Something About Nothing............ #14

Yep! Will certainly take advantage of that Mac. Waiting to see what HHN prices are. I guess we all got lucky last year, and had very very good rates via HHN AP rates. And yay for me, as have that BOGO tickets from last year, so two nights for me. Hoping one will be with your private HHN RIP.
Good evening everyone. Not much to report today. I've been dealing with an upset stomach which is never fun. I also finally decided to tackle the vacation laundry.
The phone meeting was interesting. It started 30 minutes late because my boss couldn't figure out how to get on. It was literally click on a link. She is really technology challenged.

And hope the blister is healed now.
The blister has healed, but I decided to wear my Crocs for a few more days. I'm surprised at how many compliments I have gotten on them.

The idiots eventually decided to climb upon an ancient refrigerator sitting in their truck bed that they must’ve picked up somewhere. Let the dumpster diving commence. Meanwhile, everything is prominently posted hazardous waste, no trespassing, violators will be prosecuted etc.
Wow, that's crazy.Hop they didn't cause too much of a problem.

Yay, Charde, I’ll be at SF, checking out on the second.
I'm checking in on the first, so we will just barely have time to say hi to each other.

Pool view room. Yay! I like SF as much as the other 3 premier ones.
I have a pool view too. I was hoping for lagoon view, but I guess those went first.

Our new dates are 9/18 - 9/28...10 glorious nights and I'm happy that we can now possibly meet up with mac since we were going to miss each other this time.
Bummer, I'm going to miss you by 3 days.

With all the talk lately about sandals I am seriously considering getting a pair. I haven't worn sandals in years. I have no idea what kind to get - Keens, Texas, Skechers, something else? I guess I will try them all and see what is most comfortable.
Yep, I can’t wear crocs or keens as too wide for my foot. I’d try on several different brands to see what fits you best, Charade. Well, so far, my flight back is at 8:30 pm, so unless you are coming in late, maybe we could meet for dinner or breakfast or lunch the next day. At least we are in the same hotel.
Keens might be a good choice for me since I have a wide foot.

Right now my flight is scheduled to arrive at 3:18 on October 1, so dinner, breakfast or lunch should be fine. I'm open to suggestions for dining. I've only eaten at a few restaurants at Universal.
I like the full service restaurant in SF, can’t remember the name, though bet Robo remembers, Charade. Just send me a text when you are settled in.

Hoping the restaurant month happens this September. Did not last year, but understandable, as many restaurants were not open.

Quiet night. Not much of interest on the tube, but may make it an early night. So will leave this lovely light on:
Good evening everyone. Not much to report today. I've been dealing with an upset stomach which is never fun. I also finally decided to tackle the vacation laundry.
The phone meeting was interesting. It started 30 minutes late because my boss couldn't figure out how to get on. It was literally click on a link. She is really technology challenged.

The blister has healed, but I decided to wear my Crocs for a few more days. I'm surprised at how many compliments I have gotten on them.

Wow, that's crazy.Hop they didn't cause too much of a problem.

I'm checking in on the first, so we will just barely have time to say hi to each other.

I have a pool view too. I was hoping for lagoon view, but I guess those went first.

Bummer, I'm going to miss you by 3 days.

With all the talk lately about sandals I am seriously considering getting a pair. I haven't worn sandals in years. I have no idea what kind to get - Keens, Texas, Skechers, something else? I guess I will try them all and see what is most comfortable.

Glad it`s healed though, they are horrible to deal with.

I think you must be the first person I`ve ever heard say they got a compliment wearing

I like the full service restaurant in SF, can’t remember the name, though bet Robo remembers, Charade.


Slept like a log last night, didn`t even wake up to the 2.30am bird song to let us know it`s light!

This morning heading over to the butcher we went to last week, ordered a prime rib and will pick it up today and cook it tomorrow. It`s maybe not exactly weather for cooking a roast in the oven as it is gorgeous here, but we couldn`t resist when we saw the ones he had last week.

Tonight is take out though, not sure if it`ll be Thai or pizza.....I would choose Thai, but pizza I`m sure will be the majority vote.

It is gorgeous today, so I think when we get back from the butcher, we`ll be sitting out in the garden.........and will get all my washing dry......




Have wonderful Saturday​
Yay, that glorious golden sunrise it was. Hehe, was up again before the sunrise, as oddly, older one had a very early start to his work. Made sure he had plenty of suntan lotion. While he gets a nice dark tan, last sunny days he worked, looked dark red around his uncovered neck. Ah, by the end of the time both kids have worked outside this Summer, they will be so nice looking tan.

So a big WOOT. The start of a heat wave is today. Yay, another day of lazy. The weekend is here, and a Super Sized Saturday to all the homies.

