reservation question?

Zeke Draven

Apr 28, 2001
Hey guys. I went and booked a trip with uescape, for a seven night adventure package. I booked for one of the cheaper off site hotels, due to a lack of money. Now however, I've come across some extra cash and I would like to see if I'm able to upgrade to staying at the Hard Rock Hotel. My trip isn't until August. My question is: Are upgrades to your reservations possible, and is there an extra fee?

"There is no Fate but what we make for ourselves."
You will probably have to pay for the upgrade. I would contact Universal Vacation directly.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Roller coaster king

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
That is the one downside of universal reservations, everytime you make a change you have to pay a fee.


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