Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.8

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We have a Mac Mini and I have a MacBook. I really want an iPad, but can't justify the expense at the moment with every spare Penny going towards the vow renewal.

I'm not normally one for gadgets but was going to buy one of the large Kindle e-readers SO decided to put that cost towards the iPad and hey presto!!! Plus I bought in the US and saved a chunk of £££... :goodvibes

I think I'm about to show my age here, but … I bought my first Mac in 1985 for over $5,000. It had a huge 1 MB of what was then called core storage (RAM), plus an enormous 20 MB of off-line storage (i.e., hard drive)! I've owned nothing but Macs since then – about 10-12 all told, including one of the very first Mac laptops sold. Considering I programmed my first computer in 1959 at the age of 9 years old, and have programmed IBM console mainframes in assembly language, plus a lot of other stuff since then, I vastly prefer the "insanely great" Mac over anything else I've seen (so far). Of course, I gave up programming a long time ago - too much like hard work - and I'm just a semi-educated user now. :)

So, Macintosh: Is there another way? (OK, here comes the "Mac vs. PC" storm. Get ready!) :rotfl:

See You Real Soon!
Wow!!! Would love to see a pic of your $5k Mac!!! We bought our first desktop computer in 1989 - just a basic IBM machine that was mainly used for word processing. We had several PCs after that none of which are still around/operational. I bought my first desktop Mac in 2001 (so 9 years ago) and it's still going strong at my DD's home... I did love those "I'm a Mac" & "I'm a PC" ads from a while ago... :laughing:

we're a mac family. IMac on the desk, MacBook Air around about and now IPad's to match (oh and Iphones of course)
:goodvibes In our house, we have 2 MacBooks, 1 MacBook Pro, an iMac, an iPad plus 4 iPhones and goodness knows how many iPods!!! Love 'em all... :love:

For all the Mac/iPhone/iPod and iPad users, would an iCal calendar, which both iCal and Google Calendar users can download, be a good addition to a pdf version of the Navigator? It would be very simple, just date/time/meeting place of the DIS events. The full details for events would be in Sarah's Navigator.
Sounds great!!! :thumbsup2
We're a MAC family too. :love: I've been using one since I first started designing educational materials in the late 80s. I still have my first MAC SE from about 1988 (I'm dating myself) and it works perfectly and still smiles : ) at me when I turn it on.


And a job well done! Looks tasty, too.
It was!!! Champagne and Midori (melon liqueur) if I recall... :cloud9:

And phooey- looks like no scuba diving for me. Been dealing with sinus and ear issues since April and although I didn't even know anything was wrong in that respect (went in originally with sore throat and hoarseness that wasn't going away- turns out was a side effect of sinusitis) - it was pretty bad and I was running fever without realizing it and everything. So now I've been on all these steroid shots & pills, 2 nasal inhalers (one steroid based), decongestants, anbitiotics for awhile, etc. and again thought I was fine... except for the vertigo when I leaned my head back or when I laid down.
So a check up yesterday and turns out the sinuses are still crap and my ears are still crap- especially the left one. Eustachian (sp?) tube on that side apparently completely clogged and he had me force air to see but on the left side it blew up like a balloon and didn't go back down (ie: the air forced in there couldn't get back out the way it was forced in)
And it looks like more rounds of antibiotics, stay on the same meds, and if not better in 2wks (like that's gonna happen) then I have to go see another dr and get tubes in my ears.
At 41yrs old.
AND he thinks I have ear stones? I've never heard of such!
And wants me to do vertigo exercises to help that, that basically consist of rolling around in certain positions? Also never heard of such. Learn something new everyday. LOL

(he did say left ear had a lot of scar tissue and I had a lot of ear infections throughout my childhood that were basically taken care of by aspirin, oil and smoke and stuff put in my ear and law on a couch till it stopped hurting. I didn't see the dr much in my childhood.. that's for sure. I've also had always had to pop my ears a lot when flying -or else have excrutiating pain in both ears upon liftoff and landing)

so yeah. Probably gonna have to cancel scuba diving with the fam. :sad1:
That was really the only excursion I was looking forward to. The rest are all a lot of walking, looking at stuff, etc Which is all fine and good... but we like to do more water active things. LOL