And another woot and yay, will be wearing suntan lotion too, and a hat and shades. Weather guy said this morning, go outside, low humidity and 91 the high. And so we shall. And with tomorrow, our Sunday, is predicted to be that ultra steamy humidity. Yeah the kind that makes you feel like it’s 98 degrees or higher out. Even with the thermometer saying 93. And so, with sister’s please come, and that hot and humid of a day, nothing better than to be by the pool on Sunday. Well, until that very sweaty hot weather fires up another round of thunderstorms later in the afternoon or evening. But if those storms do come, they should be like our downpour dump yesterday afternoon. Right after all we heard was thunder, the sun came blazing out like nothing happened, and within minutes, only some small puddles were the tale it had rained.

So, little one and I want to visit a park today. We are lucky, there are quite a few nearby parks that have a nice walking path. Some are many miles long. We have so many parks that are owned by the townships, the state, and even a Federal one, all within less than an hour drive, including one within a 15 minute stroll. And so, with this most perfect weather, why not enjoy the outdoors? And I’m pretty sure I know which park, as there is shopping not too far away from it. And well, another walk inside an AC blowing mall will be appreciated if we get hot from that outside walking. And there’s food and drinks there too. If we are walking, I will be wearing my sneakers. May throw my flip flops in the car. I for one, seem to toss off my shoes when I can. So hot feeling feet, will be cooler in flip flops. And I don’t mind wearing them if we only are walking in the mall.

Off to refill my tea cup. And with the second day of lazy starts, a fuller cooked breakfast was had. I made an omelette with cheese, red peppers and bacon. House now still smells of bacon. Yay! Little one and I finished up the bacon and I made her an egg white plain scramble. As we are full, time for her to fresher up. We may go get coffee and I think she needs something at Target. So off we go on our most happy the weather this Saturday.
Good Saturday morning Sans family :wave:



So thoughtful of you, they will be thrilled. Hint: Have them make reservations for MGM each day of their trip. They can then typically cancel the other days & reschedule for other parks (GS can help them) once they succeed in getting a virtual sport to ride RoTR

Thanks for the information. Son is really looking forward to Star Wars Land.

Minions say hi to their biggest fan😍


New favorite ride no question!!
It was fast!
It was intense!
It was smooth!!
Hope to get the chance to ride it again!

Still thinking on that one........a bit of a wimpo-saurus here...LOL

Just finishing lunch at Mythos.

I always have a meal there while on vacation. The theming and the food are very nice.

Had a little retail therapy yesterday. It literally was therapy since I was in a bad mood but once I found some clothes that did not look half bad AND fit, I felt so much better. 8-)

Retail therapy is the best therapy.

Well, vaccine had no ill effects this time I`m glad to say.

Great to hear all went well with your second shot.

I'm sure I'll melt in Florida (it's a tad bit hotter than here in Mass.) so if I don't return, you'll know why LOL

Lots of water....they offer free ice water in the parks. Plenty of sun screen and nice breaks in air conditioned shops and restaurants.

Of alllllllllll the times for his to decide that maybe now is the time to trade in a vehicle then buy a new one :rolleyes1

Congratulations on the new truck . Hope you were able to get all your things on your list accomplished.

The Palm restaurant was a great meal!!
We all had the lobster bisque for starters. And each ordered a filet for our entrees. Added the green beans with pancetta and pine nuts for a side. Yum!!!

Sounds like a delicious meal. We have never been disappointed with our meals at the Palm.

Gorgeous weather is still going on....and will last longer than we thought :sunny:

So glad to hear your weather is still nice. The sun has a way of making everything better.

After consulting with Danielle, we decided to add 2 days to our trip (one on both ends) since the airfare was so high it would save us money even with the cost of one night at Pop and HRH. It was only $123 extra for HRH over SF plus we get 2 days of Express... so it's a win, win in my book :cool1:

Great news on being able to extend your vacation Tink.

I like the full service restaurant in SF, can’t remember the name, though bet Robo remembers, Charade. Just send me a text when you are settled in.

Amitista Cookhouse......still remember the delicious New York strip I had there.

The ☀️ is shining this morning. We had 2 days of sunshine then 2 days of rain. Yesterday was nice and today looks to be a gorgeous day.

Our local farmers market opens today and they are also having the Strawberry Festival today. My sister, niece and great-nephew are going to come over and we are going to check that out.

I have been keeping busy with sunken garden, a few wedding projects and mask making for families upcoming trips.

Grandson found some time in his busy summer schedule to get away for vacation time. So I booked us a trip to Universal. He is such a sweet grandson.

It seems like time has flown by. Universal has always been our special vacation spot for my two youngest grandchildren and myself. Now granddaughter is getting married in 21 days and grandson will be a Senior in High in High School this Fall. Time fly’s for sure. Embrace every moment in making memories as it is very precious for sure.

I was going to try and get him over to have a look at Batuu also, but all the reservations for July are booked at Hollywood Studios so that will have to be another time in the future.

