Second Star TR! Complete


Eating poisonous apples since '86
Sep 10, 2009

Evening all! :wave:

So I’m finally getting around to writing up my TR!

Incase anyone missed my super long PTR here is a quick reintroduction to our Cast!


My Mam - 60 something, 1st trip to DLP and super excited to see what we are always raving about! She likes the classics films and also Toy Story and The Little Mermaid. She is fairly brave and will give pretty much anything a try. She is also looking forward to staying in the plush surroundings of the DLH and eating some lovely meals – shes keen to see all the theming!


Me! – almost 28 (or I prefer 25 ;) ) 9th trip to our happy place! Looking forward to BTM and perhaps ToT and maybe some pics with Stitch and Donald and I would love some family photos with Duffy. Cant wait to do some pin trading and buy my new mug :yay: Very much so looking forward to leaving the diet behind for 5 days too :lmao: cocktails are also a certainty!


DD – my loopy 8 year old! Looking forward to BTM and snuggly hugs with Duffy and a spin on Teacups and all the lovely dinners (she loves holiday dinners – loads of chips, mayo and fizzy drinks!!). She is thinking of braving ToT! She conquered BTM last time and her courage makes me proud! She is hoping to have lots of spending money left over from her communion and plans to actually buy all of WOD!!


DS – my little rogue – just turned 5! He is looking forward to making us go on the Carrousel! And Slinky Dog and BTM and getting some Stitch pins when he trades. And lots and lots of desserts! And he wants to pick up some Disney Infinity figures. And hopefully will also brave ToT. Crossing my fingers! He was very brave once upon a time but as he has gotten bigger I think the sheer size of some of the rides make him uneasy. He also really, really, really wants to eat Mickey pizza again!
Looks like you had a great time Kizzy I've just posted your chez remy review on my PTR.
I spotted it on TA

Lucky you a free meal it all sounds good to
Can not wait to read all about the DLH x
LOL Dee photobucket is barely ticking over! Its in lazy mode!!

Ah thanks Rach! It was yummy!! Would you believe I took snapchats of our room but never took an actual photo so I dont have any to show you but it was amazing!

Thanks Disneynat! Have day 1 typed - just waiting on PB to stop being slow and get my pics up!
Monday May 19TH 2014

We were up a little before 4am after a surprisingly good sleep! It was the first time in ages I actually managed a good sleep before DLP.

We put the last few bits in the car and were off for Dublin at 4.45am and we made good time up to the airport, leaving the car in the long term carpark and caught the shuttle over to Terminal 2 where we checked in our suitcases and the lovely lady manning the Aer Lingus desk offered the check the kids two carry on cases too! Bonus!

We then tottled over to Burger King for sausage butties and there we met my aunt and her husband who were flying out to Spain for a wedding. We passed an hour chatting and then went our separate ways to find our gates. Our gate number kept changing and in the end we were waiting an hour as there was a problem with one of the trucks sent to refuel our plane. We set off a bit later then our scheduled 9.45am slot and were in the air for 10.30am and landed in CDG a but before 2pm Paris time. We gathered our suitcases and went outside to meet our lovely driver from RS Transport who had luckily waited for us. We were quickly on our way to the DLH!

It was so amazing to be finally staying here and we met a lovely CM at check in. It was no problem adding two people to the booking with our Annual passes and our lovely CM wished me a happy birthday and said he had a surprise!

He came back with these!!!

A special invitation to try the menu for the soon to be open Bistrot Chez Remy which was to take place two days later at the Sequoia Lodge! Very exciting stuff!!

We then went up to our room where a lovely Copper plush and fresh roses were waiting for us! We had a little look around our beautiful room which overlooked Salon Mickey and the turnstiles and we could actually hear the park music from our room. I was in love! It was situated on the 2nd floor and very close to the restaurants, bar and boutique. It is just behind the brighter green tree in this picture!

We were at this stage itching to get to the park! My Mam’s face was a picture when we got into the park! She was awed!

