Something About Nothing ... #12

Anyone else still up? An afternoon nap and late (11:00) supper have me still awake. Im using some of my time productively. I just paid bills that are due by the end of the month. I also paid registration fees and first month tuition for B’s final year of dance. I’m a little sad about that.

Kfish - I am sorry to hear about your uncle. Congrats to your aunt. My mom is a breast cancer survivor of 35 years.

MonyK - Glad you enjoyed Chicago. I’ve been there twice. The first time was after my freshman year of high school. The second was back in 1995. Dh did his undergraduate at Nothwestern University. We were there for a college reunion.

Tink - Maybe next time on the lottery. I once had a conversation with coworkers about what we would do if we won the lottery. The question “Would you continue to work?” came up.
Coworker 1: Yes, I would still keep my job.
Coworker 2: I wouldn’t stay here, but I would continue to work. I’d like to open my own business.
Me: I’d send y’all a postcard.

Agavegirl - Welcome back.

I should try to get some sleep. I’ve got stuff to do tomorrow. B needs new glasses. She wants to keep her current frames, so she will just have updated lenses put in. It occurred to me that she won’t have any glasses to use while the lenses are being replaced, so tomorrrow we will go to Walmart and get her a pair of cheap back up glasses to use. I think I will make her drive.
Charade, hope you are still sleeping. Lots of to do you have/had, yep routine family stuff always takes up some time. Yeah, when little one started taking me to places, it's been almost a year, and I'm still nervous. The upside is, she's always offered to pick up the take out food, and now, drives herself to her work. Thankfully, our curtail for drivers under 18 years old, is 11pm. So, when she goes over her friends, all must be home before that. Last time she went over her friends, I asked her what they were doing, one of the friends got her license, so they were just driving around. What? To be a teen. Girl teen. Still have to wrap my head around that both kids drive. Well, until I have to pay my car insurance bill.

Agavegirl, nice you could escape the heat and relax at the lake. Hope your AC is fixed, and your feeling good. Thinking lots of healing thoughts to you too.

With that, upload_2018-7-13_6-48-26.jpeg. Why yes it is. Asked little one if she has anything on the family radar tomorrow, and a no reply was said. Another Wahoo for that, as it means, while I may still be up early, no need to move fast.

. Safe flight today, Schumi. And Patty, enjoy the beach. And all the homies, have a great Friday. And watch out, as for some of us, this is
Good morning everyone :coffee:

No lottery win for me...matched 2 out of 6 numbers :sad2: They must be making a killing on that game since no one has won the big jackpot for months.

Time to get to work...have a great day :flower1:
Good to hear from you Wendy. If I remember correctly your surgery is coming up soon. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way :hug:

Kstar great to hear from you. Sorry to hear of your uncles passing. Great news on your aunts cancer recovery although I know it has been very hard on her losing her husband :hug:

So nice to hear you’re littles are all doing well.

Tink I have heard that some hotels are purposely dropping the reservations from their systems from discount venders and then charging double and triple for their rooms during events ( like ball games and concerts) and when folks show up for their rooms they say they don’t have the reservation. It’s a shady deal for sure. I was sorry to hear this happened to you.

Good luck on the lottery tickets.

Morning Lynne :wave2:

I need to get motivated to move this morning.

I see the Massage Therapist this morning. Have been seeing her for a number of years. She is wonderful Therapist. She is a kind sweet spirit and has been instrumental in keeping this old body moving with all the joint, muscle, back, feet and leg issues etc....

Tomorrow is my granddaughters 21st birthday. It’s hard to believe she is going to be 21. It only seems like yesterday I was holding her in my arms and singing to her. I’am so proud of her. She was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was six years old. I’am amazed by her courage. She is my hero.

She will be finishing up her Bachelors Degree in Business this fall and is sitting for the entrance exam in a couple of weeks for the MBA program.

Have a great Friday all.
Robbie, say it ain’t so !

I keep thinking she is 17

You will have to take her shopping for something special
Turning 21 is a special time in a person’s life

Enjoy the therapist today and feel better real soon

Kfish, sending hugs to you
Losing family members is painful

Tink since you are not lucky with the lotto, maybe take up card playing

Unbelievable that I beat charade to sleep this morning...

Lynne, teens driving will age you
You worry when they take the car out at night and fret when they are not home when they say they will be

A big hug to all the homies here and reading along !
Happy Friday the 13th. My weekend starts today. Nothing interesting planned. Well, we may go see Ant Man sometime this afternoon.

Lynne - I was awake around the time you were posting. Thankfully I was able to get back to sleep for a couple more hours.

Robo - Happy birthday to your granddaughter.

I need to start gettting ready to face the day, but someone beat me to the shower. I hope it’s not going to be oo insanely hot today.
Sad uncle passed away in May rather my aunt was undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Been rough but the light at the end of the tunnel is that she just finished radiation and she has been deemed cancer free.


Sorry for your loss KStar.

