Ray Sharpton UPDATE!

I took the card as a very powerful sign that this was all meant to be as well, Barb. It was the first one I picked up. It gave me the chills, then I started welling up. We're all very fortunate to have each other as friends.
Wow is really all I know to say, as I wipe tears from my eyes!

John and Steve....you guys are princes. Hmmmm.....maybe we need to bring some extra crowns with us to DISCON2.
I do most of my posting on the IB and Cruise boards. I really miss Ray's uplifting/encouraging posts on the IB Board!! It will be great when we have him back again......

I feel so blessed to have found the DIS and to be part of this 'family'.
I'm always tearing up when I pick out special cards for family and friends. I put a lot of timeinto picking out the "right" card. Picking out that card would have put me right over the top! It still blows me away when I think of it! Can't wait to hear out this all turns out? And can't wait to see Ray back here where he belongs! :D :D
What wonderful acts of kindness have been shown here. I just love it...
Thanks Steve and John all who checked on Ray. He is truly missed and loved here.

See you soon Ray!! :)
I'm at school reading this and the kids have used up all the tissue. It's a good thing I have a long sleeved shirt on!
I'm so glad Ray is OK!
And Steve & John, you are both wonderful!! :)
And the card is absolutely PERFECT!!
The packages went out this morning Priority Mail, so hopefully by Wednesday, Ray will be back online.
I really cant put into words what im feeling right now about DIS and my DIS family - ok ive had a glass of wine , it is 8:40pm here but the tears are really flowing. I just cant get around everyones generosity and kind spirit. People in the past on other sites have called us names and said that we were cult-ish - well if thats the way they want to describe us i for one am glad to be part of it!!!

If i am unable to make it to DIS CON2 (im watching the pennies) please be sure that it isnt for the lack of wanting to meet you all - you are the best!!

Ray - come back soon!!! And to everyone that is making his return come even faster - your the best.

God Bless Everyone

:::marking my mental calendar::: Looking forward to Wednesday. :)
Dear friends,

I have just come back home from one more trip and found this. I have been laughing and crying at the same time at all the good feelings and true friendship I found here. There is so much love here that I think it is enough to start healing the whole world.
Ray is really a special kind of guy! A one of a kind type of guy. I remember how we rushed to warn him about the events-only registration last year. Steve and John, you are both very, very special too! How thoughtful and caring!

I can't wait to find Ray's posts again.

hugs to you all. It is so nice to get back home and find all these good feeling waiting for me.
I am glad to here all is well with Ray!

You guys are amazing!!! This really warmed my hear to read this thread.
What a lovely gesture - I don't post much on the CB (staying mostly on the IB) but I just wanted to say that I am blessed to have found such a caring, warm group of people on the DIS and also wanted to say that you guys are the best. It's a great feeling knowing that you can come here and can always find what you need be it anything from Disney info to help, comfort, friendship,laughter, etc, etc.

Ray, we can't wait to hear from you!!
I am speechless. You guys are SO great!!!:bounce:
WOW, I knew you guys were something special, but I never realized just how big that special is!! I don't "know" Ray (But, my dh filled me in) and I can't wait to meet him at DisCon 2. What I've read here tonight has absolutely blown me away!! Nobody can ever convince me that there aren't saints in the world today--I've seen them in action here on the DIS. God bless every one of you and special blessings for all that John & Steve have done. You folks are an inspiration to us all!!:D

{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}all around!!!!
I haven't been on for a few days and missed the beginning of this post. Now I know why I love you guys and feel so at home here! Steve and John, you guys are wonderful! Ray is going to be so surprised and I can't wait to see him posting again!

Great job! It warms my heart to be a part of this group! {{{HUGS}}} to all!
You are so sweet Tia!!! Thank you everyone!!!! I can't believe you guys!

Most Humbly, and Sincerely, Ray :)


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