We ran over to City Hall to get my birthday sticker and change our dinner reservations around a little to be sure of dinner at Walts one night too. The park was fairly busy so I knew we wouldn’t get a huge amount done but were happy to go at a slower pace as Mams feet get tired quickly and it was just lovely to be introducing Mam to our favourite place.

We took a walk up to the Castle to show Nanny and had a wander around Fantasyland before going for lunch. This was a bit problematic as a lot of CS were closed. We had fancied Chalet du Marionnette but this was shut so we ended up in Hakuna Matata where I ordered African Chicken, rice and a pineapple tart for Mam and then myself and the kids had 3 kids meals, one portion of sausages and two of chicken strips with drinks and gervais yoghurt drinks. It came to €38.46 and the AP discount wouldn’t work as there was some problem with the tills that day. Our food was great, the African chicken was fab, the sauce was so tasty and the pineapple tart was very moist and delicious as were the kids meals. It was more than enough for me and a handy little way to save your spends.

We didn’t allow our food to settle awful long before we dragged Mam on BTM! She was a bit nervous and kept asking if it went upside down. The 10 minute queue moved quickly and we were on in more like 5 minutes. DS joined me and DD paired up with her Nanny!

It was brilliant! We giggled the whole way round, well, except Mam who was scared! She was glad she had done it but said once was enough!!

We then chose to head over near Bella Notte as it was coming close to parade time. It was very hot at this stage and we bought some baseball caps to keep the sun off the kids heads.

We all very much enjoyed the parade and it is brilliant to see Anna, Elsa and the other royalty but I think the parade needs a big shake up. I think some of the floats are getting a bit passed their sell by dates.

Mam was getting a bit tired and we all needed to get freshened up for our meal at Inventions but we said a super speedy trip around the world to catchy music was a must first! We took a sail around it’s a small world and Mam thought it to be just fantastic!

We plodded back to our lovely room and met the lovely CM from reception on our room corridor and he told DD to make sure to check her bed!! He as it turns out hadn’t realised there were two kids in our room and had returned with a second Copper plush so they would both have one! Such a kind gesture. I think I feel in love even more with the DLH just then!!

We unpacked a little and got ready to dine with Mickey and Co in Inventions. We had a reservation for 7.30pm and arrived a few minutes before. We were seated overlooking Main ST Station and ordered our drinks. The kids had cola and we ordered a Gin and tonic (€13.50 eek!) and a Bacardi Royale (aka Ponchelli which was a bargain at €14 as it had previously been €17 and yes it was that amazing!!).

We were then left to our own devices! No explanation of where to go. Just fend for yourself!

There was an array of salad items and soup on offer for starters but none of them were labelled and I am very fussy about fish so I felt this kind of limited my choices but I did have a nice little plate of salad and some crab claws (very tasty) and Mam had a field day as she loves fish so she had loads of prawns and some crab too.

The kids got straight stuck into the kids buffet and had pasta, meatballs, various goujons and some meat but only found pizza later as it must have run empty when they first went up. I thought the kids choices were very limited and not a patch on the selection at the Chuckwagon or La Cantina. I know it shouldn’t be an issue as there is other starchy options but fries would have been a good idea on the kids buffet but the only place we have ever seen them is at the cheaper buffets. Not every child eats boiled, skin on potatoes or risotto!

Myself and Mam moved onto the main course buffet and had a good selection of what was on offer but again had to play guess the meat as nothing was labelled. I really liked the fillet steak but wasn’t fussed on most of the other meat and Im a serious carnivore! I felt so disappointed with the selection on offer although the accompaniments did go some of the way to making up for this. The risotto and dauphinoise potatoes were AH-MAZ-ING!!! Very very yummy and went so well with the aforementioned steak! The green beans and other veggies were also very nice.

