Resort misconceptions you wish people would not make

I'm so glad you brought up GF. I have never understood why people think that the Grand Floridian translates into snobbery. :confused3

:thumbsup2. We feel more at home with the theme of Poly. When we stayed at the GF, the theme was not as relaxing but still great (we prefer tropical). Snobbery was NOT an issue. Now I get a kick out of CL. We have stayed and are going back next month to Poly CL and our first time at GF Sugarloaf (want to try food, looks yummy). We find CL a great convenience for our family of 5. I did notice during our stay that a few other guests came across as if it were a badge of honor to stay CL (a little bit of snobbery). It is actually quite affordable with a good discount. Yes, I know that is subjective depending on one's income. But, it is kind of amusing to my family how some people portray themselves as VIP's when staying CL (Just an observation). Maybe they were, VIP's!;):confused3
Misconception.. Just because you're staying on Disney property doesn't mean that your stay is going to be perfect all the time. Nothing in this world is perfect.. and in Disney, it's not always fantasy. There is reality in Disney! When things doesn't go your way or things are not going right.. it's the reality. Paying a big chunk amount of money to Disney, that's reality! ...and just because you didn't get your towel animals, don't get all upset with Disney. Your Disney experience can be as "magical" as you want it to be. It's what you make of it. :thumbsup2
We stay value and we don't feel 'cheap'. We spend roughly 7000.00 on our trip after all is said and done. We've also stayed off site in our earlier years and spent 1000.00 or less on a quick weekend trip because that's all we could afford. I think that everyone spends what they are comfortable with. My grandparents scoff at spending more than 50.00 or so a night at a hotel our 'budget value' trip would give them a heart attack.
I have stayed at the values, moderates, and deluxes. I dont judge people by the resort they stay in :confused3. I like all the Disney resorts but prefer the moderates or deluxes. We stayed at the Poly last year and loved it , not once did I think oh we are not as rich as everyone here :rotfl: But we did go to the GF to 100 Park Fare for dinner and I did feel a little out of place. I dont know what it is about that resort but it does seem like a rich persons resort. We came from Epcot to the the GF and didnt go back to the our resort to freshen up. Boy did I feel like I needed to take a shower, change my clothes, and brush my hair :rotfl:
I had read alot of good comments on here! My husband and I have stayed value, moderate, and deluxe. We prefer deluxe because of the accomodations and resort amenities. With the Disney Resorts, alot of what a person chooses has to do with the theme that either they enjoy most or they feel their kids will enjoy most, it also depends on how much time you will spend at your resort, and which location you prefer. We prefer staying at the Poly because we love the atmosphere, theme, amenities, and accommodations. It's a once/year vacation for us so we do not mind paying the extra money to stay at the Poly.

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Our last two family trips were at ASMu on a FD package and at AKL on a room-only discount. The AKL trip was honestly not that much more money based on when we traveled and the offers available. I could just as easily pick any other resort for the next trip, and it would be a differenttrip. My main focus is on value, and that doesn't usually mean "what's the cheapest option?".

I guess if I had to name a favorite resort it would be AKL, and my reasons would be many of the same ones that people rule it out. I LIKE that it is a little removed from the rest of the world-it can be really helpful for kids to not be fully stimulated at all times during a stay. I don't mind the extra 5-10 minutes on a bus, and a lot of the time we drive within WDW anyway.

As far as the whole "riff-raff" "white trash" thing goes-I could care less how much money you do or don't have, or how much you choose to spend on your vacation. It's about your behavior and how you treat each other/other guests/WDW cast members. I have seen more than one person who appears very well dressed/well heeled/well educated abuse everyone they came into contact with at WDW, with that behavior being most prevalent at Monorail Resorts.
I hate when people say "the buses at Fort Wilderness are the worst of any resort on property." I would say they offer the best service. On average, the bus stops are clearly the closest to EVERY cabin/site over any other resort that requires a long walk from your room to a bus stop. Taking an internal bus to different areas of the Fort or to an external bus is SO much more relaxing over having to use a park bus to travel internally throughout the resort, like you do at SSR, CSR, OKW, CBR, POR, etc.

