Searchcactus credits?


May 5, 2000
I haven't been able to get Searchcactus to credit my searches all morning. Anyone else having a problem? I was hoping to get a few more pennies before cashing in later today!

The last weekend of the month always seems to be a problem. Out of my 1st ten, got credit for only 7, then got another 7 out of next 15. Finally gave up.
I'm going to be able to request a check this month (DH didn't try so hard, so it's just me!) Should I wait until the 30th or just do it this weekend? I guess my question is, do things get lost so close to the end of the month at Searchcactus?
I always have a problem with searches crediting I just do extras and forget about it.THis will be my first cash out also.Don't think my DH is gonna make it either.just figured it out he will be 4 cents short.....just like always! lol


Personally I always cash out as soon as I reach $22.00 that way I never forget and don't gernerally get caught up in the end of the month rush.
I hopped on the computer and tried to do searchcatcus this morning [ before the little league games] but after 4 searches, I checked and didn't get credited for any of them.
I have never cashed out before, if I can get SC to credit I will have $20.33 on Mon 4/30. Can I cash out on the 30th to get the check the following month???:confused:
They send you a cheque for the amount you have in your account when you cash out (for me there is a 2$ fee I think because it has to be sent to Canada) so if I had 27.30 in my account when I cashed out I would get a cheque for 25.30.
I requested a check on March 31 and received it today. $22.40. Some people cash out every time they reach $20 even. I decided to take as much as I could get with each check since they only do them once a month. This way I am leaving as little as possible on account.


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