Dessert was an ok affair. It wasn’t the huge selection I was gearing myself up for but the cheesecake…..! It was the same as the fabulous one I’d been raving about and dreaming of since Walts in 2011!! The biscuit base is the important factor in it all – its crunchy and sweet and almost like toffee or something similarly fantastic. Heaven! The rest was ok but no Bavrois (boooo) and it wasn’t something that wowed me.

And you may have noticed I’ve not mentioned the characters….. that is because it was just a bit meh! They barely had the time to sign and get their pictures taken with the kids! So substandard compared to Café Mickey (and if you saw my 2011 review of CM that’s saying a lot!!). We were very disappointed. We saw Pluto, Goof, Dum, Chip, Dale, Pinocchio, Eeyore and glimpsed Mickey but he never came near us.

And to finish we had the bill and a minor palpation! €178 including discount. Nice to have tried it but we shant return! Although our waiter was a doll – he noticed my birthday sticker and brought out cake with a candle in and got the room to sing HB to me! I was blushing big time! So Claude our CM was the best interaction we had at Inventions!

We skiddadled back to the boutique for a browse and picked up some pins and decided to head over to WOD for some trading and shopping where we met DDs friend and his family. They were there 5 days too but this was the only time we bumped into them! They also had their Nanny along and it was great to see some friendly faces as DLP was quite busy all that day!

We made some trades and bought a couple of bits and bobs and suddenly we were pooped so it was back to our room for showers, unpacking and off to bed after we’d rung home to let both husbands know how we were getting on.

Thought I had more pics! Guarantee Day 2 will be better!
Aw brilliant you have started your trip report....have been looking forward to it.....but whats this no room photos....bad bad girl that was your mission!!!!

Sounds like you had an amazing room and you will need to describe at least if you have no photos!!!:thumbsup2

Sounds like an amazing first day and your mom sounds like she might just be convert!

I just had a serious palpitation looking at the bill......and its not even mine :rotfl2: what a pity about the characters this is one place you would expect great interaction!

Can't wait for more and photos :rotfl:
Aw brilliant you have started your trip report....have been looking forward to it.....but whats this no room photos....bad bad girl that was your mission!!!!

Sounds like you had an amazing room and you will need to describe at least if you have no photos!!!:thumbsup2

Sounds like an amazing first day and your mom sounds like she might just be convert!

I just had a serious palpitation looking at the bill......and its not even mine :rotfl2: what a pity about the characters this is one place you would expect great interaction!

Can't wait for more and photos :rotfl:

I know! Crazy expensive!! :crazy2: It was nice to try but now that thats done we'll be retiring back to the less eye watering restaurants!!

I actually don't know if she will come back! I think its too much going for her but she is more then welcome to join us next year if she would like. I'm going to give her the option for sure and maybe (hopefully) she would like to come back with us. Now that she knows the lay of the land she might feel less overwhelmed! Shes not too fussed about the rides though so its not a huge draw for her to return although she loved all the shows and the whole feel of the place. I think she would love to see some of the themed seasons.
Photos are great! I guess it can be very very tiring walking around especially if your legs bother you say maybe for one of the themed seasons!
The bill Kizzy :sad2:
I've got the brunch on my bucket list but if the theme naff we won't do it
I could feed my lot on that much for a long time so will have to be WOW.
Great start !!
Hope mam does return in march it's super quite then and you have added a extra night too :)
Looking forward to more updates :goodvibes
When you finished you TR will you post it on Trip adviser the girls on there would love to read it ?.
Great start Kizzy! Great to get a bit of the good weather. Your room sounds lovely. Some day I'll be back!!!
Tuesday May 20th 2014

As usual I followed the You-can-rest-when-you-die holiday plan and was up at half 6 to pack as much as we could into our day at DLP!

I did my hair and make-up and then got the kids up (I’ve discovered this is far easier than having them whine that I’m taking too long!!). Well when I say got the kids up, I tried but Jemma and Mam were wrecked so they decided to lie on and we would all meet in a while for breakfast so James and I headed off down to EMH at about 8.15am.