Meanwhile, you're gonna see me at my heaviest weight EVER (even when pregnant with Robert- which is really saying something...) because I guess the steroids are making me gain weight. I dunno. I'm not doing anything to gain past my "top weight" that I usually stay at no matter HOW horrible I eat. Since I started the meds- just gaining left and right since April. I'll be the bloated lady waddling around- you'll recognize me for sure. Especially if I can't find any clothes that fit me and have to wear the same few clothes every few days. grrrrrrrrr (not really all that interested in buying clothes to fit this weight but sigh.... guess I'm gonna have to atleast try. Wish i was the same weight I was last year -again. sigh) I can't even fit my pirate shirt I ordered! *cries*
eh well... could be worse, could be much worse. So no more complaining from the pillsbury dough-lady. LOL

I am so sorry to read this - I know how horrible sinus issues can be. Keep plugging away and hopefully the meds will sort it eventually... :hug: I had impacted sinuses a few years ago, didn't realise what was wrong with me and just got used to feeling crap. Had them for about a year until they were revealed in a dental x-ray and the dentist couldn't believe I was able to stand let alone function. Took a while (and several rounds of antibiotics, steroid nasal sprays and decongestants) but eventually I got there. So fingers crossed for you too.. :wizard:
I'm not normally one for gadgets but was going to buy one of the large Kindle e-readers SO decided to put that cost towards the iPad and hey presto!!! Plus I bought in the US and saved a chunk of £££... :goodvibes

I got a Sony eBook Reader for my birthday last year and absolutely love it. If I did not have that, I think I probably would have an iPad by now. I will get one eventually, but I don't think it will happen this year.

Thought I would drop in for a quick read:lmao:, "Quick" there is no "quick" on this thread. Good thing I got up a hour early.

Still no docs for us:sad2: Maybe today is the day.

Welcome to the group for all the new cruisers.

:hug:to all those not feeling well or going through some difficult times.

:dance3:Everyday I am reminding my co-workers that I won't be around in Sept. We do alot of training and maintenance things then. They keep asking me what the plans are for work related stuff. I keep telling them I don't care. I won't be there:)

Hope everyone has a good day, off to work now.
Some more medical issues.....this group is kind of DD was admitted to the hospital yesterday....she has a viral infection in her intestine and a serious infection in her colon....they were trying to treat it with antibiotics by mouth but it is beating her up so they put her in the said she is pretty sick and will be in the hospital through the seems so many of us traveling have some sort of medical problem or tragedy in our lives.....thank God I do not drink......and thank God it is happening now and not 5 weeks from now since she will be staying here and taking care of the house and the pets......

Oh Tom, my thoughts are with you. My DFIL just went through something similar earlier this year, he really did it tough for a while, I am sending your daughter lots of pixie dust.

That's very cool - I'm waaaay to disorganised for that. Tho' I did manage to co-ordinate my cardigan with my champagne cocktail at the Palo brunch last September...


Love it, your looking very tropical. I hope they have pink drinks, OK maybe just red cordial will do me! :rotfl:

oh no ... dress doesn't fit .... it hovers about 4 inches from the floor and sticks out all strange like ... I suppose thats the hazard of buying from Ebay. Back it goes !!!! Better put formal dress back on the list LOL
OhNo, more shopping.....what a pity........................NOT!

Sitting in Barcelona airport on our way back from our Med cruise. 31 days til we come back. DW (Lorraine) is working an trip report, but anyone got any questions about the ship, entertainment, airport etc?

Gosh, are you really ready to open yourself up to this group? OK People, get ready, get set...GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Some personnal info about me -
So as you can see, we had a rough year. I can't begin to tell you how much we are looking forward to and excited to be going on this cruise. Just want to hang out with people, enjoy our 14th Disney cruise, can't wait to have the drink of the day , celebrate our September birthdays and just have an awesome time.

WOW, you really deserve this cruise, both you and your daughter. I bet you are glad you went against the party poopers and decided to take your mum on your wedding cruise and others after. You must have made such special memories. :lovestruc

thats cool. havent done the spooktacular at seaworld but i did the halloween horror night at universal about 4 years ago that was pretty awesome.

We would love to do the Universal one but I think the kids are a bit young yet, 8 & 9. Will put it on the list for another time. :thumbsup2

Hi everyone,

We are looking forward to meeting many of you on the ship this coming September!

