She's Surprised to be back to Disney World, a May 2021 Yacht Club Girl's Trip (Updated 9/8)


Can't Wait To Go Back
Mar 16, 2012
Hey everyone! We're kicking off a super surprise extra trip report today.

Yes, for those of you who haven’t been following our prior trip report, Melissa planned a surprise trip for Allie to mark the end of her home school year.

This was the most epic surprise that I've ever pulled off. I still can't believe I didn't blow it before we got to Orlando.

We did all the planning in secret, and got ADRs and called for Magical Express when she wasn’t around, which was extra tough with home school.

We did it though and it was an incredible surprise to pull off.

Before we get too far ahead of ourselves we should introduce ourselves, I'm Melissa, I'll be writing in orange.

I am Paul, the Dad and usual primary trip planner for our trips, but this time I stayed home and worked and took care of Marshall, our five year old so that the girls could have a special trip. I’ll be writing my comments in blue.

This trip report is going to be a little different because Paul wasn't on the trip with us. It was just me and Allison who is 11 and very much a tween.

She loves Disney though and this was a great trip for her.

So a little backstory on the trip. When we started homeschooling in the fall I thought it would be nice to take a trip to Washington DC because she was learning about American History. My sister lives in Norfolk Virginia so I thought great, by the spring we should be able to make something happen. Well fast forward to February after we got back from our last trip to Disney. I was looking at airfare to Virginia and what might be open to do in DC and was a little disappointed in what we could see and do.

So instead of DC I thought heck, why don't we check out Disney.

We were also heavily involved in looking at room options for our trip next January, since we had to rent points to supplement our DVC contract due to the borrowing restrictions. We hoped to have some points left over from a point transfer to cover a May trip, but that didn’t happen.

After figuring out what dates worked to visit my sister for a bit I added a couple days onto the trip and planned a 5 day layover in Orlando on the way home.

Since the extra point option didn't work out I was able to book Yacht Club using an AP discount and got a really good deal. I also considered Carribean Beach but really couldn't resist being able to walk to Epcot and checking out Stormalong Bay before our next trip.

The discount made the Deluxe a more appealing way to go, and they got to try out the location before we stay there in January.

We looked at having the boys join us for the Disney portion of the vacation but ultimately decided that it was going to be too much to board the dogs and cost quite a bit extra in airfare and food.

So Marshall and I decided to sit this one out, which is funny because we still haven’t directly told him that they were there.

Eh what he doesn't know won't make him mad.

We didn’t want him to blow the secret, and then we didn’t want him to be jealous, so we just didn’t talk about what they were doing for so long.

To make it up to Marshall and give him something to look forward to we did tell him that we would go to Legoland while the girls were gone.

So right before we are set to leave we decide that we're going to buy a house and sell our house all at the same time, life got a little crazy and we didn't end up telling Allie about any of the trip until the week before we were set to leave. BUT we only told her about the first 4 days in Virginia.

It was nice to have me home to deal with some house stuff, since they did the appraisal and buyers inspections on the day Melissa left.

So our trip started off with a wonderful visit with my sister in Virginia. We got to see the Chesapeake Bay, toured a couple really neat old houses, checked out the Battleship Wisconsin, and even went up to Colonial Williamsburg which Allison loved.

It made it a somewhat educational trip, and Allie loved the time there.

Somehow I completely strung her along and she thought we were headed home via a wierd 5 hour layover in Orlando where since we were switching airlines we had to go get our bag and recheck it and go back through security. I told her it was how I got a cheap flight and she completly bought it.

That way we didn’t have to tell her about the secret until she was actually in Orlando. I was sad about missing out on telling her, so we decided to do it together over FaceTime.

After we got off the plane I told her we needed to call dad now because he had a meeting in a bit and I wanted to talk to him before he got tied up with it.

We totally had her because she started the call telling me about how it wasn’t fair that they were that close to Disney and couldn’t even go see Disney Springs or anything.

So then I told her that I lied, our 5 hour layover was actually a 5 day layover. For some reason she immedeatly thought that meant we had to stay in the airport for 5 days.

She just started crying. Then she kept crying as she figured out where they were going.

I had to pull magic bands out of my bag to convince her I wasn't kidding. She was so surprised.

She didn’t know what to believe at that point. She was really excited though.

So excited, she pretty much cried all the way down to the Magical Express line.

I recorded the FaceTime call, but it didn’t get the audio, which was a bummer but we still got some great screenshots.

The pictures they sent as she got closer to the busses were more animated, and I could see she was getting excited.

