Saks Fifth Avenue goes to the dogs?

Obi-Wan Pinobi

<font color=red>Jedi moderator who likes to live o
Apr 26, 2001
Currently in Richmond we have two new malls opening up this fall. Actually we are already overrun with malls in this area (these will be malls number 6 and 7 for a city that doesn't even have a population of a million) so they are trying hard to find a way to be different.

One of the new malls announced today that it will be dog friendly. The center area of the mall will be open to dogs on leashes and Saks Fifth Avenue has announced that they will allow shoppers to bring their dogs into the department store! It is up to the individual tenants to decide whether they will allow pets in the stores or not.

Should make for an interesting mall, huh? :)
What will they think of next? :confused:
Hey Obi-Wan, You And Master Yensid should get a good laugh out of this, if you have not seen it already, It's a little over 1m of video.

Star Wars Kid
I am a dog lover (actually, I show and breed them too), and I do NOT want to take a dog shopping with me!! I do know this is done all over Europe though. They are even allowed in some restaurants there!
I do my dog to the pet shop occasionally and sometimes it would be nice to be able to take her other places. The pet store is 40 mins. away and we usually combine a trip there with shopping at the mall and so aren't able to bring "the girls". would be a good place for socializing for show readiness don't you think?:D What breed do you have?
I think if the dog likes to be "walked" and the weather outside is too cold/too hot, it might be okay. But, what if they need to potty?
I think it would be neat, but could present a lot of problems like little kids being scared and dogs having accidents.
The Metro Area does have 1,000,000+ and I don't think there are 5 real malls right now. Regency, Virginia Center Commons, Chesterfield Town Center, and Southpark. Cloverleaf can't really be considered a mall anymore.

When does the Stony Point mall open? I know Short Pump opens on September 4th.
I wouldn't bring my dog to a mall unless I could carry him/her. And my basset, who is a well-socialized show dog, would be too big to be carried.

I'd be concerned about a number of things, from other dogs who might not be friendly, to children who are not properly trained in approaching a strange dog, to Charlie lifting a leg on something he shouldn't!

But if he were a wee boy, I'd plunk him in a carrier and go shopping!


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