So who is jumping in at the last minute?

I added on at H.H. on Friday to beat the price increase!
We're in the middle of several construction projects around our house, so there's no way we can add on any points until at least next year; probably look for a small resale at VWL then, altho I don't think many folks will be selling theirs so soon!
Can't say that mine was at the last minute but I did a 70 point add-on at VWL, closing about a week ago. It was certainly prompted by the price increase but I just didn't want to be caught in the rush at the very last minute.
We increased our points by 28 on Friday with our new guide Ken Bradshaw, It will not break the bank but we should have been advised that 250 was the total that suits our vacation habits. Glad we have the same resort use year etc and have changed our ressie at Okw in July to Include a eight day trip to VWL.

Stevie KAY

CBR 98
OKW 01/VWL 01
We are new members at VWL, last week our deed was officially filed. Our original plan was to wait for BCV but we so enjoyed our cash stay at VWL last December, we just couldn't wait. The price increase put us over the edge but the thought of VWL selling out without us was the primary motivator. We are still considering a BCV add on depending on the completed product and the price.
For those of you who can't jump in don't feel too bad. Look at as though you are paying the extra maintenance fees right up front instead of year by year.

In other words.....By the time you add in the maint fees for the year or two you waited the price winds up being about the same. Although you don't get the use of the points but at least it's some consolation
Added on 50 pts. at VWL even though our first home is BWV. We fell in love with VWL and couldn't resist. The price increase was just another motivator!:p
Added on 100 pts. at HH a couple of weeks ago. Just got the credit card bill today.
We bought VWL in February, and are in the process of doing a 25-pt. add-on there just to give us a little more flexibility. I sure hope we like it there now that we own all these points! :)
at our home resort in mid-May. The $3 a point increase was really not the driving force. $105 is better than nothing but we added the points to be able to stay in a 2 bedroom during the summer. Our original buyin was a resale.
We added 70 pts at VWL last week- haven't closed yet but got the lower price. Originally it was going to be 65 pts but because our use year is oct,and we've already banked 50% of our exising points and there was no way we could use them before 9-31-01,we opted for MB and used the savings to buy 5 extra pts.
I just got my notice of closing today....38 point add-on. And I made my first VWL ressie too!

We should have started with the # of points we have now (200)....but hey, now I have 2 home resorts. We'll probably add on again in a few years- maybe resale- but we'll have to see... if we get settled into a new area we might actually buy a house first! LOL
We (actually I, this is a surprise to my DH for Father's Day) added on 70 pts. on Saturday right before the price increase. I had been contemplating it since our 5/20 visit. We really fell in love with the VWL and figure the added points will give us a bit more flexibility as our son grows older.

Another nice surprise is that we were assigned a new guide, Mike Corriveau, who is a really nice guy.

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