TIARAS ARRIVED TODAY. BOAS ARE SHIPPED! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Thought we may as well jump in. My wife Shanna and I will be leaving on 9/15 and staying at Le Meridien. We are in 6128 on the Magic. Looking forward to seeing all of you.


So, Macintosh: Is there another way? (OK, here comes the "Mac vs. PC" storm. Get ready!)

MAC and iPhone for me, PC and Blackberry for DH. :lmao:

So today Stephanie went to "JAIL"


Love it! :laughing:

And phooey- looks like no scuba diving for me. Been dealing with sinus and ear issues since April and although I didn't even know anything was wrong in that respect (went in originally with sore throat and hoarseness that wasn't going away- turns out was a side effect of sinusitis) - it was pretty bad and I was running fever without realizing it and everything. So now I've been on all these steroid shots & pills, 2 nasal inhalers (one steroid based), decongestants, anbitiotics for awhile, etc. and again thought I was fine... except for the vertigo when I leaned my head back or when I laid down.
So a check up yesterday and turns out the sinuses are still crap and my ears are still crap- especially the left one. Eustachian (sp?) tube on that side apparently completely clogged and he had me force air to see but on the left side it blew up like a balloon and didn't go back down (ie: the air forced in there couldn't get back out the way it was forced in)
And it looks like more rounds of antibiotics, stay on the same meds, and if not better in 2wks (like that's gonna happen) then I have to go see another dr and get tubes in my ears.
At 41yrs old.
AND he thinks I have ear stones? I've never heard of such!
And wants me to do vertigo exercises to help that, that basically consist of rolling around in certain positions? Also never heard of such. Learn something new everyday. LOL

(he did say left ear had a lot of scar tissue and I had a lot of ear infections throughout my childhood that were basically taken care of by aspirin, oil and smoke and stuff put in my ear and law on a couch till it stopped hurting. I didn't see the dr much in my childhood.. that's for sure. I've also had always had to pop my ears a lot when flying -or else have excrutiating pain in both ears upon liftoff and landing)

so yeah. Probably gonna have to cancel scuba diving with the fam. :sad1:
That was really the only excursion I was looking forward to. The rest are all a lot of walking, looking at stuff, etc Which is all fine and good... but we like to do more water active things. LOL

Meanwhile, you're gonna see me at my heaviest weight EVER (even when pregnant with Robert- which is really saying something...) because I guess the steroids are making me gain weight. I dunno. I'm not doing anything to gain past my "top weight" that I usually stay at no matter HOW horrible I eat. Since I started the meds- just gaining left and right since April. I'll be the bloated lady waddling around- you'll recognize me for sure. Especially if I can't find any clothes that fit me and have to wear the same few clothes every few days. grrrrrrrrr (not really all that interested in buying clothes to fit this weight but sigh.... guess I'm gonna have to atleast try. Wish i was the same weight I was last year -again. sigh) I can't even fit my pirate shirt I ordered! *cries*
eh well... could be worse, could be much worse. So no more complaining from the pillsbury dough-lady. LOL

Oh, you really are having a rough trot of luck. Probably better you got onto this now rather than fly and have something pop or be super painful. As for the weight, My BFF has to take steroids for her asthma sometimes, and yes she puts on weight.
I think us girls are all worried and insecure about our bodies in some way, I am adopting the attitude that nobody will be looking at me, there is much more interesting stuff to look, so I am going to let it all hang out and enjoy myself. ;)
Give yourself a well earned break and enjoy :flower3:

I am so ready to leave for this cruise! But that may have something to do with that I will get to see my hubby for the fist time since the EBTA!
Wow Krisann, that is such a long time, I would be a basket case. DH went away for 10 days last year, I hardly slept, by the time he got home I was a mess with bags under my eyes, a sty and a mouth full of ulcers. He sat on the couch with me and I fell asleep on his lap about 10 minutes after he walked in the door. Pathetic! :love:

I have been lazy all wek, Im away to gym and swim,bla bla.

Also I was dreaming AGAIN about the crusie, its all too mental and randon to repeat but I am driving myself nuts with it!
You crack me up Lynne! :lmao:

4 weeks today we will be on our way to the airport

4 weeks today and we will be 6 and a half hours into our 34 hours of flying, Argghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:scared1:
TIARAS ARRIVED TODAY. BOAS ARE SHIPPED! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:


Thought we may as well jump in. My wife Shanna and I will be leaving on 9/15 and staying at Le Meridien. We are in 6128 on the Magic. Looking forward to seeing all of you.