So I'm not going to have all of the times and stuff like Paul normally does, I didn't take notes like we normally do for our trips but I'll do my best.

You didn’t even take the big camera, but you did take a lot of pics on your phone and we will share them here.

All of the pictures I took were with my phone.

You guys were traveling light, which had to be great.

So here we go, after we got off the phone with dad we wen't down to grab our bag at baggage claim to pick up our suitcase and head to Magical Express.

We got in line about 1:15 the earliest we've EVER arrived in Orlando, except for that time we took the red eye. Maybe I should rephrase that to the earliest and most awake we've arrived in Orlando.

You were excited and ready to go, but the room wasn’t ready yet.

Yeah and we did have a little wait to get on a bus.

Oh I didn't tell Allie where we were staying until we checked in for the bus too. She cried again.


So according to my pictures we got on the bus at 1:40 so a little shy of the 35 minute wait we were promised.

That’s way better than people had been posting about around that time.

I really think we got lucky because there were for sure people that waited longer than us. Allie cried some more on the bus while she let it sink in that we were actually going to Disney. And that we were going without the boys.

I don’t think she was too sad about that.

I'm pretty sure they were happy tears.
Our first stop was Boardwalk but then we were the next one so the bus ride itself wasn't bad.

That’s cool. It had to be neat to get to stay in the Epcot resort area.

Yes the strangest part was that I'm so used to the drive to Wilderness Lodge it just felt different.

I bet. We have talked about staying over there since our honeymoon, but this was the first time.

So since our room wasn't ready we left all of our stuff with bell services and went in search of lunch. Allison's original plan was chinese food in the airport but then decided she'd rather just get to Disney instead.

So we headed over to Beach Club Marketplace to grab some lunch.

This is a spot that we frequently visit during our trips, despite never having stayed there.

We do like it alot. We decided to go ahead and get mugs which worked out great during the trip. I got a chili cheese hot dog and Allie got bacon topped macaroni and cheese which she raved about.

While we were eating outside we got attacked by these insane biting flies.

I appreciated that you got a green mug so I’d have a souvenir when you got home. I use these mugs for the water cooler at home.

And he won't drink out of one unless it's green but he's weird.

They’re the best.

I'm the best.

True, you brought me a green mug.

So the flies were different, we've never had that happen before. I didn't think much of it at the time.

Since it was only about 3:00 and our room still wasn't ready we decided to head into Epcot! It was super exciting.

Aww neat!

Read about the rest of their evening in the next update...
This was the most epic surprise that I've ever pulled off. I still can't believe I didn't blow it before we got to Orlando.
I would have had a hard time keeping it all secret. It was a great surprise.
So our trip started off with a wonderful visit with my sister in Virginia. We got to see the Chesapeake Bay, toured a couple really neat old houses, checked out the Battleship Wisconsin, and even went up to Colonial Williamsburg which Allison loved.
We went to Colonial Wiliamsburg when the kids were in grade school. It is a neat place. I could see Allie really liking it. :)
I had to pull magic bands out of my bag to convince her I wasn't kidding. She was so surprised.
I love hearing how you told Allie and how she reacted. :)
While we were eating outside we got attacked by these insane biting flies.
I got attacked by those biting flies when we were there the first week of May. I still have the red marks on my legs.
Joining in! Allie looked so excited, what a great surprise!

Early May, weird flies - love bugs? AlthoughI don’t remember them biting... hopefully it didn’t affect your trip too much!
You're first! Welcome back!

I am here. Allie looked so happy. Glad you were able to pull of the surprise for her.
Thanks for joining in, we'll see how this report goes.

Love this so much! What a magical time for Allie!
It really was great bonding time.

I'm happy that Allie and Melissa got to do this.
Maybe in the distant future when Marshall is older, he and Paul will get to go on a boys' trip.
We are planning on it.

I would have had a hard time keeping it all secret. It was a great surprise.
Initially we weren't sure how long we would last not telling her, but as time went on we realized we might be able to pull it off and knew it would be huge when we did tell her.

We went to Colonial Wiliamsburg when the kids were in grade school. It is a neat place. I could see Allie really liking it. :)
Colonial Williamsburg was awesome, I'd like to revisit sometime with the boys and see Jamestown and Yorktown as well.

I love hearing how you told Allie and how she reacted. :)
It was neat, and I am surprised we were able to wait so long to tell her.

I got attacked by those biting flies when we were there the first week of May. I still have the red marks on my legs.
Crazy! My bites are two almost two weeks old and are still a little itchy and red.