Need to get scootin.

Have a wonderful Saturday Sans family.

Dinner and a movie tonight.

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Mac, I hope it is warm enough. That rain is to end in the overnight. Still raining now. And will be nice to see most of my siblings and their families. And she does have a heater that heats the pool water. I’m sure the young kids will be excited to see the pool. We already prepped most of the food, as makes it easier on my sister. Sampled some for dinner tonight. Delicious.

And yay, for adult trip countdown for Emc. I like being solo in the parks. Can take advantage of single rider line, and I go at my own pace, doing and eating whatever I am in the mood for. Sometimes I meet people, sometimes I don’t. Don’t fret it, many like the freedom of being solo in the parks.

And so, tired and relaxing. Older one has our local soccer team on the large tv, loud too. Will have to tell him to turn it down. I need more quiet time. And still will be up early. My nature. And feels so wrong. AC and shorts the last week, and pants and had to turn heater today. To be in low 40’s overnight, and yes, with the rain. Sigh. At least evening weather news says a warming up this week, though with a very muggy 80, with thunderstorms chances predicted on Friday. Ah, another Friday we may be rocking and rolling in the skies again.
I went solo once, and enjoyed it alot. May try to squeeze another solo trip before my AP expires.

Ooh am I in time for bacon, Schumi? Nice you have good weather, and enjoy trip to car garage, and hope you received a nice loaner while yours is being worked on.

Ah yes, that last day of still no bright start to our day. But you know the heat wave is coming soon, as already 70 degrees out. Morning weather news guy said we will be doing that rocking and rolling in the late afternoon, and will be oh so muggy, with so moist air, so no wonder it will fire up a thunderstorm. Though with an 80 degree high today, no start of the heat wave. But a big WOOT, as Saturday, Sunday and Monday will all have highs above 90. Heat wave, hello! Saturday will be the winner, with low humidity and lots of sun. Sunday will have such sticky weather, the feel like will be in the high 90’s. Should be a good pool day, and I need to ask sister if I okay to swing by on Sunday.

And so, up before the sunrise, as DH did not have a good sleep the night before, so went to bed early last night. Yeah, we were up 1/2 hour before the alarm went off. Sigh. He wanted to be screen viewing for a few hours this morning, as his schedule is so much more flexible then I could do in my place. Then he’s going to mow his mom’s grass this afternoon, hoping to beat the rain. He mowed our grass last afternoon, and yep, the grass got a good watering a few hours after that. Hehe, little one texted me, from her bedroom, did you hear the thunder? Why yes I did. While West of our City got a lightning show, we had some booming thunder, some heavy downpours, but no light show for us. The last night’s storm poured 2 to 2 and a half inches of rain, an hour. Very wet streets as the downpours gave the storm drains a workout. That’s what the most chance of threat from that storm line that roared through. Flooding. While did hear the fire whistle blow not much after the storm moved on, did not smell smoke, and nothing was on the last late night local news, so I guess it was nothing newsworthy. And that’s a good thing.

As older one was is now up, a working kid now. Yay! Told him he needs to take a rain coat, as won’t need it until later in the day, but he’s working a full day, so a late dinner we will have. I will wait to start dinner when I hear he’s done and waking to his car. I know he will be hungry, as while they provide lunch, it will be a long after lunch time for him.

And so, as DH got me up early, decided to make eggs, this time with almost stale matzo I found in the pantry. Enjoyed a matzo fry, and fried up a ham steak that was sitting in the refrigerator. And yes, the tea pot was the first on the stove. Just means I’ll be ready for brunch or a late breakfast with little one. She wants to go out for breakfast, but I know that means closer to lunch time, so the early breakfast will have been many hours before she’s ready to go. I will certainly be hungry, and look forward to tasty pancakes with lemon curd and good coffee. Mid day carbs, oh yes, please. Then some more grocery shopping, as with a short week coming up, stocking the pantry, so lots will be available that the men can eat while we are gone. I will do some produce and meat shopping just before we leave. And both have no issue grocery shopping if they need to. Plus, more that I’m hoping some will be left as we will be back around dinner time. Nice to be able to grocery shop on a week day. Should be less crowded this afternoon. Hope we come home before the rain starts. Thus, the mom alarm will start in a few hours.

Finally, yay, yay, yay. Fabulous Friday to the homies. And a big Woot! The weekend starts soon, today for me. :dancer:
Matzo crackers with butter is yummy!

Starting to wonder if I missed a national holiday yesterday, no mail delivery or garbage pickup.

Funny last evening, live on dead end street. Accordingly, very little traffic. Other than the night before trash day, when the pickers go thru our garbage. Don’t mind except for when they are sloppy about it. Many seem to go for the heavy, recycling stuff. We aren’t expected sort our garbage here as so rural.

