question about 3 day pass


Disney planner!
Sep 4, 2000
with the three day pass, do all three days need to be used in a row? we plan on staying 5 nights at the hard rock in october and would like to go to the parks 2 days then skip a day and go back for the 3rd day on our pass. can we do this? also, can you go to both parks in one day, like at disney? for instance, universal studios in the am then islands of adventure in the pm? thanks!
As far as I know we have 3 day pass&it does not have to be 3 cosecutive days. We had planned on going between parks&maybe splitting up on occasion at the 2 parks. I beleive the 3 day pass also gives you 1 time at City Walk.
I think the City Walk pass is now good for seven consecutive nights ... I read that somewhere in the material I received yesterday from Universal for our upcoming trip.
Multiday passes do not expire and allow for park hopping.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards


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