Resorts and their little extras we don't hear about


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi, I just read that AKL has a storyteller at 6:30pm nightly which prompted me to think that most of the resorts must have cool little extras that we don't hear about.

What "extras" and what resorts do you know about?
When we were at the Poly in August, they had hula lessons in the GCH for the kids. We have the best video of my then 2 1/2yo dd dancing the hula. The woman was very good with the kids. They also had movies playing and a little spot where the kids could make leis and flower bracelets. Thie was really helpful while we were checking in and trying to get information!
AKL and WL both have tours given to guests. They were both fun. learned alot about the construction as well as hidden mickeys. Our guide at AKL was from africa and actually does safaris when he is home. Worth the time.
Just for hotel guest? We are staying at CSR, but we plan to tour and eat at other WDW resorts too?
WL had story time and craft time when we were there last year. I didn't see anthing like that when we were at CR earlier this month,but we might have been too focused on the parks.
The Poly has the Torch Lighting Ceremony Tues-Sat at 6:00 pm. We really enjoyed this little "extra".
At CSR, they have a class on animation drawing for the kids at the Dig Site. They also had a storytime during our stay at the Dig Site as well. The Dig Site also has a braid your hair station
Buzz- does CSR have a pool opening ceremony for the kids? I thought I had seen a thread where the cms have the kid "participate" in opening the dig site at approximately 8am? Know anything about that? Thanks.
The AKL also has cookie decorating for kids at the Boma around 10:00 am (I think it's every day, but I'm not sure.)
Poly has a release of lady bugs done outside of Capt. Cooks on Thursday mornings...can't remember what time.
Originally posted by monte
Does anyone know if the YC/BC do anything extra?

Yes, they give a tour of their gardens a couple mornings a week. The info on it is listed someplace in the paperwork you get when you check in.

WL also does a release of plastic yellow ducks into their stream that float down into the main pool. They did this twice a day when we were there. All the kids line up when they are about to release them and then they all "quack" up a storm until they get down into the pool. It was hilarious!
Padams, please tell us about WL's Storytime, and Crafts - Where, when, etc. DD4 would love this! Thanx.
At the WL you can be the "Flag Family" (must sign up once you arrive OP) The flag family accompanies the guide to the rooftop of the WL where you actually raise all of the WL flags. The view from the rooftop is fabulous! A nice certificate is also provided as a souvenier.
The YC also has a scavenger hunt for the kids, late in the afternoon. We saw this during the summer, so I don't know if it is all year. Again, during the summer, there are daily activities in SAB pool area, conducted by the lifeguards: water polo, water baseball, etc. You have to check the schedule to see what is happening each day.:)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
In addition to the WL tour on how it was built, they used to also have a tour in the afternoon that showed how they smoke their meats for their barbeque.....because their barbequed meats are not covered with a 'wet sauce' but are smoked and served where you add the sauce as you like (or don't like).

The flag family mentioned above also used to get a coupon for a free breakfast at the Roaring Forks food court. We did this one time and it was a lot of nice pictures from atop the resort.

The story telling at the AKL is pretty neat as it is done around an open fire (pit) outside. In addition at this resort, the CM's are from Africa and are very easy to talk to. Just sitting around the lobby and chatting about the artifacts or life in Africa, is a major pasttime at this resort.
When we stayed at WL, we were given at check in an information sheet about the resort. On that sheet, story and craft times were listed. These events took place in the lobby. When we checked in, a cm was leading a craft activity right next to the check in line. I didn't save that information sheet ( :rolleyes: I save virtually everything else) but perhaps you could start a thread asking if anyone has one of those information sheets from a recent trip, or know what time the activities were held. I recall that the times were afternoon/evening.
From Steve H's CSR site

"The Dig Site Opening Ceremony
The lifeguards gather the kids and them sit on the first step of the temple while the other lifeguard goes into the temple trying to locate the water god to start the water flowing. Using their walkie-talkies the two life guards talk back and forth and finally the guard inside the temple comes across some ancient writings inside the temple and had the kids repeat the chant after him. Something like Dryer than the desert, hotter than the sun, come on water, let's have some fun. Then the spitting fish in the kiddy pool and the the totem pool starts its fountain, as the kids are still sitting on the steps watching all the other things turn on and chanting: WATER!!! WATER!!! WATER!!! the main temple water falls start up and the kids either go running away like chickens or try to brave the cold water rushing down the temple, we chickened out."

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