regarding US Air


<font color=99CC99>Always thought "I'm a Believer"
May 5, 2001
When do they have their sales? Are there set times of the year for these or is it just the luck of the draw as we are looking to book for the week of Thanksgiving we are very flexable can leave anytime that week and my travel agent is telling me to book now at $224.00 per person however I feel I can do better than that should I wait?
I haven't seen any bargains for Thanksgiving unless you want a quick trip. They sometimes have a deal where you fly on Thanksgiving and have to be back that Sunday.

I would book now so you have your choice of flights and non stops. If it goes down you come out ahead.
We booked last week for that week on Orbitz. First time using it but US Air price was half ofwhat web was for same flights. Beats me why. First time with Orbitz but got confirmation and all looks fine. Keep checking, sometimes the good rates are only around for a few hours or a day. They seem to change constantly.
I will never use USAir again! They are without a doubt the worst airline operating today.

I had booked a flight from BWI to TPA on a friday morning recently. Showed up at the airport on time, checked in on time, saw the plane at the gate. They claimed there was a weather problem somewhere and they didn't have any crew to fly the plane. To me, this is a personnel problem, not weather. So we take off an hour late with them assuring everbody that the weather has delayed everybody and it will be no problem making connections out of Charlotte. Of course my connection had already taken off when I got to Charlotte. I went to the Customer Service Desk and was met by the rudest person I have dealt with so far. Practically blamed me for missing my connection and said there were no more jet flights to anywhere in Florida the rest of the day that were available. My only option was a commuter to Jacksonville followed by a commuter to Tampa, take it or leave it! So I finally arrived at Tampa at 4:45pm after over 8 hours taking 3 different airplanes for what should have been less than 4 hours with a layover.

This is on top of my previous problems of getting a refund for a cancelled flight. It took them 4 months to return my money!!!

I wish they would just get it over with and go out of business. It is so obvious that they are barely hanging on.
US Airways is my carrier of choice. Yes, I've had problems with them here and there, but NO WHERE near the problems I've had with other carriers (United is the worst IMHO--many stats on the DOT site will back that statment up).

For the OP, $220 Thanksgiving time is a pretty decent fare.



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