Anyway, My security system kept going off re traffic every 5 or 10 minutes, finally got up to investigate. Was an old, beat truck that had a man & woman inside who were intrigued by the multiple xtra large dumpsters up & down the street.

They are in place for the demo of the haunted house across the way. Taking forever, as they found asbestos. New demo team was called in to comply with regulations, including using different sort of dumpsters.

Slow going, everything gets sprayed down. Guys in hazmat suits, etc. Appears they stack very small layers of materials in the larger dumpsters. (Thank you to my cameras for the view lol). Whole thing covered in large plastic sheets, then secured with large tie downs while it awaits to be hauled away.

The idiots eventually decided to climb upon an ancient refrigerator sitting in their truck bed that they must’ve picked up somewhere. Let the dumpster diving commence. Meanwhile, everything is prominently posted hazardous waste, no trespassing, violators will be prosecuted etc.

911, what is your emergency? Interesting explaining that one. Not happy they likely caused the asbestos to go airborne o_O After finding out the site will sit vacant for a week, along with dumpster.

Isn’t it great to come back to work to a full desk

True, the other times there since the pandemic, once inside the store, plenty of registers staffed

Absolutely. They several styles available. I go with the clunky ones. Will say, the most comfortable shoes I’ve worn but, oh so ugly. There make a more refined mary-jane type style that appears to have a good amount of support too

Don’t think i’ve eaten matzo, not even crushed version for breading. Am i correct in assuming it’s unseasoned?
Dumpster divers aren't really a thing by us in the suburbs. Mostly a city thing I'm told, but I've never witnessed anyone actively diving...

Crikey! What a weird incident. Although when I read it I wondered why you had a demonstration going on in your quiet street......then I read it again!

I had a look at the Keens site and did have a giggle at the design of a couple of the sandals........


Yep, I`m happy now to be NOT wearing 6" heels and still be able to smile....... :rotfl:

You were right about the Skechers sandals, I ended up with a smaller size on both pairs than I usually wear. I was surprised.

Car got clean bill of health, as expected.....I think they glanced at it, and said it was fine and charged us for the experience. Would have been shocked if there was anything wrong with a 2 year old Porsche that gets looked after like it`s a Princess.

Popped into a few places we haven`t been to for a while, and did manage to make a few purchases.

And change of dinner plans, made Thai shredded chicken lettuce parcels and did use a deli bought plum and ginger sauce to go with it, and some crab cakes as we bought some more crab on the way home. They were gorgeous. Doesn`t sound very filling, but they were.

Bottle of red will be enjoyed later........and fancy watching Don`t mess with the Zohan, the only Adam Sandler movie I like or will watch.....don`t find him funny at all, but this is a funny film. Those with delicate dispositions won`t enjoy it......but it`s so funny!

Gorgeous weather is still going on....and will last longer than we thought :sunny:
Don't think I've ever heard of that Adam Sandler film. We have watched some of his others though

Hi everybody :wave2:

I had a long post typed out and started to quote a few peeps then my post went poof :headache:

Anyhoo, I'm enjoying a rare 3 days off before a 7 day stretch at work.

After consulting with Danielle, we decided to add 2 days to our trip (one on both ends) since the airfare was so high it would save us money even with the cost of one night at Pop and HRH. It was only $123 extra for HRH over SF plus we get 2 days of Express... so it's a win, win in my book :cool1:

Our new dates are 9/18 - 9/28...10 glorious nights and I'm happy that we can now possibly meet up with mac since we were going to miss each other this time.

What flavor did you like the best? I saw mango, black cherry and raspberry when I looked at the store and couldn't decide which to get...I'm leaning towards mango.

I'm not going to try to restore my other quotes as I'm afraid my post will disappear again....

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend :flower1:
A nice, long trip! How wonderful!!!!

Good evening everyone. Not much to report today. I've been dealing with an upset stomach which is never fun. I also finally decided to tackle the vacation laundry.
The phone meeting was interesting. It started 30 minutes late because my boss couldn't figure out how to get on. It was literally click on a link. She is really technology challenged.

The blister has healed, but I decided to wear my Crocs for a few more days. I'm surprised at how many compliments I have gotten on them.

Wow, that's crazy.Hop they didn't cause too much of a problem.

I'm checking in on the first, so we will just barely have time to say hi to each other.

I have a pool view too. I was hoping for lagoon view, but I guess those went first.

Bummer, I'm going to miss you by 3 days.

With all the talk lately about sandals I am seriously considering getting a pair. I haven't worn sandals in years. I have no idea what kind to get - Keens, Texas, Skechers, something else? I guess I will try them all and see what is most comfortable.
I think your crocs are pretty great!

Glad it`s healed though, they are horrible to deal with.

I think you must be the first person I`ve ever heard say they got a compliment wearing


Slept like a log last night, didn`t even wake up to the 2.30am bird song to let us know it`s light!