See you on the Magic....and welcome!:yay::yay:

I will. I met ya before... ;)

What can I tell you - it's a gift... :rolleyes1

Yay!!!!! Champagne Girls Rule!!!!


Thanks to all who have sent kind words and prayers.....amazing what these things well as antibiotics.....she is feeling a little better.....they have been pushing bag after bag of the antibiotics into again....thanks for t he kind words!

so pleased to hear she's recovering Tom :hug:

Welcome to all newbies :thumbsup2

I'm not getting much time to catch up with the boards at the moment but never cease to be amazed when I do log on to how much I have missed :rotfl2:

Sometimes its good to have a bit of insomnia :rotfl:

Four weeks today will be my last day at work before heading off to Barcelona :banana:

Looking forward to meeting everyone,


Hi Dawn! Not long now!:banana:

Oh and here's a question for everyone please.. Um, I thought I needed to make sure the kids had summer-ish clothing that actually fit well (because they are growing like weeds) but then it dawned on me... this trip is not the caribbean and it's slightly later than we normally cruise anyway. So like I went online to look up weather in Barcelona in Sept and it says 72 is the norm?
Ohmy we are gonna be freezing -we're used to 100+ degree weather for like... forever now. LOL Or I'm gonna have to pack warmer clothing and that's gonna be hard to pack us all in carryons... eek.
so yeah, is this cruise gonna be in the lower 70's all the way thru? Till we get towards the tail end of the cruise? yes, no? maybe so? Help! What are ya'll packing to wear on a daily basis for the cruise/at ports?

And phooey- looks like no scuba diving for me. Been dealing with sinus and ear issues since April and although I didn't even know anything was wrong in that respect (went in originally with sore throat and hoarseness that wasn't going away- turns out was a side effect of sinusitis) - it was pretty bad and I was running fever without realizing it and everything. So now I've been on all these steroid shots & pills, 2 nasal inhalers (one steroid based), decongestants, anbitiotics for awhile, etc. and again thought I was fine... except for the vertigo when I leaned my head back or when I laid down.
So a check up yesterday and turns out the sinuses are still crap and my ears are still crap- especially the left one. Eustachian (sp?) tube on that side apparently completely clogged and he had me force air to see but on the left side it blew up like a balloon and didn't go back down (ie: the air forced in there couldn't get back out the way it was forced in)
And it looks like more rounds of antibiotics, stay on the same meds, and if not better in 2wks (like that's gonna happen) then I have to go see another dr and get tubes in my ears.
At 41yrs old.
AND he thinks I have ear stones? I've never heard of such!
And wants me to do vertigo exercises to help that, that basically consist of rolling around in certain positions? Also never heard of such. Learn something new everyday. LOL

(he did say left ear had a lot of scar tissue and I had a lot of ear infections throughout my childhood that were basically taken care of by aspirin, oil and smoke and stuff put in my ear and law on a couch till it stopped hurting. I didn't see the dr much in my childhood.. that's for sure. I've also had always had to pop my ears a lot when flying -or else have excrutiating pain in both ears upon liftoff and landing)

so yeah. Probably gonna have to cancel scuba diving with the fam. :sad1:
That was really the only excursion I was looking forward to. The rest are all a lot of walking, looking at stuff, etc Which is all fine and good... but we like to do more water active things. LOL

Meanwhile, you're gonna see me at my heaviest weight EVER (even when pregnant with Robert- which is really saying something...) because I guess the steroids are making me gain weight. I dunno. I'm not doing anything to gain past my "top weight" that I usually stay at no matter HOW horrible I eat. Since I started the meds- just gaining left and right since April. I'll be the bloated lady waddling around- you'll recognize me for sure. Especially if I can't find any clothes that fit me and have to wear the same few clothes every few days. grrrrrrrrr (not really all that interested in buying clothes to fit this weight but sigh.... guess I'm gonna have to atleast try. Wish i was the same weight I was last year -again. sigh) I can't even fit my pirate shirt I ordered! *cries*
eh well... could be worse, could be much worse. So no more complaining from the pillsbury dough-lady. LOL

Hope you feel better soon, sorry to hear about your problems, sounds nasty!:(

72 degrees sounds quite warm to me! ;)

We got our Docs today!!!!

