she always has healthy home baked goodies to serve when you visit and structured educational games for the kids to play... :rolleyes1 ), that if I don't plan to make my children's Halloween costume I should certainly buy it by September. Otherwise, all the good ones are gone. September I can handle, but July seems a bit much to me.
rvgal, i hear ya
it is ridiculous trying to by clothes by the season when it IS the season.

what do parents do for young school age kids?
buy the stuff in july for the fall attire and then the kid grows at thanksgiving time, nothing fits correctly by end of the year which is winter time.

i need to replace my 10 year old coat this year. i see coats in stock in the stores. wow!

i'm hoping to drop more weight before the winter and right now, i'm in between sizes.

maybe this is a lesson for me...........don't get fat and then clothes will always fit...:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

damo, have a great day with mom and daughter!
This threads something about nothing right? I guess this is the best place to post my random thoughts.

Anyway got to work yesterday and when I stepped out of the car, I had one of those 'memory smells.' I swore I could smell the Jaws ride on a nice, cool, Florida morning... That made me so depressed. I watched Jaws on my MP3 player at work in tribute. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon looking at vacation pics trying to rationalize a way to move to Orlando.

Anybody else ever do the same thing? It happens way too often for me.
:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

to lorax123 our newest homie

yup, this is the place to be to yak about anything on your mind.

me too on the smells.
i always eagerly look forward to my trips and then come home depressed thinking it will be another year before i return.

jaws is one kewl ride!
mac -

Bean #1 has played in a travel softball league (all within 35 minutes of here) & I could not always stay at her games - so she got the phone when she was 10.5yo

Bean #2 got the firefly for Christmas and has only used it once or twice while walking home from school (2 blocks away and only when #1 couldn't walk with her due to after school tutoring) so I could come meet her at the corner. We got it for her also because of her asthma/allergies if she is out with someone other than family. She is very responsible with it......until she lost it yesterday :rolleyes1

My Mom has started buying uniforms for the kids :rolleyes1 (they are going to public school, but ours has a dress code - even for B#3 who is in Kindergarten this year) not to mention she has gotten them alot of supplies already. I know they will have their Halloween Costumes by the end of September as well - that's just my Mom for ya :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Hi everyone. I am too tired to keep up with what I've missed.

Mac, this is my favorite swim suit site:

How could you not love a site whose tag line is "look 10 pounds lighter in 10 seconds." I have many a suit from them. They usually have some good close outs at the end of the season. The suits are pretty true to size and well made. Of course you have to buy on faith though as it is entirely online. I love that they have suits for specific body-types.
Hi everyone. I am too tired to keep up with what I've missed.

Mac, this is my favorite swim suit site:

How could you not love a site whose tag line is "look 10 pounds lighter in 10 seconds." I have many a suit from them. They usually have some good close outs at the end of the season. The suits are pretty true to size and well made. Of course you have to buy on faith though as it is entirely online. I love that they have suits for specific body-types.

do they make you feel like a "snausage"? bought one @ JCP that promised to take 3 inches off; it was akin to wearing a girdle - very uncomfy imo.

i do tend to put a suit (usually a tankini type) on in the morning when i'm home with a pair of board shorts & i'm good to hop in the backyard pool anytime.:)

RVG - thanks for posting the head-up on the halloween sale, i never get any emails from them.:confused: Bought the coolest HM tombstone w/one of the ghosts last year for front yard display we set up.

mac - we have to have a mind to post on the DISboards?:upsidedow

as for the age of cellphone awareness for kids; my DS didn't get his own until his 14th birthday...ALL of his friends had them for years. Apparently, its how parents keep track of the latchkey kids. I do like the ability to require my DS to pick up the phone when they are out, whenever i call.:thumbsup2
No, not like a girdle (or else I would never wear it! :). They aren't flimsy though. They are just cut to flatter, I guess. I must have 5 of them at least, all different styles. At the end of the season, they usually have a $39 sale (hence, why I have 5!).
welcome lorax...another neighbor here :wave2:

so, we're off the cells and onto suits.... :scratchin I think i paid like $75 for my suit...however, I love it! got it from Venus (now you know why so expensive!) Ironically, my doctor told me yesterday she thought my face looked "gaunt" :confused3 I'm tellin' her i need to get back to workin' out (to tone up), she's tellin' me i looks skinny...:confused3 ....had to show her what i meant :scared: ...but, i love her and she just laughs at me!

anyone who has NOT ridden Jaws at nite had better do so! :thumbsup2 it is WAY cool! (keep posted in Day 5 of my TR)

macraven said:
what do parents do for young school age kids?
buy the stuff in july for the fall attire and then the kid grows at thanksgiving time, nothing fits correctly by end of the year which is winter time.

yep...that's us. he needed all new summer duds, as he had major growth spurt and nothing fit...not even underwears! So, all new summer duds, and now all new jeans, sweats and fall/winter duds (except coat, that was new last year and i buy big, so that still fits!) My problem w/ the boy is that he is tall and he needs "slim" fit and "tall"....hard to find the talls :headache: ....goes to school in sweatpants a lot! :rotfl: (eh, i don't care, he's there to learn, not pick up the gals...besides, i'm a believer in "you'll learn more if you're comfy :thumbsup2 )

we start thinking of a Halloween costume about 2 weeks before...I don't think we've ever had "store bought" costume...always homemade....i think he may be gettin close to the "quittin' age" tho...we shall see....

well, i have to run...thought the sewer bill was due tomorrow....due today :headache:

catch ya's later.....
mac -

Bean #1 has played in a travel softball league (all within 35 minutes of here) & I could not always stay at her games - so she got the phone when she was 10.5yo

Bean #2 got the firefly for Christmas and has only used it once or twice while walking home from school (2 blocks away and only when #1 couldn't walk with her due to after school tutoring) so I could come meet her at the corner. We got it for her also because of her asthma/allergies if she is out with someone other than family. She is very responsible with it......until she lost it yesterday :rolleyes1

as much running around like you do tracie, they need a phone so they can contact you.

Hi everyone. I am too tired to keep up with what I've missed.

Mac, this is my favorite swim suit site:

How could you not love a site whose tag line is "look 10 pounds lighter in 10 seconds." I have many a suit from them. They usually have some good close outs at the end of the season. The suits are pretty true to size and well made. Of course you have to buy on faith though as it is entirely online. I love that they have suits for specific body-types.

i checked out that link, they look lovely.
i need to try a suit on to find my size. i have no idea what size i am. really and truly, don't know.

do they make you feel like a "snausage"? bought one @ JCP that promised to take 3 inches off; it was akin to wearing a girdle - very uncomfy imo.

mac - we have to have a mind to post on the DISboards?:upsidedow

as for the age of cellphone awareness for kids; my DS didn't get his own until his 14th birthday...ALL of his friends had them for years. Apparently, its how parents keep track of the latchkey kids. I do like the ability to require my DS to pick up the phone when they are out, whenever i call.:thumbsup2

i always got voice mail....

welcome lorax...another neighbor here :wave2:

so, we're off the cells and onto suits.... :scratchin I think i paid like $75 for my suit...however, I love it! got it from Venus (now you know why so expensive!) Ironically, my doctor told me yesterday she thought my face looked "gaunt" :confused3 I'm tellin' her i need to get back to workin' out (to tone up), she's tellin' me i looks skinny...:confused3 ....had to show her what i meant :scared: ...but, i love her and she just laughs at me!

catch ya's later.....

you should send that woman flowers and candy.
anyone that would dare say i look too thin would get them
come out, come out, where ever you are lomax.........
you disappeared on us

come back and play
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