"You MUST stay at YC/BC over Boardwalk because of Stormalong Bay". I think you have to have a specific, capable swimming child(ren) to be able to truly enjoy. Plus most of that pool is just a pool with sand on the bottom. The slide, small lazy river and a couple of the other "play" areas could get SO crowded that you can't relax and enjoy them. And if you have to keep an eye on your child the whole time, it's a LOT of territory to cover.
-CSR is just a 'conference hotel'. That it lacks Disney theme'ing. etc..etc..

I have read this as well. We have stayed at CSR 3 times and have only seen a few people that looked like they were there for work with casual clothes (khakis and a golf shirt) and a name tag. And it definetly has a relaxing resort feel! Linda :)
I haven't read all the replies so not sure if anyone has stated this or not.....

The misconception that bothers me is when people say the CR does nothing for them in terms of theming and that it looks like a hospital or like a hotel in any other city. Some refuse to even consider it! The reality, for me, is that it is the most amazing resort! It has large modern rooms and the view from the tower cannot be beat. We've only stayed TPView and the view of the castle is hard to beat, especially at night. But the view in the morning is magnificent: You can look out and see the expanse of the Poly, GF and Seven Seas Lagoon. You can see the boats transporting guests to the MK and the buses coming and going also. LOVE IT!! I've seen pics of views from the rooms facing Bay Lake they look amazing also. Love the restaurants, the pools and being able to hop on the monorail INSIDE of the building.

And, finally, the very best experience of all??? Walking out the front door and being on your way to the MK!! It is the most wonderful benefit and absolutely the best experience. LOVVVVE the CR!!!

It always makes me feel a bit sad when I read negative opinions from those that have never even given it a try.
I used that snobbery of the Grand Floridian as a life lesson. My stepson was around 14. His total ambition in life was to be a skateboarder. He wore nothing but the black, spent hours drawing all the tattoos that he planned to have when old enough and would never get his hair cut without a fight.

One day we were waiting for a character meal at GF and I told him to look around at the guests of the GF. These people paid $500+ per night. They were people who could afford the best Disney had to offer. I then told him to count the number of visible tattoos on those guests. The number of men with earrings or men with little pony tails. Strangely, there were none.

He got the message. Now years later, his skateboarding career didn't make it and he has a regular job. He did get a couple tattoos but wisely got them in areas where they are easy to conceal with clothing. He has actually mentioned that moment to me and the impact it had upon his life.

Well, my husband (musician with tattoos, who also has a successful day job), and I (tattoos, black, blue, and purple hair), could pay for the GF, but I find it kind of ugly. I'd much rather do the Poly!
(but so far I've done POP, Contemporary, and this BLT). Not everyone ho is successful likes to spend it like that. And everyone with tattoos is not a failure, either. :goodvibes
I really think this works both ways... Just because I don't like values it does not make me a snob.. I don't like smaller beds, and bigger crowds... I have an autistic son who can get overwhelmed easily so I prefer a more laid back Disney does not mean I judge others it just isn't right for me. So people who stay in Values should also not judge and call people who stay deluxe resort snobs.. The great thing about Disney is there is something for everyone

I agree. We have visited WL, AKL, Poly, GF and POR. While they were all lovely I was a bit disappointed with our stay at POR yesterday. I wasn't thrilled with the exterior entries and the four bus stops. We've had some sort of discount every year (40% off room, free dining or (my fave) buy 4 get 3 free) - I'm definitely not a resort snob. My husband is a hard working union electrician and forthe past two years I've been a SAHM (did I mention we have 5

We spend alot of time at our resort and usually don't leave for the parks until 4ish. For this reason, resort choice is very important to us. Were going togive AoA a try but decided on going back to GF next year because we love everything about the hotel (especially what we've heard about the renovations). We've chosen to drive down (for the first time) so the $ we save on airfare will more than make up the difference.

We could go to AoA and save some $ but lets face it. We live in NJ, the kids have school, my husband gets two weeks of vacation a year and airfare/park tix for my family costs ALOT (no way we have the patience to drive 17 hours to FL twice a year...hahahaha).
If Pop Warner is there your vacation will be RUINED.

