Rumored DDP Changes - Would they impact your use?

It would make me more sure to NOT use the DDP. I used it twice now (both time paying for it as it's not a DVC perk for free, as we know, LOL) and although it's very convenient, it's too much food. Now for a dollar less it's less food, but more money (since we have to pay for tip now). Makes no sense.

I'm hoping they do away with the free dining completely, but that's another thread. (just makes the restaurants so much busier.)
Well, it appears that Deb Wills is jumping on the rumor bandwagon. ;)

According to her latest blog entry, her inside sources report that the plan we all know and love will have the following changes for '08:

1. No tip included in table service meal
2. No appetizer for table service meal
3. Price goes down $1 to $37.99 / $9.99

The other rumored change is that there will be a Deluxe plan which includes 3 meals per day at TS or CS restaurant ("Signature" restaurants still cost 2 credits) plus 2 snacks per day and a refillable mug. Cost is $69.99 and $19.99. Still doesn't include TS tips, of course.

Any interest in either of those plans?


With the new setup, I'm going to have to run the numbers again.

The "regular" DDP may still work (rather than DDE) but it's going to be much closer with the removal of tip, and paying OOP for an app for the table (something we often do).

The deluxe DDP is interesting, and is going to bear some investigation, too. We thought about Jikos, but decided against it, and we have 2 or 3 TS's we were paying for OOP (breakfast twice, and a lunch on our last day). I'll have to see how the combo of paying OOP + DDP/DDE compares with the new DXDDP.

I suspect the numbers are all going to be very close, and we'll end up deciding based on our vacation style, rather than $$$. My concern with the DXDDP is that it's just too much food, and too much time to commit to sitting down. O the other hand...a nice AC break around mid day with the kids doesnt' sound bad, either. I just don't know. :confused:
As a DVC member, I couldn't tell you the last time I stayed at one resort the whole trip. So the deluxe deal for 3 TS for part of the trip would be an option since I'd be there for the whole day of check in and the day we leave if planned right, it would be almost an extra day to use the meals. I could see that being worth it in the middle of a trip.
Just to add to this thread, this update is now on Debs site:

UPDATE INFO: 7/31/07
1) The Deluxe Dining plan still does NOT include gratuity. It DOES include the appetizer.
2) No word on DVC member pricing
The longest I did the DDP was for 5 days, and that was too much. I think 3 days is our limit. We dont eat TS every day and as the days go on, you find yourself and others leaving more and more food on the table. Even when we took it with us, it was thrown away.

The options are just not there for the cost. Different restaurants, same food.

Now with our oldest counting as an adult, but still eats kids meals, I am positive we will not use the plan. The tip included was the greatest thing about the plan. It took at least 2 1/2 hours to eat TS meal counting travel and wait times.

The Deluxe Plan may work for like 1 day and spread it over 2 days, with a signature meal (2 credits).
I guess i'm out so to speak withthe tip included it saved us but wothout the tip and the loss of the appetizer it loses value. I'd rather order what I want where I want than be tethered to WDW anymore. We will enjoy more meals at non participating places and have far more freedom!
I am somewhat surprised by the reduction of $1. That sure does not give anyone value! Thinking back to my July vacation I would be putting out about $400 more in tips and not getting as much food. On the other hand withthe deluxe plan I'd be spending ver $300 per day with tips--no we never spend that much when it comes OOP for everything!
This bums me out! We do a lot of vacations to eat. :) We liked being able to go to some nice restaurants and not worry about the cost. If they do it this way we may feel like we should go off site to find meals or just make them in our rooms at DVC. It also means more work for me having to figure out a budget at each restaurant/day/person, etc rather then just paying the set price at check in.

If we stayed just one night the deluxe DDP might work.
On new DDP, you should have an option of appetizer or dessert...that way, if two are on plan, you can split appetizer and dessert, but still have your own entree.

$1 Reduction -- whoopie!!:rotfl:

We will probably go to DDE since we get annual pass anyway and go 2 to 3 times per year. And just use it. Will definitely not eat TS as much! and being DVC, have more snacks, light meals available in room.
No interest here in the new plan. We have enjoyed and appreciated the plan our last several trips and have it booked for our December trip. We'll enjoy it in December and will switch to DDE for subsequent trips. Now may be the time to investigate offsite dining. The rumored new plan no longer has value to me.
Not happy....

