Something About Nothing............ #14

Hehe Keisha, had to post a camel on this Wednesday. Yeah, flash flooding no fun at all. Hope it’s not raining when you are driving this afternoon.

Yay for pooch pampering and supply run, Paris. Nice to have food for all to enjoy. We do that, as we have some family with different food needs.

Will go up the day before to help with preparing food for our 4th of July family get together. And of course sample. 😃
:wave2:Making a quick stop in!

Still hotter than balls here lol. We reached 105.8F yesterday :scared1: I do have to was a tad hot lol I was ok...until I had to sleep in our not cool house lol. OH well...It's better than -40 any day!!!! Forecast is for the same today...then tomorrow for cooler for Canada Day. Heading to the lake tomorrow to go camping with the kids. Looking forward to spending time with them and the my little sweet cheeks again lol.

So, hello air fryer for dinner, as no taco place close enough for us, and we learned, does not travel well. Thus, with hungry kids, chicken fingers, breaded by me, and while they were cooking in the air fryer, was making mac and cheese. Little one wanted fries with melted cheese on them. Okay then, and what? Oven was lit, in it, fries and tater tots. And so, a sliced up giant tomato, as thought needed a veggie, as was lots of carbs. Wow am I full. And not too bad feeling warm kitchen. And those stinkers. Ice cream sandwiches gone, but some mint chocolate chip in a small bucket still left. Room enough for that, with my tea. Perfect pairing for a bit of dessert.
I love my air fryer. I didn't think I would use it as much as I do. I must say...that ice cream sandwiches never last long in our house either lol. I'm glad you were able to find some dessert!
We hope to repaint and floor this summer. So many choices though. We brought some samples home to compare.
That is always fun!!!! Change is always great in our homes!!!!
Oh no. Not in the corner. We will be at the pool with nachos and your drink of choice.
I like that plan!!!! I love a good plate of nachos....I'll take a ceasar or a beer with clamato ( fancy shmancy tomato juice) if it's hot out please!!!! Or a twisted tea too!!!!
FW & carnival were cancelled long ago due to covid concerns in our little town. Luckily, nearby communities still have their FW & parades in place. In our typical absence, my youngest hosts his siblings & buds, more of an adult party vibe I’m guessing lol
I hope your able to find some type of celebration for your 4th of July. There is not much celebrating here this year...with covid and restrictions finally lifting...but also many are not celebrating because of the discovery of residential school mass graves (with many more to come I am afraid) . We will celebrate in our own little way...on the lake, in the boat with fishing rods in hand, or on the beach playing with gd enjoying the warm weather we are blessed with.
Our little guy Barney has a grooming appointment today. While he is having his beauty treatment,
Awwww....they always feel better after. Enjoy your weekend at your lake house!!!!

Well, I should probably shuffle some papers around on my desk soon.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
Quick good evening. Busy day today. So far no plans for the 4th.

My mom is back in the hospital again. My sister texted and said she had some fluid in a lung and also around the heart. That’s all my aunt has told us so far.

I almost fell asleep while typing this, so I will wish everyone a good night.
I am sorry to hear that news about your mom charade

Hope her lungs will be cleared up quickly
and she will be able to return home soon
Oh no, sorry to hear about mom, Charade. I hope that fluid is cleared up and she goes home soon. Hugs, and well wishes to your mom.

Pumpkin, hope that hot weather lessens soon. We have dropped to the low 80’s, but oh so muggy before we have a rainy day. Keisha apparently is sharing in the rain. 😊

Not sure rain is a sleep aid. Heard rain and some nice booming thunder as a quick yellow blob on the weather radar passed over us later in the evening yesterday. And more to fall today, with a sunny start that will soon be clouded over. But warm, with 72 out, and high humidity.

So stay thirsty homies. We have that thirsty Thursday to start the month of July. And a star spangled weekend coming up. Yay!

And I’m doing my thirsty part today. Ah yes, this homie likes tea. Will drink coffee too. But most mornings, my routine includes making tea, and enjoying a few cups. Okay, quite a few cups.