Thanks for joining in once again.

It may be a little different trip, but we'll still gladly write about it.

So excited to read this one! Love all of your TRs.
Thank you so much. This was way more spontaneous than our other trips, and the surprise was so cool.

I'm here!!! popcorn:: And I love Allie's reaction to finding out about this trip!!!! Priceless!!! pixiedust:
We wish the audio would have recorded but it was still neat to see. She will remember it!

What a wonderful surprise! I give props to you both for keeping it a secret.
We almost blew it a couple of times, but in the end we pulled it off.

Joining in! Allie looked so excited, what a great surprise!
It really was.

Early May, weird flies - love bugs? Although I don’t remember them biting... hopefully it didn’t affect your trip too much!
So I looked up these flies and they are called Yellow Flies. They are only around in May and June and they are nasty nasty.

What a great surprise! Allie looked thrilled!!
We didn't expect her to cry, but she was really excited.
When we left off, we were headed into Epcot.

One huge difference this trip was not having to wear masks outside so we got to walk through maskless again.

The mask chains were even more important this trip with all the taking them off and putting them on that we did.

That happened right before you showed up, so you were among the first to go maskless in the parks.

It was really nice with the heat to not have a sweaty face all the time.

I was surprised to hear that you didn’t need them on to get in the parks, or in the beginning of ride lines, only past a certain point.

Yeah me too but it was ok. Allie decided she just wanted to absorb World Showcase and was a little overwhelmed with all the possibilities and the ability to make the decisions so we just kinda walked through the countries until we got to Mexico.

On the way we discovered the Morocco bathrooms were closed.

Ahh, well fortunately you wouldn’t need to get trash bags there to use as ponchos like we did a few years ago.

Lol no, actually we didn't have any rain our entire trip, either in Virginia or Orlando. It's probably because I actually packed an umbrella.

Ahh, that’s good

Just outside the Morrocco bathrooms we spotted our first Spike the Bee though and decided we should do the scavanger hunt so we picked up a sticker sheet at one of the kiosks around there.

Ahh, like the treasure hunt we did for Food and Wine a couple of years ago.

Exactly the same.

We did some shopping in the countries as we went and Allie found this shoulder sitting plush Boba Tea that she had to have.

She ended up getting a ton of compliments about him during the trip.

She loves boba tea and named him “Bob”. She wore him today when we went out at lunch from home.

Our first official ride was the Gran Fiesta Tour in Mexico, we wanted to checkout the carboard cutouts of the Three Caballeros.

There was a line to get into the pavillion which took a couple minutes to get through but once we were inside the ride was almost a walk on.

That’s crazy, we have never waited to just get inside before.

It was a little nuts but with social distancing requirements I can see it.

If you had reservations for the restaurant they would just let you in

Makes sense, and you don’t want a huge crowd in there.

After Mexico we cruised over to check out Figment. The line there was pretty short. On the way we saw a cute Chip and Dale topiary and thought of Jon and Brandy.

So that’s when you texted all of us saying “guess where we are...”

Yeah, believe it or not I was missing the whole crew.

That’s nice of you to say. I believe it, for a split second until you got to make a decision without any additional input or discussion.

Fair... so Figment was still there, and we thought after we rode it we'd go up to the DVC memeber lounge but guess how long the wait was.

Wow, I hadn’t heard about this. An hour?

Nah 30 minutes but still not worth it.

Still a long time to wait just to get a drink.

Yeah that's what we thought. So instead we went over and went through the Butterfly House.

That’s a unique new Flower and Garden thing.

It is and it was fun, Allie loved it. She probably would have spent longer in there if I'd have let her.

Wow cool

After I pulled her out of the butterfly house she decided we needed some food from the booths. Our first choice was the cookie butter worms and dirt shake.

She really liked it but ugh I thought it was terrible. I really don't like to be negative about food but I was not a fan at all.

It’s still an Epcot festival, so the food booths are a big part of it. Without a third person to be the tie breaker, we’ll just have to leave it at that.

We stopped and rested while Allie enjoyed her worms and dirt at the Health Full Trail. I had to look that up. It's a nice spot with some chairs and a little shade to take a break.

Sounds nice. It looked like it was pretty warm.

It wasn't too hot but I don't think we wanted to hang out in the sun. We had picked up a festival guide book and Allie sat there and figured out what she wanted to to try. Our next stop was the Honey Beestro and we picked up the corn spoonbread and the marscapone cheesecake.

I get it "BEEstro" that's cute.

