Several park updates, map offer and plenty of park pics!

Update: I went to the park today. I was first in and would have been first on PP but this "gentleman" with a large-lens camera sprinted to the front of the line. I'd met a really nice mom and her two wonderful kids at the rope. They told me they were bound for PP and I offered to help them (I often do and regularly surrender my first-place spot to kids/families). I would have let them have my first-place spot but they had to settle for second (for the aforementioned reasons :-)). A short time later, I overheard the "gentleman" who sprinted brag about his achievement to the CM that was loading riders onto Mr. Toad. When I boarded, I asked her if that's what he told her about. She confirmed that he had. I then explained that he sprinted to beat everyone there. I later spoke to a CM friend who's a security officer and we had a good laugh over it. I wish no one would run but it's a rarity. It happens only about once every two months. As many of you know from firsthand experience, when one person runs, it often causes other guests to run. Sometimes they fall. CMs tell me they see it about once a week.

Anyway, the rest of the day was great. Did OK on Buzz and met two nice girls from Australia. One is a CM at Disney World. We talked for about 20 minutes, which was fun.

Anyway, a few park pics:

First in the park! No hacky editing required today ;-).



This is the ledge on the MS porch (216 Main Street, if you can't find it ;-)). I noticed that it's angled slightly which makes it less easy to balance drinks on it. Tea in particular ;


We now have a fully-functional SWL. Despite appearances ;-).


I tried to capture this sunbeam but it didn't work out as well as I'd hoped.

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How early did you arrive to be first? And what are your tips for being first on PPF? (asking for future reference)
Great question. Usually a little before 7:00 (for an 8:00 park open). I'm usually first (or very close to it) in line. Then I "walk with intention" to the rope and the same to PP. I've always been a fast walker so I do well. But again, there's nearly always one runner. About once every two months there are RDs when no one runs, it's a pleasure and feels civilized. What we hate is when a kid runs: "Oh, isn't that cute?! Little Johnny is so excited he can hardly contain himself! Oh, go on. Let him run. He's just a kid." "Little Johnny" then arrives first at PP... and then his family of ten joins him. It's like they all ran. I wish CMs were empowered to do more to stop runners. Two Sundays ago the CM at the PP line called out as we all arrived "Runners will be sent to the back of the line!" No one was, however. I've never heard that before and I suspect that the CM wishes he could do that but it was an empty threat. What if the guest refuses, which seems likely if they've already defied one rule?
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They'll allow the hot water. They just won't allow the cup. You're expected to pay for it. I'm sure, though, some CMs will let guests slide with it, especially if you explain your reason. In my case, it's because I bring my own tea. I asked later that day at the Starbucks on Main St if they'd give free hot water and they said they would. I believe Rancho Del Zocalo still offers free cups/hot water as well. That is, you can simply take one. I've done it dozens of times and no ones ever said a word about it. I suspect one day one random CM at RDZ will insist that cups aren't free and I can't take it. I'll return a few miunutes later and every other CM will let me take it. And with a smile, no less. To stint guests on cups seems petty, grasping and unwelcoming to me.

We're thinking about bringing in Cup o'Noodles as a quick meal option. Can you provide a little more detail about how the hot water works at Rancho Del Zocalo - is it self serve or do you have to ask for it, and how hot is it? Hot enough to use for noodles, ya think?


We're thinking about bringing in Cup o'Noodles as a quick meal option. Can you provide a little more detail about how the hot water works at Rancho Del Zocalo - is it self serve or do you have to ask for it, and how hot is it? Hot enough to use for noodles, ya think?
Actually, I get my hot water at Pizza Planet. The good news is that all water -- hot and cold -- is self-service there. Since the refurb several months ago, all drinks are on the dining-room-side of the registers. The hot water is certainly at a temp high enoigh to make tea so I suspect that it's also hot enough for noodles. I believe hot water at RDZ is also self-serve but you have to then pass by a cash register. Often a simple explanation is all that's required but I've never even been questioned and certainly not stopped. In short, noodles as a quick meal sounds like a great idea. Let us all know how it goes!
Actually, I get my hot water at Pizza Planet. The good news is that all water -- hot and cold -- is self-service there. Since the refurb several months ago, all drinks are on the dining-room-side of the registers. The hot water is certainly at a temp high enough to make tea so I suspect that it's also hot enough for noodles. I believe hot water at RDZ is also self-serve but you have to then pass by a cash register. Often a simple explanation is all that's required but I've never even been questioned and certainly not stopped. In short, noodles as a quick meal sounds like a great idea. Let us all know how it goes!
That's great news - thanks, sir!

One follow up - where in the Pizza Planet dining room are the water dispensers? It's been a while since we've been, so I'm trying to visualize the new setup.
One follow up - where in the Pizza Planet dining room are the water dispensers? It's been a while since we've been, so I'm trying to visualize the new setup.
They're against the far wall in the dining area to the left of the registers as you leave them. There are three or four soda stations, each with an ice dispenser on the left and right sides and a single water dispenser in the center. The single hot water dispenser is on the far left of all of that.
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They're against the far wall in the dining area to the left of the registers as you leave them. There are three or four soda stations, each with an ice dispenser on the left and right sides and a single water dispenser in the center. The single hot water dispenser is on the far left of all of that.
Now that's service! Thanks, sir.

Does that mean the days of free refills at Pizza Planet have returned??


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