Rates for Oct at HRH with Entertainment rate?

DW mouser

DIS Veteran
Feb 3, 2000
Does anyone know a website where I can find out the rates for HRH using the entertainment card for Oct.? I noticed that it is a regular rate instead of a value for that month. Anyone know why Oct. would be a regular rate month?
The entertainment rates were the same for me when I made my reservations for 10/20-10/25, $117 for Garden (Garage) view and $129 for pool view.

Glad to hear that! I think thats the same time frame that we are going. I just need to get my kids penned down for the exact time before I make my ressies. Are you planning on doing Halloween Horror Nights? Do you think we'll be lucky and still get FOL all day? :rolleyes:
My son booked for Oct 6-8 for 117.50 garden view. But you should book now, the prices may go up and once the hotel reaches 80% capacity they will not honor the entertainment rate.


I'm just a Little Boy trapped in an Old Man's body.
We haven't decided yet if we are doing the Horror Nights. I agree, book now to get the rate before it sells out. You can even put a 10 day hold on the reservation while you decide. The full price rates are well out of my price range.

I will book right away as soon as I talk to my kids tonight! Theres too much difference between full rate and entertainment rate!


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