It was, everything there has honey in it. We both really enjoyed the cheesecake. The cornbread wasn't as wonderful but still a great snack.

Nice, and was this in the festival building or more by Future World?

It is directly across from the bathrooms that are between Future World and World Showcase. There was quite a bit of crowding around there too between the food booth and the people congregating outside the bathrooms.

Next on Allie's list was a popsicle trio that we picked up at Refreshment Port.

I was getting hungry for some real food and thought about getting poutine there too but decided to just pick up the popsicles for now.

The popsicles looked cute.

They were cute! They were also delicious.

But you were still looking for some real food...

Yes, I needed something with some substance and luckily Canada was right around the corner. I picked up some scallops which Allie at first said she didn't want any of then ended up eating half of.

Did they compare with Teppan Edo ones?

Eh, they were very good for food kiosk scallops but no, Teppan Edo are still my fave.

It is a high standard.

Yes it is. I'd also like to note that at this point it was after 3 and we still didn't have our room yet.

Good thing you had something fun to do while you waited.

It didn't matter to us that much because unlike my husband when they finally did give us our room number I had no idea where it was and had done no research on where rooms were located.

You did know that it wasn't going to have a Bay Lake view....

After our scallops we decided to check out the big festival building. It was super impressive for festival of the arts so I had pretty high expectations.

Turns out there really wasn't a whole lot going on in there, just a couple of food booths and then a display about Disney Horticulture. We did find Spike the Bee here though and put another sticker on our scavenger hunt.

The Horticulture trailer looked kind of cool. A bit of a peek into how they maintain the plants. No acrobats though...

No acrobats or merch either. I was kinda hoping for like the passholder merch booth or some Flower and Garden exclusive stuff.

Yeah on the way out of the building they did have a Mickey and Minnie topiary and then a truck and trailer full of landscaping equipment.

Those were the seemingly misplaced topiaries. They should have been in a more prominent location, being the big cheese...

I would think so but there was another Minnie and Mickey topiary between Future World and World Showcase.

Maybe these were backups...

Possible. From there we walked towards the UK pavilion in search of our next Spike the Bee. On the way we checked out the Kermit topiary, he's so cute riding his bicycle.

Pooh and the gang were also adorable. I don't have a picture of him but Pooh is so fluffy and chunky.

Aww, cute

While we were searching for Spike who we found in the tea garden we got the notification our room was ready!

That was timed nicely since you were so close to International Gateway.

It was actually perfect timing.

On the way out of International Gateway we stopped at the gift shop and picked up a fannypack for Allie because her purse strap was almost broken. I also figured the more of her own stuff she could carry the lighter my bag would be. We also cheated and turned in our scavenger hunt early for a Orange Bird tumbler. I didn't want to forget our card the next time we came into Epcot so I figured we should just do it.

Ahh, well you did put some solid effort into it.

We really did, and we continued to find him on the rest of the trip too.

And you knew you had your cup souvenir.

Yes, which is not dishwasher safe by the way.

At least we didn't learn that the hard way (like Crocs...)

Lol thank you for bringing that back up.

Just tying the story together...

So we walked out of International Gateway to go find our room.

We were assigned room 1082 which is on the first floor fairly close to the lobby right outside the Admiral Pool. Pretty much an ideal location for the two of us for this trip.

It sounded neat, and being on the first floor looked easy.

Yes it was, there were often lines for the elevators and it was nice to be comfortable leaving Allie in the room by herself while I went out to pickup food or get mug refills.

Later in the trip I learned it was also super close to the laundry room which is at the pool so that was really convenient.

Perfect. How was the room on the inside?

Our room was great! We had the two queen sized beds and then a pretty nifty jackknife sofa bed thing that we never ended up converting.

A nice walk in shower and minifridge. Stanadard hotel stuff but really nice.

The closet area was done so it felt like a yahcht or a ship. It was pretty neat.

We were both super tired and Allie's feet hurt so we just hung out in the room for the rest of the evening. We called bell services to bring our bags and then we both went down to the Marketplace for a snack.

It is cool that the Yacht Club side has some quick service stuff, since it would be a long way to walk over to Beach Club marketplace.

I was surprised at how much they actually had there. Allie picked out a Lemon Raspberry tart which she really enjoyed. I didn't care for it much. I was feeling like I needed some real food so I picked out a prepackaged greek salad.

I saw that tart was part of their Disney Cruise Line exclusive stuff. You got it without being stuck on a ship...

Right, they had a ton of Cruise line stuff, the suitcases were adorable.

