Pooh sized cruisers?

Thank you to everyone who posted a response. I really appreciate all of your candor, humor and supportive comments. Like alot of you said, Disney does a great job of accommodating pooh sized people. I know that I have been able to enjoy all of the time I have spent with my family in the parks - I don't know why I thought a cruise would be any different. I guess I just pushed the panic button when it came to wearing a swim suit.:eek:

Aside from quelling my fears of being the only non-model on the ship, you all gave me some great tips for making our cruise more comfortable. I am grateful for the insight.;) Thank you!!
You will be fine. Just read above at all us POOH sized cruisers. In the ship shops, they dont usualy go much above 3xl in clothing. That is my only complaint. I would kill for some 4 and 5 xl DCL clothes......LOL

I agree, and I think others would too. Disney is missing out on a big (pardon the pun) part of the market here!::yes::
I am pooh sized also and I am concerned about the pools. It looks like they have only a ladder to get in and out of,not steps. I find at public pools I need steps.

Can anyone confirm this? I would much rather do steps too.
I agree, and I think others would too. Disney is missing out on a big (pardon the pun) part of the market here!::yes::

I'm glad they are finally doing it! :thumbsup2 It's been many many many years waiting. I even saw a 2x dress on Neiman Marcus website the other day! :eek: that's one place I'd never expect to see bend for plus sizes. Granted, it was only ONE item. :laughing:

I just loaded my shipboard acct w/ $500 today for my impending shopping! :yay:
Can anyone confirm this? I would much rather do steps too.

It is only a ladder. I would rather steps as I usually don't like to do ladders into/out of pools. Don't know if it is because the ladder is a little further from the wall (giving you some room to get your foot on the step) or what. But I haven't had problems getting out of the adult pool (and I'm Pooh sized with a bad knee.)
I also didn't have a problem with the ladder. Sometimes I just slid into the pool from the side. I saw many others doing this too, but I did it more to catch my 4-year-old impatient daughter who thinks she can swim, but not really just yet.
It is not really the getting into the water, its the getting out of. Poohsized and wet, not a good combo. :eek:
Pooh size here: DO THE SPA!!!! The spa is just great and the people are WONDERful. I love to use the shower at the spa. The spray is great and they have a liquid dispenser there - soap/shampoo/conditioner.

The 'hot stone' massage is to die for. Next cruise Oct 25th can't wait.:lovestruc
I guess that I am going to have to start a thread for the Tinkerbell sized cruisers, too! Don't think that there are not issues on this side of the scale. I've been mocked at dinner for not finishing my plate by a Pooh sized cruiser (really!) and been squooshed to the back of elevators.

Guess we all must increase our sensitivity to others :hug:
I guess that I am going to have to start a thread for the Tinkerbell sized cruisers, too! Don't think that there are not issues on this side of the scale. I've been mocked at dinner for not finishing my plate by a Pooh sized cruiser (really!) and been squooshed to the back of elevators.

Guess we all must increase our sensitivity to others :hug:

I doubt this had anything to do with her Pooh size. :) :) My mom was tinkerbell sized and I can't count the number of times this happened. It was all about not wasting. :) :) As for the squooshing, I just chalk that one up to rude people. Had this done to me by people of all shapes and sizes.

Having been both tinkerbell sized and Pooh size, I will admit there was teasing on both ends. I still remember being called Ribbon instead of Robin because I was so tiny. But the Pooh size teasing is far worse and more socially acceptable. Was I a different person at one size. No, it was still me.

But we need Tiggers, Piglets, Rabbit and Pooh sized people. Else it would be a pretty blah world.
I doubt this had anything to do with her Pooh size. :) :) My mom was tinkerbell sized and I can't count the number of times this happened. It was all about not wasting. :) :)

Having been both tinkerbell sized and Pooh size, I will admit there was teasing on both ends. I still remember being called Ribbon instead of Robin because I was so tiny. But the Pooh size teasing is far worse and more socially acceptable. Was I a different person at one size. No, it was still me.