It wasn’t heaving but was quite busy for what was meant to be one of the quieter days to visit in May! We legged it over to Buzz first and had some great scores and wound up with level 3 and 4 results. Great work out of my 5 year old space ranger!

Next we had a look at Lancelot’s steeds and James practically dragged me on. This has been a common thread the last couple of years! The kids love the Carrousel and I go to make them happy! I think its kinda embarrassing to have to belt up but hey I can be seen wearing ears too – In for a penny, in for a pound I suppose!! It was a walk on too so not so bad!

James has a new found liking for Pinnochio and recently declared ‘I have no strings to hold me down’ to be his favourite song from a Disney film so Pinnoc was our next port of call. I think it’s a lovely, good old fashioned attraction and even though they are similar I prefer it to Snow White, especially the lovely wooden toys and clocks at the end.

Well naturally since our whole adventure was Peter Pan themed (autograph books, luggage tags and PTR!) it was only right we caught a pirate ship to Neverland next. Yet again another great ride with loads of charm and we left Neverland with big smiles.

We sat overlooking Dumbo which was under refurbishment for the duration of our stay and nattered about toys and things James had seen and what he was looking forward to doing. It was the time to awake our pair of Auroras and get some food!

When we got back to our room the two sleeping beauties were up, dressed and ready for pancakes!

We dined in the California Grill side this morning and it was so fancy!!
It has all the usual: rolls, yoghurt, fruit, bread for toasting, condiments, cereals, chesses, sliced meats and the bonus of hot offering. I discovered a new obsession here! Pancakes with bacon and maple syrup! They were fab!!

We finished up about half ten and it was time to hit the shops!
Jemma was mad to find Anna and Elsa dolls so we had a good look along Main ST and could only find a rather expensive (€45) light up, singing Elsa. She purchased it, afraid of not finding any more but we decided to keep our eyes peeled!

As we had some Hotel FPs (yesterdays ones went to waste ) we decided to ride BTM back to back with fastpasses (2 Aps and 2 park tickets plus the 2 Hotel FPs that came with our booking at the DLH giving us a total of 6 passes so two goes on BTM for myself and the kids) to make up the extra and Mam said she would soak up the sun in Frontierland and wave to us! We got a return time of 40 minutes later so we decided it time to brave Phantom Manor – Mam was very spooked!!

But she ended up loving it! Not so scary! Mam was very excited about taking a trip on the Molly Brown and that was our next stop. We really enjoyed sitting in the shade at the back and watching the wild west go by. Any ideas is the bird, a crane or heron, is real?! Im baffled!

It was now time for us to run over to BTM. We were on and off twice in 25minutes and even managed to remember to wave to Mam the second time round! I love this ride – such a giggle! James always does a cheesy smile for the camera! Like clockwork he remembers to drop his hands and say cheeeeeeeeeese!

We had a little sit down in the sun and put on some blister plasters (Lidl make great ones! And very reasonable at €1.19 for a pack) as our heels were getting a bit sore. We had another look about the shops and decided to go to the Village for lunch, as we found like yesterday the pickings were slim in the main park.

We stopped for lunch at the Sports Bar and our order consisted of a hot dog meal, chicken burger meal and a shared portion of fries and pizza. There was also 3 cokes and a cosmo! Holiday drinks are the best! Although in hindsight I would have rathered a tall drink. The food was great. This is a good choice for sharing and it’s a easy crowd pleaser. The whole lot came to €54 and they unfortunately don’t allow AP discount. All of the food was tasty and it would be a good option for dinner on the go.

As the weather had been either hot or miserable and nothing in between all day we had earlier in the day decided if it rained this afternoon we would go for a swim. By this time it was absolutely pouring! We got soaked running back to the DLH and got into our swim suits, robes and slippers and headed down to the pool. It is not a huge pool and has no shallow end but the Jacuzzi is very shallow so quite well suited for kids and there were loads of floats and armbands for the kids to use. It passed a lovely couple of hours while the park was pretty water logged.

