So Much To Celebrate - LIFE and Sophie Kate!

On this day, we were off to Epcot.


We were greeted by men with many bubbles.


First stop, Character Spot. Jill wanted her friend's girls to see more characters right away.



I am crazy about this little girl and her ever-present smile.







Disney offers so many ways to help others.


Just think how much good they could do if every visitor threw in just one quarter!


Next, a little Daisy time.



Waiting for Stitch.


Rebecca's family ready to meet Stitch.


Our two goofy girls and Stitch. Brooklynn is an expert at handling the pen and 'da book' now that she's such a big girl.



A shout out to some rock-n-roll DIS friends!


I staged four that I saw the quickest, but as I put the picture up, I noticed that Cynthia snuck in the picture, too! :laughing:

That's me, sneaking in :thumbsup2 with Jesus!

All caught up finally. Love the pictures in the dumbo queue, the time we were there we went through so fast I didn't see kids playing so I loved that!
Good job Brooklynn on RRC! That's wonderful. I love the girls in their yellow shirts, such an adorable picture in the room.

Looks like traveling with the Friend family is a lot of fun so far.

I couldn't bring myself to buy any of the Mickey ear hat ornaments either. I'm medium cheap. Maybe if there were 3 I loved and I'd had Anita's 20% off instead of my 10% then...maybe.

They are adorable though and one could easily pick up a handful!
Nemo was the first ride of the day.


It appears that I just rode and took no pictures, and after trying a thousand times to get good pictures inside and failing, that is understandable.



I feel sure Jonathan got some awesome pictures.




Bella and Claire watch the rays.





I would like everything in this gift shop...


to be....








Then we went over to Sunshine Seasons for a little something sweet.

Or a lot of somethings.




I will leave you munching away on all the goodies until next time.

Hey, you! Get a napkin. There's a little frosting on your chin. :goodvibes
We will miss you by a couple of weeks this summer. Hope you like Pop!

I personally like anywhere in the 50 - 70 areas. I am fine out by the jukebox, and I am just as fine by the Mickey phone. My least favorites are the Roger Rabbit and Computer buildings. I will say, though, we did have a good room - ground floor just a few steps away from the computer pool in the Roger Rabbit building one time. I have stayed in every building but Mowgli and Baloo and Lady.

I have seen some snow pictures on FB. Glad it is not here. We are having high winds and rain. Some areas near us will get possibly an inch of snow tonight, but I don't think it will be us.

Roger Rabbit and Computer are my least favorite buildings. Walkman would be next, but we had a great room there - ground floor just a stone's throw from the bus stop in October, and I was very happy with it. ::yes:: For this trip, I request something on either the Hippy Dippy pool or Bowling Pin pool. Kay gets lost easily when she is by herself, so I figured if she can find a pool, she can find the room. :thumbsup2

Thanks for the tips, MeMom! I always request rooms, anywhere I stay, but I wasn't able to when I stayed at All Star Music last year, so I wasn't sure about the value resorts if you don't pay for the preferred room.

Bummer that I am going to miss you!! :sad1: Disney had their deal going on that ended June 14th or something, so I wanted to get in on that... And my dancers have a recital the week of the 10th, and I have one of my last two courses for my master's degree at the end of June. So, June 2nd it is!

We are driving this time though...maybe a quick stop in Nashville is in order?! ;)
Awwwww... I remember when she wouldn't go close to any characters.. now she is right there next to her big sis! Wonder how Sophie will react when she gets older? It is so much fun seeing them grow up!

I staged four that I saw the quickest, but as I put the picture up, I noticed that Cynthia snuck in the picture, too! :laughing:

LOL Too funny! I very rarely see anything with my name on it because I am too busy looking for the girls or anybody else. :)


Any day is happy for me when it starts with these three! :love:




I think she likes her new baby.


Mailing cards.



They are so precious!!!

Hannah looked at this picture and said, "Aww baby!"

Hollie looked and said, "Uh mom, when do I get to see Brooklynn and her silly sisters again!" lol
Just wanted to pop in and say hi! I haven't had a lot of DIS time lately - so much to do! But your pictures are great and those girls are SOOOO adorable, they just make me smile to see them!