May all have a terrific thirsty Thursday.
I need an ark!
lunch was at Wahlburgers. Had the open faced sloppy joe sandwich, and it was quite good!
never dined there, believe one is coming to our ‘burg tho. Yummy? Too bad no pizza burger…hmm, haven’t made them for years. Old school cafeteria version
stinks when a trusted stylist moves on....hopefully she put you with a good replacement!
yes, I’m on a roll lately it seems. Girl seems nice, off to a class on some sort of new, fancy extensions. We shall see.
We will likely 'picnic' on the boat for lunch and then grill out for supper each day.
that sounds great!
Still hotter than balls here lol. We reached 105.8F yesterday
nwahaha never heard that one before, swiping it
love my air fryer. I didn't think I would use it as much as I do
i’ve been accused of being obsessed with mine…says 2 of my single DS who promptly asked me to buy them ones too after eating food out of mine lol
I hope your able to find some type of celebration for your 4th of July
oh yeahhhhh, will be in Orlando :banana::jumping1:pixiedust: I”m not too excited :)
My mom is back in the hospital again. My sister texted and said she had some fluid in a lung and also around the heart. That’s all my aunt has told us so far.
Oh, darn it, sorry to hear. Best wishes to you all
Hehe Keisha, had to post a camel on this Wednesday. Yeah, flash flooding no fun at all. Hope it’s not raining when you are driving this afternoon.

Yay for pooch pampering and supply run, Paris. Nice to have food for all to enjoy. We do that, as we have some family with different food needs.

Will go up the day before to help with preparing food for our 4th of July family get together. And of course sample. 😃
All great foods for the 4th! Sampling is key!!

:wave2:Making a quick stop in!

Still hotter than balls here lol. We reached 105.8F yesterday :scared1: I do have to was a tad hot lol I was ok...until I had to sleep in our not cool house lol. OH well...It's better than -40 any day!!!! Forecast is for the same today...then tomorrow for cooler for Canada Day. Heading to the lake tomorrow to go camping with the kids. Looking forward to spending time with them and the my little sweet cheeks again lol.

I love my air fryer. I didn't think I would use it as much as I do. I must say...that ice cream sandwiches never last long in our house either lol. I'm glad you were able to find some dessert!

That is always fun!!!! Change is always great in our homes!!!!

I like that plan!!!! I love a good plate of nachos....I'll take a ceasar or a beer with clamato ( fancy shmancy tomato juice) if it's hot out please!!!! Or a twisted tea too!!!!

I hope your able to find some type of celebration for your 4th of July. There is not much celebrating here this year...with covid and restrictions finally lifting...but also many are not celebrating because of the discovery of residential school mass graves (with many more to come I am afraid) . We will celebrate in our own little way...on the lake, in the boat with fishing rods in hand, or on the beach playing with gd enjoying the warm weather we are blessed with.

Awwww....they always feel better after. Enjoy your weekend at your lake house!!!!

Well, I should probably shuffle some papers around on my desk soon.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
Thank you!
Time in the lake helps to keep cool! Hope your camping is a lot of fun!!

Oh no, sorry to hear about mom, Charade. I hope that fluid is cleared up and she goes home soon. Hugs, and well wishes to your mom.

Pumpkin, hope that hot weather lessens soon. We have dropped to the low 80’s, but oh so muggy before we have a rainy day. Keisha apparently is sharing in the rain. 😊

Not sure rain is a sleep aid. Heard rain and some nice booming thunder as a quick yellow blob on the weather radar passed over us later in the evening yesterday. And more to fall today, with a sunny start that will soon be clouded over. But warm, with 72 out, and high humidity.

So stay thirsty homies. We have that thirsty Thursday to start the month of July. And a star spangled weekend coming up. Yay!

And I’m doing my thirsty part today. Ah yes, this homie likes tea. Will drink coffee too. But most mornings, my routine includes making tea, and enjoying a few cups. Okay, quite a few cups.

May all have a terrific thirsty Thursday.
2nd cup of coffee on Thirsty Thursday for me....will I have a 3rd?

I was so sleepy last night I forgot to post my picture for Lynne. We had a birth at the Metro Richmond Zoo last week.

View attachment 585958
That is precious!!

I booked a spontaneous trip this Boston!!! DD and I have never been to Boston before, and I'm excited!!! We leave later this month, so not much time to plan. But not much time to wait either, which is great!