This morning heading over to the butcher we went to last week, ordered a prime rib and will pick it up today and cook it tomorrow. It`s maybe not exactly weather for cooking a roast in the oven as it is gorgeous here, but we couldn`t resist when we saw the ones he had last week.

Tonight is take out though, not sure if it`ll be Thai or pizza.....I would choose Thai, but pizza I`m sure will be the majority vote.

It is gorgeous today, so I think when we get back from the butcher, we`ll be sitting out in the garden.........and will get all my washing dry......




Have wonderful Saturday​
Need to go grocery shopping...then will ponder what to eat tonight. Ate so much on vacation, I should probably skip a couple days, lol!

Yay, that glorious golden sunrise it was. Hehe, was up again before the sunrise, as oddly, older one had a very early start to his work. Made sure he had plenty of suntan lotion. While he gets a nice dark tan, last sunny days he worked, looked dark red around his uncovered neck. Ah, by the end of the time both kids have worked outside this Summer, they will be so nice looking tan.

So a big WOOT. The start of a heat wave is today. Yay, another day of lazy. The weekend is here, and a Super Sized Saturday to all the homies.

And another woot and yay, will be wearing suntan lotion too, and a hat and shades. Weather guy said this morning, go outside, low humidity and 91 the high. And so we shall. And with tomorrow, our Sunday, is predicted to be that ultra steamy humidity. Yeah the kind that makes you feel like it’s 98 degrees or higher out. Even with the thermometer saying 93. And so, with sister’s please come, and that hot and humid of a day, nothing better than to be by the pool on Sunday. Well, until that very sweaty hot weather fires up another round of thunderstorms later in the afternoon or evening. But if those storms do come, they should be like our downpour dump yesterday afternoon. Right after all we heard was thunder, the sun came blazing out like nothing happened, and within minutes, only some small puddles were the tale it had rained.

So, little one and I want to visit a park today. We are lucky, there are quite a few nearby parks that have a nice walking path. Some are many miles long. We have so many parks that are owned by the townships, the state, and even a Federal one, all within less than an hour drive, including one within a 15 minute stroll. And so, with this most perfect weather, why not enjoy the outdoors? And I’m pretty sure I know which park, as there is shopping not too far away from it. And well, another walk inside an AC blowing mall will be appreciated if we get hot from that outside walking. And there’s food and drinks there too. If we are walking, I will be wearing my sneakers. May throw my flip flops in the car. I for one, seem to toss off my shoes when I can. So hot feeling feet, will be cooler in flip flops. And I don’t mind wearing them if we only are walking in the mall.

Off to refill my tea cup. And with the second day of lazy starts, a fuller cooked breakfast was had. I made an omelette with cheese, red peppers and bacon. House now still smells of bacon. Yay! Little one and I finished up the bacon and I made her an egg white plain scramble. As we are full, time for her to fresher up. We may go get coffee and I think she needs something at Target. So off we go on our most happy the weather this Saturday.
I love to walk outside, but when it gets really hot it can be miserable. I nice AC walk and snacks in a mall sounds like a great substitute!

Good Saturday morning Sans family :wave:

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Thanks for the information. Son is really looking forward to Star Wars Land.


Still thinking on that one........a bit of a wimpo-saurus here...LOL

I always have a meal there while on vacation. The theming and the food are very nice.

Retail therapy is the best therapy.

Great to hear all went well with your second shot.

Lots of water....they offer free ice water in the parks. Plenty of sun screen and nice breaks in air conditioned shops and restaurants.

Congratulations on the new truck . Hope you were able to get all your things on your list accomplished.

Sounds like a delicious meal. We have never been disappointed with our meals at the Palm.

So glad to hear your weather is still nice. The sun has a way of making everything better.

Great news on being able to extend your vacation Tink.

Amitista Cookhouse......still remember the delicious New York strip I had there.

The ☀ is shining this morning. We had 2 days of sunshine then 2 days of rain. Yesterday was nice and today looks to be a gorgeous day.

Our local farmers market opens today and they are also having the Strawberry Festival today. My sister, niece and great-nephew are going to come over and we are going to check that out.

I have been keeping busy with sunken garden, a few wedding projects and mask making for families upcoming trips.

Grandson found some time in his busy summer schedule to get away for vacation time. So I booked us a trip to Universal. He is such a sweet grandson.

It seems like time has flown by. Universal has always been our special vacation spot for my two youngest grandchildren and myself. Now granddaughter is getting married in 21 days and grandson will be a Senior in High in High School this Fall. Time fly’s for sure. Embrace every moment in making memories as it is very precious for sure.

I was going to try and get him over to have a look at Batuu also, but all the reservations for July are booked at Hollywood Studios so that will have to be another time in the future.

Need to get scootin.

Have a wonderful Saturday Sans family.