I guess we should have checked the mail earlier:lmao:
Only waited 5 years for them.:banana:


yay!!!! :)


I have been lazy all wek, Im away to gym and swim,bla bla.

Also I was dreaming AGAIN about the crusie, its all too mental and randon to repeat but I am driving myself nuts with it!

Just been swimming too Lynne...lovely! :)

I am confused now, I know, it doesn't take much! :confused:

I thought this thread was closed so I posted a reply on the new one :confused:

Oh well four weeks today and it will be last day at work before the holiday!!:yay::yay:

What are you like silly?! Love ya though xx

Will all you early packers PLEASE STOP IT NOW!

You are making this little last minute packer very stressed!!!:scared1::scared1::scared1::rotfl2:

Don't worry Marilyn, we won't be packing for ages yet either:thumbsup2

All caught up and still no docs here... :sad:

:sad1: They're just building up your anticipation Kaz!:thumbsup2

Nearly forgot - I got my documents.
And for the enquiring minds that need to know, AKA Sue, the doc were the same as the pic but instead of Castaway Club it just had Disney Cruise Line on the front.

Glad they came at last Hayley!:woohoo::wizard:

I got a Sony eBook Reader for my birthday last year and absolutely love it. If I did not have that, I think I probably would have an iPad by now. I will get one eventually, but I don't think it will happen this year.

I also have a Sony Reader. I love it! It means I can just tote one slim book when I travel instead of several bulky books. It will be with me on the WBTA.

Also, Corinna, I got the beads yesterday. Thanks so much for doing this for us!

Yes to all the above.
Oh, you mean more specific questions?
Well I'm curious mostly about what transportation you used in Barcelona and how much and how that went/etc. :)
Did you use Disney Transportation to get from the airport to the port?

We arrived the night before the cruise (see DW's rant to come about BA) and stayed at the Renaissance Barcelona Airport Hotel, which runs a free shuttle from the airport to the hotel. It's a minibus with space for about 10 people and their luggage, but we did end up leaving people at the kerb. The shuttle runs about every 20 mins or so.
The hotel also ran a coach service to the port, which we used, and was €10 per person. That goes every 30 mins, we took the 11 o'clock one.
On our return we could have got the Disney transfer to the airport, which was $30 per person (so $90 for us on the med cruise), but instead we got a taxi that came in at €30 plus tip. I'd assume that the same would go for getting a taxi at the airport straight to the port as well.

How much is the Drink of the Day? Then I can budget better.

I sure it was about $3.50 plus the standard 15% tip.

I'm a menu addict and I'd love to see what you've got if at all possible. TIA.

I'll put them up on flickr soon.

Assuming that you left from Barclona's Port Vell Terminal C, what were the duty free shops like? Has the terminal been refurbished and modernized?

We were using BA to and from London Heathrow, this got us into Terminal 1 at Barcelona International Airport. A very modern, clean and nice airport (with friendlier and more helpful check-in staff than at LHR - see DW's rant again). One tip for the return journey (not valid for this cruise I know but someone else might read this lol) is that for international flights, once you've gone through passport control, there is limited things to do and places to shop at and eat, but once checked in and you have gone through security you can go downstairs to the domestic area where there are lots of shops, restaurants etc. Just go up and through passport control to your gate about an hour before your international flight.

DO you know what type of equipment they have in the gym?

We had full intentions of going to the gym, but we didn't even poke a head round the door. I'm sure DS will have done at some point with the gang from the stack so will check with him. We did walk round deck 4 (3 times is a mile) but even that we didn't do as much as we should have. But hey we were on holiday lol ;-)

A little more info on the sailaway party, it started right after the lifeboat drill had finished, which was at 4 pm.
We arrived the night before the cruise (see DW's rant to come about BA) and stayed at the Renaissance Barcelona Airport Hotel, which runs a free shuttle from the airport to the hotel. It's a minibus with space for about 10 people and their luggage, but we did end up leaving people at the kerb. The shuttle runs about every 20 mins or so.
The hotel also ran a coach service to the port, which we used, and was €10 per person. That goes every 30 mins, we took the 11 o'clock one.
On our return we could have got the Disney transfer to the airport, which was $30 per person (so $90 for us on the med cruise), but instead we got a taxi that came in at €30 plus tip. I'd assume that the same would go for getting a taxi at the airport straight to the port as well.