Struggling through a cold, snowstorm and lots of work before we leave this weekend for HHI! Wish me luck! I can't wait to get there. I have had more than enough winter this year. It hasn't been that we have had tons of snow or cold, it's just been at the worst times and we don't have a snowblower this year, so more shoveling than I want to do!
Greetings from inside the snowglobe! It's been snowing and/or blowing all day here. We probably got 9 or 10 more inches. Great for sledding :yay: ... and for shoveling. :sad2: Thanks for warming me up with pics of those sweet sunny girls! Looking forward to more of your Epcot morning, but I'll pass on your sweets table while I wait, since I had pecan pie a la mode for dessert tonight. :blush:
Oh -- happy two weeks!!!
I did not realize what Disney does with all the coins that are thrown in! Now I know. I will make sure to throw a few in in Oct.

Wow I guess there were some sweets bought. That cupcake looks wonderful!!
Catching up, we have a snow day today. Thought I deserved a little DIS time before I "help" the kids clean their rooms.....

The girls look so adorable! I think Bella looked so sweet kissing her sweet sister. Looking forward to more!
It's so fun to see your pictures and pretend to be there. I don't know when we will be able to go back, it may be as long as Nov. of 2014. :sick: Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, I even stole the green Army man idea to use on my school bulletin board. I put one to work holding the apostrophe in the word you've. ;)

Nice job! :thumbsup2

This is pretty much the norm for these boys.

As with most boys! :rotfl:

MK is a great first park! And love the pic of the kids with their hands up in the air on IASW.

It's a thrill ride, you know! ;)
Yes, I'm sure IASW IS a thrill ride when you're young enough. ::yes::

Nice pics of the play area, and love the night shots of Dumbo! I need to put a nighttime ride on my must do list! Actually, I need to do a lot more rides at night since the ones I have done are a completely different experience!

I've only done CP for breakfast, but the food pics look very tempting also. You are just loading my must do list up with these updates! :worship: And some great photos of the girls with Pooh and friends! Such pretty smiles for every one of is obvious they are really enjoying it!

Any day is happy for me when it starts with these three! :love:

Not hard to see why you would be so proud!!! :goodvibes

Mailing cards.

Such a cute pic!

Off with the masses!

Wow, that's a lot of people!!! :worried: Looks like you may have been making a wiser choice for which bus to catch....... :scratchin

On this day, we were off to Epcot.
More great character meets and smiles!!! And WooHoo for Nemo and Crush! :banana:

Then we went over to Sunshine Seasons for a little something sweet.

Or a lot of somethings.
That is definitely a lot of very tempting looking sweets, MeMom!!! Didn't anybody else order anything??? :lmao:
Yay for Bella! I agree with everyone that it is great seeing her progress as she gets older. She does have such a sweet smile! She was so cute when we saw you all last year and Brooklynn is a character just like my Cooper. Sophie is such a beautiful addition to the family. They are sweet girls. So, have you packed yet? I am getting so excited that I cannot stand it. My energy level is almost to normal and I just want to go now! The snow and cold weather are not helping any.:lmao:
That's me, sneaking in :thumbsup2 with Jesus!

All caught up finally. Love the pictures in the dumbo queue, the time we were there we went through so fast I didn't see kids playing so I loved that!
Good job Brooklynn on RRC! That's wonderful. I love the girls in their yellow shirts, such an adorable picture in the room.

Looks like traveling with the Friend family is a lot of fun so far.

I couldn't bring myself to buy any of the Mickey ear hat ornaments either. I'm medium cheap. Maybe if there were 3 I loved and I'd had Anita's 20% off instead of my 10% then...maybe.

They are adorable though and one could easily pick up a handful!

That's right, and we have two Cynthias in DIStown. I like looking for the names of DIS friends as I shop. It'll be interesting to see who stands out on the racks on this coming trip.

The Friend family was really kind of in awe of everything at first. It was cute to watch. Their little one was not feeling so great, though, so they had to go back to the room several times just to let her sleep.

For the ornaments, I need Anita's 20% and your 10%, and then BOGO! :laughing: I'm more than medium cheap when it comes to buying things for myself. I try not to be cheap when it comes to others, though.

