Security at OKW & other Hotels


Earning My Ears
Nov 30, 2000
We live in Orlando and for years, when we wanted to visit OKW we would just drive in using the parking permit from our previous trip in the window. Permit was never checked and we were always waved right in. No more. Today we were stoppped, the permit checked and I had to show my membership card and picture ID. The guard told me that all Disney hotels now require a picture ID, if you are driving a private vehicle onto the property. Not a big deal but the waving you through days are gone.
That's good for security and may cut down on lots of other problems as well.
Sounds good to me and as stated might cut down on other abuses such as using the pool by those not staying at the resort.
i'm all for it as well. it might be a touch inconvenient, but it's all for the best.
Glad to hear it! Perhaps it will cut down on the pool misuse problem by locals as a side effect.
Glad to hear that they are really checking I.D's. As for it being an inconvenience, I don't think only takes a few minutes and well worth it.....
It's about time, I think that up till recently you could drive in with any paper of a similar size on your dash (particularly at night). Disney's security has always done a good job, but this should help them provide "real' protection for guests.
I think it is great as well. I hope they keep it up and don't just back off after a little while. Actually I have been surprised on every trip I have taken, had always got the impression from guide books that this is done anyway but I've never been stopped, always waived through. The only problem I see with it is the Boardwalk ara hotels. How can they block it off. Isn't that parking open to anyone because of all the attractions there?
WE just came back from from the BWV on 10/6. They were checking and only allowing guests. The Contemporary was doing the same thing.
on 10/6, we went to BW and just said we were coming to dinner... they let us right through. Parking was to the left and close to the guard shack.

DH said we were going to the Yachtsman, and the guard said we needed to turn around and go to Yacht Club... DH said, we were planning to walk over and he said OK, just park to the left in this lot....

we did show ID and DVC card and room key and had OKW permit in window
OK, I hate to be the dissenting voice here, BUT...

I was at WDW two weeks ago. They were checking ID's at hotels and bags at the park entrances, but my question is -- what does this really accomplish????

1-They look at your ID and wave you in. Anyone with a bomb or nefarious intentions could show an ID, and they'd be waved in too!!! Its not even like they're keeping a "log" of people who are going in and out. I think it's a nice effort to "make people feel better", but it's not a genuine EFFECTIVE way to increase security.

2-As for checking bags, I don't mind doing this at all -- especially when the park attendance is so low right now. The lines aren't a problem. But I can just imagine a year from now, in the summer, when it's hot and crowded that this will no longer be well received as the lines stretch on forever. BUT, it's not like they look in the bags very thoroughly AND they don't check the men's pockets or anything. What is THAT about? So my purse gets checked but my DH walks right into the park. I'm thinking, how do they know he's not carrying a weapon of some kind? If you want to search people - search everyone. Besides, if someone went into WDW with criminal intentions, it probably would be a male - not a female! Gimme a break! Get metal detectors or something!

I don't mind "jumping through hoops" - if those hoops actually make WDW safer. But they don't.

I, for one, am not impressed.

I was at WDW a couple of weeks ago too. Definitely had to show picture ID to get into the resorts--I'm not sure exactly what that accomplished though. Our bags were searched--sometimes very thoroughly, sometimes not so thoroughly. It hadn't occured to me, but KarakW is right--my DH did not have his pockets searched. I wouldn't be surprised to see metal detectors installed--I hope they do. It's sad when things come to this, but metal detectors would provide a little more security. I'm not sure that anything Disney is doing now actually helps too much, but it is a start. They had to come up with these things very quickly after the tragedy in NYC. Hopefully, better procedures are being developed.

You are probably correct that it doesnt do a whole lot specifically to weed out problems (i find myself thinking of like 10 ways to defeat the new systems).

But a major part of crime prevention is deterence. A strong visual deterrant often goes a long way- no matter how feeble. Its why the paint police cars and security vehicles bold contrasting colors. It certainly doesnt make it easier to 'sneak up' on a criminal in a big black and white ford with a red light on the roof- but if a crook drives into your town looking for a home to rob and everytime he turns around he sees a police car, he'll probably stumble on down to the next town to find an easier target.