We dried our hair and got ready for our dinner reservation which was for 8pm in Rainforest Café.

Here is a picture of the kids menu as it is hard to find online.

We were seated in the central area and had a good view of the elephant. We ordered a la carte and the kids ate from the kids menu. They ordered cod nuggets for DD and the cheeseburger for DS with DD opting for the milkshake and DS the chocolate mousse for dessert. Both myself and Mam ordered the Primal Steak which had a great peppercorn sauce and was a little grisly but still a fairly nice piece of meat. I had the wonderful potato and sweet potato gratin accompanying mine and Mam opted for fries instead. I also had the cheesecake duo but my eyes were bigger then my tummy. The baked cheesecake was ok but the chocolate one was very nice. We all had soft drinks (the kids included in their menu) and the total came to €95 but I think this possibly included a tip.

It had been raining on and off all day with the evening being a wash out but we really wanted to see Dreams so we went back to the hotel to watch the weather and decide closer to the time and miraculously it cleared up around 10pm so we hot footed it right to the front of the Castle and without stepping over anyone got a great spot at the front! I think the rain worked in our favour and put a lot of people off!

Mam was mesmerised by the whole thing and again I got teary eyed at the Tangled section (gets me every time) but I do miss Step in Time just a little too!

After Dreams ended we had a look through the shops and Mam picked up some lovely tshirts for my twin nieces who are 3 and love Minnie. I got some sweets to bring home to more of my nieces and nephews and we headed back to our hotel totally wrecked!
Photos are great! I guess it can be very very tiring walking around especially if your legs bother you say maybe for one of the themed seasons!

Fingers crossed she will come over to the dark side muhahahaha! :rotfl2:

The bill Kizzy :sad2:
I've got the brunch on my bucket list but if the theme naff we won't do it
I could feed my lot on that much for a long time so will have to be WOW.
Great start !!
Hope mam does return in march it's super quite then and you have added a extra night too :)
Looking forward to more updates :goodvibes
When you finished you TR will you post it on Trip adviser the girls on there would love to read it ?.

I think the brunch looks to be a lot better of a set up. Oooh for sure! What section does it go in? Been slacking with TA lately!

Great start Kizzy! Great to get a bit of the good weather. Your room sounds lovely. Some day I'll be back!!!

Thanks Dee! Lol wasnt that sunny spell short lived! I am now the proud owner of as my Mam called it, a dear plastic bag with a hood!! Still I was seriously glad of that poncho!
Wednesday May 22nd 2014

We weren’t as bright eyed and busy tailed this morning! We got up around 8.15am and had a leisurely breakfast with plenty of pancakes and bacon! And loads of pastries for the littler ones!

Today was to be a WDS day and as it turned out our only venture into the Studios. We did manage to get everything done though except Animagique which was closed unexpectedly. And it turned out my brave little munchkins were rethinking their bravery!

We got into WDS about 10.30am and there was a good crowd out and about at that stage.

First stop was Cars Rallye which had a 10 minute posted wait but was more like 25! Mam thought this was great although it is quite a short spin.
We hot footed it over to Slinky dog which does seem to move faster then anticipated and next we measured James up for RC Racer – still more growing to be done on his behalf! Maybe next time eh!

The kids, well Jem especially was very keen to visit Art of Animation and I suggested ToT. There was a point blank refusal on both behalves! They had a change of heart about it and thought it looked scary because its so big! Bless! So Mam suggested I ride it on my own with the hotel FPs! She is the best! She thoroughly enjoyed AoA and loved looking at the progressing art work and sketches for the films.

In the meantime I legged it over to ToT and put my hand straight up when they called for single riders so managed to skip a good bit of the queue again. Yay! I got the middle seat of the back row and giggled the whole way through! Such an adrenaline rush! When I came off I rang Mam but they were only going in to the AoA show so I said I would chance another quick go on ToT and again shot my hand up when they called for single riders! Twice in 20mins, good work if I must say so myself. I was sat at the back left this time and beside a lovely, quite old and very brave Italian couple who were so scared! The gentleman asked could he use my hand rail and I said yes and motioned that I was putting my hands up. He looked like he was shocked but they both roared laughing with me when it came to the drops!

