rethinking our trip

When it is your time to go it is your time to go.

In the past two days two people here in the Atlanta area died really strange deaths.

One woman came out of the mall to see some people breaking into her car. She fainted, hit her head and died.

A Toy's'R'us manager was chasing a suspected shop lifter. He slipped, hit his head and died. (This Toy's R Us is only a few miles from my house. My daughter loves to go there and play.)

Two very tragic deaths that must feel as sudden as a terrorist attack would feel for their families.
I have to admit that I have a very hard time understanding why you would cancel, but... that is just me.

However, our world has changed. The war with Iraq will not be the end of terriorism nor was 9/11 the beginning. America had been lucky, but perhaps you should ask the people who come to Disney from places like Northern Ireland, the middle east and Europe who they cope.

If you are waiting on all this to end before you go anywhere, you may never leave home again. As for those code oranges and yellows, they drive me insane. If you are going to use a high terror alert it needs to be targeted and specific otherwise you run the risk of the boy who cried wolf!
The same thing happened to us last february , we left for WDW the day after the alert was raised to red and the security everywhere was tight , the first thing we heard on the radio was for those people touring to be careful as hotels, airports and places of interest could be possible targets. Still we went to WDW and had the best of times , we did not let those people rule our life!
I say go to WDW and have a great time.
i haven't herad that we will be at war by next week.

Bill O'Reilly was talking about that today, I was listening to him on my lunch break. He predicts that we will make our intentions known next week, and then the following week we will officially be at war.

I'm not a big Bill O'Reilly fan, but I'm betting he is absolutely on target with this prediction.

There sure is a cynical air about D.C. right now. Leaves me with no doubt that strife lies ahead. :(

Anyway, as far as travelling, I wouldn't hesitate to travel right now. Of course, I'm anxious to travel out of D.C., just about anywhere I go I would feel safer than where I am now.
Judi, he might be right. . but for the record I watch O'Riely on a pretty regular basis and he said the same thing 6 months ago. . and 3 months ago. . and a month ago. . .

;) :)
I think you have to decide whether you want to go or not --period. The timing thing is going to be an issue forever, as far as I'm concerned.
The president is having a televised news conference tonight at 8pm est but I wouldn't expect any solid "date" as to when we go to war (if ever).
You will second-guess yourself to death.

Either don't go and know that the timinig may never be "right" for you. Or choose to go as planned because you have made a decision that the terrorists are NOT going to disrupt your life plans. We are as safe as we ever were in this country. There are not now, and never have been, any guarantees that we will be safe forever.
Life is to be lived or it becomes it's own prison.
I choose Disney.
:earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsboy: :earsgirl:
I would go, if my family was with me. I have realized that my true fear in all of this is if we cannot get to each other if needed. That said, we always go on vacation together and I treasure the time we have while there. If my number comes up I would much rather it be while I'm having a great time instead of stressing out over kids homework, finances etc.Our problem these days is being able to afford to go anywhere!;)If you are more comfortable postponing, there is nothing wrong with that. Whatever you decide, I hope you have the chance to get to WDW and enjoy it in the future, near or far.
DO NOT CANCEL..... We cancelled what was to be our first trip in December 2001. It was right after 9-11 and I couldn't do it. We said, "We'll start planning again soon" have we? NO! Will my husband??? NO! We were staying at the Dolphin for a week, we were gonna have the time of our lives! Now nothing! If I had it to do again I would not cancel ..... if I had a trip in the works now- I would NOT cancel.

That being said, do what you think is right for your family!
Thanks for all the responses. I think reading the replies help put it into perspective for me.
We will go in 15 days and have a great time!
Now, I just have to not listen to my worried Mom for the next 2 weeks!:rolleyes:


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