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We have a local Strawberry Fest too! It's quite popular. They make so many unique food items using strawberries. Strawberry Brats are a favorite!!

Vacation was a success! The girls had a super time, and that was the goal of the grad trip!
Here are a few photos memories...



We had all this food at StrongWater Tavern! Went a bit overboard! We also had Tres Leches cake and the guava and cheese pastries. But I hit my photo limit in this post. More trip details later!
Good Saturday morning Sans family :wave:

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Thanks for the information. Son is really looking forward to Star Wars Land.


Still thinking on that one........a bit of a wimpo-saurus here...LOL

I always have a meal there while on vacation. The theming and the food are very nice.

Retail therapy is the best therapy.

Great to hear all went well with your second shot.

Lots of water....they offer free ice water in the parks. Plenty of sun screen and nice breaks in air conditioned shops and restaurants.

Congratulations on the new truck . Hope you were able to get all your things on your list accomplished.

Sounds like a delicious meal. We have never been disappointed with our meals at the Palm.

So glad to hear your weather is still nice. The sun has a way of making everything better.

Great news on being able to extend your vacation Tink.

Amitista Cookhouse......still remember the delicious New York strip I had there.

The ☀ is shining this morning. We had 2 days of sunshine then 2 days of rain. Yesterday was nice and today looks to be a gorgeous day.

Our local farmers market opens today and they are also having the Strawberry Festival today. My sister, niece and great-nephew are going to come over and we are going to check that out.

I have been keeping busy with sunken garden, a few wedding projects and mask making for families upcoming trips.

Grandson found some time in his busy summer schedule to get away for vacation time. So I booked us a trip to Universal. He is such a sweet grandson.

It seems like time has flown by. Universal has always been our special vacation spot for my two youngest grandchildren and myself. Now granddaughter is getting married in 21 days and grandson will be a Senior in High in High School this Fall. Time fly’s for sure. Embrace every moment in making memories as it is very precious for sure.

I was going to try and get him over to have a look at Batuu also, but all the reservations for July are booked at Hollywood Studios so that will have to be another time in the future.

Need to get scootin.

Have a wonderful Saturday Sans family.

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Love farmers markets. We could spend hours wandering around them.......Scotland has wonderful strawberries and raspberries, so we plan to enjoy a few later this month.

And glad you got your trip with your grandson sorted Robbie.....that’ll be lovely.

Hope you have a great day......


I went solo once, and enjoyed it alot. May try to squeeze another solo trip before my AP expires.

Matzo crackers with butter is yummy!

Dumpster divers aren't really a thing by us in the suburbs. Mostly a city thing I'm told, but I've never witnessed anyone actively diving...

Don't think I've ever heard of that Adam Sandler film. We have watched some of his others though

A nice, long trip! How wonderful!!!!

I think your crocs are pretty great!

Need to go grocery shopping...then will ponder what to eat tonight. Ate so much on vacation, I should probably skip a couple days, lol!

I love to walk outside, but when it gets really hot it can be miserable. I nice AC walk and snacks in a mall sounds like a great substitute!

We have a local Strawberry Fest too! It's quite popular. They make so many unique food items using strawberries. Strawberry Brats are a favorite!!

Vacation was a success! The girls had a super time, and that was the goal of the grad trip!
Here are a few photos memories...
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We had all this food at StrongWater Tavern! Went a bit overboard! We also had Tres Leches cake and the guava and cheese pastries. But I hit my photo limit in this post. More trip details later!

Love the pictures all look so lovely and happy! And love the food pictures too.......Tres Leche is the best!!

Its a funny film, and honestly I can’t abide Adam Sandler, but he is so good in this.

Nice bags too, they chose well......and yes, looking forward to more pictures.........welcome home :flower1:

Got our beautiful rib roast joint earlier, place was so busy I’m glad we had ordered it. We spent some time wandering around as it sits in the most beautiful land with all the animals close by......very tranquil apart from the cars coming and going.

Stopped off to see my friends son new home, he had invited us and it is lovely. Thankfully not a new build, but a very traditional property that will suit them down to the ground. They called it Briarwood, weirdly as they are both a little drawn to old style buildings and one was an asylum of the same name......they thought it apt as his wife is a psychiatrist. They do have a very good sense of humour, if a little wry at times.

Going for Thai tonight after all. Haven’t decided what to have yet, we’ll study the menu later......then finally our Don’t mess with the Zohan movie night. But, been enjoying sitting out in the sun today, it’s been gorgeous.

Although think the farmers around us are busy, or poachers, hearing a lot of gunshots. Wabbit

Time for wine...........🍷
Trying to catch up! Lovely photos from everyone and lots of trips planned. Heard a rumour US will not be opening up to UK this year but who knows anymore - things changing daily here.

