Sick people in parks.....

I am going to tell you a story. I went to Paris . then one day I felt sick . this was in June. I went and lied down . then went to the market with the hotel then felt faint . The hotel quickly sent me back to the hotel. I felt well enough to go to the cooking school. Then I think I felt sick and vomited in the room. We had an Eiffel tour (as in guided) that I went on I literally shat my pants . We went away from the tour. But I still decided to go up to the top of the tower and see the view. You have one shot one shot to do a vacation . My mum spent over 1500 dollars a day. Don't leave with regrets. I would who's going to pay the 50000 dollar vacation back? Insurance? yes 50000. For 21 days. My parents had sweat and tears earning that. being sick is not perfect. But showing a little perseverance never went astray with me
Knowing you very ill, you still went to cooking classes and other public areas. That is gross. One thing not knowing but to deliberately expose others is extremely selfish.
I read that thread too. Of course it is hugely disappointing to have to cancel a trip at the last minute but I wouldn't want to put my sick child through that, nor do I think it's cool to knowingly expose other people to the flu, especially when there is an option to reschedule the trip (as was indicated in that particular thread).
I just read that. At least she is considering postponing the trip.
The flu is at epidemic status in Louisiana. The state is offering free flu shots to everyone who may not be covered by insurance. It does not hurt to get one if it's available. You could be in the 10% of people protected.
It’s scary. 30 children have already died this year from the flu.
The front page of my newspaper has I think 6 stories 5 of them are flu-related. ANd this was just today's paper there has been something flu-related on the front page just about every day.

Do what you can to protect your self and others some good advice was already given here.
Knowing how deadly the flu can potentially be, why would someone go if they are afflicted? Especially if it is a child.

Exactly. Many children have died from the flu this year. My child's best chance for recovering would be at home. My child would need to rest, not be exposed to other germs, etc. Those things are impossible at Disney.

Not to mention exposing others.
I am going to tell you a story. I went to Paris . then one day I felt sick . this was in June. I went and lied down . then went to the market with the hotel then felt faint . The hotel quickly sent me back to the hotel. I felt well enough to go to the cooking school. Then I think I felt sick and vomited in the room. We had an Eiffel tour (as in guided) that I went on I literally shat my pants . We went away from the tour. But I still decided to go up to the top of the tower and see the view. You have one shot one shot to do a vacation . My mum spent over 1500 dollars a day. Don't leave with regrets. I would who's going to pay the 50000 dollar vacation back? Insurance? yes 50000. For 21 days. My parents had sweat and tears earning that. being sick is not perfect. But showing a little perseverance never went astray with me

lol TMI Bro.
Exactly. Many children have died from the flu this year. My child's best chance for recovering would be at home. My child would need to rest, not be exposed to other germs, etc. Those things are impossible at Disney.

Not to mention exposing others.
Well this year isn't any different than other years in the grand scheme of it. Each year presents its own challenges with the strains and the vaccine's effectiveness.

CNN had an article from mid-Jan 2013 talking about how bad the flu season was and according to the CDC that year had more flu cases at that time of the year in more than 10 years. That year the issue was more related to the strain Influenza A (H3N2); the article mentioned "which is often linked to more serious diseases than other flu varieties" and "People could get more complications from this particular strain, which would make them sick for a longer period of time."

Now no doubt this year we've heard of a lot of issues it's just to put it in perspective each year is a new and different battle; some years are mild some years are not mild. Some years the vaccine is spot on or at least mostly effective and other years the vaccine is less effective.
You can try to avoid it but it will be difficult. For anyone apprehensive it's probably best to stay home. It's all over the news in Orlando. There are lines at most minute clinics and while in World of Disney today we overheard 3 people comment they had chills and a sore throat. We're not doing parks this trip, just relaxing and trying to wash our hands constantly. Like I said in an earlier post quite a few people wore masks on the flight here.
You can try to avoid it but it will be difficult. For anyone apprehensive it's probably best to stay home. It's all over the news in Orlando. There are lines at most minute clinics and while in World of Disney today we overheard 3 people comment they had chills and a sore throat. We're not doing parks this trip, just relaxing and trying to wash our hands constantly. Like I said in an earlier post quite a few people wore masks on the flight here.

That’s happening here, too...but if I’m gonna run the risk of getting sick, I’d rather do it at the most magical place on earth. lol
People need to think of the people who will be around them and how it may affect them and their trip. Knowingly exposing others is just thoughtless. If a person is sick, stay home..
Just curious if security/employees will turn away someone who is obviously very sick. With this Flu bug going around, not sure if it's a great idea to visit the parks.

Flu-like symptoms do not necessarily equate to contagion. Someone could have cancer, certain blood disorders, allergies, etc. and have many of those symptoms. One can only hope that someone who has been diagnosed with the flu would stay away from the parks.
The flu shot won't do you any good this year.

Thanks for noting this, as it prompted me to look further into it. Looks like the flu vaccine is less effective this year than it should be. However, it is still recommended as it can prevent the flu in some cases, or at least lessen the severity of symptoms. Unfortunately, it's not possible to tell individual cases, as the flu vaccine's effectiveness depends on researchers predicting the virus ahead of time.
No they don't turn anyone away.

I endured a man coughing, basically on my right shoulder and arm, the entire trip from Saratoga to Magic Kingdom.

I kept my head turned away and sprayed down my shoulder and arm when he got off of the bus. Then I washed my hands and side of my face when I got to the first restroom.
Thanks for noting this, as it prompted me to look further into it. Looks like the flu vaccine is less effective this year than it should be. However, it is still recommended as it can prevent the flu in some cases, or at least lessen the severity of symptoms. Unfortunately, it's not possible to tell individual cases, as the flu vaccine's effectiveness depends on researchers predicting the virus ahead of time.

I got the flu vaccine the past 3 years. Every year, I ended up with the flu anyway. Last year, I got the vaccine in early October and ended up with the flu by late October. Ridiculous. I think it's just a syringe of saline and somewhere, some private conglomerate is making profits from these vials of salt water. Ha!
Flu-like symptoms do not necessarily equate to contagion. Someone could have cancer, certain blood disorders, allergies, etc. and have many of those symptoms. One can only hope that someone who has been diagnosed with the flu would stay away from the parks.
I understand that. A cough could be anything. But if someone does feel ill and has flu like symptoms, they should do everyone a favor and stay in bed. Going to the parks will just make you worse and possibly expose others to whatever you have. I know many would rather drag themselves and/or their sick family to the park in order to avoid losing money.
No they don't turn anyone away.

I endured a man coughing, basically on my right shoulder and arm, the entire trip from Saratoga to Magic Kingdom.

I kept my head turned away and sprayed down my shoulder and arm when he got off of the bus. Then I washed my hands and side of my face when I got to the first restroom.

I would of gotten up and moved away from him, even if I had to stand the rest of the trip. Being that close to someone hacking really increases your risks of getting sick. Hopefully you did not get sick.
I would of gotten up and moved away from him, even if I had to stand the rest of the trip. Being that close to someone hacking really increases your risks of getting sick. Hopefully you did not get sick.
I am disabled, and there weren't any any other seats. My husband was standing, in the back of the bus.

So far, so good. But it has only been about a week.
You do realize that people cough for a number of reasons, right?

There is a cough and there is a coughing til you about puke cough. The second should not be in public.
And people should never be so rude as to go in public if they are very sick.

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