I was just walking up to the exit of AoA when Mam and the kids were coming out so good timing. We all decided Nanny had to see Stitch Live but sadly the show was full so we decided to stop for lunch where I met the lovely Dhidra in Blockbuster Café.

Jem and Mam weren’t fussed by the menu and decided they would eat in Restaurant en Coulisse but myself and James were sold on croques and pizza so we stayed put.

We picked up a croques, a pizza, crisps, two cheesecakes (it’s a bit of a problem I know! Serious sweet tooth) and a drink to share. It came to €23 with discount from my AP and was all very nice. The cheesecake was very like the one in Inventions and Walts. James isn’t a big eater but he polished off most of his pizza and all of his cheesecake so I reckon that’s a good indication of the food quality!

We met Mam and Jem back over at Cinemagique and our timing was great as a show was just about to start. Mam thought it very well done and we were again baffled by the swords appearance and disappearance!

When we got out we saw Stitch was about to start in English so we headed over. Well, to say Mam loved it is an understatement! She thought it was hilarious! Jem ended up chatting to Stitch and was thrilled! Stitch was really hamming it up looking for sympathy this time too! Love when he makes the puppy dog eyes!

We spent an hour after Stitch having a look in the shops. I really love the shops in WDS, I always find things ive not seen in the main park or village and we were in serious luck! Guess what we found in the shop right at the WDS gate….. Frozen dolls!! Priced at €25 or thereabouts each and both dolls there! I suggested we buy them and Jemma could return the Elsa one she had bought to the shop in the hotel later in the day. They were also smaller dolls – more Barbie sized so it was a much better option. I also picked up a limited edition iasw 50th anniversary pin for €14.99. Delighted!

***EDIT*** Forgot to add that following this we heard the steam train's whistle and decided to make a run for it and take a tour of the park! Mammy is obsessed with trains and before my Dad converted their attic, she had a huge table set up up there with model trains, villages and even mountain tunnels. It was so relaxing and just what the doctor ordered after our busy WDS morning. We took a few nice photos and a monster face selfie - guess which photo that is!!

We then went back to our room and to the Gallery Mickey to return the Elsa doll which was no problem and then we went back to our room to get ready for our super special dinner at Sequoia Lodge. I was so excited to be getting to try the trial menu for Bistrot Chez Remy but I don’t think it bothered Mam or the kids but maybe I’m just a Disney geek!

I will post the article I did for Deditcated to DLP’s blog here! This is the link:

I cannot get my meal pictures to upload but they are in the link. Sorry

We arrived at the Disneyland Hotel Monday May 19th and were checked in by a lovely CM who said he had a special treat for us if we would like. Naturally I was intrigued but didn’t expect what came next. He disappeared to the back room for a minute and returned with 4 invitations for a special, private menu trial for the new Bistrot Chez Remy, which will open along with the new ride Ratatouille: The Ride in July

The meal was to take place on Wednesday May 21st at 6.30pm at the Beaver Creek restaurant in Sequoia Lodge. We were very overwhelmed! We were informed we would dine for free and then take a short survey in regard to our meal.

On Wednesday we arrived over promptly at 6.30pm and had a short wait as the kitchen was running a little behind. At 6.45pm we were seated by our fabulous waiter, Nicolas. He was very friendly and theatrical in his service! There were some official looking Cast Members dotted around the restaurant with clipboards noting every move.
Nicolas presented us with our menu and explained the choices to us.

We were soon brought our drinks and some crusty herb bread which was very nice. The child’s cocktails were a nice touch as was our champagne.