But we need Tiggers, Piglets, Rabbit and Pooh sized people. Else it would be a pretty blah world.

Here, Here!!!! And, I can still hear my parents voices in my head at every meal...clean your plate...there are starving people in the world!!!

Here, Here!!!! And, I can still hear my parents voices in my head at every meal...clean your plate...there are starving people in the world!!!


Go figure. For my entire childhood I thought the only starving people were in China. ;):laughing:
I guess that I am going to have to start a thread for the Tinkerbell sized cruisers, too! Don't think that there are not issues on this side of the scale. I've been mocked at dinner for not finishing my plate by a Pooh sized cruiser (really!) and been squooshed to the back of elevators.

That is awful! I am generally a nice guy, but when I hear something so rude I have a hard time holding my tongue. Had I been close enough I just might have responded to the mocking person by saying, "Maybe she doesn't want to be as obese as you."

Regarding the elevator, at 375 pounds the same thing happened to me several times on my cruise. Although I didn't like it, I generally remained silent. Except for the one time we got to my floor and people didn't move to let me out.
Can anyone confirm this? I would much rather do steps too.

Confirmed...adult pool has only a ladder but it is not bad to navigate. You can also sit on the side and just slide in the water...I did that a few times!!!

I would just like to add that we saw people of all shapes and sizes. I am tinkerbell sized, and people still had to move out of the elevators when I got off (the entrace to the elevators is narrow). We did have one gentleman that sat next to our table in Animators Pallette have to have a diiferent chair because those chairs have arms (their server was more than willing to get another chair, and had one ready for him the next time we ate in that restaurant). As for the pools, I was never in the pool once...I just enjoyed sitting and relaxing (I just say this because you don't have to go swimmimg). I will say the bathrooms are tight, even for me. But, as another poster said, the fitness room has a great shower and would be much more comfortable. Again, we saw all shapes and sizes! I don't think the "pooh sized" people should or would feel out of place. Have a great time!
Regarding the pool, my aunt is "pooh-sized" and has had double knee replacement. Though the ladder wasn't as easy as a zero-entry pool or steps, having the shelf there was really helpful. She also used the Mickey Pool, which is easy to get in and out of, while my daughter was there swimming. Of course, in CC, it is totally easy, except that you may not want to get out!

We saw lots of people of different sizes. Mostly families. No one was staring or making comments. Teenagers were off doing their own thing, so it was generally the moms and dads in our area....we all looked like...well, moms and dads. No supermodels, that's for sure!
Just a thought, but I know how feeling this way can make you view the world.

Remember that you may have quite a few people staring at you in the pool with your toddler, but they're just as likely if not more likely to be thinking things like "Ah what a cute little baby" and "Mother and Child moments like that are so precious" as they are "Hey check out the flubber in spandex."

I know that being self conscious can make you assume the last when the first is what is actually being pondered. So remember - if they're looking, assume it's that beautiful baby and her/his (?) sweet mother they're looking at.

Pooh sized here too. :hug: 2x. I've even had gastric bypass and it was a miserable failure. :( I am worried too. Of all places I've seen be the most Pooh friendly it's Disney. Though I haven't cruised yet, it does seem to me as an extension of WDW which has always felt Pooh friendly to me. So I just want to give a Pooh hug to the others out there feeling the same way. I'm scared to death to put on a bathing suit BUT I have to for my toddler. I'm just going to cry about it. I hope I don't get stared at. :sad1:

Pooh bear HUGS!!!! :grouphug:
Just a thought, but I know how feeling this way can make you view the world.

Remember that you may have quite a few people staring at you in the pool with your toddler, but they're just as likely if not more likely to be thinking things like "Ah what a cute little baby" and "Mother and Child moments like that are so precious" as they are "Hey check out the flubber in spandex."

I know that being self conscious can make you assume the last when the first is what is actually being pondered. So remember - if they're looking, assume it's that beautiful baby and her/his (?) sweet mother they're looking at.

Hey, does anyone have a baby I can borrow? :rotfl2:


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