One friend travelled to France last weekend in a rush to bring back a Pyrenean sheep dog puppy her daughter was waiting for. Cost £700 for all the tests alone but it is very important to her. She had breast cancer at 26 and sadly returned at 40. She is doing really well and competes at top level with her dogs in obedience. My friend had decided she would go with her and they are now self isolating.

We took J & L to meet baby X last night. They have been desperate to meet their cousin.


J and I went to Chester Zoo today and really enjoyed it. It was very warm so we had lots of drinks in the shade and I was excited to see they are now selling Dole Whip (other Disney fans will appreciate my excitement). The limited numbers made it one of the best trips we’ve had there. The new lion enclosure meant we got right up to the sleeping beauties

Apologies my photos are sideways again.

We walked over 6 miles and I did ok in my Converse as all on pathways but not enough give in the soles for much further.

Back to the shoes question I always take trainers, sneakers and sandals. If a pool holiday add in sliders.

We are eating out tomorrow. Just a local pub for Sunday evening dinner to finish off the school holidays.

Hope everyone is keeping well and having a good weekend.
Happy Saturday. I am having a productive day. I finished the vacation laundry and am now working on getting my summer clothes out of storage and putting away the winter clothes. Actually, I am taking a break right now because dh is napping in the room where I have clothes stored.

Speaking of clothes, the one thing B wanted to buy at Disney was a Princess Jasmine t-shirt. She was so disappointed because the only ones she could find were for little girls. I looked on the shop Disney website and found this and ordered it for her.


I think you must be the first person I`ve ever heard say they got a compliment wearing
I think the compliments aren't so much for the Crocs, but because they are Baby Yoda Crocs.

I was going to try and get him over to have a look at Batuu also, but all the reservations for July are booked at Hollywood Studios so that will have to be another time in the future.
I suggest going when the temps are cooler. There is very little shade in that area.

I went solo once, and enjoyed it alot. May try to squeeze another solo trip before my AP expires.
I'm looking forward to my first solo trip, but is it really solo when I am planning to meet up with other people?

I think your crocs are pretty great!

Vacation was a success! The girls had a super time, and that was the goal of the grad trip!
Here are a few photos memories...
Great photos. I love the black bag.

Its a funny film, and honestly I can’t abide Adam Sandler, but he is so good in this.
I'm not much of a fan, but I have seen a couple of his movies that I have liked.

We took J & L to meet baby X last night. They have been desperate to meet their cousin.
Aww..sweet photo.

J and I went to Chester Zoo today and really enjoyed it. It was very warm so we had lots of drinks in the shade and I was excited to see they are now selling Dole Whip (other Disney fans will appreciate my excitement). The limited numbers made it one of the best trips we’ve had there. The new lion enclosure meant we got right up to the sleeping beauties
Cool! I love big cats and rarely see lions that close.
B had her first Dole Whip on this last trip.

Dh is still napping. I need to go find something to do so I don't fall asleep too.
Woot! Awesome pictures from Paris and Julie. Vacation and kids, yay! And a Robo post. Yay for wedding coming up in 3 weeks. Yay!

Oh my, it did feel hot out in the state park we walked in. Think a few miles, not the number of miles Schumi did. Yep, coffee had and a bit of mall shopping too. I’d say it was about 1/2 masks, 1/2 without masks. Some stores still had please wear a mask before entering, many did not. We just wore our masks, even though we are all fully vaccinated. Seemed easier. I guess as once again conflicting info, mask it or no mask, vaccinated or not, inconsistent applications. We just know both trains said masks required, so we are not going to retire mask wearing any time soon yet.

And so, a vote for pizza dinner at our house. But as all are looking like a beached whale, no one in the mood to order, let alone volunteer to be the pick up person. Schumi, was pizza dinner your family vote too?

And you know it is hot. Left home when AC was running. Came home, AC still running. Going to be even hotter. Sounds of AC will be constant this weekend.

Time for some tea. And a check on the tube as at what to view. Reruns seem to be the norm lately.
Charade........your quote has disappeared.......but, I’m never quite sure who baby yoda is......I think it may be Star Trek (not a fan). As for Adam Sandler, I honestly find him as funny as paint drying, but this is a funny movie.

That is a lovely tee shirt........

Woot! Awesome pictures from Paris and Julie. Vacation and kids, yay! And a Robo post. Yay for wedding coming up in 3 weeks. Yay!

Oh my, it did feel hot out in the state park we walked in. Think a few miles, not the number of miles Schumi did. Yep, coffee had and a bit of mall shopping too. I’d say it was about 1/2 masks, 1/2 without masks. Some stores still had please wear a mask before entering, many did not. We just wore our masks, even though we are all fully vaccinated. Seemed easier. I guess as once again conflicting info, mask it or no mask, vaccinated or not, inconsistent applications. We just know both trains said masks required, so we are not going to retire mask wearing any time soon yet.

