Reservation Walking Banned by Disney

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So when I book at 11 months out and then firm up my flights and I'm able to add a night at the beginning because I got a late evening flight the day before I get to pay $100 to DVC? That's fun. Oh, or I want to change my 11 month booking at 7 months to another resort....that'll be another $100? Oh, you need to get back a day earlier than anticipated when you booked 11 months out? To drop that day you get to pay $100.

No thanks.
There are easy workarounds to that. Make it only starting with the 3rd modification, only if at the same resort, etc.etc.
Lets call it what it is, walking is essentially making reservations you don't want on a rolling basis that block other DVC members who could use those dates from using them
If this is true, then the walkers walk past the desired date the other DVC member wants and DVC member will get the date. Alternatively, I remember when it went by check-out date and you had to call each and every day and ask that reservations be linked.

I am not saying I am for or against walking but agree that implementing a ban or limitation may have unintended and punitive consequences. I had to change one reservation multiple times because of the airline mess last June. It is bad enough with the 31-day modification rule and holding as well as losing everything on check in date.
There are easy workarounds to that. Make it only starting with the 3rd modification, only if at the same resort, etc.etc.

In the case of DVC IT, they would need to build that 3 mod limit, as well as a payment system, into their website. In the words of Scotty from Star Trek - The Search For Spock..."The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain."
Nor has anyone voted the Supreme Court justices into office. The point is walking is obvious.
Well, if you want to go technical, neither have you been nominated by the president nor confirmed by the senate.

And no, it's not obvious. Is it a one day shift of your reservation, maybe two? Does three make it walking?
Well, that’s a question we can’t answer, isn’t it? If there is anyone walking through that week, and there is, someone booking at the correct 11 month opening missed out on a room because of it. And if the walker stops in that week, permanently so. I ended up having to book a more point-costly room.
A hole in the argument is that even if people were not allowed to modify reservations and walk is the conclusion you could get the cheaper room. That is not correct. The demand for those, especially during busy times, always has and is always going to exceed availability and some will have to book the more point costly rooms. That's just the fact of a point system vs fixed week. Buying for the cheap rooms, or AKV concierge, has always been risky due to demand and zero changed about that from previously when walking wasn't a possibility. So is walking the problem or is it still just demand for certain times or cheap or specialty rooms that can't meet the demand?

I bought a system with flexibility - that was and is my preference. With that are some tradeoffs such as not always getting exactly what you want however if booking at 11 months it still generally is possible. Getting lower point rooms is a bonus. Having to book the largest available categories should be the expectation.
Walkers are booking rooms for dates that they have no intention of actually staying at, well ahead of the 11 month window, to guarantee that they are "first come" at 11 months. This guarantees unequal access for someone who is using the service as intended and not booking until the 11 month window opens.
But all members have the ability to walk so how is this unequal access? Becuase some walk sooner than others? That is not that different than one member's computer interacting with Disney technology quicker than other member's at 8 am and getting a coveted room.

Other thoughts - What about being on a waitlist and not getting it yet someone stalks and scoops up the day you are waitlisted for (DVC's waitlist has always been shrouded in mystery to me). what about members who book extra days and then drop them just prior to the 31 day mark? Or members who book an entire trip and cancel just prior to the 31 day mark? I was looking for a Feb trip and there is no availability. I bet there will be availability as we get closer to Feb and members start cancelling. Those who "hold" a reservation with a great intention of cancelling are preventing others from booking.

Again, I am not in favor or against walking. I am just saying that there are other permitted actions that are disadvantageous to members.

I feel like this is going to be a contentious thread very soon.
As someone has used this thread to solicit for signatures to a formal legal action against Disney/DVC, this thread is now closed and those posts (as well as posts that quoted them) removed.
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