After our snacks we decided that it was time for a little self care. We had picked up a couple of face masks from Beach Club Marketplace I think when we were on our way to the room from Epcot. Not sure but I know that's where we got them. Anyway we had so much fun and they were really nice!

The masks were definitely a girls trip kind of thing. I just don't see me and Marshall doing that...

True you two barely use face soap.

My point exactly.

We Facetimed the boys before we tucked in for the night. I think Allie and I were still in awe that we were actually at Disney. I didn't let myself get excited for the trip or think about it too much before so we were both feeling the excitement that night.

That's awesome, and you both had such a great time to look forward to. There was a lot more fun to be had, since you were just getting started.

Stay tuned for more fun, we revisit a restaurant that we haven't been to in a while and those fly bites come back to haunt us.

Sounds like fun, I can't wait to hear about it...
Sounds like you guys had a great first day! Allie looks so surprised! I love girls trips. I did one with my daughter a few years ago when she was 12 and I’m planning another one for this year.
Lol no, actually we didn't have any rain our entire trip, either in Virginia or Orlando. It's probably because I actually packed an umbrella.
I used my umbrella for shade when we were there early in May. It was that hot out. :)

She loves boba tea and named him “Bob”. She wore him today when we went out at lunch from home.
Bob is adorable. He has his own personality, doesn't he. ;)

Just outside the Morrocco bathrooms we spotted our first Spike the Bee though and decided we should do the scavanger hunt so we picked up a sticker sheet at one of the kiosks around there.
We really like the Flower and Garden Festival and try to go to it every year. The sticker sheets are a fun activity. Even adults will do it.
And you knew you had your cup souvenir.

Yes, which is not dishwasher safe by the way.
I've had to put those cups in a separate cupboard. It is too hard to remember not to throw them in the dishwasher.
It sounded neat, and being on the first floor looked easy.

Yes it was, there were often lines for the elevators and it was nice to be comfortable leaving Allie in the room by herself while I went out to pickup food or get mug refills.
The elevator was very busy when we were there in May. You were lucky to be on the ground floor. Our last room was just down the hall from yours but on the third floor.
Our room was great! We had the two queen sized beds and then a pretty nifty jackknife sofa bed thing that we never ended up converting.
I like the Yacht Club rooms a lot more than the Beach Club rooms, mostly because of the closet with all of its shelves. The walk in shower is great, too. :)
Looks like a great time so far! I bet it was different being just the two of you. Your room looks perfect - can't beat the location. I'll be watching for more fun!
The mask chains were even more important this trip with all the taking them off and putting them on that we did.
I just ordered some for my August trip.
Lol no, actually we didn't have any rain our entire trip, either in Virginia or Orlando. It's probably because I actually packed an umbrella.
I have these ponchos I bought back in 2015. They have been packed for 7 trips and only been used twice. I refer to them as my magic ponchos. If I have one with me, it won't rain.
After I pulled her out of the butterfly house she decided we needed some food from the booths. Our first choice was the cookie butter worms and dirt shake.

She really liked it but ugh I thought it was terrible. I really don't like to be negative about food but I was not a fan at all.
Sometimes our kids like the strangest things!
Eh, they were very good for food kiosk scallops but no, Teppan Edo are still my fave.
I tried those on my March '19 F&G trip and really liked them.
While we were searching for Spike who we found in the tea garden we got the notification our room was ready!
Love those scavenger hunts!
On the way out of International Gateway we stopped at the gift shop and picked up a fannypack for Allie because her purse strap was almost broken. I also figured the more of her own stuff she could carry the lighter my bag would be. We also cheated and turned in our scavenger hunt early for a Orange Bird tumbler. I didn't want to forget our card the next time we came into Epcot so I figured we should just do it.
The Orange Bird tumbler looked really cute!
It sounded neat, and being on the first floor looked easy.

Yes it was, there were often lines for the elevators and it was nice to be comfortable leaving Allie in the room by herself while I went out to pickup food or get mug refills.

Later in the trip I learned it was also super close to the laundry room which is at the pool so that was really convenient.

Perfect. How was the room on the inside?

Our room was great! We had the two queen sized beds and then a pretty nifty jackknife sofa bed thing that we never ended up converting.
The Yacht Club is my favourite non DVC resort. :)
After our snacks we decided that it was time for a little self care. We had picked up a couple of face masks from Beach Club Marketplace I think when we were on our way to the room from Epcot. Not sure but I know that's where we got them. Anyway we had so much fun and they were really nice!
Fun! A little self care is always a good thing. :goodvibes


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