The children had melon balls and cherry tomatoes with breadsticks to start and my daughter chose Salmon with ravioli for her main course and my son had the linguine with tomato sauce. My daughter was not very keen on her salmon but this may be due to it being her first time to try salmon. She did very much like the ravioli. The linguine was fantastic but a huge portion. My son did his best to finish it but was beaten! The kids dessert of hazelnut éclair with red berry coulis and white chocolate with Remy’s image imprinted on it was a huge success.

My mother and myself both enjoyed our set starter of cheese salad. The dressing was particularly good and the cheese very flavoursome without being overbearing. My mother chose the cod for her main course. She thought it was very well cooked and her only qualm was that the ratatouille was bland. I had the steak, cooked medium-well and fries. This was the best steak I have eaten in Disneyland Paris. It was tender on the inside and nicely charred on the outside. It was accompanied by a chef sauce which was perhaps a brandy cream sauce and worked well with the steak. My ratatouille was also under seasoned. This is definitely something they need to address if it is to be a statement component of the adult menu main course.

The adult’s desserts were laid out on the buffet table in the middle of the restaurant but were served to us by our waiter after we had ordered. My mother chose the chocolate mousse and I chose the tiramisu. Both were served in tall dessert glasses with Mickey Mouse wafers.

After we finished our meal we were taken to the other side of the restaurant and were given our questionnaires. We had to answer questions about the quality of our service, food, the menu stationary and our general thoughts on the experience. My opinion was the that menu was perhaps a little limited for children but did cater for most palates. A choice for starter and dessert may work better in practice in my opinion.

As regards the adult menu our feelings were that the only area where it was lacking was on what should be the signature main course accompaniment of ratatouille. I thought the starter would be bland but in honesty it was very good, well seasoned and dressed. Both main courses were to a high standard and desserts were also superb.

On reflection I would have thought the menu would be an offering of typical French food and would, if I were overseeing its development probably include more French fayre like a tart tatin or beignets in place of an Italian dessert like tiramisu.

We completed them and were on our way. The restaurant was at full capacity. The look of the menu itself I think is quite good – it is concise and its design is well themed without being garishly covered in images of Remy. Perhaps more French wine options should be showcased but we are not wine drinkers so it wouldn’t be a personal gripe.

In summary, the food is very good but could be more typically French and more options should be available for children but all in all there is very little to be ironing out before opening in July. Also the restaurant was running at full capacity – I would imagine there were approximately 50 diners while we were there. We were given no indications of menu prices nor asked what we would be happy to pay.

We finished up our meal and went to have a look in the SL shop – where I met a lovely CM called Maria who had an iasw pin (Africa) and when I went to swap I discovered I had left my lanyard back at the DLH. She very kindly gave me her pin! I was thrilled but had an idea! More on that later.
We had gotten the DLH car to bring us over to SL as it was bucketing rain and the driver very kindly had said to get the concierge in SL to call him and he would collect us after we had our meal so we happily availed of this service as it was still spilling.

When we got back Mam decided to have an early night as we planned on doing EMH in the morning and I said I would take the kids to Dreams if the rain let up but no such luck so we three went to Café Fantastia and the kids had a vanilla cocktail and I had another Bacardi Royale! Shock!

It was just as good as the last one and the kids cocktails were very nice too. We spoke to DH on viber and played the DSs for a while and I caught up with my friends on facebook before we started getting tired and headed back to our room.

Before I went to bed I put a pin (a cute Minnie picture day one) in an envelope with a little note saying thanks to Maria, the CM in the shop at the SL and that this was her trade! I asked a CM at reception in DLH to pass it along to her.

