Reservation Plan


DD from Buffalo
Mar 15, 2001
New member here. I have been hiding in the background reading all this great info, but I am ready to jump in with a question now. We are planning to go early in December with DD13 and DS1. I was wondering if there is any "startegic plan" for making reservations that far in advance ?. Is there any benefits to reserving now (thinking of the All Stars with no special requests). And how does the holiday package they offer (or any other special discounts offered at last minute)fit in to equation ?.

All Star Sports '99
CBR '97
-all done via travel agent
not any more! :cool:
I am a lover of letting the true experts find my deals for me. There are several other folks out here who I know agree with me that the best way to get a really good deal without to much sress, is to go through Dreams Unlimited.

Dreams Unlimited is a diifferent kind of travel service. They only book for Disney Trips. The Reps are just like us Disney Nuts!

They will book for you the best price available at the time you check. Then they watch prices for you and if a better deal comes along they will get it for you.

They will also make all you PSs for you along with many other ressie you may want.

Give them a try at this link.

All you need to do is submit a request for what you think you want to book, the will send you a quote, if you like it, book it. Once you have a ressie you will be assigned a rep and you will have an 800# for contacting them.

Good Luck!

<img width="90" height="68" src=><img width="102" height="68" src=>
<FONT color=darkblue size=2>Feb 1995 - Caribbean Beach</FONT>
<FONT color=cadetblue size=2>Feb 1997 - Port Orleans</FONT>
<FONT color=darkred size=2>Nov 1997 - Offsite</FONT>
<FONT color=darkgoldenrod size=2>Feb 2000 - Dixie Landings</FONT>
<FONT color=orangered size=2>Nov 2001 - All Star Movies </FONT>


Our Dreams Unlimited Travel Agents will assist you in booking the perfect Disney getaway, all at no extra cost to you. Get the most out of your vacation by letting us assist you with dining and park reservations, provide expert advice, answer any questions, and continuously search for discounts to ensure you get the best deal possible.


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