Going golfing later today. With a high of mid 70s, it should be perfect weather for it. The weekend will bring low 90s our way. Such is summer!

I need to make a packing list for the weekend. We are bringing so much food and beverages, fixings for s'mores and some games. Don't want to forget anything!

Quick good evening. Busy day today. So far no plans for the 4th.

My mom is back in the hospital again. My sister texted and said she had some fluid in a lung and also around the heart. That’s all my aunt has told us so far.

I almost fell asleep while typing this, so I will wish everyone a good night.
Hope your mom is ok Charade, and that your aunt gives you an update soon!

I need an ark!

never dined there, believe one is coming to our ‘burg tho. Yummy? Too bad no pizza burger…hmm, haven’t made them for years. Old school cafeteria version

yes, I’m on a roll lately it seems. Girl seems nice, off to a class on some sort of new, fancy extensions. We shall see.

that sounds great!

nwahaha never heard that one before, swiping it

i’ve been accused of being obsessed with mine…says 2 of my single DS who promptly asked me to buy them ones too after eating food out of mine lol

oh yeahhhhh, will be in Orlando :banana::jumping1:pixiedust: I”m not too excited :)

Oh, darn it, sorry to hear. Best wishes to you all
Are you going to WDW, UO or both this trip?
Boston is on my bucket list. There is a museum there where you can throw fake tea chests off of a ship. I want to do that. My birthday is on the same day as the tea party.
That sounds fun! I need to take some notes from people who've been to Boston.
I did graduate work in Boston. Nice place to visit in the Summer. Have fun there, Paris. Oh and go for that third cup of coffee. ::yes::

Keisha, safe travels and enjoy that Florida heat. Yep, stormy days for us, with flash flood warnings to expire in 2 days. Will send that ark your way.

Time for me tea for me, and while they said the clouds are here, not quite where I am. Sun has been making the house bright for hours now. Hoping it stays sunny when I do my lunchtime walk. Should be. Last weather guy showed on morning news, looks like we will be riding through the storm in that ark around dinner time. One time I am thankful no commuting home in that rain dumping storm line.

Sweet picture Charade. Always fun to see babies in the zoos. Our big zoo has had quite the explosion of babies. Latest shown was a baby lemur. Summer brings crowds, so we tend to not visit the zoo as much in the Summer.
Ooh, quite the thunderstorm we are having. That lightning strike was close. Was by the front door to let little one in, and heard our crawl space’s sub pump go off. Yeah, I can see flash flooding, as bet some are hydroplaning as roads looked flooded. Little one was wise, and took her rain coat to camp, didn’t need it until she was coming home. At least older one’s work gives them rain coats and rain pants. He will need them if he has to go out in this downpour.

Wow, that thunder is very loud. Ark will surely be floating all the way to Keisha.
Carole must be having a swell time! :thumbsup2
I booked a spontaneous trip this Boston!!! DD and I have never been to Boston before, and I'm excited!!! We leave later this month, so not much time to plan. But not much time to wait either, which is great!
nice! eldest DS had to fly into there for work a few weeks ago. Too bad he had to haul himself a 2 hour drive away. Said he will make sure to book a day or two in the city the next visit. So close yet, so far lol
Are you going to WDW, UO or both this trip?
the ‘lil usually insists on both & SW. this year, doing a few more WDW days & just 3 at U. Had to cut trip shorter than I had planned (thank you SW & PBH for working with me there) as I ahem forgot about her Dad’s BD on the 11th:blush:. Oops, didn’t ‘forget-forget’ just didn’t hit me when I booked the trip it was crossing that date. As a reward for my slight, I get to host his BD party later that day after our flight gets home early that am.

Keisha, safe travels and enjoy that Florida heat. Yep, stormy days for us, with flash flood warnings to expire in 2 days. Will send that ark your way.
turns out tropical storm Elsa is brewing down by St Lucia. my mind automatically associating that name with Disney’s frozen, hoping it doesn’t turn out in ironic fashion. seems as tho it would be rather early in the season for any sort of major event. Famous last words:bitelip::rotfl:

one of the spaghetti paths has it hitting Orlando on Wednesday. Won’t be our first rodeo to ride out a big storm there. as long as she who has seemingly worked “velociCoaster” into nearly every conversation for months gets a shot to enjoy it, I’m good to go.
Wow, that thunder is very loud. Ark will surely be floating all the way to Keisha
stay safe. Seems to have finally subsided here. such a strange series of storms This go-round.
Yeah, since I have Orlando in my weather app info, got that warning of Elsa today, Keisha. And hehe, we were always back by my mom’s birthday, which was New Year’s Day, every time we went away for the holidays. Hope GD does get to ride. From AP Facebook, rain has kept the crowds away. So hope Elsa does not interfere with plans.