Apologies for the lack of / refusal of my pictures to work. I forgot the camera (this is to become a recurring theme!) in WDS and well you can see the photos of the meal on the Dedicated to DLP website so at least theres that! Thats it for tonight!
Hoping to get the last two days up tomorrow!
Night all x
Can't see any photos :(
On the Tuesday we did the same things as you! Frontierland, lunch in village, back to hotel, then dreams! but never saw you! :-D
Have to get ready for work, will read day 3 later.
I'm really enjoying your TR! Sounds like you made the most of your days - I love the 'you can rest when you're dead' saying! So pleased Jem found some Frozen dolls, I bet she will have some envious friends, they seem to be quite sought after at the moment.
One quick question that I haven't seen mentioned before, what's the hot drink situation at DLH breakfast? Do they get served to you? I quite like making myself a mocha of a morning in Disneyland to perk myself up but can't see there being self serve machines in the pink palace rofl:
Morning Kizzy :wave2:
How much did you do !! LOADS
I will look out for those blister plasters the one s in super drug are expensive.
Re TA you just post as a new question.
I'm just going to post the link to the one I put on here next time as adding photos is a pain on TA.
You having the same problems with photobucket that I have.
Great review of Bistro Remy! such a nice treat to get to try it, and for free too!
Good thinking by not opening the first Elsa doll. The smaller ones are better value and you would have gotten dick if the motion-sensor 'let it go' spontaneously going off all the time! :-D
We bought the small Anna doll and as soon as we got home there was killings over it. After 3 attempts at the Disney Store in Dublin we finally got an Elsa doll today!
What's in a Bacardi Royale? I didn't try enough cocktails at all!
I took a photo of this one in the Cafe Fantasia menu, am going to try it at home.
I'm really enjoying your TR! Sounds like you made the most of your days - I love the 'you can rest when you're dead' saying! So pleased Jem found some Frozen dolls, I bet she will have some envious friends, they seem to be quite sought after at the moment.
One quick question that I haven't seen mentioned before, what's the hot drink situation at DLH breakfast? Do they get served to you? I quite like making myself a mocha of a morning in Disneyland to perk myself up but can't see there being self serve machines in the pink palace rofl:

No self serves but there were drinks tables and sometimes I served myself and sometimes there were waitresses there serving. Hope you manage to make up your mocha :thumbsup2 I loved making them last year in the SF. Perfect start to brekkie!!
The dolls arent leaving the house!! They are under armed guard lol! And as for rest when you're dead, its my DLP motto which means I end up in need of a spa break when we get home!! No such luck although we booked three nights camping in July today :cool1:

Morning Kizzy :wave2:
How much did you do !! LOADS
I will look out for those blister plasters the one s in super drug are expensive.
Re TA you just post as a new question.
I'm just going to post the link to the one I put on here next time as adding photos is a pain on TA.
You having the same problems with photobucket that I have.

I'm back to add more!! Totally forgot the train ride! Going to add it now. The plasters in Boots are gone very expensive too! Look in Lidls toiletry section and they are one of the many different boxes of plaster that they always have. I posted some reviews earlier but I think I will add a link to here if the photos are hard to get up. PB acted up/I moved photos so I spent another age today changing the links on this TR! How do you add pics to TA?

Great review of Bistro Remy! such a nice treat to get to try it, and for free too!
Good thinking by not opening the first Elsa doll. The smaller ones are better value and you would have gotten dick if the motion-sensor 'let it go' spontaneously going off all the time! :-D
We bought the small Anna doll and as soon as we got home there was killings over it. After 3 attempts at the Disney Store in Dublin we finally got an Elsa doll today!

I was SO over singing Elsa approx 20 minutes after she was purchased!! You see we had asked about the Anna dolls and one lady gave us some (turned out to be false) hope about The Emporium having them (singing Anna) at 11am Thursday but it was just lucky we stumbled upon them tucked away in WDS! And you are right on size, they fit in lovely in Jems doll house, although the Monster High dolls are giving them evils! So I was informed last night ;)

What's in a Bacardi Royale? I didn't try enough cocktails at all!
I took a photo of this one in the Cafe Fantasia menu, am going to try it at home.

Its not on the menu anymore but they will still make them up! I can ask Rottie because if anyone has an idea of whats in one he does! Oooh that sounds yum! I have a couple of the new frozen Smirnoff cocktails for myself and hubs to try tonight - not going out over the weekend because my cars gearbox died yesterday! Poverty stricken now!


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