These visual detterants need to be coupled with other more covert means (like unmarked police cars in the example above). But they definately do their part.

Besides the clinacle aspect, in these uncertain times it probably is important for the customers to see it to feel better. For example- Logically, I dont think the national guard patrolling airports and train stations does a hill of beans (in NYC they arent even armed in the rail stations), but I, and i'm sure many like me LOVE to see them, It just gives you a feeling of security if only for a few minutes.

Think about it if you were a crimenal- would you go to the place that checked ids and rumaged though bags (no matter how cursery the checks) or would you go to the place with no overt security at all?
I see your point. It definitely gives people a sense (no matter how false) of security, and it may act as a deterrent to some extent -- to some of the more "petty" criminals. But, frankly, I believe that if the terrorists target WDW, an ID check isn't going to keep them away. They will "complete their mission" regardless.
Kara :wave:
WE sent my parents down a couple of weeks ago and they just returned Friday. My dad was telling us about how one day out of the blue they stopped him coming in and asked for his resort ID even though he had a parking pass. ( I guess though if people are using passes from previous trips, this really is a joke!) They did not ask for a picture ID once. As he was checking out the guy checking him out asked what he thought of the security. He proceeded in telling him what he thought and the guy behind the desk went back and got a manager. He told them he really did not mind being stopped at the front, however, it was never consistent. Also, ANYONE can get into any resort just by hopping on a bus. They do not check resort ID on the buses anymore due to people complaining about it. He said at times he saw the CM's really going through bags, other times they just peered in and waved people in. Many times he said when they went back to one of the parks, there was only 1 CM at the gate. So, the upshot of all this is I guess, my dear ole dad was not impressed.

I would be curious to see how carefully they check the bags & pockets of "Arab looking" people. In NJ a HUGE issue over the last few years has been racial profiling. Is it now suddenly acceptable to profile Arab's ? I imagine I'm torn like the rest of the population on this issue but I've kinda rationalized it this way: When it comes to the crimes other profiled race's are accused of, I can do things to protect myself- stay out of certain areas, I don't buy drugs, things like that which protect me from most of the ills of our society. But I can't protect myself against a fanatic who is willing to blow himself up and hundreds with him. These fanatics also aren't going into the ghettos and doing this,they're looking for the big high profile areas we percieve as safe. They want the full shock effect. I know the negative responses I'm going to get but I'll say it anyway- Search the hell out of them. I know the vast majority of these people are honest,hard working,America loving people and I feel terrible that I would consider myself a profiler,but I also think if I were an Arab living here I would go out of my way to prove I've got nothing to hide. You want to search me-I'll get naked for ya, look where ever you want,take as long as you want.I'm a good guy,I'm on your side,I'm not insulted by your mistrust.

If I offended anyone,I apologize in advance.
Europeans have been dealing with terrorism for years. Does anyone know what kind of security they have at the park and resorts in Paris?
I think WDW would be wise to go back to the old way of checking resort IDs for those boarding the buses. People, at least for now, are being a lot more tolerant of inconvenience for safety's sake. I agree that checking the IDs will not necessarily stop a terrorist but it will give them a better grip on who is traveling around the resort. It will also discourage those who are abusing the pools or looking to do mischief crimes like theft.
downontheBW -

I haven't been to DLP yet (20 days and counting...) BUT I would be very surprised if they asked for an id, it's not very common anywhere in the UK mainly because we don't have a decent photo id to show (our drivers license didn't have a picture on it - it is being phased in).

Also, as other's have said - it doesn't really prevent anything.

The big things which I have noticed is that there are very few litter bins and lockers in public places - this is because this is a common place for a bomb to be left. They are starting to come back, but for many many years we had no left luggage facilites at any train stations, airports etc.

Coupled with that, everyone is very aware of abandoned bags - I can't even see an abandoned carrier bag without a little suspicion and if I was to see a sports bag or suitcase that appeared to have been forgotten there is NO way I would go anywhere near it. The police would be called and it would be checked out -There was a case a few years ago where someone left their briefcase in a carpark and when they came back to retrieve it, it had been blown up in a controlled explosion!



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