Thanks for the tips, MeMom! I always request rooms, anywhere I stay, but I wasn't able to when I stayed at All Star Music last year, so I wasn't sure about the value resorts if you don't pay for the preferred room.

Bummer that I am going to miss you!! Disney had their deal going on that ended June 14th or something, so I wanted to get in on that... And my dancers have a recital the week of the 10th, and I have one of my last two courses for my master's degree at the end of June. So, June 2nd it is!

We are driving this time though...maybe a quick stop in Nashville is in order?!

We have never paid preferred before, but I did it on this trip because I wanted to make it easy on Kay to find the room when she is not with me. I figure she can hear the sounds from the pool, follow the sounds, and then figure out where to go from there if the room is on the pool. ;) And, because it is just a short stay, it doesn't hurt so much. Also, I am hoping that by making the request, I can possible get one of the only two buildings I have not stayed at at Pop.

I am glad you got the deal. Always go with a Disney deal! ::yes::

Let me know about the Nashville stop closer to time. :thumbsup2

Awwwww... I remember when she wouldn't go close to any characters.. now she is right there next to her big sis! Wonder how Sophie will react when she gets older? It is so much fun seeing them grow up!

She's a pro now!

LOL Too funny! I very rarely see anything with my name on it because I am too busy looking for the girls or anybody else. :)

They are so precious!!!

Hannah looked at this picture and said, "Aww baby!"

Hollie looked and said, "Uh mom, when do I get to see Brooklynn and her silly sisters again!" lol

July 6th? You and Dawn?

Love the tinkerbell shirts

Or to hear Bella say it Teenkerbayul.

Just wanted to pop in and say hi! I haven't had a lot of DIS time lately - so much to do! But your pictures are great and those girls are SOOOO adorable, they just make me smile to see them!

Struggling through a cold, snowstorm and lots of work before we leave this weekend for HHI! Wish me luck! I can't wait to get there. I have had more than enough winter this year. It hasn't been that we have had tons of snow or cold, it's just been at the worst times and we don't have a snowblower this year, so more shoveling than I want to do!

Stay warm, friend, and have a GREAT trip!!! I think these are supposed to be our last cold days.

Greetings from inside the snowglobe! It's been snowing and/or blowing all day here. We probably got 9 or 10 more inches. Great for sledding ... and for shoveling. Thanks for warming me up with pics of those sweet sunny girls! Looking forward to more of your Epcot morning, but I'll pass on your sweets table while I wait, since I had pecan pie a la mode for dessert tonight.
Oh -- happy two weeks!!!

Again I will say, I do not know how you make it.

Pecan pie? I LOVE pecan pie! As much as I love ice cream, I don't eat it with pecan pie. I'll take mine straight. :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 Now with apple pie or peach, I'll need a big glop of vanilla bean goodness! :yay:

2 weeks is right! :cool1: :cool1: Two weeks from right now, I should be in Epcot.

I did not realize what Disney does with all the coins that are thrown in! Now I know. I will make sure to throw a few in in Oct.

Wow I guess there were some sweets bought. That cupcake looks wonderful!!

And you can contribute to the conservation and wildlife cause over at Animal Kingdom. Lots of people pitching in can add up to a lot. I can't remember the cupcake being amazing. Maybe it was, but it has been a long while.

Bella is such a pro with the characters now! Those pictures are always so cute!

She charms them these days. :cutie:

Catching up, we have a snow day today. Thought I deserved a little DIS time before I "help" the kids clean their rooms.....

The girls look so adorable! I think Bella looked so sweet kissing her sweet sister. Looking forward to more!

Hope you had a warm, cozy inside day and were productive. :) It was cold and windy here.

Bella and Brooklynn both kiss on Sophie about a thousand times a day. She blinks her eyes as they head toward her, because she knows what is coming. :laughing:

I was thinking the exact same thing! Go Bella!

And right now I could enjoy any of those treats

One of the first stops I plan to make is at the new bakery in France, so many more sweet treat pictures will be coming in the next report, too. :)

It's so fun to see your pictures and pretend to be there. I don't know when we will be able to go back, it may be as long as Nov. of 2014. Thanks for sharing.

Noooo...that's waaay too long! Do you need the kids (yourself) to get a postcard from Mickey?