Pop warner almost delayed my flight from New jersey once. The kids wouldn't sit down or stop chanting, the chaperones all sat in the back of the plane, doing nothing to help the flight attendants, who frantically had to raise their voices and threaten them with losing our flight time before it got under control.
They absolutely increased wait times, especially when one person would run ahead, then they would all jump in line together...and so many lines had large groups of kids, cheering incessantly (agh!) So, yeah, I would not say "ruined",but I would never go during pop warner again if I could help it. (and we did not have them at our resort, which I have heard is even more fun.)
I don't think it's pop warner, per se, just the fact that 10 kids to every chaperone is always rowdier than kids with their families!
Well, my husband (musician with tattoos, who also has a successful day job), and I (tattoos, black, blue, and purple hair), could pay for the GF, but I find it kind of ugly. I'd much rather do the Poly!
(but so far I've done POP, Contemporary, and this BLT). Not everyone ho is successful likes to spend it like that. And everyone with tattoos is not a failure, either. :goodvibes

We love the Grand Floridian! My husband has a heavy Brooklyn accent, both arms covered with tattoos and a shaved head (he's a union electrician). I have tattoos as well (I'm a full time mom but used to be a project manager). My 7 year old son sports a mohawk, my baby has a mullet (so cute!) and my girls are obessesd with monster high tattos (that aren't as washable as one might think).

We never felt out of place at the GF then again we weren't really paying attention to anyone else.
Pop warner almost delayed my flight from New jersey once. The kids wouldn't sit down or stop chanting, the chaperones all sat in the back of the plane, doing nothing to help the flight attendants, who frantically had to raise their voices and threaten them with losing our flight time before it got under control.
They absolutely increased wait times, especially when one person would run ahead, then they would all jump in line together...and so many lines had large groups of kids, cheering incessantly (agh!) So, yeah, I would not say "ruined",but I would never go during pop warner again if I could help it. (and we did not have them at our resort, which I have heard is even more fun.)
I don't think it's pop warner, per se, just the fact that 10 kids to every chaperone is always rowdier than kids with their families!

LOL...I'm crossing pop warner weeks and brazilian tour group months off of my possible times to visit!

Btw- I just noticed your from too!
A lot of great comments here! I have been to Disney at least a dozen times and for the first time this November, we are staying in a value. DVC was booked and this is a quickie budget trip. I'd rather stay at any Disney resort than not stay at one at all!
I have to say, that is my main hesistation with staying in a value--I'm worried about the very large groups "taking over."

I've never personally run into this issue at a value resort. Now CBR....that's a different story. So, I guess I wouldn't automatically assume that because its a value resort, you'll have these issues.
I haven't read all the replies so not sure if anyone has stated this or not.....

The misconception that bothers me is when people say the CR does nothing for them in terms of theming and that it looks like a hospital or like a hotel in any other city. Some refuse to even consider it! The reality, for me, is that it is the most amazing resort! It has large modern rooms and the view from the tower cannot be beat. We've only stayed TPView and the view of the castle is hard to beat, especially at night. But the view in the morning is magnificent: You can look out and see the expanse of the Poly, GF and Seven Seas Lagoon. You can see the boats transporting guests to the MK and the buses coming and going also. LOVE IT!! I've seen pics of views from the rooms facing Bay Lake they look amazing also. Love the restaurants, the pools and being able to hop on the monorail INSIDE of the building.

And, finally, the very best experience of all??? Walking out the front door and being on your way to the MK!! It is the most wonderful benefit and absolutely the best experience. LOVVVVE the CR!!!

It always makes me feel a bit sad when I read negative opinions from those that have never even given it a try.

You love the CR, and that's just fine. Other people find it sterile and institutional. Please note the topic of this thread- it is about MISCONCEPTIONS, not OPINIONs.

Opinion is a personal judgement. It varies from one individual to another. There is no right or wrong. So saying that the CR is the most amazing resort at WDW is an opinion and is open for debate.

A misconception, OTOH, is an error, a mistake, or a misunderstanding. So (for example) saying that staying at the CR is affordable for every guest wanting to stay at WDW would be a misconception- it is objectively wrong.
I've never personally run into this issue at a value resort. Now CBR....that's a different story. So, I guess I wouldn't automatically assume that because its a value resort, you'll have these issues.

You're very lucky that you haven't had that issue at a value. We have had that particular blessing. :rolleyes2 Ugh.

But you are right- it is not just confined to the values, nor is it at ALL of the values. It can happen with any level resort, just not with the frequency found at the values. It's simply a matter of doing your due diligence. If I had properly done my homework, I would have known about the cheer/dance throngs at AS Sports on that fateful spring vacation.....


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