Rocket Rods

Should they have kept Rocket Rods

  • Yes! I want it back.

  • No! What a waist of space.

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DIS Veteran
Dec 4, 2001
I was wondering why the Rocket Rods attractions is closed for good. I mean it seemed like a great concept. Although i did have a thing for the Peoplemover but still. Was it becuase of the on-ride computer system was failing or was it lack of interest. Just curious why. Thanks for any reply!!!
Rocket Rods was a FUN ride, and the preshow was fun, too. The lines were excessive, though, and it broke down waaaaaay too much. That was one of my favorite rides at Disneyland. I will enver forget the look of glee on my son's face when he rode on that ride... watching the monorail go around us, seeing Tomorrowland and the Matterhorn. Great ride.
I haven't been on the DL board in a long time. I am just shocked to hear RR is gone! Is this permanent and how long has it been down? Our whole family LOVED this ride!!!

:( :( :( :(
<font color=navy>Unfortunately, RR has been down for quite awhile, and I do believe it is permanent. :(
Yes, it is closed permanently. Unfortunately the ride broke down constantly and the design just never really worked. I enjoyed the ride too, when it was available to ride.
The RR have been gone since fall of '99 (I think). And yes they have gone the way of yesterland .

I would love to see them back. This was one of the few "thrill" rides my youngest would go on. She even wanted to sit in the front, which is a miracle. She was very disapointed when she learned they were gone.
Personally, I really enjoyed the Rockets Rods. I know a lot of people were rather disappointed with it. It was very short, but it was also something new and different. I especially enjoyed riding it at night, and if I could be in front, even better. Tomorrowland doesn't seem quite the same without it. Too quiet. I miss the humming noise it made. Very futuristic, I thought. Does anyone have any ideas as to what will be in it's place?

Originally posted by KarenT
Does anyone have any ideas as to what will be in it's place?

As far as I know, there are no plans for a replacement.

I heard a rumor last summer, that they were going to put Buzz Lightyear (like at WDW) in the circlevision building, where the RR entrance building was. But so far that is only a rumor.
Seems like it wouldn't take too much work to put the People Mover back, but I don't know. I liked that ride too.
I agree... It would be nice to have the Peoplemover back. I really love the route of that ride, such great views!
I never rode Rocket was never up and running when we were there. :rolleyes:

However, I did enjoy The People Mover very much. :( I wish that one would return. :)
It's just so weird that they would do it and then close it after one or two years. I liked it too.


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