And so, a vote for pizza dinner at our house. But as all are looking like a beached whale, no one in the mood to order, let alone volunteer to be the pick up person. Schumi, was pizza dinner your family vote too?

And you know it is hot. Left home when AC was running. Came home, AC still running. Going to be even hotter. Sounds of AC will be constant this weekend.

Time for some tea. And a check on the tube as at what to view. Reruns seem to be the norm lately.

Nope, posted above, we had Thai food was delicious. It was only the two of us though.

walk sounds nice, yes we are walking more despite the injury that has slowed Us down a little........doesn’t matter what anyone else does LG, as long as you enjoyed what you did........

We’re quite organised here with masks, if you’re indoors within a business, you have a mask. Restaurants are still you have to wear them going in and out, but at tables you can take them off. But, Hope it’s clearer for you going forward.

Enjoy that pizza.......

Laughed so much tonight........been one of those nights. Movie was fun, love some roodie doodie humour now and again!

Almost 10.30pm and it’s still so warm here, and light outside. Just been watching the owls and some baby foxes try and learn the basics from our windows at the back.......we have bi-fold doors in the kitchen and we only leave them open if we’re in that area as the baby foxes will wander in if we left it open and we’re not there. Otherwise the window at the end is air conditioning in the UK generally.

Another glorious day ahead tomorrow........and the Azerbaijan F1 Grand Prix is in the afternoon......will see how the first few laps go as to whether we’ll watch the full race or not.

Trying to find something to watch till we pop off to snoozeland..........
Just polished off the chicken wings & jr headed out to play a late 9 holes of golf in our beautiful weather. Only spent an hour in pool on raft. Cheated and took off boot, put on a 2nd stretchy foot brace 8 did a lot of hopping lol.
Grandson found some time in his busy summer schedule to get away for vacation time. So I booked us a trip to Universal. He is such a sweet grandson.
Now granddaughter is getting married in 21 days and grandson will be a Senior in High in High School this Fall. Time fly’s for sure. Embrace every moment in making memories as it is very precious for sure.
Don’t blink, how nice to have so many happy events planned
was going to try and get him over to have a look at Batuu also, but all the reservations for July are booked at Hollywood Studios so that will have to be another time in the future.
They just released a big bucket of reservations for June & July today. Might want to consider booking a resort there fir one night to try that allotment
Dumpster divers aren't really a thing by us in the suburbs. Mostly a city thing I'm told, but I've never witnessed anyone actively diving...
We are in far burbs right before farms start. Have a steady parade on trash eve. Don’t mind as long as they are respectful, all for repurposing stuff

ive been eyeing up that exact purse for years:thumbsup2 a great understated piece. Difficult to choose wisely, so many options A nice dilemma
Got our beautiful rib roast joint earlier,
Yuuuum. Nice & fresh
We took J & L to meet baby X last night. They have been desperate to meet their cousin.
Sweet pic
As for Adam Sandler, I honestly find him as funny as paint drying, but this is a funny movie
2words...Happy Gilmore It was on heavy rotation here back in the day, at least not as noisy as Texas chainsaw I
Charade........your quote has disappeared.......but, I’m never quite sure who baby yoda is......I think it may be Star Trek (not a fan).
Star Wars. Specifically The Mandalorian, the new series on Disney Plus.


I was just just searching for a shower curtain and matching bath mat to get B for her dorm in the fall. I came across this one. I think I may have to get it for myself.

Just polished off the chicken wings & jr headed out to play a late 9 holes of golf in our beautiful weather. Only spent an hour in pool on raft. Cheated and took off boot, put on a 2nd stretchy foot brace 8 did a lot of hopping lol.

Don’t blink, how nice to have so many happy events planned

They just released a big bucket of reservations for June & July today. Might want to consider booking a resort there fir one night to try that allotment

We are in far burbs right before farms start. Have a steady parade on trash eve. Don’t mind as long as they are respectful, all for repurposing stuff

ive been eyeing up that exact purse for years:thumbsup2 a great understated piece. Difficult to choose wisely, so many options A nice dilemma

Yuuuum. Nice & fresh

Sweet pic

2words...Happy Gilmore It was on heavy rotation here back in the day, at least not as noisy as Texas chainsaw I

Some good actors in Happy Gilmore, love Christopher McDonald and Frances Bay, but didn’t like the movie.......I think it’s AS I just don’t like.....

Hope the hopping was fun!!!! Nice you got some Time in the pool, nice idea to take the boot off.....

Chicken wings........mmmmmm! Yes, I’ve been admiring the beef tonight, fine looking joint it is too. Nothing beats fresh........

Charade, I’ve heard of the Mandalorian, but sounds like a Chinese language to me. I don‘t have a clue in SW things.......

Shower curtain looks the amazing honey badger, one of the most magnificent creatures to ever grace the planet........don’t mess with the honey badger! But Janet’s post tells me it’s a sloth......they’re cute too.....


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