I loved the DDP....they keep changing everything in the
short 1 and 1/2 yrs since my obsession started:lmao:

1st the this...:snooty:

I wouldn't mind the no appetizer.....Although it should be
an app or dessert....
But to have no appetizer and no tip....
Too much of a change...
Deluxe plan......fuggetaboutit.
DDE has always been a better deal for us. We have 3 children, 2 of whom are adult pricing, so the current DDP is ~$170. per day. Way more than we would normally spend and way too much food anyway.
It is interesting to wonder if not having the tip included will result in better service experiences.

I will probably not use it if the plan indeed does change to this. If they lowered the prices about 15% and changed it to only one appetizer OR dessert, I might consider it.

However, if these changes are real, It seems like the DDE card is much better under most circumstances.
With these changes, we'd no longer use the dining plan. Removing the tip from the plan would be the deal breaker for us. I don't mind no appetizer (although I would rather have no dessert!), but the tip really made it a good deal. It was nice while it lasted!
With these changes, we'd no longer use the dining plan. Removing the tip from the plan would be the deal breaker for us. I don't mind no appetizer (although I would rather have no dessert!), but the tip really made it a good deal. It was nice while it lasted!

Pulling the appetizer saves Disney the wholesale cost of the appetizer. In addition for every appetizer sold they now make additional money. That's $4 to $14 per adult.
Not happy....

I loved the DDP....they keep changing everything in the
short 1 and 1/2 yrs since my obsession started:lmao:

1st the this...:snooty:

I wouldn't mind the no appetizer.....Although it should be
an app or dessert....
But to have no appetizer and no tip....
Too much of a change...
Deluxe plan......fuggetaboutit.

this is a big bummer. i used the dining plan during my last 2 trips and thought it was great. it cost the 3 of us approx $120 and the TS meal generally ran $120-140. so basically the snack and CS was free. true, i might not have ordered as much food if i was paying for it OOP, but it gave me the opportunity to try all kinds of different food and try restaraunts i might not have tried otherwise. and i liked saving my dessert for breakfast! this seems to have taken the value away to me. the plan along with the DME was ingenious because it kept the vacationer on the resort property 100% of the time. i agree with the above 1st the smoking and now this..........:headache:
i understand non-smokers can be bothered by smoke. but im a polite smoker. i dont even smoke in my own home and i live in Chicagoland (no need for yellow walls and to pollute my son) where the winters are not balmy. and i never smoked in the resort rooms even when i could. i have no problem with not being able to smoke in the room or in designated areas in the parks or resorts. but i dont get why the balconies are off limits. goodbye to the morning cup of coffee, left over chocolate cake from DDP dinner and my morning smoke on the balcony.
and i dont expect any sympathy from the non-smokers
It is interesting to wonder if not having the tip included will result in better service experiences.

Yeah, wait staff that are regularly getting cheap-o tips or stiffed by the majority of people that are still trying to squeeze some semblance of value from the DDP are going to be so much more friendly and attentive.

The new plan stinks for guests - but it really, really stinks for waitstaff. I'd be willing to bet that about half the people on the plan won't tip at all, about a third will tip 5 bucks or some little token amount to keep from feeling guilty, and only a very small percentage will actually tip 15-20% of those hugely inflated DDP checks.

Hopefully - this is all just an experiment for Disney to test guest reaction. Remember that last year this time details came out about the DDP and the list left off tons of restaurants and had the cruddy kid menu - but they changed it.
Disney is always looking for ways to separate me from my hard earned money. This is too blatant for my tastes. Greed comes to mind. I'm out; no more DDP.
We have used the DDP for the last few years, and it has been great for our family....IF they do go ahead and make all of these changes, we will not purchase the DDP again. The tax and tip included is such a big part of having this...we don't have to bring out a ton of money when we dine...
Maybe offering app. OR dessert would work though...but leave in the tip!!!
The deciding factor is value or perceived value. Many people vacation during the free DDP promotion. I's not really free. They are paying more for their rack rate rooms than the DDP costs, but they perceive value. As I have mentioned before, people don't think of DDP credits as money, only credits. Leaving credits unused isn't perceived the same as giving money away, but it is. Buying a $9 hamburger with a TS credit is perceived as a good value by some, while others, like myself, have a TS credit $40 meal minimum rule. For our family we will check the menus and make our decision based upon true savings. :thumbsup2
A price dropped $5 - $7 per day might make up for the loss of appitizer and pre-paid tip. A price drop of $1 only justifies dropping the appitizer in my opinion. Hopefully the Disney DIS spies are watching closely and will ammend the price/benefit accordingly.

In the mean time, I've still got 2 trips this year and will work hard to maxamize my value. popcorn::

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