Hello Homies! I am back from the lake house where I have been since July 4th. I ran out of data and other than wi-fi at restaurants I was offline. My AC died and I certainly wasn't staying here until the repairman showed up 10 days after I called. I will need to catch up. I did manage to read 4 novels while up north. Gotta entertain myself somehow...

Did you read anything good?
TGIF! Looking forward to the weekend my oldest ‘baby’ had BD earlier this week. Doing dinner for him Sunday. Like Robo said, hard to believe how fast the time ticks away

Got a dip in my airfare for October & two small dips in rental car rate. I’ll take what I can get.

Yep, she adores the water but didn’t want to go in today.......I think she sensed I hate the water and stayed by my side.......well, it’s a nice thought! Was a lot of fun though.......enjoy rest of your week........

Yep......doubt I’ll sleep tonight..........yes, work is overrated ck........:D

Good luck with the kitty......hope it goes well.

They ditched need more folks like you giving opinions!! No point in telling them just the good stuff........

Can’t take credit for the salad.....courtesy of local

Not a fan of caves but we did go into a massive ice cave in Austria years was beautiful, but I was constantly looking around for means of escape.........that’s the drawback of working in the Explosives industry.......always looking for your way out!!! I’m a real bundle of fun at times.........:rotfl:

It is miss excited!! Good luck with the Ikea shelves!!! Always a fun place to visit where you discover something you need that you didn’t know you needed!

We are considering Iceland next summer now.........that midnight sun is so tempting!! So, it’s between there and Switzerland.......although we’ve been many time to Switzerland, just not for a good few, plenty of time to think about it.........:thumbsup2

Have a good trip too Patty........and thanks we will......:thumbsup2

Been a busy old day...........

Even managed to get suitcases packed! Unusual for us........but means we can get away early tomorrow......only need to vacuum in the morning and go.......everything else is done and laundry all up to date........

DS leaves tomorrow morning around 7.45 for work, always dread that moment.......I’m such a wimp, but we do miss him when we’re away......

So, with that, I’m signing off..............I may of course pop in now and again :rolleyes1.........if we have some free time........and with the heat I think we will definitely have some down time to chill out.........

Take care guys and catch you soon...........:wave2:

Have a loverly trippeee!

Searching for that way out is good policy. I was happy to see I passed it onto GD when she quickly found & pointed out the steps/fire escapes in both hotels last week.

OMG, never, ever got a pin from the mouse. What in the mail? A dark side one? Have to call and see if better rate than my SMSM one for August. Doubt very much could best my October one. Wahoo.

Rolled back home, with slice of cheesecake. Had to make tea, and nibble on it. Will save it for breakfast tomorrow, though if little one sees it, may not be even a crumb left. Doggie boxes in the fridge, DH and her may polish them off later tonight.

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Didn’t know pins were still a thing. I’ve gotten a couple last few years but lousy, same as bounceback in the rooms. Now that i think of it, didn’t see a bounceback in room @ BWV last week either. Hmmm

I think this is macraven.


That pic is quite disturbing lol. Would fit in well at HHN.
Hey Charade and Robo, take it easy. The week-end is upon us, and for us, the heat is irritatingly going higher and more humid. Summer, easy living.

And Robo, yeah time really does fly. Older one will be 21 in the fall. Milestone for sure. How'd I get so old? LOL

Keisha, I found the bounce back memo in the very back of the book on the desk, when I was at POP last year. Had to shuffle through some to find it. If you didn't, just call the number. I didn't find a better bounce back price, then I have for this year, as booked with a better discount. I'll still have to call the number on the Dark Side flyer. Forgot to put it in my bag. Has to wait until I pick it up again. You'd think I'd be more curious. Still playing the rental car game. So much higher than last year, for both August and October, even though August was in and out of Ft. L.

It's the what for lunch question. Did have the rest of the cake for breakfast, and oh it was good. Decided to keep a fork in the box, stuck in the cake, and pushed to back of fridge. Not touched, he he.

Back to routine. Later homies.
BLT for dinner tonight
Coleslaw and fried zucchini and squash for sides

Even with central air, too hot to cook

Grill on the deck and too hot outside to cook on it this evening

Usually do grilling around 11 and have early lunches
We prefer to have our main meal at noontime instead of evening

How many plates do I set on the table for having you homies over tonight?
The movie was pretty good. I liked it better than the first Ant Man movie.
After the movie I wanted to do a little shopping in the mall. I wanted exactly 2 things. I had them both in less than 5 minutes. I then had to wait for dh to look around the men’s department, find some pants, try them on,then decide wether or not he actually wanted to buy them. I hate shopping with him. I just like to get what I need and then leave.

I have no evening plans. I think I will go to macraven’s house for dinner.
Pot stickers and grilled pork chops. Told DH he better check on the chops, they are thin, so not long on grill.
Thanks Charade, DH and I really enjoyed the first Ant Man. We also enjoyed Deadpool and Dr. Strange. Good to hear this one may actually live up to the commercials.

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