Pre selections with party of 7


Feb 23, 2020
Going down with another family and we total 7. There is one member of our family of 3 with DAS, and a member of the other family with DAS. We have our accounts linked in the MDE app. Today when the CM was allowing me to make pre selections, he let me do it for my family, and the other family in our group. They made a pre selection for a group of 3, and another one for a group of 4. We were able to get the attractions we wanted, but the times do not line up or overlap. Has anyone been successful at getting them to overlap by visiting a blue umbrellas? Maybe they could change it to a group of 6 and a party of 1?
From what I have seen online, pre-selections cannot be accessed by the blue umbrellas.
What if you wanted to remove it from your account due to change of parks? Say i pre selected Test Track, but decide that day to go to Magic Kingdom. Wouldn't holding a pre selection not allow you to use DAS on another attraction seeing as you can only hold one at a time?
What if you wanted to remove it from your account due to change of parks? Say i pre selected Test Track, but decide that day to go to Magic Kingdom. Wouldn't holding a pre selection not allow you to use DAS on another attraction seeing as you can only hold one at a time?
You get back on the video chat and have them switch it for you, if there are any selections left. You do not need to use your preselections, BTW. And they do not count towards your one at a time DAS return time.
What if you wanted to remove it from your account due to change of parks? Say i pre selected Test Track, but decide that day to go to Magic Kingdom. Wouldn't holding a pre selection not allow you to use DAS on another attraction seeing as you can only hold one at a time?
There is quite a bit of confusion regarding DAS Return Times and DAS Advance Selections (what people call 'pre-selects'). People often hear 'pre-select' and think they are the same as DAS Return Times; just made ahead of time. They are actually 2 separate parts of the DAS program and have different rules/limitations.

- made 2 to 30 days before the first park day in connection with Advance video registration for DAS
- guest can have 2 per park day. The person registered for DAS must go on the attraction
- limited attractions are available with limited 'slots' for those attractions each day
- have a beginning time and a 1 hour window to use (shorter for live shows)
- they disappear sometime after the window expires
- don't need to be used before making a DAS Return Time in the park. They don't actually need to be used at all. If not used, they will just expire

- made after all members of your group have entered the park
- can only have one active DAS Return Time at a time. The person registered for DAS must go on the attraction
- available for any attraction with a posted wait time
- have a beginning time, but can be used any time after that until the attraction or park closes for the day
- live shows DO have a window of time for use since it is for a specific showtime
- need to be used or cancelled before making another DAS Return Time
No confusion on my part. I selected attractions for our visit next month yesterday with the help of the agent. My question was what happens if we wake up one day and decide to visit a different park. Would holding those pre-selected attractions prevent us from getting another DAS selection in a new park the day of if we hadn’t scanned in to the pre-select. Thank you though for clarifying that we will be OK if we decide to change parks.
My question was what happens if we wake up one day and decide to visit a different park. Would holding those pre-selected attractions prevent us from getting another DAS selection in a new park the day of if we hadn’t scanned in to the pre-select.
I did that before, no issues using my DAS for normal return times. You just lose the benefit of having 2 pre-selected rides for the day.
Do you select for only one day or however many park days?
When is your trip?
For visits prior to May 20th, the usual process is to book the Advanced Selections for the first 7 days of your trip when you do the DAS video chat. However, some CMs won't do all if all dates are not within the 30-day window, in which case you can reconnect to the chat a few days later to complete it.
If your visit begins after May 20th, the Advanced Selections may or may not be offered to you as an accommodation. You'll find out when you do the DAS video chat.


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