Now there's a girl after my own heart - wearing lots of jewelry! Right on!

Adorable character pictures!

Oh - and the treats are making me real hungry. thanks for that!

She loves the jewelry. I always have to make sure she gets it all back off so we don't mistakenly walk out with her still wearing some.

What is your favorite Sunshine Seasons snack?

Nice job!

As with most boys!

MK is a great first park! And love the pic of the kids with their hands up in the air on IASW.

Yes, I'm sure IASW IS a thrill ride when you're young enough.

Nice pics of the play area, and love the night shots of Dumbo! I need to put a nighttime ride on my must do list! Actually, I need to do a lot more rides at night since the ones I have done are a completely different experience!

I've only done CP for breakfast, but the food pics look very tempting also. You are just loading my must do list up with these updates! And some great photos of the girls with Pooh and friends! Such pretty smiles for every one of is obvious they are really enjoying it!

Not hard to see why you would be so proud!!!

Such a cute pic!

Wow, that's a lot of people!!! Looks like you may have been making a wiser choice for which bus to catch....... :scratchin

More great character meets and smiles!!! And WooHoo for Nemo and Crush!

That is definitely a lot of very tempting looking sweets, MeMom!!! Didn't anybody else order anything???

I used to babysit two brothers who were constantly fighting. My boys didn't fight. I guess because they were too far apart in age. Trent would have killed Drew!

I don't know if I can ride Nemo without my girls this time. We may just walk in through the gift shop and see the ocean animals. I think there are going to be a lot of things I won't care about riding, but rather I'll just get some pictures and move on.

I only had the cupcake, though my wide midsection will clearly tell you that I have had more than my share of all kinds of treats - sweet and salty - far too often.

Yay for Bella! I agree with everyone that it is great seeing her progress as she gets older. She does have such a sweet smile! She was so cute when we saw you all last year and Brooklynn is a character just like my Cooper. Sophie is such a beautiful addition to the family. They are sweet girls. So, have you packed yet? I am getting so excited that I cannot stand it. My energy level is almost to normal and I just want to go now! The snow and cold weather are not helping any.

My suitcase has seen no action this week. I will get to it this weekend. I will get to it this weekend. I will get to it this weekend! I did buy myself a new pair of tennis shoes, though! :faint: I had to have something big enough for my bum right foot, so I went up a half-size and got wide. That foot is ready to go, while the left shoe will be flopping a bit, because, of course, it is too big. :upsidedow

I may have to come and get a picture of your boys on a ride at some point, since I won't be doing a lot of riding.

Brooklynn and Bella have such different personalities. I love to watch Brooklynn's facial expressions as she processes things, and I love to tease her. She's getting so smart, too, and learning so much about her world. Bella is all fun all the time from the minute she wakes up, but she will wear you out just watching her. She is so loving and affectionate and will tell us that she misses us so much when we are not with her. Sophie might be a nice mix of both of her sisters. :love:
I'm back and all caught up! Love the pictures of the girls on the bed just loving on each other!! :love: Miren was reading over my shoulder and said "well that looks familiar!" And, she's right! I have almost the exact same pics from this weekend, but with a darker-haired trio. ;) I'd post them but still haven't put the time into remembering how to post pics :rolleyes1 know what, I'll text them to you tomorrow. :thumbsup2

Riding Small World with the arms in the air is just too much!! I'll bet they had a blast being with friends! :goodvibes We were with cousins and friends this weekend, too, and the kids just had the BEST time!

Woo-hoooooooo for 2 weeks!!! :woohoo::woohoo:

I hope you get the building you want at Pop. They have never not honored our request, so I'm sure you'll be okay if you ask nicely. :flower3: Funny you mentioned the walkman building...that's where we were. :upsidedow Our favorite, though, is the Mickey phone building - I believe it's building 6 in the 70's section. I usually ask for it, but went back and forth about leaving it to chance this time and checking out somewhere new and, in the end, I didn't make any time, I will. ::yes::

Bella is doing so well with characters now, so cute!

My name will never show up in a Disney shop or any shop for that matter.

mmm, I could go for a slice of pecan pie right now.

less than 2 weeks now!!:cool1:


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