Storm is gone, though rain chances throughout the night. But at least no rain predicted tomorrow. I have an errand to do, with mailing bills are the two things I have to on my Friday off. But grr, turned off alarm, only to have DH say he needs to get up early. Oh well, if I am tired, I will go back to sleep when he gets up.

Hope all have a good night sleep. And, since it’s been so hot for so many, not quite a night light, but an ice sculpture for ya, that is bright enough to light your way to the loo or sip that last cup of tea or coffee.

Carole must be having a swell time! :thumbsup2
nice! eldest DS had to fly into there for work a few weeks ago. Too bad he had to haul himself a 2 hour drive away. Said he will make sure to book a day or two in the city the next visit. So close yet, so far lol

the ‘lil usually insists on both & SW. this year, doing a few more WDW days & just 3 at U. Had to cut trip shorter than I had planned (thank you SW & PBH for working with me there) as I ahem forgot about her Dad’s BD on the 11th:blush:. Oops, didn’t ‘forget-forget’ just didn’t hit me when I booked the trip it was crossing that date. As a reward for my slight, I get to host his BD party later that day after our flight gets home early that am.

turns out tropical storm Elsa is brewing down by St Lucia. my mind automatically associating that name with Disney’s frozen, hoping it doesn’t turn out in ironic fashion. seems as tho it would be rather early in the season for any sort of major event. Famous last words:bitelip::rotfl:

one of the spaghetti paths has it hitting Orlando on Wednesday. Won’t be our first rodeo to ride out a big storm there. as long as she who has seemingly worked “velociCoaster” into nearly every conversation for months gets a shot to enjoy it, I’m good to go.

stay safe. Seems to have finally subsided here. such a strange series of storms This go-round.
Have a super special time on your trip! Let us know if you get on VC!!
And I'm sure you'll pull off a great bday party after the trip as well!!

Yeah, since I have Orlando in my weather app info, got that warning of Elsa today, Keisha. And hehe, we were always back by my mom’s birthday, which was New Year’s Day, every time we went away for the holidays. Hope GD does get to ride. From AP Facebook, rain has kept the crowds away. So hope Elsa does not interfere with plans.

Storm is gone, though rain chances throughout the night. But at least no rain predicted tomorrow. I have an errand to do, with mailing bills are the two things I have to on my Friday off. But grr, turned off alarm, only to have DH say he needs to get up early. Oh well, if I am tired, I will go back to sleep when he gets up.

Hope all have a good night sleep. And, since it’s been so hot for so many, not quite a night light, but an ice sculpture for ya, that is bright enough to light your way to the loo or sip that last cup of tea or coffee.

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That's a very appropriate night light for the current heat wave many are experiencing!

Milwaukee Bucks are leading Atlanta in the 4th quarter. The series is tied 2-2. Hoping Milwaukee can pull out the W tonight!!


Yay! It’s a Friday.

Well, did sorta get back to sleep, but wet sounding roads woke me up. Eh, any more rain should not be, though a cloudy and with 79 the high, predicted day.

Glad to see a win for that basketball team for ya Paris. I do not follow basketball, and other then college, no basketball win in our City for many years.

Save travels to Keisha, and hope lots of park fun for her and GD.

And hope Schumi is having a lovely time visiting her family.

Thus, even with a lazy kinda Friday for me, time to refill the tea cup. Yep, tea. Maybe I’ll make some eggs. I know little one will eat the white, if I separate the scrambling of the eggs. So guess I’ll do that, as she should be getting up soon. Older one will have no trouble reheating if he’s not up by the time I’m done cooking. He’s been working to close these last 2 days, so I can see him sleeping much later today, though he has work too, but I don’t think until lunchtime.

Homies, start that fabulous Friday feeling! It’s a Friday. :woohoo:


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