I sure it was about $3.50 plus the standard 15% tip.

I'll put them up on flickr soon.

We were using BA to and from London Heathrow, this got us into Terminal 1 at Barcelona International Airport. A very modern, clean and nice airport (with friendlier and more helpful check-in staff than at LHR - see DW's rant again). One tip for the return journey (not valid for this cruise I know but someone else might read this lol) is that for international flights, once you've gone through passport control, there is limited things to do and places to shop at and eat, but once checked in and you have gone through security you can go downstairs to the domestic area where there are lots of shops, restaurants etc. Just go up and through passport control to your gate about an hour before your international flight.

We had full intentions of going to the gym, but we didn't even poke a head round the door. I'm sure DS will have done at some point with the gang from the stack so will check with him. We did walk round deck 4 (3 times is a mile) but even that we didn't do as much as we should have. But hey we were on holiday lol ;-)

A little more info on the sailaway party, it started right after the lifeboat drill had finished, which was at 4 pm.

thank you for all the info.....we are staying at the Renaissance too and have booked the coach to the port so are glad to hear it's ok :thumbsup2

Will all you early packers PLEASE STOP IT NOW!

You are making this little last minute packer very stressed!!!:scared1::scared1::scared1::rotfl2:

Me too. Because most of the clothes we are still wearing. But I am working on my list now.

Oh and Hubby and I have come to an agreement. Since he does not want to see the laundry room at all. If We need thinks cleaned we will just have the ship do the items. :) So no I have to worry about dirty clothes :)
All caught up and still no docs here... :sad:
Thought I would drop in for a quick read:lmao:, "Quick" there is no "quick" on this thread. Good thing I got up a hour early.

Still no docs for us:sad2: Maybe today is the day.

Welcome to the group for all the new cruisers.

:hug:to all those not feeling well or going through some difficult times.

:dance3:Everyday I am reminding my co-workers that I won't be around in Sept. We do alot of training and maintenance things then. They keep asking me what the plans are for work related stuff. I keep telling them I don't care. I won't be there:)

Hope everyone has a good day, off to work now.

it never fails tp amaze me that folks actually think i care whats hapeing at work when im not there,unless of course its ongoing patient i have nursed.
I wrote you yesterday in pm. If you just haven't gotten to it yet- that's cool. But let me know if you didn't receive it? thanks! :)

sorry forgot to read them last night after catching up with all the pages I had missed - I will get to that here in a few minutes.

Will all you early packers PLEASE STOP IT NOW!

You are making this little last minute packer very stressed!!!:scared1::scared1::scared1::rotfl2:

I am stressed too as I will be packing last minute also - I just happened to be able to close up ONE suitcase with our formal wear, coats, extra suitcases, secret mickey gifts, part of the FE gifts, hamper, our new Lime Green Disney shirts (for our arrival day) and some other odds and ends. I have threatened to make everyone wear other clothes for the next 20+ days so I can pack everything! Maybe I will just go and buy everyone new clothes and pack those - that would help me and my stress level!

I also have to pack all my Christmas stuff that I need - books, notes, etc. since this is a working trip :)

I am also a last minute packer. I will back in the morning of September 15th and that is early for me. I am on a late shift that day so will pack before I head for work. On September 16th I am on an early shift and will take my suitcase to work and then head straight from there to the airport as we are staying at one of the airport hotels the night before we fly out.


oh that reminds me we are doing the same and I have not made a reservation at the hotel yet!

We arrived the night before the cruise (see DW's rant to come about BA) and stayed at the Renaissance Barcelona Airport Hotel, which runs a free shuttle from the airport to the hotel. It's a minibus with space for about 10 people and their luggage, but we did end up leaving people at the kerb. The shuttle runs about every 20 mins or so.
The hotel also ran a coach service to the port, which we used, and was €10 per person. That goes every 30 mins, we took the 11 o'clock one.
On our return we could have got the Disney transfer to the airport, which was $30 per person (so $90 for us on the med cruise), but instead we got a taxi that came in at €30 plus tip. I'd assume that the same would go for getting a taxi at the airport straight to the port as well.

Thanks for the info - I am still trying to figure out if the Disney transport from the airport straight to the Port - takes you on a riding "tour" of Barcelona or if we need to do private and book a tour. But so far I have not found anyone who got in the day of and took the Disney transport to the port.

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